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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why would you ever want to be republic?


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Emo would complain about the state of the universe.


What I describe is shaping the universe as you see fit using your emotions.


Dark Jedi are emo, Dark Sith are black metal.


Hmm to me the choises of Dark Jedi seem more based on anger then grief. They remind me of some of the darker pieces by the band Pink Floyd.


Dark Sith remind me of gangzta rappers...all about waving about their big guns and fulfilling their childish dreams of power. There is nothing metal about Dark Sith.

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Once.. a long long time ago.. when WOW was born and Closed Beta was my life...


We had a discussion like this :p because everyone was playing Allies and only the Hardcore played HORDE!


Now 7 years have passed and the contrary happened :)


I went Darkside because I expected it to be the underdog side... however as it turned out it isn't quite that way.


As soon as I've the feeling I enjoyed my Sith enough I intend to start a Republic char and see how many Empires I can gank :)


Balance will be restored..




should have usesd SWG as a refernce not Wow. Imps outnumbered rebels on all servers there. Which is why I chose rebels (again) I prefer underdog. = When I pwn u, I PWNED U!


(for those who dont understand this is Sith version: I pwned u, meh, pwned u again.)

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Both wife and self also play imperial only because...sorry but Republic does seem lame to us even in the movies. There is no passion stuff etc, you know, makes us slightly sick.

(.as for age, mid twenties and mid thirties)

Edited by Valhingen
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The Imps are scared to join the Republic. If this game had a difficulty setting it would have 2; Empire (Normal) and Republic (Hard).


And I always play on the hardest difficulty when I play new games.


This made me laugh, best reply thus far.


Anyways, I played Empire up to 50 and almost hit valor rank 60 before I re-rolled. I quit Empire with a few other people and got sucked into my Republic toon. Reason? It's harder, more of a challenge, it opens more opportunities to Pvp and to world pvp. Sure, people who are pve carebears might find Republic boring due to the lack of LFG, but for pvpers...the queues are great, and there's plenty of Empire for the picking. The "mirroring" aspect needs some working on, however I haven't been outplayed by something like a small delay time. Unfair, but not enough of a deal breaker for me to not even consider rolling Repub.



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Hmm to me the choises of Dark Jedi seem more based on anger then grief. They remind me of some of the darker pieces by the band Pink Floyd.


Dark Sith remind me of gangzta rappers...all about waving about their big guns and fulfilling their childish dreams of power. There is nothing metal about Dark Sith.


There have been several Sith in the lore who do not simply "wave around their big guns".


There are many who simply desire to see an order to the universe. Since that order does not exist, they seek to create it.


An LE, NE and CE alignment can be much broader than the surface level analysis.


I prefer to see my Sith as Lawful Evil. He is about the perfection of combat. The honing of his rage into a surgical weapon. He cares not for power, or for glory, or for approval. He seeks only to become the personification of death. To be challenged so as to become better.


He is completely uninterested in the petty squabbling of Sith to control an Empire that will eventually fall (As all empires fall).


His scope of vision is broader.

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For shorter WZ queues. That's the only reason I rolled Republic.

But no, the classes are exactly the same, don't listen to the nabs QQing about empire being favoured, it's total BS.


Yeah, Imperial AoE-Slow being 9 seconds, while Republic one being 6 seconds, for 5 weeks now, it's "total BS". lol... They are fixing it with Patch 1.1.1, but this isnt the only issue.


Stop thinking, that you are the only smart or honest man in this forums...

Edited by Baudrillard
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Obvious troll is obvious.


Republic classes are mirror images of Empire classes, just with different animations.


That is not exactly correct. Some empire classes have slight advantages. Also, if you play Repblic now, you are forced to play against people who artificially inflated their stats exploiting Ilum.

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That is not exactly correct. Some empire classes have slight advantages. Also, if you play Repblic now, you are forced to play against people who artificially inflated their stats exploiting Ilum.


Considering most of the time Empire gets to play Empire vs Empire Huttball, we have to play against the same guys with the same gear.


It sucks, but you learn to deal.

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grouping with the likes of









tends to strain my sense of immersion?


I'd love to see a hall of champions in the Imperial bases with honorific statues for characters with names like










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That is not exactly correct. Some empire classes have slight advantages. Also, if you play Repblic now, you are forced to play against people who artificially inflated their stats exploiting Ilum.


That is balanced.


Fact: it takes more than 1 imp with higher stats and gear to defeat 1 member of the republic.

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I'd love to see a hall of champions in the Imperial bases with honorific statues for characters with names like











Is that really how bad non-RP servers are?


I play RP, and our names are mostly really good, but is your post accurate or an exaggeration of how bad regular PvP and PvE server names are?




And people wonder why I roll RP.

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I do find it hilarious how the only republic favored class difference is the only one being addresses in 1.1.1. The sage AoE heal one. Don't get me wrong, it needs to be fixed, but come on. Fix the rest of us, I'm not talking animation differences, actual number/functionality differences.
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I don't PVP in MMOs so it doesn't matter what side I play.


And if you don't know the answer to why you should never PVP in an MMO (versus a dedicated PVP type of game) then you shouldn't be asking about sides in the first place.

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