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swtor and mmorpgs


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how long have you been playing mmorpgs in general? how many mmorpgs have you played? and how would you rate swtor in terms of the fun your having?


please be honest! im merely trying to figure out if my boring experience in swtor is due to the game itself or if im just tired of mmorpgs in general because i've played alot and too much. :D

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how long have you been playing mmorpgs in general? how many mmorpgs have you played? and how would you rate swtor in terms of the fun your having?


please be honest! im merely trying to figure out if my boring experience in swtor is due to the game itself or if im just tired of mmorpgs in general because i've played alot and too much. :D


started in 99 with EQ then shadowbane, COH/COV, EQ2, WoW, AOC, POTBS, eve and rift. I find this game extremely fun.

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EQ 1: 1 month

Aion: 1 month

WOW: 7 years (heroic 25 raiders)



Currently playing both WoW (heroic dragon soul 25) and SWToR

I spend way more time in swtor, i only connect to WoW for raiding.

only 42 Vanguard, can't get enough, questing is a lot of fun. i don't feel bored at all

I quest, i craft and sell, run flashpoint, ...

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...im merely trying to figure out if my boring experience in swtor is due to the game itself or if im just tired of mmorpgs in general because i've played alot and too much. :D


and by listening to anonymous forum posters who more than likely are posting false information for the fun of it is going to help you how ?



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Green dragon (ages lol) that was text only (yes I go back a long way)

Several other MuDs (text only - too long ago to recall)


EQ (no idea how long - on and off)

WoW (7 years, still playing - 25 man raiding and alt levelling)

Rift - a year on and off


Enjoying this game so far (was on beta too) and play pretty much every day - would still like more alternatives to starting planets (or at least 2nd planets) soley for alt-levelling purposes.

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hadnt pld any mmo's until wow. pld wow and nearly 4 years of my life disappeared.


quit when wrath came out for nearly 2 years, came back in cata to see what had changed and quickly got bored again. cant bare to login.


enjoying tor at the mo :) its a nice change

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my sub is ending on the 26th! i don't know.. i just wanna give myself a reason to either resub or quit the game completely. i'm not really having as much fun in the game as I did on first few mmos but maybe because im not trying or maybe because its the game. i don't wanna quit just yet if it's not the games fault.
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DAOC 4 years.

WoW 5 years or so.

EVE 4 years.

LOTRO maybe 6 months.

Aion 1 month.

Planetside which is more of an MMO than swtor for maybe 1 year.

COH for like 3 months.

Diablo 2 for 5 years.

SWTOR 1 month finishing in 3 or 2 days.


As for playing swtor, I had fun, but no longer, the game was innovative in the questing part but absolutely nothing else. Son, I am disappoint.

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how long have you been playing mmorpgs in general? how many mmorpgs have you played? and how would you rate swtor in terms of the fun your having?


please be honest! im merely trying to figure out if my boring experience in swtor is due to the game itself or if im just tired of mmorpgs in general because i've played alot and too much. :D


I played MUDs, but not extensively. Mainly poked around with my dad.


Main MMORPGS I've played

Started with Ultima around 2000.

Anarchy Online around 2003

EVE online 2004 (and kept coming back)

Went to City of Heroes in 2005 ish (and I am still subbed)

Guild Wars 2006

Age of Conan and Warhammer 2008


I have also played for at least a few months:

Fallen Earth

Tabula Rasa


Champions Online


StarTrek Online


Everquest II



I haven't been bored yet in SWTOR. But I'm not sure what I will do when I get to 50. I am enjoying the different story lines, but that is the quality single player game design mostly. Teaming is cumbersome with the UI as is and lacks incentive except for Heroics. PvP is unbalanced or I have serious lag issues.

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DAOC 4 years.

WoW 5 years or so.

EVE 4 years.

LOTRO maybe 6 months.

Aion 1 month.

Planetside which is more of an MMO than swtor for maybe 1 year.

COH for like 3 months.

Diablo 2 for 5 years.

SWTOR 1 month finishing in 3 or 2 days.


As for playing swtor, I had fun, but no longer, the game was innovative in the questing part but absolutely nothing else. Son, I am disappoint.


If you had posted your long list of games, and short durations plaing most of them, it was obvious you were not going to stay at SWTRO long. I am not saying your a typical teenager QQer, its just you have found your niche and you will always compare this game against your favorites and pine for returning to your favorites.

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DAOC 4 years.

WoW 5 years or so.

EVE 4 years.

LOTRO maybe 6 months.

Aion 1 month.

Planetside which is more of an MMO than swtor for maybe 1 year.

COH for like 3 months.

Diablo 2 for 5 years.

SWTOR 1 month finishing in 3 or 2 days.


As for playing swtor, I had fun, but no longer, the game was innovative in the questing part but absolutely nothing else. Son, I am disappoint.


Diablo 2 isn't an MMO. :p


But I'm basicly with her in terms of games. Replace DAOC with EQ1, though.


Currently seeing the same patterns with any game. Quests are fun once, but the convos get dull after awhile. I could play DA1-2 / ME2 (eh... ME1...) several times because those amazing convos had consequences, this is just another way of deciding the outcome of a quest and now you'll never see them ever AGAIN.


I wanted that cathar chick to come kill me for threatening that child, or something... Maybe zombies come to kill me...


Also: Plot-twister in the smuggler quest = lame. >_>

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I don't remember what has been my very first MMO, could have been UO. But what first pops to my mind is my first contact with SWG: utterly boring! I couldn't think of a game more boring than SWG at that time :D Logged in during beta, somewhere in the desert of Tattooine with no intention where to go, what to do or any other players around. I ran up some dune, saw a village, found some villagers not responding to my greetings, logged off and didn't log back in until some couple of years later.


