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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

(Challenge)SHOW ME PROOF!


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Get over yourself. The patch is coming and now you will have to put more effort into playing rather than defending a class, which obviously is not withing the reasonable limits of what is balanced.


Obviously isn't gonna cut it homeboy. Video or go sailing.

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I don't like nerfs...they nerf one class then they nerf another...but you wanted proof...and don't talk crap about adrenals and other stuff because they are in the game and they are part of the game.



In this video this guy who i don't know fights a lot of lvl 50s solo. check that regardless of the class unless they use cc breaker after they get up from the knockdown they are at 30-40% hp.


so there ya go


Are you kidding with this? In the very first person he attacked, he was at lower health than his target until he got heals! Seriously, that only means that Ops can 2v1 a DPS. The only thing you proved with that vid is that the people who are claiming that they die with the stun are full of ****!

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Are you kidding with this? In the very first person he attacked, he was at lower health than his target until he got heals! Seriously, that only means that Ops can 2v1 a DPS. The only thing you proved with that vid is that the people who are claiming that they die with the stun are full of ****!


Yep, and quite obvious that that dude was also getting shot with lightning from the Ops' teammate. But i GUARANTEE you that that sorc was in the forums a second later whining.

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Im gonna go right ahead and guess you're a Sorc/Sage.


Read the freaking thread and stop making a complete fool of yourself, its just embarrasing dude.


Im a Marauder, learn to read.


I did read the thread, and I was talking to the guy telling me that OP / soundrels are underpowered, not to the thread starter.


Mind your own damn business and dont mix with mine.


Im the fool? Looks more like your the only fool in this whole god damn thread imo.

The kids these days..

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Since when does pushing 2 buttons over and over again is considered hard?


Yeah, damn those scrubs who have a rotation that consists of more then 2 buttons. Spamming the same 2 skills is 1337.


Get over yourself. The patch is coming and now you will have to put more effort into playing rather than defending a class, which obviously is not withing the reasonable limits of what is balanced.


Silly kids. Their precious class gets nerfed and they go QQ mode.


Acid Blade, Hidden Strike, Backstab, Lascerate, Overload Shot....


Yeah, two abilities. If that's you're concern, you should try asking for nerfs on Mercenaries and Tracer Missile.

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Im a Marauder, learn to read.


I did read the thread, and I was talking to the guy telling me that OP / soundrels are underpowered, not to the thread starter.


Mind your own damn business and dont mix with mine.


Im the fool? Looks more like your the only fool in this whole gosh darn thread imo.

The kids these days..



Awww, did i hurt your feelings? Bless, poor child.

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Awww, did i hurt your feelings? Bless, poor child.



No dont worry about it. I actually care more about a random penguin eating a fish right now anywhere in the world than I do about you. Its ok.


Now run away little child. Open your front door and see where that takes you!


Btw if you keep looking around your room, you might just find a mirror, dont cry.



/ Troll logics

Edited by RwNemo
miss spelled word
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Are you kidding with this? In the very first person he attacked, he was at lower health than his target until he got heals! Seriously, that only means that Ops can 2v1 a DPS. The only thing you proved with that vid is that the people who are claiming that they die with the stun are full of ****!


Maybe watch more than one fight, he never crits over 5 k, which is possible right now with today's build, but he still soloes people in full health, take into account only the people that he fights that are level 50 and in full health and solo. Check the amount of hp left on his target after it is out of the knockdown opener.


Now OP said this is due to buff - stacking but, I have not seen any operative pvp videos older than 14 jan. So I can't say anything else. Just what I saw from grouping with a scoundrel friend yesterday in ilum. She literally knocks 60% hp off her targets in 3 global cooldowns. You don't have to beleive me and I won't make a video of it since I don't have the software.


I still don't want them to nerf you, nerfs kill pvp and make it boring.


EDIT: actually after reading your post I don't quite understand it.

Edited by aleiro
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who the hell doesn't have biochem...everyone and there mother has biochem it just so happens your class can come out the shadows and 4 shot 700 expertise targets...sorry its not skill its called scaled to greatly to biochem and is getting its much needed fix. Sorry you wont be able to kill people in a stunlock anymore go cry elsewhere..my guildy left his account details in vent because his toon was retardly easy to rip thru kids and quit the game.
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People complain about Operatives, then Operatives get nerfed, so clearly operatives got nerfed because of the complaints, right?

^ Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy



Bioware patching consumable stacking AND aplitting 50 into their own brackets, increasing their queue times.


Less than 48 horus after, they post the thread with the changes, WITHOUT ANY CHANCE of them testing the changes they did 24 hours ago with the new queue times.


Those FACTS means bioware didnt make the nerf in reaction to hard data, but in reaction to forum qq..

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After having read 11 pages of posts on this subject, I thought it was finally time for someone to come up with some concrete video evidence to back up the claims either way.



My credentials:

I currently play a level 1 Troll Rogue in World of Warcraft, and have spent literally MINUTES of game time in SWTOR researching this subject (I asked a guildie, who has a friend, who talked to a guy in general chat, who once played PvP on a level 15 OP).


This pertinent video evidence is being unjustly discarded, despite its obvious merits! There must be some kind of operative conspiracy to debunk legitimate proof...

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Maybe watch more than one fight, he never crits over 5 k, which is possible right now with today's build, but he still soloes people in full health, take into account only the people that he fights that are level 50 and in full health and solo. Check the amount of hp left on his target after it is out of the knockdown opener.


Now OP said this is due to buff - stacking but, I have not seen any operative pvp videos older than 14 jan. So I can't say anything else. Just what I saw from grouping with a scoundrel friend yesterday in ilum. She literally knocks 60% hp off her targets in 3 global cooldowns. You don't have to beleive me and I won't make a video of it since I don't have the software.


I still don't want them to nerf you, nerfs kill pvp and make it boring.


EDIT: actually after reading your post I don't quite understand it.



I still think it dosent count. Any vid pre 1.1 is biased due the insane way agents and scoundrels scaled with buff stacking. If someone can show me a vid of the same sort of thing happening post 1.1 i'll eat my own hat (if i had a hat that is, so thats purley hypothtical!).


14 pages now, still nothing but hearsay, rumour and second hand accounts.

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Ok so we have all seen the videos of people rolling lowbies while they are simulatneously hyped up on adrenals, relics, and red buffs. I challenge anyone to make a video of them getting rolled in a stun by an operative that has no buffs rolling on them. I also challenge any operatives to make videos of them face rolling people in a stun while not using anything but self/ops buffs.


Lets keep in mind what people are claiming.


1. They are dying IN A 3 SECOND STUN




3. Heavy armor classes with 500+ exp are getting dropped to sub 30% in an opener.


There it is. You have your challenge. Now lets keep in mind that we are looking for clean kills with little/no outside help from teammates. This will be difficult but not impossible. No buffs except those that are applied in the starting areas. Also try to have some class...if you are level 49, dont go pick on lvl 11's to make a point...or seek them out and see if you can indeed kill them in your 3 second stun. Stop all damage after three seconds(2 attacks).


Good luck, I await your videos!


My appologies for the delay.



The bridge of death: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KoM0CV9BRPs#t=3m06s

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I don't like nerfs...they nerf one class then they nerf another...but you wanted proof...and don't talk crap about adrenals and other stuff because they are in the game and they are part of the game.



In this video this guy who i don't know fights a lot of lvl 50s solo. check that regardless of the class unless they use cc breaker after they get up from the knockdown they are at 30-40% hp.


so there ya go


Again, pre 1.1.


Does anyone has ONE video after 1.1?

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Don't need to prove anything

BW's actions based on hard facts are all the proof you need :D


This OP. Bioware saw the same thing I did. Your class is a stealth one volley killer - no other class has nearly the burst DPS yours does PLUS you do it from stealth.

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Yup, me too... I still can't wait for that video proof. It's gonna be totally epic to watch!


Yeah, I can't wait for that nerf patch- THAT is going to be epic to watch, considering how much you're already pre crying about the nerf.


In the meantime, rerolling my operative healing. I got my EZ mode kills in, I'll miss them... but I'll just level up my marauder as nobody seems to have a clue how much damage they can do.

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