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Healers in PVE servers are harrasing us.


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Roll on a pvp server then.


Your pveing, not pvping, your farming NPC's....why should someone become pvp flagged for healing an NPC? They are also pveing....


PvE = Player versus Environment


Player healing NPC =/= 'Versus'


Player healing NPC = Player supporting Environment.


Comprehension fail.

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But...the alternative would seem to be flagging the healing player as PvP...wouldn't that be WORSE on a PvE server?




No, the healer is making the choice to get involved in that part of the combat, but they want to do so without consequences.


AS a pve player wanting to complete the objectives, they are ruining my PVE experience.

Edited by TheHeadCapper
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But...the alternative would seem to be flagging the healing player as PvP...wouldn't that be WORSE on a PvE server?


It's fine as it is. Seriously, how often could this possibly happen? Once?! Twice?! Big deal. Go run a flashpoint and come back.


If you want "retribution", roll on a PvP server.


Do you even play MMO's? There are griefers EVERYWHERE, and they LOVE doing it.


Just yesterday I had one douche that took the heal consumable EVERY SINGLE TIME, even if he was full hp, with no enemies near, and an ally running to it whom was at 15% hp.

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Why should a player be able to prevent another player from completing their pve objectives [in a pve environment]?


Happens daily. Have you never raced another player to a resource spawn? Same thing. This is an MMO, form an OPS group and kill the NPC that way.

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No, the healer is making the choice to get involved in that part of the combat, but they want to do so without consequences.


AS a pve player wanting to complete the objectives, they are ruining my PVE experience.


Yes, but if you flag the HEALER as PvP, suddenly the guy just trying to kill the NPC is ALSO flagged as PvP and "forced" into a PvP situation he never asked for.


I seriously see nothing wrong with it. I also highly doubt it's "intended" to work that way, so report him as griefing/exploiting you and move on...but the ability to heal NPCs is a GREAT game mechanic.

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Yes, but if you flag the HEALER as PvP, suddenly the guy just trying to kill the NPC is ALSO flagged as PvP and "forced" into a PvP situation he never asked for.


I seriously see nothing wrong with it. I also highly doubt it's "intended" to work that way, so report him as griefing/exploiting you and move on...but the ability to heal NPCs is a GREAT game mechanic.


On Illum they are in a pvp situation he never asked for? really?


Strange every MMO i've played in the past and I'm always on pve servers, flags the player who does that.

Edited by TheHeadCapper
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PvE = Player versus Environment


Player healing NPC =/= 'Versus'


Player healing NPC = Player supporting Environment.


Player fighting NPC = Player vs environment


Player fighting NPC that is being healed by a player = Player vs Environment AND player vs Player.

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okay at the begining of this thread it said they were on a PVE server, so flagging someone for pvp on a pve server won't work... goes against the mechanics of the

server so give up on that idea.... besides you aren't asking to fix it so they can't heal NPCs in combat you're asking for them to be flagged so your group can kill them.... hmmmm sounds like you just want action at PvP to me ( mixed with a little hate/revenge thing )... I say quit whinning in the forums and do like everyone else with

a in-game problem and submit a ticket....jeeez.

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okay at the begining of this thread it said they were on a PVE server, so flagging someone for pvp on a pve server won't work... goes against the mechanics of the

server so give up on that idea.... besides you aren't asking to fix it so they can't heal NPCs in combat you're asking for them to be flagged so your group can kill them.... hmmmm sounds like you just want action at PvP to me ( mixed with a little hate/revenge thing )... I say quit whinning in the forums and do like everyone else with

a in-game problem and submit a ticket....jeeez.


Illum is specifically designed as an open PvP world, don't see why that would be a problem As I said it would also stop the chest raiders that cause a pile of threads on here too.

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okay at the begining of this thread it said they were on a PVE server, so flagging someone for pvp on a pve server won't work... goes against the mechanics of the

server so give up on that idea....


This doesn't make sense at all. You can flag for pvp on a pve server. The pve server is not to avoid pvp, it is merely supposed to make pvp optional for you.


@ the OP, suggest making a bug report on this issue and encouraging your guild/friends/anyone else to do the same. Having people flag when healing the opposing side's NPCs' is standard MMO practice.

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People condoning and supporting this level of griefing is hilarious to me.


Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to shame you at all. I agree. It's hilarious.

It's just realizing our community is so pro-grief makes me want to set things on fire.


Grief on!



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So if you didnt know...The imperial healers can just waltz over to the heroic area in illum (or other places tbh) and they can just stay there unflagged WHILE HEALING THE NPCS!


It is a huge pain in the ***** and we need this fixed please. At least make those npcs flag people for pvp if theyre healing them! T_T


Sooo annoying to be fighting then a healer comes over, cleanses the CC and starts healing all the npcs x.x Its annoying and its evil and we need it stopped!


Edit : Flagging them for pvp would be the best solution so we can flip out and kick their *****



waltz back to the repair bay is more like it lol

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You chose to play on a PVE server (why would you EVER do that?)


@Silkforcalde - I chose to roll a character on a PVE server because I wanted to enjoy the story and character progression without getting attacked by another player. Please don't take this the wrong way - I enjoy PvP and PvE both, but I want to PvP in designated zones/worlds or when I choose to flag. I don't want to be focused on a mission objective and be killed by a random player for their own enjoyment as I don't enjoy that. If I did, I would have rolled on a PvP server. Thanks for your opinion and feedback, but I feel that many of us on the PvE servers are here for the same reason - we don't want to PvP when we don't want to.


@OP - I completely agree that if a person is healing an NPC on a PVE server, they are griefing and should be reported. This is the same, to me, as the stealthed, flagged PvPers on a PvE server hiding in an NPC mob waiting for a hapless PvE focused player to come along, use an AoE on the mobs and then get autoflagged for PvP without their knowledge. I fully support reporting this as a bug!

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okay at the begining of this thread it said they were on a PVE server, so flagging someone for pvp on a pve server won't work... goes against the mechanics of the

server so give up on that idea.... besides you aren't asking to fix it so they can't heal NPCs in combat you're asking for them to be flagged so your group can kill them.... hmmmm sounds like you just want action at PvP to me ( mixed with a little hate/revenge thing )... I say quit whinning in the forums and do like everyone else with

a in-game problem and submit a ticket....jeeez.


You havent played WoW did you? Even on PVE servers, attacking certain factions flagged you for pvp. Such as when youre on a quest to kill some npcs that are allied to the horde. The non horde players can attack them without getting flagged for pvp. But if a horde player heals those, then they get flagged for pvp.


Im fine with it if they just stop imps from healing it I was just pointing out one solution (which I got from WoW)

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I find it amazing that this issue exists... Fairly common MMO issue...


Really ? Because i´ve never played a MMO where you could heal NPCs... Daoc, AO, WOW, Lotro, AoC, AA, Rift, CoH.. in none of this games you could heal Mobs. You could heal player-controlled Pets but not random mobs.

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