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16 people on alderaan during prime time


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People saying that servers are dying or that there aren't any full populated servers anymore don't know what they're talking about.

If a server hits 'heavy', then you can count on it having 2000-3000 players logged in.

I even counted some with 3200 players logged in that still had status 'heavy', and not 'very heavy'.


To compare: the highest populated servers of LotrO and AoC right after they went F2P still had only 1800-2400 players logged in. Normally high population servers in other MMO's range around 1200-2000 players logged in at peak times; a fullu Rift server with queue has no more than 2000 players logged in.


Doesn't mean that there aren't servers with lower population, but the majority of the servers have populations that equal and surpass the population of high population servers in other MMO's.



Oh, and the highest populated servers had 4000+ people logged in at peak times. That's the amount of 2 full and queueing servers in Rift, and 2 AoC or LotrO servers at their highest counted population amount, like after the F2P move.

Edited by dyves
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Maybe it's just the PVP servers with the crazy imbalances. Port Nowhere -PVP has close to 1.8:1 if not 2:1 imp:reb ratio

Some of my friends on PVE servers though say it's not nearly as bad there. Maybe it's just the hardcore pvpers who tend to roll imp.

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At the higher levels in this game people simply get spread out way too much. Which can make grouping a real hassle especially since the lfg mechanics in this game are simply awful not to mention how lifeless it can make planets appear at times.


...and yes, it reaches almost comical levels if you're playing Republic on some of these severs.

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People saying that servers are dying or that there aren't any full populated servers anymore don't know what they're talking about.

If a server hits 'heavy', then you can count on it having 2000-3000 players logged in.

I even counted some with 3200 players logged in that still had status 'heavy', and not 'very heavy'.


To compare: the highest populated servers of LotrO and AoC right after they went F2P still had only 1800-2400 players logged in. Normally high population servers in other MMO's range around 1200-2000 players logged in at peak times; a fullu Rift server with queue has no more than 2000 players logged in.


Doesn't mean that there aren't servers with lower population, but the majority of the servers have populations that equal and surpass the population of high population servers in other MMO's.


i realize the servers' populations are thriving, but the problem lies with the layout of the world. the population is spread out across dozens of huge planets so the planets feel lifeless. it's worse if your faction is the minority.

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Maybe it's just the PVP servers with the crazy imbalances. Port Nowhere -PVP has close to 1.8:1 if not 2:1 imp:reb ratio

Some of my friends on PVE servers though say it's not nearly as bad there. Maybe it's just the hardcore pvpers who tend to roll imp.


Nah, I don't think so. Empress Theta was downright hilarious on the higher level planets far as how few people were running around on the Republic side. Pretty much from Alderaan on if there were more than thirty people on the planet it was a miracle.


...and that's stretching it. I would say on average it was more around 20 per. Quesh was actually hilarious. When I first got there it was 2 and then after a bit went to 1. Was funny though when it was just 2 of us because we just chatted to each other in general chat since there was no one else around anyways.



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I'm imperial, so I realize we tend to have more people, but I am on the Shadow Hand server right now, it is definitely not prime time (more like almost the exact opposite), and there is 49 people on Alderaan.


Shadow Hand is listed as being "Standard" population right now.


Population imbalance is certainly an issue though on many servers. But hey, it feels just like my server on WoW (Thrall) which had 3 or 4 times as many horde as ally.

Edited by Fellthar
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This game is on RAILS, if you havent noticed. once you have completed the quests on most planets so far there is zero reason to ever return. So basically if you are not on the same page level wise with most of your server than yes the game will be empty.


SWTOR isn't a world its a series of quest hubs. You make a themepark and the gameworld usually suffers. Sandbox, all about the world, WoW generation of gamers would complain too much though so we get themeparks.


Most games try and offer some sandboxy aspects but the trend is certainly moving in the opposite direction.

