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so instead of 1 op/scoundrel we'll start running two and working together. lolz......last night we had two scoundrels working together facerolling.....sith didn't see it coming


Yeah, those two scoundrells will go around facerolling alone players all the warzone, and then their team will lose because they have 2 less people going after the warzone objectives and just caring about kills.


Try going around with two sorceros or BH going toguether facerolling people and will also work.

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Since when does pushing 2 buttons over and over again is considered hard?


Yeah, damn those scrubs who have a rotation that consists of more then 2 buttons. Spamming the same 2 skills is 1337.


Get over yourself. The patch is coming and now you will have to put more effort into playing rather than defending a class, which obviously is not withing the reasonable limits of what is balanced.


Silly kids. Their precious class gets nerfed and they go QQ mode.


Two buttons? He's an operative, not a BH, he needs more than two buttons.


Roll an operative, make a video of you killing anyone of your level with two buttons, come on.

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You lost your "I winz!!1" buttons, get over it.


Ok, I'm going to rant a bit!


What terrible players don't realize is that you just got hard switched on. The other team decided you needed to die, so 3 or more DPS switched to you when they had their smuggler out of combat.


You hear BOOM from a shotgun and fall on your face so you blame the scoundrel. What you fail to realize is that you were only the first in designated focus fire kill chain probably being called out by the scoundrel as he/she switches targets.


You terribles need to learn the concept of a hard switch or you are going to whine every class into oblivion.

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IT's real hard because he almost doesn't solo, all I can ask is sum the damage from the 3 first global cooldowns, yes he uses relics. From what I saw damage was someting like:


opener:4-4.7k (depends on relic and target)

2nd global cooldown: 2-2.9 k

3rd global cooldown: 1.2-1.9k


Totals: 7.4-8.7k Only on global cooldowns. This is if everything crits and without counting dot damage.u can add maybe 2k of dot damage? operatives can talk more about it. I saw ticks going from 350 to 600 per second in 4.5 seconds thats 1.4k-2.4k in 4 seconds


The potential is from 8.8k to 11.1k damage in 3 global cooldowns, from opener till the last hit lands.


Average HP of people ranges somewhere around 14k perhaps? that's around 60% damage in 3 global cooldowns.


And this guy SAYS that he is not fully geared, I can't know if this is true or not.


Notice around 6:10 he opens on a gunslinger and almost nothing crits, but he still takes half his hp in 3 global cooldowns. Probably the gunslinger doesnt have great gear butye there it is.

Edited by aleiro
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3 shotting full champion Sorc


Again, pre 1.1.


Also, the target (the one getting owned) NEVER shows he's gear. The one hes wshowing is the operative gear, not the sorcerer one.


He might not even have any relic, implant, head and ear. He might have 0 expertise by taking the mods out of the gear he have.

Edited by GengisKahn
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I don't play Operative myself, so cannot post anything. And if i would play, i for sure would not be posting here, trying to justify the nerfs.


Been watching: http://www.twitch.tv/th3d0nut


About 10mins ago he got 5.4k opener crit on (what i believe to be) Champion geared Merc, tried to screenshot other 4.8k and 4.6k openers on the same target, but the quality is beyond bad when screenshotting from stream, so cba to upload them.

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I don't play Operative myself, so cannot post anything. And if i would play, i for sure would not be posting here, trying to justify the nerfs.


Been watching: http://www.twitch.tv/th3d0nut


About 10mins ago he got 5.4k opener crit on (what i believe to be) Champion geared Merc, tried to screenshot other 4.8k and 4.6k openers on the same target, but the quality is beyond bad when screenshotting from stream, so cba to upload them.


5k crit on the opener is not Overpowered.

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Maybe not, what's may be a bit harsh is that u can't do **** while the rest of the damage lands


You can use your cc breaker.


I cant do anything without cc breaker when an inquisitor ccs me and starts popping their more than 5k damage spells on me.


A juggernaut can crit more than 5k in AOE with an instant.


The truth is, damage of all classes is too high for the health we have.

Edited by GengisKahn
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5k crit on an opener from STEALTH is!!!!


No, its not.


Its the same damage a juggernaut does with its AOE.


Remember, the Op is extremely kitable and dont do much damage out of stealth unless you let him get on your back.

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Maybe not, what's may be a bit harsh is that u can't do **** while the rest of the damage lands


If you wait out a scoundrel's burst and you are at 40% HP; the scoundrel has failed and is now likely going to die without using escape mechanisms. Their damage literally almost stops completely once they've blown their burst.


Bad players just freak out that they are at half health and flat on their face. So they just spaz out die and scream OP. Or, they are a target of a hard switch and literally die in two seconds because they are being focused and don't realize it.

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I cant do anything without cc breaker when an inquisitors ccs me and starts popping their more than 5k damage spells on me.


I cant do anything without cc breaker when an operative opens on me and pops ~12k of my health away if everything crits during the stun.


I cannot counter the opener also in a any way, because i don't see you. I can however run LoS from the Sorc, before he's in range of me.


See, i can say things like that too :rolleyes:

Edited by Viikuna
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You can use your cc breaker.


I cant do anything without cc breaker when an inquisitors ccs me and starts popping their more than 5k damage spells on me.


A juggernaut can crit more than 5k in AOE with an instant.


Your opener doesn't have a 2 min cooldown unlike the cc breaker. Anyways, I dunno about sorcs but they don't burst that much in my opinion, maybe assassins have that much burst.


As for juggs, yes they have a 5k hit, however it doesnt knock you down for 4 seconds. You can move and cc and do other things while you are getting hit. Plus juggs don't have stealth which is already a huge advantage. If you know juggs u can pop cooldowns before the big hit lands. The opener from stealth is impossible to see coming unless I detect your stealth.

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Again, pre 1.1.


So many pages and still no one can find a post 1.1 video with high burst from a operative... SO much fun readin this thread.


1.1 didn't brought any changeds to Operative damage. So there you have it.


Look again:

The bridge of death: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KoM0CV9BRPs#t=3m06s

Edited by NightskyStar
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In fact, this is the only game where I have seen an opener from stealth that both stuns and does massive damage. In every other game I have played you have different openers from stealth.


A big damage opener that does only damage

A stun opener that does mediocre damage

A big DoT opener


Catch my drift?

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IT's real hard because he almost doesn't solo, all I can ask is sum the damage from the 3 first global cooldowns, yes he uses relics. From what I saw damage was someting like:


opener:4-4.7k (depends on relic and target)

2nd global cooldown: 2-2.9 k

3rd global cooldown: 1.2-1.9k


Totals: 7.4-8.7k Only on global cooldowns. This is if everything crits and without counting dot damage.u can add maybe 2k of dot damage? operatives can talk more about it. I saw ticks going from 350 to 600 per second in 4.5 seconds thats 1.4k-2.4k in 4 seconds


The potential is from 8.8k to 11.1k damage in 3 global cooldowns, from opener till the last hit lands.


Average HP of people ranges somewhere around 14k perhaps? that's around 60% damage in 3 global cooldowns.


And this guy SAYS that he is not fully geared, I can't know if this is true or not.


Notice around 6:10 he opens on a gunslinger and almost nothing crits, but he still takes half his hp in 3 global cooldowns. Probably the gunslinger doesnt have great gear butye there it is.


Check this post which aparently no one saw or are choosing to ignore

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