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Give a penalty to people who quit WZs.


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1. People are losers and quit a WZ as soon as they start losing at the start.

2. People (like me) get put into these games and are heavily losing already.




Anyone who disagrees is a quitter.

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You know you can bail to? Its faster to get in another WZ then wait in a fail one. Not gona waste my time on people that dont even know what way to take the ball or that you have to stay and Defend a point to keep it.


No... cause the more people that leave... the more other people are gonna be put into the game you left, wasting EVERYONES time

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I think it would be fitting if the debuff lasted until the game you abandoned has finished.


Leave a game near the end? Small penalty but you miss out on tokens. Bail at the start? 15-20mins of debuff penalty...so you may as well play and try to win.

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Untill they nerf the ability for Premades to roll against PUGS then this ability needs to stay in game. I PUG exclusively and the last thiong I want to do is sit in a Huttball Match while a premade ROFLstomps us 5-0 and sits on our side of the map killing us we spawn.
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Untill they nerf the ability for Premades to roll against PUGS then this ability needs to stay in game. I PUG exclusively and the last thiong I want to do is sit in a Huttball Match while a premade ROFLstomps us 5-0 and sits on our side of the map killing us we spawn.


And half the reason that premade roflstomps you is because you're stuck in a party where you're constantly 5-7 vs 8 because of people that keep on quitting, and as soon as its 1v0 everyone starts quitting, and random people keep getting pulled into losing games...

Edited by PhoenixMatrix
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I would actually propose something more drastic a 5% decrease in Valor Level.


We have people on republic side who quit WZ right after it starts as it was 3 on 8, we get to 8 on 8 about 40 seconds into the WZ (it was Voidstar).


We still managed to win the WZ.


I like the idea of deserter debuff 30 mins no warzones, no flashpoins, no quests... just make them have to sit around fleet or something and a 5% decrease in valor level you need to take your wins with your losses!!!

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Probably has a lot to do with the server pop on The Maw, but I LOL every time I see someone drop and then about 30 seconds later they zone back into the same BG because they re-queued and that is the only BG going on atm >.<
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I will drop a game ALL THE TIME.


Especially when the game puts 5-6 Sorc/As. on other team and 0 on mine in Hutball.


With that said... a 10 minute time out would be great, and I would then play the game to completion.

Edited by Endowed
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I would actually propose something more drastic a 5% decrease in Valor Level.


We have people on republic side who quit WZ right after it starts as it was 3 on 8, we get to 8 on 8 about 40 seconds into the WZ (it was Voidstar).


We still managed to win the WZ.


I like the idea of deserter debuff 30 mins no warzones, no flashpoins, no quests... just make them have to sit around fleet or something and a 5% decrease in valor level you need to take your wins with your losses!!!


.... and then they log off and play another game. BioWare and EA lose a sub and losing subs means losing money. Not gonna happen.

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All the people stating reasons for why they leave are selfish. The quitting starts a chain reaction and ruins it for 15 other people. They don't realize that if everyone (on either side) who had one of these "reasons" quit then pretty much PvP would die.


I am curious how many of these people quit when the match is stupid because their team is over geared, has pre-mades or is playing against stupid players. These are not competitive matches and I doubt many quit when up 4-0. They don't like losing and are babies, the rest is just excuses.


Pure selfishness.

Edited by richardya
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All the people stating reasons for why they leave are selfish. The quitting starts a chain reaction and ruins it for 15 other people. They don't realize that if everyone (on either side) who had one of these "reasons" quit then pretty much PvP would die.


I am curious how many of these people quit when the match is stupid because their team is over geared, has pre-mades or is playing against stupid players. These are not competitive matches and I doubt many quit when up 4-0. They don't like losing and are babies, the rest is just excuses.


Pure selfishness.


I understand, but I like to enjoy myself and I do.

I'm not letting BIOWAREs epic ****ups upset my day.


*then again, I dont drop because of losing, I drop because of their imbalances that are unacceptable.

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Yeah, maybe once they fix the other 100 bugs, that will be a great idea.


As it stands though, I'm already getting booted to often out of a Warzone because the force shield won't drop, I log in mid match, by the time I appear, I run to the forcewall, booted, etc etc.


If that hosed me for an hour of play, that would likely end my sub right there.


Let them fix the MAJOR TOTALLY BORKED bugs first, and them I'm sure they will follow your suggestion and rampantly punish people.


I also think properly redesigning some of the WZ's would go better toward stopping people from abandoning as well.


Like first fix the bug where if you WIN a WZ and NOT FARM THEM TIL THEY CRY AND QUIT you don't get credit for your daily/weekly.


And change games like Huttball so that each time a team scores it removes 2 min off the clock, then if the losing team scores, it adds 2 min to the game, so that close games an't shut out by the clock, but royal stompings are over and done with so that the people that are completely outclassed don't have to sit around and being a punching bag for 10+ min.


There are a lot of things more constructive then 'OMG COWARDS, COME BACK AND GET FARMED, I WANT THEM PUNISHED FOR RUNNNING!'


Fix the game first.

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