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Completely different class post 1.1.0b


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The very large (in my case) reduction in ability delay has made this class much more enjoyable to play. I look forward to seeing what else they can do to it in 1.1.1.


Share more for those that are at work and frustrated but hopefull

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Was this the patch today? Because last night playing I was still getting delays. Also would it be too hard to have an ability be blacked out when its on timer and then light up when its off timer? I dont know how many times I hit the master strike button only to have a few milliseconds or a few seconds left and you cant see the progress bar.
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oh thank Jebus, I was dueling a shadow last night to test how bad that **** is and it was extremely frustrating, I could only get close to killing him if I got the speed buff up so he couldn't kite me... half my abilities would just fail.


Lets see how this goes tonight.


<- ready to be disappointed, but highly optimistic

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I was only in a WZ for a few minutes but it was fixed for me. My Force Leap > Overload Saber > Zealous Strike actually all worked when I hit them as opposed to before where I'd have to press ZS like 3 times before it would go off.
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I am honestly noticing nothing different. I am actually getting longer wait times with skills now. I have been mashing the living hell out of abilities and nothing happens. For me personally it was a step backwards.


Seems about 80-90% fixed for me. I still get it on occasion with off GCD abilities but for the most part it's muuuuuuuuuuch better than before.

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yup, night and day from the other patch. Still it's a bit buggy, for the most part only in Huttball do i get delays that would be unacceptable but in Civil War or Voidstar, pretty reasonable ability response.


Now melee can compete with Range at least, finally enjoying the PvP at least consistently although it has a long way to go (re: chain CC)

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Well I hope you guys are right and this isn't going to be like WAR where it took a half dozen patches of "no really guys, we fixed the delay this time". I'm at work so I can't try it myself yet.


Gave it a try last night. Huge improvement in WZs mostly. Pretty happy. Now just make instants actually instant.

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there is no fracking improvement! problems have NOT been solved, skills still dont fire off 50% of the time, sorcs havnt been nerfed, expertise hasnt been removed, fps probs havnt been fixed, codex entries havnt been fixed, and the list goes on and on. there have been NO fixes at all that anyone can clearly prove, its a load of bull, the team at bioware must have taken lessons in lying from the funcom team.
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there is no fracking improvement! problems have NOT been solved, skills still dont fire off 50% of the time, sorcs havnt been nerfed, expertise hasnt been removed, fps probs havnt been fixed, codex entries havnt been fixed, and the list goes on and on. there have been NO fixes at all that anyone can clearly prove, its a load of bull, the team at bioware must have taken lessons in lying from the funcom team.


i like cheese pizza from Rocco's in Maryland, they have the best.


Where does everybody like thier pizzas from.

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i like cheese pizza from Rocco's in Maryland, they have the best.


Where does everybody like thier pizzas from.


Mac N Mancos at Ocean City, NJ. great pizza plus the boardwalk, beach, and ocean. Wonderful way to spend an afternoon.


I did get a chance to play for a few minutes last night and picked a few random low level mobs to jump into. I found that the response is a little better (which is better than no improvement) and that their poor choice in changing the GCD animation is still an issue especially if you are getting near to the end of the GCD time.



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Mario's Pizza in Pioneer Square, Seattle, WA. I used to work across the street from there and I'd grab a slice or two all the time. Big floppy Bay Area style pizza. The best was the Mediterranean with tomatoes, feta, artichokes, and pesto sauce, but their classic pepperoni is also fantastic.
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I've noticed a bit more smoothness overall with my guardian but i believe riposte is still getting stuck sometimes in the initial animation like it did before, i don't think this patch fixed those kind of problems with the animations, but i think they said they're already working on fixing it for next patches which is cool.


As a tank i need riposte used as soon as it procs and sometimes if i you spam the hell out of the key it won't work :p But if you do it just once it usually does, but needs some fixing to be honest.


But yeah, overall, my skills seem to be responding a lot faster than they usually did, i notice this specially when doing PvP, i can actually chain now several different skills and most of the time they will work as intended.

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