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Boba Fett and Jango Fett vs 2 Predators


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Trandoshans are nothing like Yautja. Yautja don't believe in a "Score Keeper", they believe in a Death God who, for them, takes the form of the Alien Queens. Tran's will hunt anything and don't care who knows, are not all that secret about it (unless they're kidnapping Jedi Younglings), and have no qualms about picking off unarmed targets. Yautja will not fight an unarmed opponent with a plasmacaster or any other ranged weapon. They do their best to match their opponents, which is hard since they're the top dogs of their universe.


Yautja are also 7ft tall around or taller, and their physical strength makes Peak Human look weak. Seriously, they're super-human. SW fans have gone on about Wookiees ripping limbs off. Yautja would rip a wookiee in half and tear its spine out from its back in 0.7sec. Also, Yautja are extremely resilient beings. Their skin is very tough. Most small arms fire won't hurt them (It'll stick, but all damage is superficial). Another thing is that they are VERY skilled. They know how to be silent when needed. The more experience Yautja can move without sound, even in all their heavy plate armor and equipment. For such large creatures, that's damn impressive. Nvm their innate heat resistance. Boilers at over 400degrees is warm enough for them to lay bareback against to warm themselves up after being out in -70 weather.


Technologically speaking, Trandoshan's don't even compare. The Smartdisc is essentially like a flying vibroblade that can hit multiple targets at distance and return to the Yautja's hand. The Plasmacaster can auto-target if the Yautja wants it to. Plus, Yautja have better traps. Like those laser-grid mines in AVP:R. Xenomorph got tossed through it and was diced to pieces. And gotta love the Netgun. You get stuck in that and it keeps getting tighter and tighter until the mesh wires cut through your body and turn you into kibble.


Honestly, you don't screw with a Predator.

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Being an avid Predator fan, I can assume it would come close.

The first thing you need to think is, are we talking about Elite Predators or your everyday predator that we see in most movies?


Predator 1 = Everyday predator

Predator 2 = Everyday predator



lore, some of them are far superior in both, speed, tactics and tech. While I don't really like those movies, the AVP predators were a lot stronger and faster than old 80s version. AVP 1 was just a juvenile predator working on gaining the title. AVP2, you get to see a more powerful one. Now, if you look at it this way, The Fetts are both elites of the elites.


It's only fair to match them with another group of elites. Now only in comics and books do we actually see those so called elites and perhaps in the games?


2 elites versus 2 elites


I have to go with Predators.


Just the Disk is enough to hit a Fett in mid air. It has tracking abilities plus an amazing amount of speed. If there's no obstacles around, that thing will hit its mark.


Shoulder Canon does not just make holes in an armor. It also make things go BOOM.


So a fett dodges a shoulder canon blast... what now? he's pushed back by the force of the explosion. Second predator comes in with a net and voila, one fett down.


In my opinion, unless the pistol and rocket really hits hard, nothing will stop the predator.

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First off, Trandoshans DO have some sort of code... If you think that they will attack unarmed/defenseless people, then maybe you should try playing the Consular storyline... because one of the first fights you get into (have a chance to not get into, but if you go Dark Side, it results in a fight)... Qyzen is there, and REFUSES to help you in the fight, because, "These targets are too soft, there are no points" and will watch you get your butt handed to you, or watch you win... either way, They are too weak, and he would easily beat them...


Basically, that means, they are defenseless against him... May as well have said, "There is no honor in killing kids/butterflies/rabbits(non-monty python ones)/etc" And this holds true in every instance where a normal Trandoshan is found... Even Bossk had honor, and stuck to his code of gathering points: Han was considered a very dangerous target, and very difficult to catch/kill...


Trandoshans stand an average of 6-6.5 Ft tall, have extremely tough scaly skin (that would repel most small arms as well), Since we have no way to actually compare the REAL strengths of the Yautja vs a Wookie we have no way of saying what one would or would not do to anything/anyone... but I do know in the universe that Yautja exist, it is considered a bragging right to say you beat one in any form of combat (all held equally)... while in the SW universe, the Trandoshans have the exact same thing, people of tremendous strength are usually bested by the Trandoshans who are even stronger, so if you ever beat one you have a bragging right... Wookies, on the other hand, are NOT as strong as Trandoshans, they have slightly more manual dexterity than Trandoshans but that is only because they don't have talons on their fingers... (I think that gives a bit of an edge to the Trandoshans personally... having talons at the expense of a tiny fraction of manual dexterity?)


