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PvP Healer love


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I'm new to healing in PvP, and just had a cannon game on my Sorceror.


At the end of the game I checked the charts, and I had easily topped the healing meters despite our loss, but I only got 2 copper shield things for my efforts.


Do you HAVE to get kills to rank up quickly in this game, or am I missing something?

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I'm new to healing in PvP, and just had a cannon game on my Sorceror.


At the end of the game I checked the charts, and I had easily topped the healing meters despite our loss, but I only got 2 copper shield things for my efforts.


Do you HAVE to get kills to rank up quickly in this game, or am I missing something?


Well the average lvl 50 SI or Sage can crap 300k healing and 300k Dps in one match... so you'll eventually rack up 10 medals every pvp match win or lose.


and Bioware wonders why there are 7 Trillion Dress wearing Sages and SI's lurking... every noob and their mother rolled one knowing they are OP'ed.

Edited by Blaaine
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I rolled one because I gravitate towards healers, and SI has a healing style I am comfortable with, had nothing to do with OP considerations. I'm currently at lvl 27


So can you get by on healing and CC alone, because I would have thought I would get a little more reward for being where I needed to be, healing those that needed it and topping the meter in the process?

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Well the average lvl 50 SI or Sage can crap 300k healing and 300k Dps in one match...


I've seen some people exaggerating on this forum, but my lord, this is incredible. Some people will talk utter bollocks just cause they dislike a class.


I've never seen anyone get 300k healing AND damage, but if you can provide a lot of screenshots (and I mean a lot - as you said 'the average lvl 50'), I'll eat my words.

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I've seen some people exaggerating on this forum, but my lord, this is incredible. Some people will talk utter bollocks just cause they dislike a class.


I've never seen anyone get 300k healing AND damage, but if you can provide a lot of screenshots (and I mean a lot - as you said 'the average lvl 50'), I'll eat my words.


Ummm... no. Do a search. There are numerous screen shots of Sages/SI's doing well over 300k dmg with 200k+ healing. It a common occurrence in the PvP matches on my server as well. Of course.. before the Biochem Nerf.. even a Marauder could do 300k dps with 150k healing...


And it applies to mainly a geared Sage/SI... once they get full PvP gear. Its gets stupid.

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Ummm... no. Do a search. There are numerous screen shots of Sages/SI's doing well over 300k dmg with 200k+ healing. It a common occurrence in the PvP matches on my server as well. Of course.. before the Biochem Nerf.. even a Marauder could do 300k dps with 150k healing...


Now it's 200k+, i see


Now it's BEFORE biochem nerf, i see


So a marauder can do 300k/150K, but yet sorcerer is OP, i see


Keep trying

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Well the average lvl 50 SI or Sage can crap 300k healing and 300k Dps in one match... so you'll eventually rack up 10 medals every pvp match win or lose.


and Bioware wonders why there are 7 Trillion Dress wearing Sages and SI's lurking... every noob and their mother rolled one knowing they are OP'ed.


Nice job over-exaggerating.


My sorc is full champion geared and as the hybrid spec(21/2/18) I've had a couple 300k/300k games but in a normal game I have about 150k dmg and 200k healing.


Anyway to the OP, the medal system really screws healers right now. If you want to grind valor/commendations faster use the spec my sorc is on:




With that spec you can get:

2.5k damage hit

2.5k heal

10 kills

25 kills

75k dmg

75k healing

killing blow


Every game. You can also get the 300k damage or healing depending on how the match goes. Just as an fyi, force is very tight while healing with this spec, you actually dps with greater efficiency, but your hp/s is only slightly lower than a full healing build. The 4pc pvp healing bonus helps a lot with your consumptions.

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Ummm... no. Do a search. There are numerous screen shots of Sages/SI's doing well over 300k dmg with 200k+ healing. It a common occurrence in the PvP matches on my server as well. Of course.. before the Biochem Nerf.. even a Marauder could do 300k dps with 150k healing...


