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Yet another imbalance in the game favoring imps. 1.1 edition!


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The "kill line" for the bases in Ilum puts the ramp up to the open grating accessible to imps at the republic base, and inaccessible to the republic at the imperial base. See my link for a picture of what I mean.


Notes about the picture, the inside of the base is towards the bottom, the gray is the open grating overlook.

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Have you checked both sides? The west side of the republic base- you can't even get to steps. East side is further back. If you're going to hide behind the line like a pansy *** it's your own fault for not knowing where to hide. After all- your enemies have to wait for you You pick the side.


Christ think outside the box. Yes each side is different but use it to your own advantage.

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Have you checked both sides? The west side of the republic base- you can't even get to steps. East side is further back. If you're going to hide behind the line like a pansy *** it's your own fault for not knowing where to hide. After all- your enemies have to wait for you You pick the side.


Christ think outside the box. Yes each side is different but use it to your own advantage.


Yes I have checked both sides.


As for use your side for your own advantage, its hard to do when imps are blatantly favored in most cases.

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I hate to bring it up, but this is nothing compared to the huge imbalances in WoW when it came to things like AV. Areas were heavily in the Alliance's favor. Though this isn't as serious there still shouldn't be obvious differences like this. What if the goal line in Huttball for one side was a bit closer to the center than the other?
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