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Sorcerer Nerf....


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Read 19 pages.


Im surprised at the amount of trolls and ***** on this thread, WHEN PEOPLE WERE EXPRESSING THERE OPINION (cough orangerascal)


My thoughts are that if PvE is going to be screwed up with a nerf, then you shouldn't nerf at all


<3 you all.


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Where was your proof?


or do you just get to say whatever, and then when we reply with whatever, we are supposed to prove it to you?


Prove that we can do both, and we will show you the skill trees that show that we can't, that we either massively gimp our DPS to do healing or we massively gimp our healing to do DPS.


The proof is the numbers people are able to consistently put up. Check heal spec and check DPS spec. We've seen how much Sorc can heal for and how while putting out a little DPS, we've seen how much you can DPS for and still have 70-100k healing.


Without needing to change anything at all if instead of 400-600k of damage a game with 70-100k healing he focused a bit more on shields and heals do you think it's completely unreasonable to put out 150k-200k healing and 200k-300k damage?


Now what about if you build for it and try and play a balanced build?




Yes, you will massively affect your DPS by healing more, or vice versa. However the question is not would you have a trade off. The question is can you balance them and achieve a rough equilibrium. Because in all honesty a balance of DPS and healing applied in the right spots is worth more than an equal amount of either DPS or healing because you can always apply the right force at the right time.

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please do me a favor and try and focus on shielding/healing one match as much as you normally focus on DPS. Though of course don't completely neglect DPS. I'm interested in seeing the numbers you can put up with the same spec if you changed your gameplay without changing your build.

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please do me a favor and try and focus on shielding/healing one match as much as you normally focus on DPS. Though of course don't completely neglect DPS. I'm interested in seeing the numbers you can put up with the same spec if you changed your gameplay without changing your build.


I'm interested in how you think that a guy who posted bad evidence before will suddenly post good evidence now? I'm also interested in how you think Sorc is OP, when your toolbox has almost the exact same items as theirs in it?

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I'm interested in how you think that a guy who posted bad evidence before will suddenly post good evidence now? I'm also interested in how you think Sorc is OP, when your toolbox has almost the exact same items as theirs in it?


Wouldn't healing numbers be harder to pad than DPS numbers without intentionally farming? Or does everything that works against your interests have caveats that invalidate them at your personal whim?


We have a set value of what his spec is capable of in that build. Changing game play and nothing else would show other capabilities. Especially since part of the DPS dismissal is sheer opinion.

Edited by CommandoPower
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Originally Posted by Dayshadow

Infinite force is bs, period


I don't think you've ever played a sorc.


In fairness can you not get free consumption in the healing tree with the proper talents? Essentially taking an already lenient resource limit and removing it? Yes I know it's high up in the tree but he has a point there.


Force bending>>>force surge>>free consumption. As an ironic twist the game only cares when you hit the button so you can get 2 casts of things off when those buffs are up as long as you que it within the buff time. That might be relevant to your counterpoint on that :3.


If you knew mitigation mechanic, you'd know thats your medium/heavy armor mitigates 30-50% of energy/kinetic damage, giving you same or more absorbtion than sorc.


Isn't it kind of unfair to make a universal statement about armor mitigation in general PVP and then....


Energy/kinetic damage of sorc/sage is being mitigated, that's what matters. That means that when facing sorc you have same or more amount of absorbtion than him. Sorc absorb damage through shield, other classes absorb damage through their armor. That's called balance.


Then it's suddenly a very specific situation. Both suiting your needs of course.



You need to keep the judgement spectrum PVP as a whole, in which armor is pretty far from reliable mitigation. Because that's what PVP survival ability is based off of. Everything you face combined and roughly averaged. Not specific situations.


A tank will do awesome against a marksmanship sniper when all defenses work, moderate against a sorc when only armor works, and poorly against most PVP specs which completely ignore or debuff armor/do so much it chews through armor anyhows. Not to mention bypassing shields and defense.


