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Serious thread: Defenders of the UI, how can you justify it?


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So this was originally going to be in another thread but I figured that thread was probably going to disappear soon enough anyway so I'll just start a new one. I am by the way hoping the moderator won't remove this because this is not really meant to flame I am merely interested in trying to understand their mind. So here goes:


Note: By user interface I mean for example customization of bars, healthbars, scaling etc... But not refering to LFG-tools or Damage-meter tools.


You'd think that Bioware that have observed so much of WoW, that they would've realized during their development just how important the user interface is for the players. Not to mention that since Blizzard really did get it right with the UI, Bioware really just had it all laid out in front of them, the template, concepts, design or whatever, it was all there, ready to be copied.


Actual gameplay concepts are "borrowed" very heavily from WoW in the latest mainstream mmorpgs. Whether you like or dislike that, is not the point but even if you do dislike that, I don't think you'd oppose a game borrowing ideas related to user interface design because, well, there really is nothing negative about it.



The UI is incredibly restricted and it's clear that the UI really haven't been a big focus. Browsing through loads of threads, I see many defending this and I simply cannot understand why.


We're in 2012, UI is a MAJOR MAJOR factor, in mmorpgs, in smartphones, in every software and perhaps even in many household applications. We have the biggest mmorpg in history, WoW with its very customable UI and even though the actual game is hated by many, the flexibility of the user interface is praised. Now, Apple is another incredibly major company and what do we see? Excellent and well thought out UI.


Even with all this knowledge, one of the leading WRPG companies this gaming generation gave such a limited user interface. The excuse of saying "it's coming" isn't really good enough because if it's not here now, it obviously means they didn't focus properly on the UI. How can you "defenders" justify this? Serious question by the way. :rod_cool_g:

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you do know this forums were full of whiners to the brim right?


yes the ui needs help , but this is like chat bubbles, even if they are optional people will argue and whine against it just to be jerks


im sure they will get around to it eventually , but they have other bugs and concerns that are probably priority, im sure its on thier list , how far down however , one cant say..


however, no amount of posting, suggesting, screaming, questioning, and begging is going to make the process move any faster, we know its being worked on either now or at some point , and that aint going to change unless game progression and normal play is severly hampered because of it ...for now..we work with what we got on release : /


i do hope they at least give it scaling sometime soon and ill be a happy camper..

Edited by LaVolpex
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So this was originally going to be in another thread but I figured that thread was probably going to disappear soon enough anyway so I'll just start a new one. I am by the way hoping the moderator won't remove this because this is not really meant to flame I am merely interested in trying to understand their mind. So here goes:


Note: By user interface I mean for example customization of bars, healthbars, scaling etc... But not refering to LFG-tools or Damage-meter tools.


You'd think that Bioware that have observed so much of WoW, that they would've realized during their development just how important the user interface is for the players. Not to mention that since Blizzard really did get it right with the UI, Bioware really just had it all laid out in front of them, the template, concepts, design or whatever, it was all there, ready to be copied.


Actual gameplay concepts are "borrowed" very heavily from WoW in the latest mainstream mmorpgs. Whether you like or dislike that, is not the point but even if you do dislike that, I don't think you'd oppose a game borrowing ideas related to user interface design because, well, there really is nothing negative about it.



The UI is incredibly restricted and it's clear that the UI really haven't been a big focus. Browsing through loads of threads, I see many defending this and I simply cannot understand why.


We're in 2012, UI is a MAJOR MAJOR factor, in mmorpgs, in smartphones, in every software and perhaps even in many household applications. We have the biggest mmorpg in history, WoW with its very customable UI and even though the actual game is hated by many, the flexibility of the user interface is praised. Now, Apple is another incredibly major company and what do we see? Excellent and well thought out UI.


Even with all this knowledge, one of the leading WRPG companies this gaming generation gave such a limited user interface. The excuse of saying "it's coming" isn't really good enough because if it's not here now, it obviously means they didn't focus properly on the UI. How can you "defenders" justify this? Serious question by the way. :rod_cool_g:



You know there is this thing called marketing strategies. Assuming you want your product to have a long life span...It would make practical sense to roll out additional features/content over time to ensure there is something for people to look forward to.


