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please remove the side speeders for civil war


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Esentially the time it takes from leaving the speeder to getting to attacking range of the flag needs to be a touch longer.


If that is acheived by either moving the landing point a bit further away or by increasing the speeder journey a few seconds, it doesnt really matter. People are getting back to the flag a touch too fast in my opinon.

Edited by Malleki
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Esentially the time it takes from leaving the speeder to getting to attacking range of the flag needs to be a touch longer.


If that is acheived by either laming the landing point a bit further away or by increasing the speeder journey a few seconds, it doesnt really matter. People are getting back to the flag a touch too fast in my opinon.


Sounds good to me

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Esentially the time it takes from leaving the speeder to getting to attacking range of the flag needs to be a touch longer.


If that is acheived by either laming the landing point a bit further away or by increasing the speeder journey a few seconds, it doesnt really matter. People are getting back to the flag a touch too fast in my opinon.


No it doesn't. If you team is not a bunch of complete morons, you only need one mass stun and someone tapping who position himself right.


But if people are just,too stupid and shoot people out of the stun. Then it's not your fault and it's not the fault of BW or the fault of the wz design. It's the fault of the morons shooting people out of stun.

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No it doesn't. If you team is not a bunch of complete morons, you only need one mass stun and someone tapping who position himself right.


But if people are just,too stupid and shoot people out of the stun. Then it's not your fault and it's not the fault of BW or the fault of the wz design. It's the fault of the morons shooting people out of stun.


A stun can be broken by the recipent, I'm only speaking of a few extra seconds (Literally 2 seconds would make a world of difference)


A number of classes have abilities that can be used the moment they dismount the bike to interrupt the cap. I just feel making them walk a moment before they do it (Thus providing a precious extra second or two to stun/push them)

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At level 14, before 1.1 came out, me and one other held a turret for four minutes against 4-5 Republic simply by harrassing, running away, and making sure when one died the other was on their way back or at full health.


It's quite broken how fast the speeders are, I think doubling the time it takes would be a more suitable fix- being able to dot up everyone before I die then get back in time to dot them all up again, while amusing to me, seems to be a flawed mechanic.

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They make it so that 2-3 can defend against 6... it's broken. Please fix.


If they're doing that, send 2-3 or to that point, pull the rest back to cap mid as they'll be attacking East or West over and over and Mid will be weakened, and you should own your own side. Once you own mid and your side, it's hard to lose unless your team isn't trying/isn't good.

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today i dinged rank 40 in pvp, what side speeder are you talking about?

If you capture one of the turrets on either end of the battlefield in Alderaan Civil War (the west and east turrets), a speeder unlocks in the respawn area that will take you directly to that turret without flying all over the battlefield like the regular speeder does. In fact, if you are quick to hop on it when you die, you can usually make it back in time to stop the guy that killed you from capturing the turret (if there was only one of them).

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If you capture one of the turrets on either end of the battlefield in Alderaan Civil War (the west and east turrets), a speeder unlocks in the respawn area that will take you directly to that turret without flying all over the battlefield like the regular speeder does. In fact, if you are quick to hop on it when you die, you can usually make it back in time to stop the guy that killed you from capturing the turret (if there was only one of them).


ok thank you!

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A number of classes have abilities that can be used the moment they dismount the bike to interrupt the cap.


Thats only possible if the tapper has the back directly towards the spawnpoint. For which he actual deserves to be interrupted.

They can only come from one direction, so position yourself right and you can actual tap without problems.


Ever tried to stand behind the tower and not in front of the spawnpoint? For most skills you need a line of sight now add a few well timed stuns and you won't have problems taking the point even with less than 6 people.

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Thats only possible if the tapper has the back directly towards the spawnpoint. For which he actual deserves to be interrupted.

They can only come from one direction, so position yourself right and you can actual tap without problems.


Ever tried to stand behind the tower and not in front of the spawnpoint? For most skills you need a line of sight now add a few well timed stuns and you won't have problems taking the point even with less than 6 people.


I fully understand how it works and the best place to stand to get a successful cap. I have played Alderaan plenty and comprehend the situation. There are some ranged AoE abilities that don't need LoS. By adding just a second or two you stop a single person or a pair being able to defend from multiple attackers simply by getting back fast enough and using DoTs to fill the gap.


I do understand it's possible to stop them, I never said it wasn't or even suggested the case. I have no trouble capping them in a majority of situations.

My arguement is simply it's a touch too easy for the defender of a side turret and it stops the warzone being quite as dynamic as it could be, with too much favor to the person who caps the point first.