Their natural eyes can see depply into the infrared spectrum, and as 'Star Wars' reptiles (READ: Not Normal Reptiles), they can deal with extreme sub-zero environments (like Hoth Day-Cycle) on up to Extreme Warm Temps (although probably not nearly like what the Yautja can deal with)... Btw, here is the description of the Yautja: "Yautja are best classified as therapsids (sometimes called mammal-like reptiles), this means that they are reptilian creatures that are warm blooded" Sound Familiar? Not Normal Reptiles??


as a Star Wars species, this so far seems like a very close match (unless you are a Predator Fanboi, and then no one will ever prove to you that ANY species in any universe is any match for them, hence Fanboi)...


As for fun technology? Awesome, you mean kind of like, who all could be ironman? Oh, Anyone could be Ironman?? Why? Because it is the suit that makes him what he is... without the suit, he is just a brilliant human. Same with tech in Star Wars vs Predator. Yeah, the Yautja have some great gizmos... give em to someone else for a decade or so to master like they did, and it wouldn't matter... the natural ability of the race is what matters.


On another note: The Technology of the Yautja is not common place, not even among Yautja. They go on their first hunt to become blooded and that's pretty much it. As the continue to hunt, they gain access to higher levels of tech yes... but most of what we know of their tech is actually fairly rare... The combi-stick, the smart disk, plasmacaster... Those are weapons that only the best of the best get to use. May as well say the same about Trandoshans, they get access to more tech the better they are (duh) and the best of the best get access to the best stuff (again, duh)


In the Star Wars universe, Trandoshans are about the closest you get to the Yautja.

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First off, Trandoshans DO have some sort of code... If you think that they will attack unarmed/defenseless people, then maybe you should try playing the Consular storyline... because one of the first fights you get into (have a chance to not get into, but if you go Dark Side, it results in a fight)... Qyzen is there, and REFUSES to help you in the fight, because, "These targets are too soft, there are no points" and will watch you get your butt handed to you, or watch you win... either way, They are too weak, and he would easily beat them...


Basically, that means, they are defenseless against him... May as well have said, "There is no honor in killing kids/butterflies/rabbits(non-monty python ones)/etc" And this holds true in every instance where a normal Trandoshan is found... Even Bossk had honor, and stuck to his code of gathering points: Han was considered a very dangerous target, and very difficult to catch/kill...


Trandoshans stand an average of 6-6.5 Ft tall, have extremely tough scaly skin (that would repel most small arms as well), Since we have no way to actually compare the REAL strengths of the Yautja vs a Wookie we have no way of saying what one would or would not do to anything/anyone... but I do know in the universe that Yautja exist, it is considered a bragging right to say you beat one in any form of combat (all held equally)... while in the SW universe, the Trandoshans have the exact same thing, people of tremendous strength are usually bested by the Trandoshans who are even stronger, so if you ever beat one you have a bragging right... Wookies, on the other hand, are NOT as strong as Trandoshans, they have slightly more manual dexterity than Trandoshans but that is only because they don't have talons on their fingers... (I think that gives a bit of an edge to the Trandoshans personally... having talons at the expense of a tiny fraction of manual dexterity?)


Their natural eyes can see depply into the infrared spectrum, and as 'Star Wars' reptiles (READ: Not Normal Reptiles), they can deal with extreme sub-zero environments (like Hoth Day-Cycle) on up to Extreme Warm Temps (although probably not nearly like what the Yautja can deal with)... Btw, here is the description of the Yautja: "Yautja are best classified as therapsids (sometimes called mammal-like reptiles), this means that they are reptilian creatures that are warm blooded" Sound Familiar? Not Normal Reptiles??


as a Star Wars species, this so far seems like a very close match (unless you are a Predator Fanboi, and then no one will ever prove to you that ANY species in any universe is any match for them, hence Fanboi)...


As for fun technology? Awesome, you mean kind of like, who all could be ironman? Oh, Anyone could be Ironman?? Why? Because it is the suit that makes him what he is... without the suit, he is just a brilliant human. Same with tech in Star Wars vs Predator. Yeah, the Yautja have some great gizmos... give em to someone else for a decade or so to master like they did, and it wouldn't matter... the natural ability of the race is what matters.


On another note: The Technology of the Yautja is not common place, not even among Yautja. They go on their first hunt to become blooded and that's pretty much it. As the continue to hunt, they gain access to higher levels of tech yes... but most of what we know of their tech is actually fairly rare... The combi-stick, the smart disk, plasmacaster... Those are weapons that only the best of the best get to use. May as well say the same about Trandoshans, they get access to more tech the better they are (duh) and the best of the best get access to the best stuff (again, duh)


In the Star Wars universe, Trandoshans are about the closest you get to the Yautja.


