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are ops good pvp healers


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I'm thinking of roling an op to be a pvp healer. i don't realy care if it's the best class for it as long as it is a viable one. all i have really seen is the spec for it. so could someone please give some more info about it?
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I've been Medicine specced for my Agent's entire lifespan and in my opinion the spec is certainly viable. In terms of PvP there are a few things I always try and do. Unlike Sorc healers many of our heals can be applied preemptively. For example in a warzone at the start of a match you have the ability to spread some Kolto Probes to various targets (I generally hot up melee first) to give a small buffer to incoming damage. This allows for proactive healing that won't drain your energy until you actually enter combat.


Probably the biggest boon is our mobility however. TA procs *shouldn't* be difficult to keep up if you're occasionally shiving a burn target/ball carrier and tossing out Kolto Injection. You'll also get procs from your already rolling probes which should allow you to use your Surgical Probe when mobility is required. I feel we also do some respectable damage when necessary.


Our real weakness is when we're focused by more than one target. If you can't proc TA's with Kolto Injection or a Shiv and your vanish is on cooldown you'll be hard pressed to shake more than one DPS. Without the Sorc's barrier shield or a Mercenary's high armor you can be burned relatively quickly.

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The only issue I ever had is if a target was getting focused hard, we have no reactive "oh ****" heal/shield like Sorcs and BH's. Our only big heal has a 2s (without alacrity) cast time that can only be used a few times before our energy regen starts to completely suck.
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I'm thinking of roling an op to be a pvp healer. i don't realy care if it's the best class for it as long as it is a viable one. all i have really seen is the spec for it. so could someone please give some more info about it?


I play both a Opy and Sorc healer and I would say to avoid the Opy if you play long PvP sessions. You can make them nearly as effective as a Sorc healer, but you have to press about 10 times the amount of key-binds to do it... this makes for some tired fingers after a few hours.

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Honestly, Sage/Sorc are better.


They possess a lot more mobility/escape tools as well as flat out better heals.


I play a imp agent healer in battlegrounds and you can do ok if you use a lot of your tricks, but in its current iteration you will not be competitive with good sorc healers in either raw numbers or saving the life of your teamates.


On the other hand, we do have style, and style matters. And a pimping space limo.

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thanks for the replies


i don't want to go sroc because i have an assassin already and want to play a different stroy. i already have an IA but haven't chose an avanced class yet. think i will be going op with it thou cuase i can't stand not being able heal myslef.


so i guess ,juding by the froums, i'll be playing the 2 worst classes lol

Edited by zibbitz
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Operative healers can be really good in PvE if they understand their tree well and stat for Crit/Surg. They do okay in PvP, but an average Sorc/Sage will almost always end up performing as well as a heavily practiced Op healer. Any Sorc/Sage that knows what they are doing will pretty much always outperform the best of Op healers. Being a healer in PvP is a pretty thankless job a lot of the time, unless you have a crew you run with that knows how much you actually contribute. Most people wouldn't manage those high k/d ratios without our support, but people often forget that.


The biggest problem for Op healers tends to be escape. We don't have enough good tricks to keep ourselves out of trouble. If someone jumps on a Sorc, they have enough tricks to escape or hold their ground, heck they can do it and keep healing teammates. If someone jumps on an Op, they pretty much have to shift healing focus to themselves if they hope to stay alive. Shield Probe absorbs such a small amount of damage that it is hardly worth it, Evasion gets bypassed by almost everything, and stealth is easily broken/prevented. While you are respawning and running back in, that Sorc with his bubble/knockback is still raking in the healing, with heals that perform better to boot.


And that's probably the biggest gripe. Ops are too easily taken out of the fight as healers, be it by defeat or simply by throwing enough DPS at us that we are forced to heal ourselves over teammates, it's too easy to prevent us from doing out jobs when you consider what it takes to stick it to a Merc or Sorc.

Edited by AnemicBoy
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In a good game of huttball, a sorc or two will each go above 300k healing.


My personal best after revamping my gear yesterday (1 centurion piece, just got 3rd champ piece, spent 300K in purple mods/gear etc.) has been 146K, 1st in heals, second place on team, 6 medals. The second best healer came in w/around 60k. I started doing some more dps for kill/dmg medals. Oh, and we won...it was a close match though, probably not against a premade.


146k top heals isn't going to win against a good premade in vent who are shouting out ball carrier locations and pre-staging stealthers to pass, but if you know what you're doing, you can really drag a bunch of noobs over the goal line versus a bunch of noobs :D


Roll biochem for the reusable medpacks/armor. Pop 'em both as you're heading to the goal line, and with your other mobile heals rolling, just watch /1 and /say for kicks!


We also do fairly well on Ilum owing to our mobile heals.