Then again, you need to know the fine balance between rolling out new content and features and not pissing of the customer due to too little content or features.


I am sure Bioware had plans to implement UI features long ago....Probably just did not realize how many cry babies of the "me me me now now now" generation would be complaining about the lack of features in the initial release of the game.

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it is a matter of getting used to how the UI is ... i personally dont have any problems with it. it is a individual choice if you want more or less to a UI..


This isnt bioware's fault that ppl dont like a UI like the one they have now.


Can it be defended that they need more features to the UI ?

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So this was originally going to be in another thread but I figured that thread was probably going to disappear soon enough anyway so I'll just start a new one. I am by the way hoping the moderator won't remove this because this is not really meant to flame I am merely interested in trying to understand their mind. So here goes:


Note: By user interface I mean for example customization of bars, healthbars, scaling etc... But not refering to LFG-tools or Damage-meter tools.


You'd think that Bioware that have observed so much of WoW, that they would've realized during their development just how important the user interface is for the players. Not to mention that since Blizzard really did get it right with the UI, Bioware really just had it all laid out in front of them, the template, concepts, design or whatever, it was all there, ready to be copied.


Actual gameplay concepts are "borrowed" very heavily from WoW in the latest mainstream mmorpgs. Whether you like or dislike that, is not the point but even if you do dislike that, I don't think you'd oppose a game borrowing ideas related to user interface design because, well, there really is nothing negative about it.



The UI is incredibly restricted and it's clear that the UI really haven't been a big focus. Browsing through loads of threads, I see many defending this and I simply cannot understand why.


We're in 2012, UI is a MAJOR MAJOR factor, in mmorpgs, in smartphones, in every software and perhaps even in many household applications. We have the biggest mmorpg in history, WoW with its very customable UI and even though the actual game is hated by many, the flexibility of the user interface is praised. Now, Apple is another incredibly major company and what do we see? Excellent and well thought out UI.


Even with all this knowledge, one of the leading WRPG companies this gaming generation gave such a limited user interface. The excuse of saying "it's coming" isn't really good enough because if it's not here now, it obviously means they didn't focus properly on the UI. How can you "defenders" justify this? Serious question by the way. :rod_cool_g:


There is a giant difference between "the UI is fine and doesn't need to be changed" and "yeah, the UI needs to be customizable but I refuse to wet my pants about it because they'll slowly add those options in the future." Don't confuse the two. NOBODY, as far as I can tell, is "defending the UI" and therefore needs to "justify it." There's just two (for the most part) types of people when it comes to these things: crybaby pantwetters who throw a tantrum at the drop of a hat and the rest of us who recognize that improvements will be a constant trickle...yes, TRICKLE, not "completely new patch full of demanded innovations tomorrow after I post my crybaby routine today."

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You know there is this thing called marketing strategies. Assuming you want your product to have a long life span...It would make practical sense to roll out additional features/content over time to ensure there is something for people to look forward to.


Then again, you need to know the fine balance between rolling out new content and features and not pissing of the customer due to too little content or features.


I am sure Bioware had plans to implement UI features long ago....Probably just did not realize how many cry babies of the "me me me now now now" generation would be complaining about the lack of features in the initial release of the game.


I wouldn't label a proper UI as a "additional feature". Releasing a new dungeon is additional content, adding a damage meter is additional feature, releasing something that should've been there from the start is at least for me not very exciting.


Well as I did mention in my point, this is 2012, user customization and friendliness is the like new standard for todays media and electronics. You wouldn't keep your phone for very long if its UI turned out to be vastly inferior to the other phone UIs other there on the market.


it is a matter of getting used to how the UI is ... i personally dont have any problems with it. it is a individual choice if you want more or less to a UI..


This isnt bioware's fault that ppl dont like a UI like the one they have now.


Can it be defended that they need more features to the UI ?