What? Wookies are stronger then a Trandoshan its stated so.


"Though physically powerful, they were outmatched by their rivals, the Wookiees, in unarmed combat"

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What? Wookies are stronger then a Trandoshan its stated so.


"Though physically powerful, they were outmatched by their rivals, the Wookiees, in unarmed combat"


Though Arnold (AHnold) is way more physically powerful than Jet Li... I am almost certain, Jet Li would OWN AHnold...


Physical Strength != Winning in Unarmed Combat

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Though Arnold (AHnold) is way more physically powerful than Jet Li... I am almost certain, Jet Li would OWN AHnold...


Physical Strength != Winning in Unarmed Combat


Dutch's brother has defeated a Yautja in physical combat but Yautja are far stronger than he is. Another example.

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Though Arnold (AHnold) is way more physically powerful than Jet Li... I am almost certain, Jet Li would OWN AHnold...


Physical Strength != Winning in Unarmed Combat


You seem to have missed they are outmatched by a Wookiee in unarmed combat, meaning their strength is less then that of a Wookiees. If a Wookiee and Trandoshan arm wrestled, pretty sure the Wookiee would win. I'm talking about straight physical strength, which you stated that Trandoshans are stronger then a Wookiee when they are not.

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You seem to have missed they are outmatched by a Wookiee in unarmed combat, meaning their strength is less then that of a Wookiees. If a Wookiee and Trandoshan arm wrestled, pretty sure the Wookiee would win.


See the post above yours... Unarmed Combat also != Arm Wrestling...


Unarmed Combat:



Types of Unarmed Combat:

Wrestling (not Arm)



Wing Chun


Kung Fu




How many of those are about Physical Strength? How many are about technique (which has more to do with dexterity than strength)?


So, if the Trandoshan and the Wookie were to step into a Boxing Ring, then maybe we would see an application of strength vs dexterity, otherwise, no... almost every single form of unarmed combat is more about dexterity of the user, and according to Lucas, the tiny bit of extra manual dexterity the wookie has, is enough to make up for being stronger and having natural weapons (like Talons on your hands and feet)...

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Dutch's brother has defeated a Yautja in physical combat but Yautja are far stronger than he is. Another example.


That's untrue. John didn't win so much as the Pred tripped over a ledge and fell down onto a fallen tree in such a manner that a jagged branch impaled it just under its armor. John Schaeffer was getting his behind handed to him. That was sheer luck on his part. And in the minute or two it took him to climb down to where the body had been, it was already collected with all evidence removed by the other Yautja who were supervising the Hunt. Nvm that the one that died wasn't the same Yautja that'd jammed that tag into John's neck, the only that rip out his throat if he tried to remove it and kill him.


And those were all Un-Blooded who were being tested. The entire Clan was watching everything that was going on overhead. At least a dozen ships, if not more, were in the sky watching the hunt going on, completely invisible and undetectable without the Yautja's helmet.


Jango and Boba are not all that great. Their fanbases are greater than they are. As for Qyzen, that really doesn't count. That's a Singular Trandoshan 3500yrs prior to the latter timeline. Go watch Clone Wars. Don't care if you don't like it. Buncha Trandoshans captured Jedi Younglings who weren't trained enough to be a serious threat and had no weapons to speak of, stuck'em on a planet they couldn't escape from, and hunted them down. Their own solace was meeting Ahsoka who was caught under the believe she was Only a Youngling. Bad move on their part. That and dropping in Chewbacca. Basically, the majority of Trandoshans are not all that honorable.

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That's untrue. John didn't win so much as the Pred tripped over a ledge and fell down onto a fallen tree in such a manner that a jagged branch impaled it just under its armor. John Schaeffer was getting his behind handed to him. That was sheer luck on his part. And in the minute or two it took him to climb down to where the body had been, it was already collected with all evidence removed by the other Yautja who were supervising the Hunt. Nvm that the one that died wasn't the same Yautja that'd jammed that tag into John's neck, the only that rip out his throat if he tried to remove it and kill him.


And those were all Un-Blooded who were being tested. The entire Clan was watching everything that was going on overhead. At least a dozen ships, if not more, were in the sky watching the hunt going on, completely invisible and undetectable without the Yautja's helmet.


