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<50 warfronts really making me rage now.


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Every god dam match i join, people run off and do the most stuiped of things. Carry hutball to their own base, run at guns 1 by 1 in civil war. Heck they even just stand thier afking.


Give me some kind of competitive ranking system, its making me so *********** god dam mad. what kind of company just makes a half arsed game in 5+ years of developing, honestly i don't see where all that time went.


You game is pretty much a copy of all over games out their, but still you managed to copy/break everything/

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Protip: Screaming insults and telling your team how much they suck does not promote good teamwork or compliance with your winning strategy.


that only happends when you do this for 4 games in a row.


" mate your going wrong way, pass ball tosomeone and follow us"


" guys all go left, we need to go in a group, focus that healer"


" come on guys we can bring this back, somone bg me, ill agro them all"


pretty much no one replys or listens unless you start typing like this *** U DO< KA COME O

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I can sympathize. Now that the 50's are gone, it seems a lot of the skilled players have gone with them. Not even skill, but just simple competence and WZ mechanics understanding.


On the other hand it's nice not to get rolled by 7 50's on the other team all the time.


Just roll with a premade and you'll influence the match enough to win, every time.

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Every god dam match i join, people run off and do the most stuiped of things. Carry hutball to their own base, run at guns 1 by 1 in civil war. Heck they even just stand thier afking.


Give me some kind of competitive ranking system, its making me so *********** god dam mad. what kind of company just makes a half arsed game in 5+ years of developing, honestly i don't see where all that time went.


You game is pretty much a copy of all over games out their, but still you managed to copy/break everything/


Not trying to be mean here but suck it up, this is the nature of PVP, not everyone cares about the objective, people are idiotic and think kill farming or racing to have the most damage / healing is the important factor, it's called epeen, welcome to the wonderful world of MMO's

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I can sympathize. Now that the 50's are gone, it seems a lot of the skilled players have gone with them. Not even skill, but just simple competence and WZ mechanics understanding.


On the other hand it's nice not to get rolled by 7 50's on the other team all the time.


Just roll with a premade and you'll influence the match enough to win, every time.


Yeah because being able to level is exactly the same as being able to PvP, they are synonymous in fact, no difference between the two things at all, and only skilled players can level, idiots can't level, well known MMORPG fact that, cleverly hidden away, search Wiki I am sure you will find it......


Please. I seen plenty of level 50s without a clue on what to do.

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If bioware could look into the ranking system in Leagues of Legends the gameplay would improve for everyone.


However, for it to work, it takes a lot of people to be in the queue at any given moment...

Edited by OldMarmy
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Yeah because being able to level is exactly the same as being able to PvP, they are synonymous in fact, no difference between the two things at all, and only skilled players can level, idiots can't level, well known MMORPG fact that, cleverly hidden away, search Wiki I am sure you will find it......


Please. I seen plenty of level 50s without a clue on what to do.


I'm talking in generalizations. Perhaps you should look up the definition.


There are always exceptions, we're talking about the rule genius.

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Not to mention all the <lvl 20's who think they can pvp like pros and benefit the team well without core talents and abilities.


To be fair, Bioware gives players their first PVP quest at L10 and encourages people to involve themselves with it as early as possible. I am not going to blame some new player for entering the war zone to try it out. I am not going to blame some low level guy or gal that wants to PVP at low level or not. It's their sub fee and their fun to have too.


This problem could be fixed by level brackets for war zones. However, with the current shard (server) system in place brackets are simply not practical at the moment as the populations are not high enough to support them without implimenting cross server warzones. That's supposedly in future plans but time will tell.


Really, one has to wonder why they didn't impliment cross server features from the get go. They cloned so much from WOW but seemingly learned little from the problems WOW had to solve along the way.


As it stands, blame the company for a sucky PVP system. Not the players trying to enjoy it. You know... trying to... O.O

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As it stands, blame the company for a sucky PVP system. Not the players trying to enjoy it. You know... trying to... O.O




One quick little fix could bring an awful lot more people together on point, doing objectives, and trying to get their quests done:




I've linked it in a lot of threads and no doubt my drum-beating is getting annoying, but seriously, this needs some attention from folks that matter and hits turn into that. :)

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