Yes yes it can because a product is meant to appeal to the customers and even old grandparents like to customize their pretty Windows desktop. Customers WANT and EXPECT comfortability, now you may be satisfied but some people that want more bars, that want a bigger "x" of "this" etc are not and a company should try to appeal to not just "those who like red" but to those who like "green and blue and yellow" as well. Just sticking to a static UI like this is something that may have been acceptable in 1990.



"yeah, the UI needs to be customizable but I refuse to wet my pants about it because they'll slowly add those options in the future." "


My issue is with this really. I simply cannot help but to complain since this, as I may have already mentioned above in this post, is such a major part that this is not something that should be "added afterwards", it should've been there from the start.


This is kinda what I was trying to say in my original post, why are these things NOT in the game already? They should've been there from day 1, it shouldn't have had so low priority that it gets released a month after release. This is what troubles me. Sure they have thousands of things to do but is that really an legitimate excuse for skipping out on such a core feature?


I am not necessarily saying that I am expecting complete addon-support and extreme customization with twenty different button designs but the core functions of a customizable UI should've been there from the start.

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Sorry but pretty much every MMO seems to have simply left the UI issue to others to solve as their solution.


I'm all for the changes that are coming and I'll be very happy with a movable and sizeable UI but please, lets not pretend that others know any better, they simply open up the API so others can do the work fro them.

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Well, you can be an idealist and just say "There is no excuse, it should be as good as WoW on day 1", or you can be a realist. The realist says that they had to completely redesign their UI based on the feedback from early Closed Game Testing. So they haven't had time to make their redesign complete yet.


C'est La Vie. This is always the case is software development, you choose between releasing a good game on a decent schedule or spending more time to make it perfect. In this case, they ran out of time and didn't want to slip further.


Nothing to have a conniption over.


WoW had tons of problems on release too and required mods that had tons of issues to do anything serious (e.g. to raid), and then over patch half your mods would break and you would have to reinstall them, and then sometimes it wasn't obvious your mod was broken, but in the middle of a raid you client would crash, or be absurdly slow, and that would ruin 40 peoples night. So its just a matter of patience and people having this idea of exactly what they should expect now based on games 6 years older than SWTOR.

Edited by Drallbait
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To the UI whiners, how can you justify complaining you need a completely customizable UI? Are you just that bad at playing that you can't learn new systems? Are you unable to figure out how to streamline the abilities you use? Other than a few things here and there to help healers in Operations, how can you possibly need all this junk you complain about to play something as simple as an MMO?


Honestly... just go buy a Razer Naga or L2P

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To the UI whiners, how can you justify complaining you need a completely customizable UI?


Because it's a good game with an ugly, inefficient UI. Then again I'm the type of guy who removes the stock cluster from his car and makes it look better while adding more gauges. If you were as pro as you attempt to make yourself out to be with your condescending writing you would understand that.


Kids, kids, kids. That's all you hear people complaining about on these boards, but I swear half this community is over 80 - which is why they always talk about kids, no doubt... like that old fart in Family Guy.

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A video was just released a few days ago.


UI will soon be much more customizable.


Someone get the gun and put this thread out of it's misery, please.


What was shown in video was resizable and movable UI. Not customizable. WoW had customizable UI because I could make it... you know... custom.


Funny thing also, while UI as whole is awfull, size and composition of current interface elements is actually fine. Well maybe 2 bars on one side (wow-style) is better than current one on each side. But then again I want to be able to get rid of that bars altogether and keep keybinds.

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So this was originally going to be in another thread but I figured that thread was probably going to disappear soon enough anyway so I'll just start a new one. I am by the way hoping the moderator won't remove this because this is not really meant to flame I am merely interested in trying to understand their mind. So here goes:


Note: By user interface I mean for example customization of bars, healthbars, scaling etc... But not refering to LFG-tools or Damage-meter tools.




I do not have to justify my support or non-support of the UI in SW:TOR.


The current UI does everything I need a UI to do, thus it serves me well.


Now can it stand some improvements, some user friendly features, some customization features, yes it sure can.

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