Jango and Boba are not all that great. Their fanbases are greater than they are. As for Qyzen, that really doesn't count. That's a Singular Trandoshan 3500yrs prior to the latter timeline. Go watch Clone Wars. Don't care if you don't like it. Buncha Trandoshans captured Jedi Younglings who weren't trained enough to be a serious threat and had no weapons to speak of, stuck'em on a planet they couldn't escape from, and hunted them down. Their own solace was meeting Ahsoka who was caught under the believe she was Only a Youngling. Bad move on their part. That and dropping in Chewbacca. Basically, the majority of Trandoshans are not all that honorable.


John fought Predators on multiple occasions. Point being that he was able to go toe to toe with a Predator in hand to hand combat. At any rate I never claimed Boba and Jango could take the upper class of predators. Stated that awhile back as well. Just inf humans from our planet with our tech have defeated Unbloodeds then they most certainly will defeat mos unbloodeds and probably recent bloodeds. I never compared the two fett's against the top tier Yautja for very obvious reasons.


The upper echelons of Yautja are one man armies.

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See the post above yours... Unarmed Combat also != Arm Wrestling...


Unarmed Combat:



Types of Unarmed Combat:

Wrestling (not Arm)



Wing Chun


Kung Fu




How many of those are about Physical Strength? How many are about technique (which has more to do with dexterity than strength)?


So, if the Trandoshan and the Wookie were to step into a Boxing Ring, then maybe we would see an application of strength vs dexterity, otherwise, no... almost every single form of unarmed combat is more about dexterity of the user, and according to Lucas, the tiny bit of extra manual dexterity the wookie has, is enough to make up for being stronger and having natural weapons (like Talons on your hands and feet)...


If you didn't strip my post, you would see I was talking about physical strength only. Not none of this fighting style crap, just raw strength.

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John fought Predators on multiple occasions. Point being that he was able to go toe to toe with a Predator in hand to hand combat. At any rate I never claimed Boba and Jango could take the upper class of predators. Stated that awhile back as well. Just inf humans from our planet with our tech have defeated Unbloodeds then they most certainly will defeat mos unbloodeds and probably recent bloodeds. I never compared the two fett's against the top tier Yautja for very obvious reasons.


The upper echelons of Yautja are one man armies.


Point being; you're lying. I've read the novels. He wasn't going toe-to-toe with them. He was barely sc****** by. And John had Foreknowledge because Dutch had warmed him about what he had learned. John's first encounter was in Chicago. The 2nd time was in Siberia, where the Preds weren't even hunting for sport, they were looking for parts they could use to fix their ship. Did Predators die while he was around? Yes, because he's the main Protagonist. His job is to survive. How many other people died? Dozens. By the 2nd time around, John did not just have foreknowledge, but he had Experience. Most aren't nearly that lucky. That second time he also had the Russian government supplying him with gear and sending in a team with him for the purpose of hunting the Preds down. Most of'em still died, even with John's assistance.


Ever read "South China Sea"? One Yautja, kills every armed figure on a pirate transport ship, then goes to an island with dozens more of highly trained and heavily armed people guarding it with everything from machine guns to rocket launchers and other very vicious weapons. This one Veteran killed just about everyone, including other animals that were on the island specifically to be hunted (by human tourists). It took the one guy who had full knowledge of the Yautja pulling a kamikaze move to take the Vet out as it was leaving on its ship, being caught and inside it, by using a bomb he had inside his own body.


Put it like this. You get one Predator who isn't screwing around, and John, Dutch, Harrigan and co, all get killed off because Plot-Protection no longer applies.

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Point being; you're lying. I've read the novels. He wasn't going toe-to-toe with them. He was barely sc****** by. And John had Foreknowledge because Dutch had warmed him about what he had learned. John's first encounter was in Chicago. The 2nd time was in Siberia, where the Preds weren't even hunting for sport, they were looking for parts they could use to fix their ship. Did Predators die while he was around? Yes, because he's the main Protagonist. His job is to survive. How many other people died? Dozens. By the 2nd time around, John did not just have foreknowledge, but he had Experience. Most aren't nearly that lucky. That second time he also had the Russian government supplying him with gear and sending in a team with him for the purpose of hunting the Preds down. Most of'em still died, even with John's assistance.


Ever read "South China Sea"? One Yautja, kills every armed figure on a pirate transport ship, then goes to an island with dozens more of highly trained and heavily armed people guarding it with everything from machine guns to rocket launchers and other very vicious weapons. This one Veteran killed just about everyone, including other animals that were on the island specifically to be hunted (by human tourists). It took the one guy who had full knowledge of the Yautja pulling a kamikaze move to take the Vet out as it was leaving on its ship, being caught and inside it, by using a bomb he had inside his own body.


