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Stunned with full resolve bar...this should not happen.


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I think this resolve system works fine the only thing they could maybe add is that if u are full resolve all immobilize/slow effects 50%reduced .most ppl whining about resolve don't even realize they actually got immobilized and not stunned.

And to add smth else in semi premade pvp resolve is a wonderful pvp feature u have to think twice when to stun (huttball 3 times)in pug pvp it can easily destroy u especially in huttball when all nabs just stun on cd the tankish ball carrier.

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Stuns are really really getting out of hand in this game. The resolve bar should require far less stun duration to cap out and when you get full resolve it should CLEAR all stuns on you.


It's actually working as intended.

If you are at 80% resolve and get a 4sec stun in you eye, it fills the resolve bar, but does not clear the stun that made it full.


The resolve bar protects you from further stuns though. (not roots/snares)


Been playing a lot of PvP and never gotten stunned/knocked back with full resolve bar. It's very noticeable in Huttball where we make passes dependent on teams resolve.

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I have been stunned through resolve a couple times....but the fact that you can get a 4 second stun on you with 80% resolve is pretty stupid. a FULL resolve bar NEEDS to clear all effects on you. This will make people have to be smart about CC and not just spam it.
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I have been stunned through resolve a couple times....but the fact that you can get a 4 second stun on you with 80% resolve is pretty stupid. a FULL resolve bar NEEDS to clear all effects on you. This will make people have to be smart about CC and not just spam it.


This would just be similar to making the stun bar max out earlier.


If would make them immune to stuns at 50% or so, because a stun would fill it.


Moves like Shoot first would also automatically cancel itself out, because it gives a full resolve bar. Wouldn't be much point in that...

It would also mean that if two people stun at the same time, the target would ignore both instead of getting stunned by one.

This sounds a bit silly to me.

Edited by Jihaw
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resolve has never werked consistantly.. broken imho




My favorite resolve memory is being cc'd from 0 resolve to full resolve, then chain stunned until my resolve was back to 0, and dying 2 seconds later (on a vanguard with Hold the Line running).

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My favorite resolve memory is being cc'd from 0 resolve to full resolve, then chain stunned until my resolve was back to 0, and dying 2 seconds later (on a vanguard with Hold the Line running).


Mine is the one where you made a bunch of stuff up.

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I have been stunned through resolve a couple times....but the fact that you can get a 4 second stun on you with 80% resolve is pretty stupid. a FULL resolve bar NEEDS to clear all effects on you. This will make people have to be smart about CC and not just spam it.
No..... your problem isn't the resolve bar, it's just the fact you don't like being stunned. Join the club.


A white meter means you can't receive additional stuns until your resolve depletes again.


Like someone said above. If a Scoundrel uses Shoot First, an ability that instantly fills your resolve meter, you will be face-down for 3 seconds with a full white resolve bar. That is how it's supposed to work. If it worked the way you wanted it to, Shoot First wouldn't even stun you. After being "Shot First", and you're back up with full resolve, that Scoundrel can't make use of Dirty Kick or Flashbang so long as you're in the white.


I'm not sure whether resolve can bug out or not, I've never had any problems, but the scenario you listed isn't a bug, that's by design.

Edited by Ashyel
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This would just be similar to making the stun bar max out earlier.


If would make them immune to stuns at 50% or so, because a stun would fill it.


Moves like Shoot first would also automatically cancel itself out, because it gives a full resolve bar. Wouldn't be much point in that...

It would also mean that if two people stun at the same time, the target would ignore both instead of getting stunned by one.

This sounds a bit silly to me.


All these problem you have with my suggestion are easily solved by adjusting the amount of certain abilities to prevent self canceling. I am not asking for moves like Shoot First/Hidden Strike to be insta canceled. Resolve should be applied based on stun duration and maybe a few other factors and then break you from stuns when filled.


From my pvp experience, the longest a player should ever be stunned for is 6 seconds. That is 4 globals in this game and even that is pushing it. And no stun that does not break on damage should last longer then 3 seconds.


Resolve is a good concept but it needs tweaking. The way resolve works now you could potentially be stunned for 13 seconds or incapacitated for 15 seconds. How is that even remotely balanced. This is one of those "anti-fun" mechanics that developers need to start ditching. Short duration stuns, knock backs, and interrupts force more tactful play.