Sure, there are exceptions to everything, but you stated 'the average lvl 50 SI / sage' can get those, and I have yet to see even one do so on my server. No one on my server is average or better?

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Props man. This guy can't even stick to his own false stories 2 posts later lol


Your right.. I made it all up. Sages/SI are so underpowered. :rolleyes: The other classes are lucky to do 200k healing combined with 40k dmg, or doing 200k dmg with any healing at all, but sure.... lets low ball them... 200k healing with 100k dmg.. is still silly.

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Ummm... no. Do a search. There are numerous screen shots of Sages/SI's doing well over 300k dmg with 200k+ healing. It a common occurrence in the PvP matches on my server as well. Of course.. before the Biochem Nerf.. even a Marauder could do 300k dps with 150k healing...


And it applies to mainly a geared Sage/SI... once they get full PvP gear. Its gets stupid.


I'm fully geared for pvp (mostly champ, a few centurion) and it is utterly ridiculous over-exaggeration. I will get top healing in nearly every warzone but I come nowhere close to that amount of damage. I rarely even come close to 300k healing unless it is on Voidstar. I've never seen a friendly or enemy sage/sorc capable of getting both 300k medals in a single Warzone.

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I don't have numbers on healing, or damage, or any of that; but what I do know is I've scored 2 of 3 goals in a 3-0 win in Huttball and earned 400 objective points.




The guy with the most kills and no scores had 3400. Now, he may have done all sorts of other things other than kill, and I'm sure he did. But so did I. kills, D, passes, etc. If all of those tings even earned me 200 objective points, it means I got 100 a piece for 2 goals in a game about scoring goals. Maybe I got 0 points for 15 minutes of gung-ho Huttball and 200 a piece for the goals. Probably not the best representation of effort in the game of Huttball.


All that said, I do not know the parameters for point distribution. I was only 25ish and this was still with 50's so that could have been the issue entirely...and therefore resolved. Maybe? Is that disparity still there for lvl 20's playing w/48's?


If anything, In Huttball at least, I'd like to see -actually scoring the ball- count for a lot more, no matter the level.


Oh, and healing too, of course :p

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Your right.. I made it all up. Sages/SI are so underpowered. :rolleyes: The other classes are lucky to do 200k healing combined with 40k dmg, or doing 200k dmg with any healing at all, but sure.... lets low ball them... 200k healing with 100k dmg.. is still silly.


I counter your ignorance with a Scoundrel named Bubbles healing over 550k w/ 100k damage on my server.


Which was more than my 400k healing and 70k damage in the same Voidstar match.


And I'm a Sage.


And no this is not the only instance of her kicking my *** in the scoreboard.


Chalk the differences up to gear differences or skill differences (She was one of the first BM's on my server and I'm in half cent half champ gear) and we can conclude that Bubbles the Scoundrel and Feebish the Sage both can heal and DPS for similar amounts in WZ's barring additional factors.


Your move slick.

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I'd actually really appreciate an answer, rather than having it turn into to an epeen/Class=OP thread.


Do you need kills to do well in PvP, or can you get bigger rewards from CC/Heals alone?


You need to DPS a little bit as a healer to get even half the medals DPS classes can get.


If you heal alone, you will get 3, maybe 4, while DPS specs typically get 7-9.


Sometimes its feasible to get the 10 kills, killing blow, and 75k damage medals as a healer. Other times the match is too intense to pause from healing and you will get 3 medals after a hard earned victory.


On very rare occasions you might get the 25 kills medal as well, and if you spec right (in other words, heals/DPS hybrid) you can also get the 2.5k hit medal.

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Ummm... no. Do a search. There are numerous screen shots of Sages/SI's doing well over 300k dmg with 200k+ healing. It a common occurrence in the PvP matches on my server as well. Of course.. before the Biochem Nerf.. even a Marauder could do 300k dps with 150k healing...


And it applies to mainly a geared Sage/SI... once they get full PvP gear. Its gets stupid.


Nice job eating your own words there, keep backpeddling.

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