Put it like this. You get one Predator who isn't screwing around, and John, Dutch, Harrigan and co, all get killed off because Plot-Protection no longer applies.


WHAT!....Dutch dies? :(...That makes me sad.

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WHAT!....Dutch dies? :(...That makes me sad.


No, I'm saying you take away Plot-Protection, and Pred kills everyone. That's what'd happen. Dutch dies eventually, because he's human and he gets old. Officially he left military service. Unofficially he went underground, sold secrets, used black market deals, learned as much about the Yautja as he could, stopped using his real named and just came to be known as Onyx, becoming an information broken of sorts and dealing with 'mysterious' findings of unknown origin.


The only Human in the AVP series who could legitimately face off with one is Machiko Noguchi. She assisted Dachande in taking out an Alien Queen and in his last moments, marked her with his clan symbol. For about 2yrs she'd be taken in by them and trained by the Yautja. They didn't treat her nicely. To them she was small and fragile, an ooman, or "Soft Meat". However, Machiko had previous martial training beforehand, and incorporated the Yautja styles on top of that. Add in she could use their equipment, and being smaller than them she could move rather quickly, and Machiko turned into a beast all her own. When Colonial Marines saw her move and fight, they thought she was a Combat Synthetic due to her speed, agility and abilities. They had no idea she was Human.


Machiko had been given a Yautja name by Dachande before he died, calling her Dahdtoudi, meaning "Small Knife". An accurate term, and a deadly one.

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You seem to have missed they are outmatched by a Wookiee in unarmed combat, meaning their strength is less then that of a Wookiees. If a Wookiee and Trandoshan arm wrestled, pretty sure the Wookiee would win. I'm talking about straight physical strength, which you stated that Trandoshans are stronger then a Wookiee when they are not.


Let's try this again, please go back and read your post... apparently you forgot what you typed, because I did not strip ANYTHING. I hit quote, and started typing...


You are missing basic definitions... Unarmed Combat is not defined as "Let's smack each other as hard as we can until one of us dies", The reason I listed all of those different forms of UNARMED COMBAT is to illustrate that it is most often NOT about who is stronger, but who is more dexterous, hence the full quote,


"Each of their four limbs ended in three razor sharp claws, which although perfect for combat, they did not grant them manual dexterity, making a Trandoshan's finger movements somewhat clumsy and awkward. Though physically powerful, they were outmatched by their rivals, the Wookiees, in unarmed combat."


That means, that even though they were STRONGER, the LACK of manual dexterity on par with the Wookies caused them to lose most of the Unarmed Combat confrontations.


Unarmed Combat != Strength contest, unless you are a complete neanderthal who insists on just grabbing a rock or tree branch and beating each other senseless... which Neither Trandoshans or Wookies are, instead they each have different fighting styles and techniques they learn as they grow up...


Insisting that any unarmed combats that take place between the two would be anything remotely like a pure strength contest, is insisting that both races are stuck in the stone age, or mentally retarded in some fashion... Since they both are known for using blaster-type weaponry, techblades/vibrosword tech, and piloting space craft... I am pretty sure it cannot be either of those things. So, unarmed combat between them would involve all sorts of different things, not just strength.

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Id probably go for preds due to cloaking and infa-red vision


But if Karen Traviss wrote it the Fetts would win with one shot as soon as the fight started


My brother had the best thought I think I have heard, "There wouldn't be a winner. The Fetts would most likely 'win' overall, but the Predators would then activate a self destruct device and kill both of them as well, seeing as the jetpacks can only carry them so far, and most likely would have been severely damaged (big surprise there), so the fetts would most likely die in the explosion."

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Point being; you're lying. I've read the novels. He wasn't going toe-to-toe with them. He was barely sc****** by. And John had Foreknowledge because Dutch had warmed him about what he had learned. John's first encounter was in Chicago. The 2nd time was in Siberia, where the Preds weren't even hunting for sport, they were looking for parts they could use to fix their ship. Did Predators die while he was around? Yes, because he's the main Protagonist. His job is to survive. How many other people died? Dozens. By the 2nd time around, John did not just have foreknowledge, but he had Experience. Most aren't nearly that lucky. That second time he also had the Russian government supplying him with gear and sending in a team with him for the purpose of hunting the Preds down. Most of'em still died, even with John's assistance.