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Hmm... looking back through my screenshots, my personal best in PUG Huttball was 355k, with second place being a Sorcerer at 137k. Voidstar, my high was 427k with the second place being a Merc with 319k. Actually, that Voidstar makes me sad because I was 325 damage away from the 75k medal. I can't find a screenshot from Alderaan where I'm not having a dance party... :rolleyes:


It's perfectly viable. You have a limited toolset compared to the other healers. Make friends with a tank, utilize your CC and Shield-probe, and learn how to kite.

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thanks for the replies


i don't want to go sroc because i have an assassin already and want to play a different stroy. i already have an IA but haven't chose an avanced class yet. think i will be going op with it thou cuase i can't stand not being able heal myslef.


so i guess ,juding by the froums, i'll be playing the 2 worst classes lol


OP healing is the worst of the 3 and by a fairly large margin especially in pvp. I really don't recommend it right now. Maybe after some buffs but it's just not worth it.

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To be honest i do not agree with some people making ops the worst healing class, since it is not if you know how to play it. I assure you that it is not a 3 button spam class unlike sage/sorc and merc/cam, which dnt need much skills to play. All 3 healing classes have their good points and bad points. The main thing you need to decided is which 1 you will find fun? I have tried all 3 and i went with ops and it is soooooo fun in PVP you just have to practice and really research how to play it. In PVP i get 40+ kills, 7 medals and 200k healing and mostly come in the top 5 and am only level 30. But, this is only because i really dug deep and learnt ops healing well. I have seen many other ops healers do crap in PVP i always outshine them and also the other healing class. However, i would agree with other that you cant out heal like 3+ people ganging on you, but u can if 1-2 people are ganging on you :p.


All in all i love healing i was a healer in wow a holy priest and a really good one and now a healer in starwars. It is just in your hands if you gona be a good healer or a bad healer, cus there are soo many healers out there who do not know how to heal cannot manage their spell cost resources well at all. The best advise i will give you is to just pick the healing class you will enjoy and then master it :D

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To be honest i do not agree with some people making ops the worst healing class, since it is not if you know how to play it. I assure you that it is not a 3 button spam class unlike sage/sorc and merc/cam, which dnt need much skills to play. All 3 healing classes have their good points and bad points. The main thing you need to decided is which 1 you will find fun? I have tried all 3 and i went with ops and it is soooooo fun in PVP you just have to practice and really research how to play it. In PVP i get 40+ kills, 7 medals and 200k healing and mostly come in the top 5 and am only level 30. But, this is only because i really dug deep and learnt ops healing well. I have seen many other ops healers do crap in PVP i always outshine them and also the other healing class. However, i would agree with other that you cant out heal like 3+ people ganging on you, but u can if 1-2 people are ganging on you :p.


All in all i love healing i was a healer in wow a holy priest and a really good one and now a healer in starwars. It is just in your hands if you gona be a good healer or a bad healer, cus there are soo many healers out there who do not know how to heal cannot manage their spell cost resources well at all. The best advise i will give you is to just pick the healing class you will enjoy and then master it :D


Im in a fairly similar boat, was a Hpriest in wow (main heals for my guilds 10mans) I rolled OP mostly because my guild was full of sorc's and i didnt want to fight over loot. So far I am loving my character.


To the point, Im wondering how you heal i know healing is a complex game so I'll throw out my thoughts and I would really appreciate some pointers as I'm still working out the kinks with the energy resource system.


Firstly i know to try and keep stimpack up as much as possible.

secondly i find most of my healing is just Kolto probe, for the Ta then toss Sug prope for heals. Almost never use KInf. Use Kinj when someone really needs healing and if i see i drop below 50% ill use DS to get back up to 60. (Health pools permiting).


If im failing on any particular point or any advice you can give would be grealy appreciated again. I'm alwasy looking to become a better healer because i've always felt a good healer can carry a bad group.

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I've gotten around 360k healing in voidstar at level 40 but that was relying on a bad enemy team (lack of focus, allows hots to tick, no one attacking me when op/scoundrel are very weak when focused). But I feel squishier than my level 35 sage, our aoe heals are apparently not worth speccing compared to sage's (serious issue that BH/OP heal inferior), and I don't really feel like I am healing a single person for *a lot*. I could accept that our job is to heal through the aoe damage with our hots etc while sorc is the bursty healer to save a particular person with a bit of crossover on both roles but it doesn't seem to pan out like that.
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Best game I ever had was 700k Healing and some change.


Average is 350-400k


We're probably the worst PvP healer, but anything can work if you're geared enough, which I am.


I wear full Columi/Rakata gear and use offset pieces for 300 or so expertise.


Keep moving, be biochem and you'll do okay.



Go sorc if you can.

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The main thing you need to decided is which 1 you will find fun? I have tried all 3 and i went with ops and it is soooooo fun in PVP you just have to practice and really research how to play it. In PVP i get 40+ kills, 7 medals and 200k healing and mostly come in the top 5 and am only level 30. But, this is only because i really dug deep and learnt ops healing well.

You're not doing anything deep at level 30. You don't even have all the abilities yet and nobody has any expertise.

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