Sorcerer is not in a bad spot DPS wise, it only has to worry about armor and puts out a mid to high sustained DPS. Tanks, the main enemy you have issues damaging, thankfully put out relatively little damage.


Do not whine about guard and shoot the tank like an idiot. Keep focusing the other person. You'll likely do just as much damage as you would to the tank directly AND you'll be hurting the other person. 100 damage vs 60% reduction is 40 damage done. 100 damage vs 30% reduction = 70 damage done. 35 to the person and 35 to the tank. Congratulations you've just nearly doubled your damage! It only gets worse for the tank against lesser armored targets.

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All this QQ'ing about sorc being OP, but I've yet to "find" a video on the net where they are doing all this awesome DPS AND HEALS that people claim, an end game ss where it doesn't show if they cheated their high heals etc does NOT equate proof. I can easily find mutiple vids of basically any class I want eg BH both specs warrior both specs agent both specs (even after the nerf), hell there's a video of a merc having nothing but tracer missile on his quickslot bar and getting 370k dmg and 8 medals.


Show me anything where a sorc is that good, I dare you.

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All this QQ'ing about sorc being OP, but I've yet to "find" a video on the net where they are doing all this awesome DPS AND HEALS that people claim, an end game ss where it doesn't show if they cheated their high heals etc does NOT equate proof. I can easily find mutiple vids of basically any class I want eg BH both specs warrior both specs agent both specs (even after the nerf), hell there's a video of a merc having nothing but tracer missile on his quickslot bar and getting 370k dmg and 8 medals.


Show me anything where a sorc is that good, I dare you.


They won't make videos mate, because then they will reveal that they actually killed no one, had a premade group that was actually doing all the killing and a pocket healer that was keeping them alive.


Far better to just post a screenshot of the end of the match pretend you did it all yourself.

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They won't make videos mate, because then they will reveal that they actually killed no one, had a premade group that was actually doing all the killing and a pocket healer that was keeping them alive.


Far better to just post a screenshot of the end of the match pretend you did it all yourself.


That was my point.


My main is a 50 sorc - granted it's not full PVP gear, but i've never been able to pull out these apparent numbers that people claim the sorc is capable of, not to mention unless I'm mistaken full PVP gear is 10% dmg/heals/defense, which is basically 100 dmg bonus for every 1000 we do, my PvE gear that give's me 40% crit with 87% surge bonus lets me do more dmg/heals than full PVP gear. I lose some survivability, but I'm already dead if someone decides to attack me anyways.


the largest 2 hits i've ever done with my sorcs is a 3K hit with chain lightning after almost going fully in the lightning tree (for the 50% surge bonus in your lightning abilities - second tier from the top), and a 3.5 K hit with a crit on death field, which is a 15 sec CD

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The real reason sorc damage is a problem and sage isn't is because sorc damage is elemental. currently there is no way to mitigate that


sage damage is kinetic which is mitigated by armor, so sage dps is annoying but not a problem.


if they make sorc damage kinetic then it won't be a problem


Well put my friend. That would be the easiest way to fix things.

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They won't make videos mate, because then they will reveal that they actually killed no one, had a premade group that was actually doing all the killing and a pocket healer that was keeping them alive.


Far better to just post a screenshot of the end of the match pretend you did it all yourself.


Oh, you mean like the tracer merc?

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What... Everyone Knows that Sorcs are OP, they are getting a nerf soon for sure.Hybrid Class that does more damage than a pure dps and can heal... and has tons of CC/Evasion Skills ..... ROFL That has to be nerfed.


Sorcs aren't a "hybrid class".

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Sorcs aren't a "hybrid class".


Oh ill be damn, they dont have healing in their dps tree right? so they have tu put 6-10points in the heal tree, then they came heal and dps.


to me its an hybrid class.


Sniper can split his point however he wants hes never gonna be able to heal..


which is a pure dps class

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Oh ill be damn, they dont have healing in their dps tree right? so they have tu put 6-10points in the heal tree, then they came heal and dps.


to me its an hybrid class.