Ever read "South China Sea"? One Yautja, kills every armed figure on a pirate transport ship, then goes to an island with dozens more of highly trained and heavily armed people guarding it with everything from machine guns to rocket launchers and other very vicious weapons. This one Veteran killed just about everyone, including other animals that were on the island specifically to be hunted (by human tourists). It took the one guy who had full knowledge of the Yautja pulling a kamikaze move to take the Vet out as it was leaving on its ship, being caught and inside it, by using a bomb he had inside his own body.


Put it like this. You get one Predator who isn't screwing around, and John, Dutch, Harrigan and co, all get killed off because Plot-Protection no longer applies.


Barely sc****** by is still surviving. He did not just "die" in hand to hand combat. I also have no doubt the Fetts would annihilate Dutch in hand to hand combat. As incredible as dutch is I don't see him going hand to hand against people who can enhance their speed/reflexes with the force and foresee his moves and still beating them in hand to hand combat. Not my point. My point is people with our technology have taken them. Then you go on to point out what happened versus a Veteran Yautja. I'm not comparing Jango to a veteran. I said that many times. An elite Yautja, veteran, or what have you will destroy Jango Fett. I admitted this as well. My comment has always been "An unblooded or very recently blooded would probably lose to Jango." Jango can take out an entire group of modern day humans as well. Very easily. I wouldn't doubt Jango can take out an entire base of humans in our day and age.


Boba is overrated. However, Jango has a history of killing Jedi. Human beings with precognition skills that enable them to block blaster bolts. People who have the power and ability to defeat superior forces rather easily with only a melee weapon. People that can foresee the future and even use powers. Jango is no slouch. Out of trillions of inhabitants he was the best bounty hunter out there. That's no small feat. I've seen nothing from unbloodeds to make me think "There's no way Jango can take this guy."

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Since I have been behind the whole "It is the tech that would determine it", here is another item to throw in there... Mandalorian Iron... Both the Fetts use armor made of Folded Mandalorian Iron, which has the property of being almost complete impervious to even Light Sabers.


I would think that this armor would make most of the Predators attacks rendered harmless, seeing as the only items a predator might carry that can remotely seem as powerful as a Light Saber, are the Plasmacaster and the self-destruct device... Every other toy they have wouldn't do more than maybe scratch their armor, while we have seen that the predators ARE vulnerable to simple gunfire, explosives, and more... All of which the Fetts repeatedly make use of.

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As incredible as dutch is I don't see him going hand to hand against people who can enhance their speed/reflexes with the force and foresee his moves and still beating them in hand to hand combat. Not my point. My point is people with our technology have taken them.


Thing is, you're missing something. Dutch didn't go toe-to-toe with the Pred in HTH. Yes, it came to fisticuffs, because the Predator allowed itself to go that way. And were Dutch's blows effective? No. Not even remotely. Dutch punched the Predator in the jaw to zero effect. All it did was twitch its mandible, then b****slap Dutch more than several feet away. What you miss is that Arnie is Plot-Protected. Meaning, even when the Predator has a thousand instances where it can kill Dutch in any number of ways, it won't do it because Dutch is meant to win, because the Plot dictates it.


Dutch is a strong guy. He lifted the back of a truck without too much effort and sent it rolling. However, as strong as Dutch is, it's like an infant trying to hurt an adult with its flailing baby arms. It gets annoying, but is otherwise ineffective. Hence why Dutch had to resort to using traps that Specifically did not require technology to put together or use metals that could be detected.


Now, you say guys with modern tech level have killed Predators. Yes, that has happened. More often than not though, dozens more die before the Main Character can get the job done. And in general it had nothing to do with Our Tech, so much as either; A) Using non-tech tools/objects to win. B) Acquiring a Predators weapon to use against it. or C) The military drops a nuke on the location.


In a sense, the more advanced you are, the easier it is for the Yautja to find you, hunt you down and kill you. They can detect it, analyze it, and know what to guard against.


Boba is overrated. However, Jango has a history of killing Jedi. Human beings with precognition skills that enable them to block blaster bolts. People who have the power and ability to defeat superior forces rather easily with only a melee weapon. People that can foresee the future and even use powers. Jango is no slouch. Out of trillions of inhabitants he was the best bounty hunter out there. That's no small feat. I've seen nothing from unbloodeds to make me think "There's no way Jango can take this guy."