A few extra seconds would slightly lower the advantage the defender has without removing it. I think that would lead to more dynamic games, with more turret flipping.

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In such a hypothetical scenario the 6 are just plain muppets. All you'd have to do is have one guy cap the node, standing behind it so he LOS incoming guys and then you have 5 people free to cc/punt/snare the 3 incoming enemies with empty resolve bars for the few seconds it'll take to complete the cap.


If that's a problem then the 3 deserve to defend that node. You can have it when you stop being bad.

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I fully understand how it works and the best place to stand to get a successful cap. I have played Alderaan plenty and comprehend the situation. There are some ranged AoE abilities that don't need LoS. By adding just a second or two you stop a single person or a pair being able to defend from multiple attackers simply by getting back fast enough and using DoTs to fill the gap.


I do understand it's possible to stop them, I never said it wasn't or even suggested the case. I have no trouble capping them in a majority of situations.

My arguement is simply it's a touch too easy for the defender of a side turret and it stops the warzone being quite as dynamic as it could be, with too much favor to the person who caps the point first.


A few extra seconds would slightly lower the advantage the defender has without removing it. I think that would lead to more dynamic games, with more turret flipping.


You must be a new level 50. The speeders are just fine.


If your team isn't completely comprised of failures then you can cap and hold at least 1 of the east and west turrets. The turret that generally flips the most is the middle. If you loose your east/west turret your team are complete failures.


That's why 50's will quit as soon as one team caps both east/west in the early game - because it just shows your team is nothing but a bunch of failures.

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first of all what i love about alderaan is the fact that 3 people can defend a node against 6 really bad players, and i mean really really bad... 6v3 and if you cant kill the other 3 with ample time to cap is fail on the team with 6 players....


the funny thing is that most people complain about these WarZones are primarily people who want all warzones to be easy mode, they want there overpowered zerg to always win...


im sorry if your faction monopolized on over population and game exploits to hit valor 60 faster than everyone else, and that the other faction has found that you all have relied on gear advantage instead of skill for so long....


now it seems that since there is a finite cap on gear and the Lower pop sides are catching up in power, they not only have more skill but the over populated side is complaining about it



this thread in plain english:


Those Guys are really better than me and i cant think outside of a zerg mentality please change the warzone so i can spawn camp them like i did in Illum a few days ago!!!

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what strategy is there in posting 3 man at a tower and have them pop up again less then 10sec after you kill them ?


easy fix would be to simply increase the flight time by 5sec or so considering it takes 8sec to cap the turret...at least gives the attackers a chance.


If you can't figure out how to cap a side turret against 3 players, you really need to re-evaluate how you fight. If you position correctly while attempting to cap, focus targets well, and use your mez CC's at the right time, it is easy to do.


It just seems impossible when you are part of a poorly played pug.


Also, eliminating the side speeders would make the side turrets almost impossible to defend for an underdog team. It also would make it possible for a strong team to spawn camp their opposition. Both situations are bad.

Edited by Vodrin
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The issue with the speeders is that its really easy for me to reinforce one of the side turrets virtually instantly from my respawn point.


When I go back to spawn I actually check my map and see how many people are defending each side, and if those people are moving around a lot (generally fighting), and then choose which side to reinforce. The travel time is so short I can literally be in the fight all the time with only brief interruptions.


I don't think removing the side speeders is the answer, just make it take as long as the middle speeder..Done.


And quite honestly I think there needs to be a damage threshold on interrupting caps. So there isn't a trickle of 1 person runs in, AOEs, next person runs in, AOEs.. Or someone does an auto-attack on you that does 2 damage but still stops the cap.

Edited by drakhla
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Couldn't agree more. They either need to remove the side speeders or make it so it takes only 4 seconds to activate the side turrets.


Also, remove the underground tunnel so middle turret matters more and make it so there's no short cut(an exploit, mind you) from side to middle.


There. Now we have a good, fun warzone.


How about we remove all the turrets and make the room a circle?

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No it doesn't. If you team is not a bunch of complete morons, you only need one mass stun and someone tapping who position himself right.


But if people are just,too stupid and shoot people out of the stun. Then it's not your fault and it's not the fault of BW or the fault of the wz design. It's the fault of the morons shooting people out of stun.


One mass stun doesn't always work. I'm not totally disagreeing with you, but you are acting as if CC is the answer to everything. If the "gang bang meter" is already ticking down, the CC will not work allowing them to AOE the capper. I can't tell you how many times that I've force pushed someone and the ability fires, but they go nowhere. There is no golden answer or strategy. It depends upon team composition and team work. A good healer and taunts make all of the difference in the world though. This game is very much a CC fest...

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