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Just hit 50. Curious what everyone else is doing.


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Hello everyone,


I just hit level 50, and I'm a bit confused as to what to do now. I've still got my class quest on Corellia to finish, but I respecc'd to heal in PvP. I find that PvE whilst alone is near impossible with my current build (31/7/3).


I've travelled to Ilum, but I haven't seen any World PvP lakes thus far. (in the entirety of playing, I haven't seen one World PvP area).


Any suggestions on what to do at this point? (aside from completing my class quest on Corellia and beyond).


Many Thanks,

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I've found lots to do post 50. I pvp a ton (that's my bread and buttah), I do my dailies and I explore. Have you found all the datacrons? Do you have a Magenta light saber crystal? What about a "white" light saber (it does exist and don't ask me where:P)? Are your professions maxed? You could play with the AH and make major cash or go collect all the speeders. You can run Hardmode FP's or help lowbies/guildmates level up.


There's a ton of stuff to do, lots of world bosses with good respawn timers to kill, Flashpoints and other stuff. (Not to mention pvp....)

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Roll another character. All the stories are unique for each class. Level 50 on one character isn't end game. I don't know how many threads I have to post this in, but I will keep doing so until people realize that this is how the game was meant to be played.


Other MMO's don't have unique content to level cap for every class. This game does and that is what this game is about. It isn't about getting to 50 and that is when the game starts. It's about seeing all the story lines and how they each tie into an overarching thread that runs through them all. 1 character means you have played a small percentage of the game. Roll another character.

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For me, I'm leveling to 50 on the empire side (finished on my smuggler). After that, see what happens. Maybe reinstall skyrim, since creation kit should be out will be tons of mods to sink my teeth into. Edited by Thelooney
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Hello everyone,


I just hit level 50, and I'm a bit confused as to what to do now. I've still got my class quest on Corellia to finish, but I respecc'd to heal in PvP. I find that PvE whilst alone is near impossible with my current build (31/7/3).


I've travelled to Ilum, but I haven't seen any World PvP lakes thus far. (in the entirety of playing, I haven't seen one World PvP area).


Any suggestions on what to do at this point? (aside from completing my class quest on Corellia and beyond).


Many Thanks,


I enjoy looking at Mako's butt. You do however need to be a Bounty Hunter to do this...I highly recommend stripping your characters butt naked and dance (/clubdance) for change on the fleet.


Fun times...

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this is how a session looks like..



getting to bounty board, get the PvP quests.

Sign up, travel to Ilum, do the 2 daily quests, (for the armor mods)

hope i get lucking in PvP, try to get the PvP daily done, in 3 hours, then log off.

very borring, for sure.

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I´m 49th lvl and dinging on 50 later today. Personally I´m not that worried since there are like 4 alts that I would love to make plus dailies, tradeskills and flaspoints(If I find people), maybe some pvp in the mix. Would love to raid some but there seem to be only afew 50th lvl people online any given time.


I´m sure they are working hard on endgame stuff that will be interduced during the next few months.


Only thing this game badly needs is a dungeonfinder tool, similar to wow. I know some of you dont like the idea but personally I think a tool like this is seriously lacking, at my server I have only done one flashpoint and did so solo LOL, had some luck getting groups at lower levels for quests but not so much past 35+ level.

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I finished up my class story. Unlocked the dailies on Ilum and Belsavis to work on upgrading all my mods. Ran the level 50 FPs with my guildies. And ran the two Operations on normal mode. Hopefully we'll start on hard mode soon.


Edit: I also rolled a Jedi Sage alt. She's level 25.

Edited by Kraylessa
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-Finish class quest


-Find Datacrons

-Ilum/Belsavis Dailies


-PVP Dailies

-Craft epic gear to sell until you crit and make Mastercrafts for yourself

-Eternity Vault/Bragga's Palace with your guild

-Grind Lightside/Darkside points

-Gather gear for offspec

-Level up affection with your companions


Thats what I've been doing at least

Edited by Ticklemeweiner
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Thanks very much for the responses.


Just to answer a few, I've got Synthweaving and Archaeology to 400, and Underworld Trading is at 375ish.


I haven't found crafting to be terribly useful at endgame. I've checked the PvP vendors (the one's who sell the resilience gear and they all require other forms of currency that differs from Warzone Commendations that I've yet to see).


I'd love to get my PvP on, but it seems as though warzones are all there is...?


I've looked for World PvP lakes on Tatooine, but they seem to elude me. Is exploring around Ilum necessary to find the World PvP areas? (literally just hit 50 yesterday, so noob to the endgame)



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-grinded biochem




-played minecraft

-played minecraft

-played minecraft

-played league of legends

-played minecraft



--played minecraft

--played minecraft


In simple terms i only log in to raid. pretty sad, just cant go trough alts anymore.

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I've looked for World PvP lakes on Tatooine, but they seem to elude me. Is exploring around Ilum necessary to find the World PvP areas? (literally just hit 50 yesterday, so noob to the endgame)




You should get a quest on imp/rep fleet to go there, or you might just be able to get there by the taxi anyway, its on the far left hand side of the map, is pretty big so you shouldn't miss it.

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I'm on my 2nd char (Sith Assassin) and is one level away from 50. My first char is IA Op, who is 50. I might pvp a little bit here and there, then probably go on my 3rd char (BH Powertech) who is level 33.


Storyline is really good, but not much else.



PS... just grinding out until GW2 beta comes out in a few months.

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