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MVP needs to be changed


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I play BH and SW, some games im bad most games im above average and once in a while i will be topping the meters above all else.


Im sick and tired of the games that some noob gets the valor and coms for being voted MVP cause he qued with 3 friends and did nothing but troll general chat all game and has almost nothing accrosed the score bored where i have scores of kills top damage, moderate healing, high objective points and highest medals.


and i walk away with a big 0


Please automate the mvp system, you already have a scorebored and it would be simple math, award bonuses to the top 4 players in the game, and stop this freinds vote for friends and not performance stuff.

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award bonuses to the top 4 players in the game, and stop this freinds vote for friends and not performance stuff.


They already do this, its called medals. The MVP system is fine, although I wouldn't mind it if they added a way to vote an MVP for the opposing team as well since then there should be much less bias involved.

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Sounds like your butthurt cause you didnt get mvp for doing the most damage. Sorry bro, but if your ego is bruised that easily you might not wanna play any mmo.


^ This.


You want MVP, earn it. Be such an asset to the team that they cannot even think about voting for someone else.



Still waiting to hear Exactly what MVP votes do, and how they are important..


They give you more valor and comms.

Edited by Klaxius
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Still waiting to hear Exactly what MVP votes do, and how they are important..


Each MVP vote is worth something like 50 valor and 5 commendations each to the recipient. It's pretty much a way of showing someone gratitude for putting in enough effort for you to take notice.

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Please automate the mvp system, you already have a scorebored and it would be simple math, award bonuses to the top 4 players in the game, and stop this freinds vote for friends and not performance stuff.



The problem is that top DPS and/or Healing does not mean you are the best. Those numbers do not reflect whether or not you significantly contributed to the win.




Lets say you get top DPS in huttball, but never have anything to do with the ball, or the ball carriers because you were always on the other side of the map having a little circle jerk with enemy players - do you deserve mvp?


MVP is a broken system, it needs to leave. Obviously it's going to be a popularity contest and not a reflection of anyone doing well in the game.

Edited by Caffinated
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Healers seem to get shafted in the MVP department in pugs.


Honestly though, what is being done for the most part if MVP trading. People that queue with each other make sure each one of them gets the MVP votes.....

Disagree, been pvping for a long time and healers very often get MVP votes.

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Disagree, been pvping for a long time and healers very often get MVP votes.


99% of the time, i vote for the top healer... unless no one on my team was top heals, than i look at for the guy who did all around the Most in the match and vote for him..

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Healers seem to get shafted in the MVP department in pugs.


Honestly though, what is being done for the most part if MVP trading. People that queue with each other make sure each one of them gets the MVP votes.....


That is not my experience... I heal on average 400k per WZ and I get crap tons of pug votes. You are just bad.

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Smart pugs vote for the healers. If I'm queuing alone, if I see a healer they get both my guard and my MVP vote, assuming they're worth anything at all.


Not so smart pugs vote for whoever is at the top of the list, which by default is most medals. I'm grateful for this because as a pvp tank I'm generally there, with my extra guarding medals.


Definitely need more smart pugs, but I'm not terribly upset with the not so smart ones ;)

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I always MVP the person's name that I see in green letters above my head.


The healers and tanks are what make or break a team. I want to make them better.


Also, for those of you who aren't MVP voting at all... We are all on a team, you'll win more games if your allies are stronger.

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I would prefer that you could only MVP the opposing team, and you had to vote to receive the benefits.


I'm kinda tired of organizing MVP votes with friends. Cheapens the whole idea of the MVP system.


Id be ok for voteing opposite team, but this guys statments about ourganizing mvp votes only proves my point. To the trolls who just want to call me sore because blah blah blah. Its not that i give that much of a **** about the whole thing, I just get tired of seeing the guy who did nothing or tried to carried the huttball to the wrong side getting 3 votes. When if i cap 3 out of 4 scores in a winning huttbal game and am high up on the charts of healing or dps, and i get no votes? systems rewards you for queing with freinds, not for playing well.

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I don't think you can fix it as such when the voting is up to the players. And yeah, players choose badly, they choose their friends, they can choose whoever is on the top of the list. I personally never choose based on dps or medal count unless I think they deserve it for other reasons.


I choose based on contribution. You could be a level 10 and have no medals even, for example if you try for objectives when everyone is fighting off god knows where. You can get chosen by me if you try to organize the team by showing leadership in ops chat and trying to organize a bunch of nimrods to a coherent fighting team. I'll pick you if I think you show 'heart' and play smartly. I'll pick you if I think you make an amazing move. I'll pick you if you heal your little heart out. I'll pick you if you shield everyone. If I think nobody did a good job then I'll often pick the one that's on the bottom of the ranks (unless they are afkers). Sometimes I pick nobody. There will be times I pick the person on the top, either dps or heals based on what I think they contribute.


My method can also be unfair because its based on what I see. You could be doing amazing things on the other side of the map, but I didnt see it.



Despite all the idiots I see just voting their friends or the top dps, I like the system anyway, simply because it gives me the power to give someone a kudo.


P.S. I don't actually think people voting their friends are idiots. Friends are friends and nothing wrong with throwing a friend a perk. I would just prefer that you didn't award MVP on that criteria.

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