Do you know how many other people in SW have killed Jedi and not had Force Powers of their own? Dozens. Jango is not special in that regard. HK-47 did it, Grievous did it, 3rd rate Space Pirates did it, other Mandalorians have as well, and if you include the IA story, they have as well. You give jedi precog far too much credit.


As for Unblooded Yautja, they are anywhere from 40-100yrs old. That's considered Young. They are taken on dozens of hunts regulated and supervised by their clans and Blooded Warriors to teach them and make them learn. They have to hunt against Kainde Amedha, or ""Hard Meat", the Xenomorphs. Creatures that are incredibly silent and stealthy, that can move without nary a sound and are undetectable in most vision spectrums. Creatures that've been the death of tens of thousands of Yautja throughout the galaxy, possibly millions or more throughout their history. Creatures that have covered entire planets.


AVP was just one such way an Unblooded can earn his mark and be recognized as a Blooded Hunter, which allows him to hunt on his own or lead hunts for those who have yet to become Blooded. Yautja live for centuries, to thousands or even tens of thousands of years. Only a handful are considered amongst the Ancients and many Yautja do not survive within their society. Despite innumerable numbers of Clans and having been scouring the universe since before human civilization, many Young do not pass their trials and are killed. That's simply the way of life.


Now, certainly you saw AVP, and you know what happens when things go wrong. And in the event the Xeno population is too great, or the risk of their existence being known to an intelligent species is too great, they will use their wristbombs to erase all evidence with a final act of honor.


Since I have been behind the whole "It is the tech that would determine it", here is another item to throw in there... Mandalorian Iron... Both the Fetts use armor made of Folded Mandalorian Iron, which has the property of being almost complete impervious to even Light Sabers.


Except it hasn't been proven with them, nor does it mean anything against the materials and weapons used by the Yautja. Nvm that the only way for Mando Iron to really stop a lightsaber is to be thick enough to disipate the plasma. It won't work against Preds for several reasons. One of which is they don't use lightsabers, and their Plasmacasters don't just hit with energy, but concussive force as well. So, even assuming it was possibly for the Fetts armor to withstand A Plasmabolt from them, the impact would still send them tumbling.


From what I've seen in SW, their armors always tend to fair poorly against a more Solid, Physical weapon. To which, the Yautja carry numerous such items with them at all times. The most common being Wristblades and the combistick (a telescopic spear). They also have the Smartdisc which, as said, is akin to a flying vibroblade with a guidance system, making it incredibly accurate and violently effective. There is little doubt that any of the Yautja's weapons would punch right through the Fetts armor. One throw of the combistick could stick Boba and Jango bodily to a wall and dangling off their feet. It's been done. And Speargun bolts have been known to remove limbs from the velocity at which they're fired.

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Thing is, you're missing something. Dutch didn't go toe-to-toe with the Pred in HTH. Yes, it came to fisticuffs, because the Predator allowed itself to go that way. And were Dutch's blows effective? No. Not even remotely. Dutch punched the Predator in the jaw to zero effect. All it did was twitch its mandible, then b****slap Dutch more than several feet away. What you miss is that Arnie is Plot-Protected. Meaning, even when the Predator has a thousand instances where it can kill Dutch in any number of ways, it won't do it because Dutch is meant to win, because the Plot dictates it.


Dutch is a strong guy. He lifted the back of a truck without too much effort and sent it rolling. However, as strong as Dutch is, it's like an infant trying to hurt an adult with its flailing baby arms. It gets annoying, but is otherwise ineffective. Hence why Dutch had to resort to using traps that Specifically did not require technology to put together or use metals that could be detected.


Now, you say guys with modern tech level have killed Predators. Yes, that has happened. More often than not though, dozens more die before the Main Character can get the job done. And in general it had nothing to do with Our Tech, so much as either; A) Using non-tech tools/objects to win. B) Acquiring a Predators weapon to use against it. or C) The military drops a nuke on the location.


In a sense, the more advanced you are, the easier it is for the Yautja to find you, hunt you down and kill you. They can detect it, analyze it, and know what to guard against.




Do you know how many other people in SW have killed Jedi and not had Force Powers of their own? Dozens. Jango is not special in that regard. HK-47 did it, Grievous did it, 3rd rate Space Pirates did it, other Mandalorians have as well, and if you include the IA story, they have as well. You give jedi precog far too much credit.


