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when people say Accuracy to 110%, do you mean using specials?


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Do you mean overall Accuracy? or Accuracy "using specials"?


Under the character menu, if you mouse over "Accuracy",

it also has different types of Accuracies.

Since most of annihilation's hits are from using specials,

wouldn't you be more concerned about accuracy using "special ability"?

Edited by Crawfishies
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A) Standard Hit ratio: Weapon (90% accuracy) & Force (100% accuracy)


B) Standard Raid / High End Named Boss ratio: -10% accuracy penalty


With this is mind, you need to get +20% Accuracy from gear and talents. This would put your effective hit rates at 110% / 120%. Then after you figure in the boss -Accuracy penalty, you're looking at the net hit rates of 100% / 110%.

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funny thing is no-one has defined "special" we have no auto attack so what makes an attack a "special" attack.


"Special" would be the non-weapon damage type of category. In fantasy MMOs, you could simply call this category "Magic" attacks. However for this class, you'd basically call it "Force" attacks. Also things like the Deadly Saber buff from the Annihilation talent tree also fall under the "Force" hit rate tables (even though they deal Internal damage and not Kinetic damage).

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A) Standard Hit ratio: Weapon (90% accuracy) & Force (100% accuracy)




funny thing is no-one has defined "special" we have no auto attack so what makes an attack a "special" attack.


An attack is "special" if the <isSpecial> flag is "true" for the ability.




All abilities are "SPECIAL" except for Assault. The segregated accuracy checks seems like an aborted combat mechanic that BW decided not to really include.

Edited by EasymodeX
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  • 3 months later...




An attack is "special" if the <isSpecial> flag is "true" for the ability.




All abilities are "SPECIAL" except for Assault. The segregated accuracy checks seems like an aborted combat mechanic that BW decided not to really include.



I'm not arguing your response, I hope you are correct, but can you cite your source on this?

I'd hate to blow a buttload of credits pulling accuracy mods out only to have to put em back in.

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I'm currently inclined to agree with EasymodeX on this one. Was confused about accuracy for quite awhile and what "basic" and "special" meant.


Then I changed the tab from "Melee" to "Force" and there's only one amount when you mouseover accuracy there. We know that yellow damage is from Force attacks and white is from Melee.


Thus you can logically conclude that the simple attack you have at level one (that takes no rage/energy/heat/whatever) is the "basic" melee ability referred to. Further backed up by it being the only thing I can remember seeing miss during leveling other than when I had an negative accuracy debuff.



Players have a baseline of 5% defense so you'll want enough to get around that for pvp. Haven't kept up on raid bosses to know if it's been 100% nailed down how much is needed as I've seen all sorts of numbers get thrown around.

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You have 3 types of damage(Accuracy) categories, Force/Tech, Melee/Ranged Basic and Melee/Ranged Special.


Only the first two are shown in your character sheet, you must mouseover in the Melee/Ranged Tab to see your Special Attack Accuracy.


You need 100% for all this 3 damage(Accuracy) categories to not miss.

You need 110% for Melee/Ranged Basic and Special Attacks to not be defended (10% Defense of an Operation Boss)

Force and Tech Attacks cannot be defended only resisted and there are no known resistances in Game for Operation Bosses (only some Tank and Stealth Classes have 2%)


Base Force/Tech Accuracy is 100%

Base Melee/Ranged Basic Accuracy is 90%

Base Melee/Ranged Special Accuracy is 100%


Melee/Ranged Basic Attacks are your ressource free / no cooldown attacks, in case of a Marauder the only attack that fits into this category is Assault. (You can check all your Attacks on torhead.com under the "Effect Detail Part where you can find a "IsSpecialAbility=>1")


All other Attacks of a Marauder are Melee/Ranged Special and Force Attacks, so you need 10% Accuracy from Gear/Talents to get to the Cap of 110% for Special Attacks that they cannot be defended.


You can ignore the Accuracy Cap for Assault because the Stats you loose to cap it are better spent on other secondary Stat Attributes.

Edited by Hibbsen
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Hibbsen is right on, with one small tweak.


The 10% number is a somewhat arbitrary estimation.


There really hasn't been enough testing to nail down whether every mob (including Operations bosses on SM/HM/NM) has the exact same defensive stats, or a large enough sample size to accurately nail down the current "cap" (or caps).


It is safe to estimate the Accuracy needs at between +8% and +10%, with one statistical fit at about 8.5% (assuming monsters use Defense Rating the same way we do) based on one small sample-size test.


98% base melee/ranged Acc is the low end of what should be considered "acceptable" with 100% base being on the high side.

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I don't stack accuracy at all. I haven't seen anything to lead me to believe we need it. I actually remod all of my gear to remove accuracy and instead use Power/Surge/Crit.


Honestly though, if there's some statistics that show that I should be sitting X% baseline accuracy I'd love to know. At this point, I've never seen my attacks "miss" or "resist" unless it's the basic attack: Assault.

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I don't stack accuracy at all. I haven't seen anything to lead me to believe we need it. I actually remod all of my gear to remove accuracy and instead use Power/Surge/Crit.


Honestly though, if there's some statistics that show that I should be sitting X% baseline accuracy I'd love to know. At this point, I've never seen my attacks "miss" or "resist" unless it's the basic attack: Assault.


You will not see a miss or resist because you are sitting at the Hit Cap to not miss with Special Attacks, but between 100-110% you Attacks will be defended, f.e.: dodged and parried


I think it is save to estimate a Flashpoint/Operation Boss Defense of 10% after we have Combat Logs


You can test this yourself, stack Accuracy to 109% and if your Special Attacks are defended from FP/OP Bosses the 8% everyone stated till now is not true. Be carefull and do not test it on the Dummy`s their Defense is buggy or not existant.

