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Lightsaber - Custom colors in the future?


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I wanted to get the community's feedback on this, and yes, I realize this isn't something that can be done immediately, but perhaps in the future.


I'd really like if they made Lightsaber Colors and Blaster colors completely customizable.


If you are a Jedi, you are going to be using basically the same weapon from now until you quit the game. Having the option to go to a station and completely customize your saber/blaster by using a color palette would make for much more varied color options instead of the few options we have now. Perhaps going as far as putting in two-tone options (blue with a white haze, yellow with a red haze, etc) would really increase the immersion level.


I think it would just spice up the game a little bit.


Any thoughts?

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Yeah, people have been begging for that level of customization. It's unlikely we'll get a full color palette to choose from. But BW has said they're going to re-evaluate some of the existing color limitations, mostly over the community upset over purple being Empire-PVP-only currently.
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It might be possible in the future but in the far future. I think it might cause some trouble server side since right now the basic colors that were assigned by BW put their own load and don't have to be loaded too much. Throw in more customization and now the game has to load in individual light sabers because everyone wants to look different. If you wanted to customize your equipment so much you should've played All Points Bulletin.. wait that flopped in three months because they offered a ton of customization but bugs, content, and gameplay lacked. So if you want this sort of feature expect some lag, less quality in content, or a long wait.
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I tend to agree. If color choice means nothing, then it prevents certain colors being "the best" ie, if the "Cyan" crystal has the most expertise on it, guess what EVERYONE is going to use in PVP? Or if "White" has the most Stamina on it, guess what every tank in going to use for PVE/Operations?


Make color mean nothing and you will see a lot more variety.

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Was just talking to a buddy about this last night.

Kind of like how they did it in the Jedi Knight series.


Maybe have a "special" crystal that can be acquired or made from artificing and allow this crystal to have a one time custom color applied to it.


And by custom I don't think it needs to be 100, but something like 20-30 would be a good number. Diversity is a good thing.

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Ok well, as some know... and there is no worry of being yelled at...anymore there was actually a lot more colors in the game and actually still are.


A lot was removed when closed beta changed to the weekenders weekend visits.


We had almost too many I think myself. Access to all colors-- variants of them as well ... sooo in short there is many colors in the game right now.


I dare say about 25 maybe or more no joke.


I am not sure what is enabled now but I can tell you that 6 months ago there was a lot already in the game.


Yes black.. yes white and odd colors too.. different purple even... orange/ different red and even like a maroon one.... I have a few screen shots but none the less the point is they are in the game (not avl) but I bet soon we will see more things to come.


GRANTED HERE IS THE ONE THING>.. lore wise.. this is KOTOR, NOT the expanded universe and we brought that up in beta... so you may never see all the colors you are looking for but there is more I can tell you that for sure.

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I like the ideas in this thread!


The color limitations has really bugged me from the get-go, especially with purple. The ideas listed above hold real merit and should be explored. I think BW has some good suggestions to go off and I hope they will capitalize on them.

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The lightsaber color (and blaster color for that matter) should be customizable. So should the armor palette. These are simple cosmetic changes that they could make... Not sure why they aren't looking into this.


Apparently in the beta there was a much better modding system for Armor then there is now, not sure why it was scrapped.

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