As for Unblooded Yautja, they are anywhere from 40-100yrs old. That's considered Young. They are taken on dozens of hunts regulated and supervised by their clans and Blooded Warriors to teach them and make them learn. They have to hunt against Kainde Amedha, or ""Hard Meat", the Xenomorphs. Creatures that are incredibly silent and stealthy, that can move without nary a sound and are undetectable in most vision spectrums. Creatures that've been the death of tens of thousands of Yautja throughout the galaxy, possibly millions or more throughout their history. Creatures that have covered entire planets.


AVP was just one such way an Unblooded can earn his mark and be recognized as a Blooded Hunter, which allows him to hunt on his own or lead hunts for those who have yet to become Blooded. Yautja live for centuries, to thousands or even tens of thousands of years. Only a handful are considered amongst the Ancients and many Yautja do not survive within their society. Despite innumerable numbers of Clans and having been scouring the universe since before human civilization, many Young do not pass their trials and are killed. That's simply the way of life.


Now, certainly you saw AVP, and you know what happens when things go wrong. And in the event the Xeno population is too great, or the risk of their existence being known to an intelligent species is too great, they will use their wristbombs to erase all evidence with a final act of honor.




Except it hasn't been proven with them, nor does it mean anything against the materials and weapons used by the Yautja. Nvm that the only way for Mando Iron to really stop a lightsaber is to be thick enough to disipate the plasma. It won't work against Preds for several reasons. One of which is they don't use lightsabers, and their Plasmacasters don't just hit with energy, but concussive force as well. So, even assuming it was possibly for the Fetts armor to withstand A Plasmabolt from them, the impact would still send them tumbling.


From what I've seen in SW, their armors always tend to fair poorly against a more Solid, Physical weapon. To which, the Yautja carry numerous such items with them at all times. The most common being Wristblades and the combistick (a telescopic spear). They also have the Smartdisc which, as said, is akin to a flying vibroblade with a guidance system, making it incredibly accurate and violently effective. There is little doubt that any of the Yautja's weapons would punch right through the Fetts armor. One throw of the combistick could stick Boba and Jango bodily to a wall and dangling off their feet. It's been done. And Speargun bolts have been known to remove limbs from the velocity at which they're fired.


Padawans have died to pirates. It usually takes far superior numbers to kill a Jedi (much like with the average predator) or someone of sufficient skill. Grievous killed Jedi. That is true but he was enhanced with cyborg parts that could withstand blasters and lightsabers (except the weaker joints.) Grievous was also enhanced with much quicker reflexes, far more strength, his limbs could move in ways that a human's cannot. He was also able to leap extreme distances and was trained by Dooku who is one of the best duelists the Jedi order has ever seen. Not to mention he has four arms.


Jango has defeated Jedi one on one. Including Jedi masters with very little difficulty. He struggled against Obi Wan Kenobi because he was one of the top Jedi in the order. Not the very best but he was rather close. Still, he was able to go toe to toe with him. I don't see why you think the combi stick and the likes can pierce Jango's armor so easily when Vibroswords were ineffective against his armor. You'd have to prove why the predator's bladed weaponry is superior to vibroswords if you're going to make this argument.


Jedi masters are very well capable of destroying quite a bit of opponents. They say a single jedi knight is worth around 35 clone troopers with masters counting up for even more than that. You point out that Jedi have lost to pirates but name pirates who, while not having the force or severe cybernetic implants, have defeated multiple jedi KNIGHTS in hand to hand combat. This is much different than "15+ guys managed to kill a Jedi all of them using weaponry and explosives."


You're really not giving Jango enough credit. I know the fanboys blow him out of proportion but the fact is he's deadlier than any non force sensitive human. He can put up a fight against Jedi masters and even kill them and defeat Jedi with his BARE HANDS. Not to mention I don't consider the Predator movies Canon. Most fans don't and consider the movies pretty horrid. The first movie was loosely based off the graphic novel. Which is much superior to the movie. In the comics and graphic novels, while powerful, the Yautja cannot toss a Xenomorph around like a rag doll. The Xenomorph's are physically stronger than the Predator and more resilient.


Personally I'm not going to get into just exactly what the recent movies got wrong but needless to say it's huge. They both get things wrong in favor for and against the Yautja. Again, there's nothing I've seen from recently blooded and young blooded Yautja that lead me to believe Jango doesn't stand a chance. On the contrary. I think he can readily beat them. Again, this is comparing him to unblooded/recently blooded.

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Wait a second....if were using Boba and Jango who are elite bounty hunters....why are we not using the most elite predators? Seeing as it seems unblooded/recently doesn't seem to be the elite of the elite Predators, so therefore this match is slightly one sided. Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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