Edited by Hibbsen
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Hey all, I've got a question about this accuracy thing, just to be sure. Until reading this thread, I've been sporting Accuracy here and there on my gear, in a somewhat blind attempt to make sure I'm hitting the bosses. Now, I've heard it's 108% to cap against Ops bosses, and now I'm hearing it's 10%. Currently my Carnage marauder is sitting at 108.43%.


That said, it seems that I haven't looked closely at the tooltips upon hovering over the stats until recently. It says my special attacks are at 118.43%. I'm unsure now if I'm way over cap, or if I'm still under, or what. Help me smart math people?


Edit: I should also mention that I am a carnage specced for raids. If you could answer as to whether that's currently the best, I would appreciate that too.

Edited by WolfJHavoc
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If you really have 118% special, I'd suggest switching some accuracy mods around in favor of surge. Your surge must be quite poor with that much accuracy. That's 12% from gear, so it's not like super overkill, but if you still have less than ~75% surge then it's probably worth it to change some enhancements. Or if you have gear upgrades on the way you can see if you can do something about your overkill accuracy that way. For a marauder accuracy is better than most classes after 100%, but still not optimal.
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If you really have 118% special, I'd suggest switching some accuracy mods around in favor of surge. Your surge must be quite poor with that much accuracy. That's 12% from gear, so it's not like super overkill, but if you still have less than ~75% surge then it's probably worth it to change some enhancements. Or if you have gear upgrades on the way you can see if you can do something about your overkill accuracy that way. For a marauder accuracy is better than most classes after 100%, but still not optimal.


Thank you kindly! I'll start doing that. My surge isn't too bad actually, and neither is my crit. I didn't go waaay overboard, just a little.


Edit: Unless of course 75% means added with base, and not seperate....

Edited by WolfJHavoc
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  • 1 year later...

Carnage marauders used to need at least 25% crit with all the offhand proc's. But now that Massacre can finish the cool down on Gore and Scream you basically have double the Gore windows and guaranteed crits of Scream it’s not as necessary. Basically carnage has (still IMO the most fun to play) a priority system rather than a rotation like rage and annihilation. And now that priority has 10 secs of basic attacks building rage and 10 secs of crazy insane guaranteed crit windows. Coming back to the game after 6 months; where when I left it I was at the top of the game, I had to relearn carnage. At first I bucked against the need to not have crit but I have come to realize it’s almost unless with the new talents.

After you get accuracy to 100% so you don’t miss with all the white damage, you want to stack strength and power so EVERY hit, hits HARD. Then get surge to 75% so when you do use your guaranteed crits, they hit even HARDER. Yes, it would be great to have all your main hand and offhand hits proc’ing crits. But the amount of damage in those 10 secs of building rage will never compete with the damage of 10 secs of 100% armor penetration + 75% stronger + 900 extra power double scream + ravage. Basically our dps should be around 2900 per SECOND. However, its makeup is 30% for 10 secs and 70% for 10 secs.

Remember when stacking stats though 1 power = 1 power, whereas 1 strength = .9 power AND adds to crit + surge + force power + accuracy.

I might have less power but my overall stats are generally higher than marauders that stack power over strength. My current strength is 3200.


Just my opinions, don't flames and force me to delete this...............again.

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Carnage marauders used to need at least 25% crit with all the offhand proc's. But now that Massacre can finish the cool down on Gore and Scream you basically have double the Gore windows and guaranteed crits of Scream it’s not as necessary.


Just my opinions, don't flames and force me to delete this...............again.

This part drew my attention. Would that imply that you would even scream without the Execute proc?

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This part drew my attention. Would that imply that you would even scream without the Execute proc?


No, but prior to the new talents, gore would not be up between screams so you could have one with gore up and one without it. And execute is great and I take the time to massacre in a gore window between screaming to try and guarantee it. However if ravage + vicious throw + twin saber throw are all on cooldown and a gore window hits. I gore massacre scream. I am not staring at all my proc's 100% of battle, usually in raids there are a lot of other mechanics in play. And there is a small chance that execute just doesn't proc. But a non crit scream in a gore window, trumps a proc'ed scream outside of a gore window I believe.

Also if you get into the habit of using scream outside of a gore window waiting for an execute proc, it’s a slippery slope of screwing up your window of priorities.


Its also in your best dps interest to be ready to use gore every time its up as soon as its up.

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No, but prior to the new talents, gore would not be up between screams so you could have one with gore up and one without it. And execute is great and I take the time to massacre in a gore window between screaming to try and guarantee it. However if ravage + vicious throw + twin saber throw are all on cooldown and a gore window hits. I gore massacre scream. I am not staring at all my proc's 100% of battle, usually in raids there are a lot of other mechanics in play. And there is a small chance that execute just doesn't proc. But a non crit scream in a gore window, trumps a proc'ed scream outside of a gore window I believe.

Also if you get into the habit of using scream outside of a gore window waiting for an execute proc, it’s a slippery slope of screwing up your window of priorities.


Its also in your best dps interest to be ready to use gore every time its up as soon as its up.



I have almost no instances of having no execute when Scream is coming off of cooldown. And yes, sometimes it really misaligns with Gore, and I do tend to hold procced Scream off a little bit to fit it into a Gore window. But when I don't have Gore, I usually go with 3x Massacre. Admittedly, I haven't devoted time to parsing specific targets as far as unprocced Gored scream vs procced non-Gore scream rotations go.


That said, this doesn't seem to be a problem at all for me, because I realistically need only 1 procced Scream per two Gore windows, because every second window I get, Vicious Throw takes its place, and Scream isn't off cooldown by that point usually.

Edited by Helig
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