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Wound in the force is the same as yours. Fatman was my second choice, but both are very populated servers. Here's the problem. Everyone was complaining about the queue times at launch, not thinking about the repercussions of what they were asking for. To all of you who are now complaining about low pop, here's what I have to say about it. Those of us who stuck it out during the long queue times, are now reaping the benefits. Why? Because this isn't our first game and we knew exactly what would happen, before it happened. Enjoy listening to crickets, until Bioware can once again, cater to your complaints.


There are a lot of people, like myself, who rolled on a populated server only to see it die over time. And, as its dying, more and more people leave to re-roll somewhere esle. Don't assume people complaining about low server pops are the same people who complained about queues.

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Yeah.....I rest my case tbh, you make it way too easy.


P.S. It's called Europe, check a map.


Shhhh... Don't mention Europe... His mind cannot comprehend such things.


And the world might not feel like it's "living" because of several factors. Populations are scattered, if you go to coruscant, you'll see A LOT of people (around 120 primetime on Krayt Dragon, US).


Also, sit still in alderaan... there are NO bird chirping. :*(

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Talk to bioware about boring storylines thats why noone want to play republic.


That is YOUR opinion not fact.


I personally find the the stories great on both sides, but there is something satsifying about shooting lightning from my fingers :D


Bioware cannot predict nor change peoples personal preference.


No matter the game, if there is a split playerbase there will be population imbalances.

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No matter the game, if there is a split playerbase there will be population imbalances.


Pretty much, only way to really streamline it is to go the Aion route. Which I actually preferred but pretty sure we all know how that went over with a lot of players.


Outside of that about the only way to ensure things are fairly balanced is to have every faction in your game be evil. That is about the only way they'll be fairly even since players have made it pretty clear in this day and age the majority of them would prefer to play the "bad guy".

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Yes you need to stop freaking out and acting like Chicken Little


I logged onto Argent Dawn just a few secs ago there were two people in Stormwind and three in Ogramar and that is suppose to be one of the most populated North American WoW servers


OMGzorz WoWzors is Dyingzorz!!!!!!!


See how silly that sounds?




Is this a joke? Argent Dawn is #126. It's not even in the top 100!


I just logged onto Blackrock and there were several hundred people in Orgrimmar.

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That is YOUR opinion not fact.


I personally find the the stories great on both sides, but there is something satsifying about shooting lightning from my fingers :D


Bioware cannot predict nor change peoples personal preference.


No matter the game, if there is a split playerbase there will be population imbalances.


I'm sorry, but you could ask 1,000 people which is cooler: shooting lightning from your fingers or throwing a stream of pebbles with telekinetic mind powers and EVERYONE would say lightning was cooler.


This kind of design decision is appallingly obvious. How did Bioware miss it?

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i'm a republic player and i play on a heavy load server. swtor's world doesn't feel like a living, breathing one because of the planets' sparse populations.


something needs to be done about this


The doom of an instanced world...the critics about a linear and instanced world was already heard before but with a lack of palyers it shows an additional issue.

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I'm sorry, but you could ask 1,000 people which is cooler: shooting lightning from your fingers or throwing a stream of pebbles with telekinetic mind powers and EVERYONE would say lightning was cooler.


This kind of design decision is appallingly obvious. How did Bioware miss it?


It doesn't matter, if there's a Good faction and an Evil faction, some groups of gamers will go for the evil faction, whether that's the Horde in WoW, Asmodian in Aion or Empire in SWTOR.

Typically, on PvP servers the Empire faction is almost always larger and sometimes even twice as large.

On PvE servers the difference in population is most of the times negligible, with Republic side in a number of cases having a small upper hand.

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I am on Fatman server.


Arguably the most popular/full server.


Republic zones are empty and dead.


On Saturday's. All day. Care to explain this?




That isn't even close to the most popular full server if the republic zones are empty. I see 100+ on the later zones and 180+ on the noobie zones saturday during the day.



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Talk to bioware about boring storylines thats why noone want to play republic.


Empire lightside was interesting. More interesting than I imagine any of the other three options to be. Darkside is all the same; kill kill kill. Republic lightside is almost puritanical.

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