TOR I logged in and had fun the very first moment.

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Everquest,wow,aion,warhammer,champions,forsaken world,lotro,CoH,dc,Swg,loads more f2p and my favourite Faxion online (R.I.P) loved that game. Swtor is not bad at all,definatly up there with the better games of the bunch in regards of pve anyway.That said gone are the days of me being bothered with all that high end raiding nonsense so I am playing this as a more casual mmo.Definatley not the worst by far that easily goes to final fantasy 14. Edited by Karraway
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If you had posted your long list of games, and short durations plaing most of them, it was obvious you were not going to stay at SWTRO long. I am not saying your a typical teenager QQer, its just you have found your niche and you will always compare this game against your favorites and pine for returning to your favorites.


HAHAHAHAHA omg this is priceless, no mate I'm a 28 years old, married, and have a baby.


Let me add rift, for 3 months.


What I'm trying to say here, and I said it before, but obviously your not intelligent enough to read it, is that SWTOR DID NOT add anything new to the genre, thus, boring.

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I started with Ultima Online and since have have played just about every major MMORPG you could think off and more Indie games than you can shake a stick at.


I think of the many games I have played the ones that stand out are Star Wars Galaxies due mainly for its incredibly emersive community and probobly one of the most full featured MMO's in history. By the time it was closed it had more features than any 3 MMO's you could name.


Everquest 2 I really liked because it was a very challenging game, Its one of the few games I have played where I didn't feel like the developers where holding my hand through it, but fell into the themepark line of games.


Eve Online captured by attention for a long 5 years, easily one of the best MMO's on the market and I would play it still if I had not done just about everything you could do in the game 100 times. Even great games get boring after a while.


I found elements of Darkfall very interesting, certainly a complex game, but buggy with very poor developer support unfortunatly.


Warhammer Online is probobly the most recent game I played that actually did something that wasn't a complete copy of World of Warcraft. The realm vs. realm combat is reminiscent of another game I played plenty of Dark Age of Camelot, but I found the world hit closer to home with me as a Warhammer Miniatures player.


There have been a lot of games like Aion and Rift that probobly are great games but they used the same tired mechanic that World of Warcraft uses and as such just don't have much appeal anymore.


I liked SWOTR for the first month I played it but again like Aior and Rift it uses all the same formulas and mechanics as World of Warcraft, which itself was a repeat of games that came before it. Its just a very over used mechanic and frankly Im just tired of it so the sex appeal of SWOTR wore out rather quickly and like Aion and Rift at this point I don't think the developer can do anything with the game that would get me to resubscribe. If this game came out a decade ago it would have been a huge hit, but today.. its just another want to be success game that didn't really do anything that makes it stand out.


Its what I describe as a typical apple. It fell from the same tree as all the others and I have been eating apples for a long time. Someone needs to plant a different kind of fruit tree I think before these games will have any lasting appeal.

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Your not looking for an MMO


Your looking for a differant game format


I dunno what to suggest tbhas far as mmo's go this is as good as any, there aint no point playing the this is better than that game that comes down to personal choice


If your bored here your gonna be bored anywhere tbh

Edited by Mercia
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my sub is ending on the 26th! i don't know.. i just wanna give myself a reason to either resub or quit the game completely. i'm not really having as much fun in the game as I did on first few mmos but maybe because im not trying or maybe because its the game. i don't wanna quit just yet if it's not the games fault.


If you ever need a shoulder to cry on....

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I started my first MMO at the age of 18 in 1997 when I logged in to Ultima Online.


Played through most MMO's since then over the course of the past 15 years.


UO, EQ, DAoC, EQ2, WoW, AoC, Aion, WAR, Rift, DDO, Allods, Champions, CoH/V, DCUO and a few F2P titles I can barely remember.


As far as SW:TOR goes, it's an okay game.


It's not the best i've played, that was DAoC, but it's fun enough to fill in a bit of my spare time.


I have no major complaints apart from irritating raid frames that don't work properly.

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Been playing MMO'sn somewhere around 15 years now.

FFXI,EQ2,WoW,Lotro,DCUO,Rift, all the freebies in between and now this.

I spent the most time with FFXI and WoW out of all those mentioned.

I find this way better then any of them.

I don't feel like I'm grinding when I'm questing in fact I look forward to the next quest.


Story is something I always wished MMO's would have and my wish has been granted and done beyond my expectations. Swtor is by far the best MMO I've ever played.

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DAOC 4 years.


A fellow DAOC player!


I don't remember all the lengths of times but I got to end game and played Everquest for years, Dark age of Camelot for years(just stopped playing a few months ago!), Warhammer for two months, Age of Conan for about six months, World War2 online off and on for a few months, Eve Online for a about four months, DC Online for two months, Rift for a month, Aion for about seven months, Darkfall for about a week, Star trek online for about a month, and a few smaller titles.


I love and prefer pvp mmos. Not to mention, I'm a huge scifi and star wars nut. So leveling up this game was a lot of fun. Although, I was worried that the game would have a pve flair in regards to pvp. I got to illum the day after they changed it and I flat out love it. Its almost like ole Emain from DAOC. Its a blast. I hope they add more to it. So I'm really enjoying going out to big boy pvp. I'm not bored. I do get tired of the complaints from those new to pvp or former wow players who have limited experience in mmos thinking every game should be simple and easy like that one.

Edited by DarthHarlem
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