Sniper can split his point however he wants hes never gonna be able to heal..


which is a pure dps class


There are no hybrid classes in SWTOR. You must spec for your role if the content is challenging at all.

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What is this!?!? A Sorcerer actually admitting that his class might be just a bit too strong?


Nonsense! This guy must be on drugs or something. There is no way a player of a widely-believed overpowered class would come out and admit their class's OPness.


Anyway, I commend you OP and fully agree with everything you posted. Sorcs/Sages have far too much versatility. I think their utility should be nerfed before anything else, whether this means their CC, CDs, snares, shield absorb, etc. Their damage is the last thing that should be looked at.




The problem is tards on here think that ALL sorc need nerfed which is not the case. The only thing that needs nerfed is the hybrid spec.

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Well said sir.


I play operative. The best I can do in my current state is harass you. MAYBE get a kill if I hit my interrupts after landing a solid crit opener when your shield is down.


We are the rock to your scissors.


Soon... not any more.


BioWare needs to stop letting developers balance the game.


Developers need to be fixing the many, many bugs in this game.


QA needs to find a balance. Let some good players give you good advice.


I agree, they need to tone down sorc just a tad. Not a whole lot, but enough so I shouldn't have to throw four rocks to beat a scissor; or worse, get cut in half.

Can someone translate this? cause my class doesnt speak OP like the sorc and Operative.


Oh ill be damn, they dont have healing in their dps tree right? so they have tu put 6-10points in the heal tree, then they came heal and dps.


to me its an hybrid class.


Sniper can split his point however he wants hes never gonna be able to heal..


which is a pure dps class

Actually snipers are moskitos compared the hybrid classes like the sorc and OPerative.

Edited by maximusedward
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dear op, if you do a few warzones against some random noobs and you seem to kill them alot without them giving you much problems, that doesnt mean your class is overpowered. in fact a sorc has not the slightest chance against a rage specced juggernaut for example, you drop dead before you can even use a single of your cooldowns, sorcs obviously need a buff.


marauders giving you problems? lol marauders are the 2nd class in need for a buff in terms of surviablity, besides the sorcerer. you obviously dont know anything about high-end pvp.

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if you want to see the next OP class people will whine about (once they get to 50 and geared) look at the sentinels/vanguards/commandos and their mirrors.


and this comes from someone playing Operative (50) and Merc atm




*** are you trying to say here?


sentinel/marauder - can perform very well in pvp, but there is maybe 1 in 20 people who can play them effectively. Every tried having to intelligently chose between 30 some odd abilities to use in a particular situation? Obviously not, you play an op and a merc, all you have to worry about is 4 buttons. No nerf needed


vanguard/powertech - really? this is the first time I have seen anyone claim these are in need of nerfing.


commando/merc, people just think they are op because they don't understand how tracer/grav functions. Interrupts and LoS are pretty simple concepts and while it won't guarantee an instant win every time, it gives you a very decent fighting chance. No nerf needed


Sorry but I think you completely invalidated any point you had been trying to make with this complete fail.


Sorcs don't need to be nerfed into the ground at all, but they do need adjustment. simple as that.

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I can tell you right now the biggest problem with the sorc/sage class is the hybrid spec potential.


Telekinetic spec offers good utility needed for the TK playstyle, the Root on the knockback, needed if you have 2-3 second casts, Force lift cooldown reduced, with longer lockout and increased shield all good if you are Telekeninetics spec.


Now that being said if you aren't TK spec you don't need all that utility.....


Balance offers some good utility as well, Lightning ticks make your next spell instant cast, force lift can stun, reduced CD on your main stun.


Thing is all of these utility talents are so LOW into the trees.


This is why you have people complaining that sorcs are SO OP because every sorc has ALLL of this utility, the utility designed for Telekinetics spec and the Utility designed for Balance spec into 1 hybrid that also deals MORE damage than any other class in the game....


So essentially what you have are sorcs with absurd utility combined with absurd damage and no other class comes close to being as good.

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