Edited by Xandarous
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All these problem you have with my suggestion are easily solved by adjusting the amount of certain abilities to prevent self canceling. I am not asking for moves like Shoot First/Hidden Strike to be insta canceled. Resolve should be applied based on stun duration and maybe a few other factors and then break you from stuns when filled.


From my pvp experience, the longest a player should ever be stunned for is 6 seconds. That is 4 globals in this game and even that is pushing it. And no stun that does not break on damage should last longer then 3 seconds.


Resolve is a good concept but it needs tweaking. The way resolve works now you could potentially be stunned for 13 seconds or incapacitated for 15 seconds. How is that even remotely balanced. This is one of those "anti-fun" mechanics that developers need to start ditching. Short duration stuns, knock backs, and interrupts force more tactful play.


Could have fooled me.

Your original post and your next one doesn't say anything about that.


I get that chain stuns is frustrating, but throwing out random stuff that doesn't work with the way the abilities/resolve is designed just makes it look like another "Omigawd, I gots stnued!, Nref! - post"

A concept where getting stunned during a stun would cancel out the first and the second one (this would be an issue if full resolve cleared all stuns) is really flawed.

It would also make the big resolve bar pointless, because anything that stuns you while at 50% or higher, would instantly fill it and break itself.


My counterproposal would be: shorten the resolve bar, make it max out earlier (say 600 instead of 1000) or make having high resolve shorten the duration of stuns (diminishing returns kind of deal)


I think it's good like it is. A bit frustrating for a melee that roots/snares don't affect it, but it's understandable.

You really need to be able to stop people from doing their thing the way the warzones are made right now. Especially in huttball. Full resolve ball carriers are a pain as it is. If you can't control the carrier/healers, you can't really do much at all if people want to bunch up and move the ball.


Not sure where you get the 13 seconds from. A 4sec stun fills the bar more then half way, so two of those and you are immune to further stuff. Some stuns even fill it completely.

No silences in this game and ability lockouts from kicks/interrupts aren't very strong either.


Another suggestion is to make the CC-removal skill have a shorter cooldown. This would be my favored solution to this..."problem"

Edited by Jihaw
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I am more in favor or a diminishing return system. If you are at 90% resolve you can still be stunned for a full 4 second stun. This sort of mechanic SHOULD NOT EXIST.


I absolutely DO NOT MIND short duration stuns and CCs. What I DO MIND is chaining them on a person and NO DIMINISHING RETURN. I have no idea why bioware decided to go with 4 second stuns that do not break on damage but they need to go.


Stuns need to either break on max resolve or DR to prevent someone from losing complete control of their character from 100-dead.


3 seconds -> 2 seconds -> 1 second -> immune is a good system.

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One problem is the reslove bar fills up and then starts to go down while you are still stunned. By the time you are out of stun your resolve bar has delpeted enough that another 4 second stun will stun you for the full duration and fill you reslove bar back up. Then you use your cc break and resolve starts going down again and you get stunned again for 4+ seconds.


This is how you end up getting chain stunned. I have tested it and this happens a lot.


Resolve is broken and needs to be looked at.


And I know I am getting stunned and not rooted as all of my abilites are greyed out, if I am just rooted I can still use abilities.


I think DR is a much better option that resolve until they fix how it works.

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Resolve is a broken system. Hear me out on this as i am not just saying it.


I know how resolve works and know when to use my cc breaker, how to get the full bar and other strategies associated with it. In short when you get cc the first time dont break it. After the 2nd cc break and your bar is full for a fair time. This is immunity to cc for that time being.


Now i say it is broken because this does not work as intended all the time. A powertech can easily keep a full bar and be immune to cc much longer than any other class. This can be seen in about any hutball game. Same is true for troopers. Not to single a class out but this is where i see the brokenness the most. I also see many things wrong with my assassin being able to run a hutball across map dps spec with one healer and keeping a resolve bar full after 2 cc or any squishy class.


With this said i agree completely that resolve is broken. The theory as stickied in this section is right but it is simply the theory of how it works. Doesnt mean it always does. BW needs to figure something out cuz this isnt working obviously.

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