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No lie, this game's release felt like


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I liked Phantom Menace as well. People just let their absurd expectations ruin things for them. I didn't know it was bad until I read some reviews :rolleyes:

While I disagree in the specific case of Phantom Menace (I still think it sucked) I do agree with you in general about expectations.


No one seemed to like Matrix 2 and 3 but I enjoyed them quite a bit. I think that was another case of expectations leading people to be disappointed.

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You completely forgot why I even mentioned the graphics in the first place.


I said it was one example of several fronts that I was disappointed.


Fanboys need to chill out honestly.


Yeah, fanboys need to chill out.


They should follow the example of haters, who don't each post ten threads a day whining about how much they don't like this game and why it fails so badl...




lol But seriously, in all honesty, if you don't like the game, don't play it.



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While I disagree in the specific case of Phantom Menace (I still think it sucked) I do agree with you in general about expectations.


No one seemed to like Matrix 2 and 3 but I enjoyed them quite a bit. I think that was another case of expectations leading people to be disappointed.


Ugh, in all honesty, I like Phantom Menace more than Matrix 2 and 3.


Imo, those movies will be looping in the afterlife as a punishment for devil-worshiping nazis in hell. lol

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"The key to remember when you're going to post here is that.. admit it, you were probably expecting more."


Tell me what about that statement is promoting of conversation.


I have offered at least 5 posts with suggestions on how to make this environment less biased so we could have a REAL conversation.


Instead the Original Poster DEMANDS we VIEW things HIS WAY just to post here.


and you call me petty.




Breaking down the meaning of a post by it's exact choice of words is kind of lame but...


When someone starts a thought with "admit it", the thought is typically going to be sardonic.


Also, your hyperbole with claiming he "DEMANDS we VIEW things HIS WAY" is kind of paranoid.

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Get rid of fleet stations, we have these amazing cities and no one in them because everyone is in the fleet. All you have to do to get people grouping is make all city chats connect to each other.


They can fix this by making it so that certain areas only provides certian perks. Say you can only access the GTN and your Respec at the Captial Planet...It would make sense since Coruscant is the center of Republic space. While the Fleet continues to offer Commendations, Flashpoints, Trainers and Vendors.


Or you could be forced to return to your starter planet for the Respec since thats where your character originated and it would be expected that if your gonna make significant changes to something like that youd 'return to where it began'.


Of course people will complain that they want everything in one place to make travelling easier. But atleast it would make use of some of these otherwise dead areas.

Edited by Foxtrotmikelima
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Yeah, fanboys need to chill out.


They should follow the example of haters, who don't each post ten threads a day whining about how much they don't like this game and why it fails so badl...




lol But seriously, in all honesty, if you don't like the game, don't play it.




Well I'm sorry if I came off the wrong foot with this thread and subsequent posts, honestly. :cool:


I'm gonna go back and play the game now and enjoy it for what it is.


Breaking down the meaning of a post by it's exact choice of words is kind of lame but...


When someone starts a thought with "admit it", the thought is typically going to be sardonic.


Also, your hyperbole with claiming he "DEMANDS we VIEW things HIS WAY" is kind of paranoid.



Edited by CalvinDu
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When The Phantom Menace was released I was extreamly exited, and when I saw it I realized I had not seen anything like that before. To me it went beyond expectations and I watched it on the big screen more than 4 times. I don't understand why people hate it so much, I just know I have 6 great movies I can enjoy and those who hate them don't.


But it is true that I expected more from SWTOR, don't get me wrong I think it is a great game. But it is not right when the developers show us trailers and such that show things that is not in the game, like high textures, Jedi Knights with their Hoods down etc. These trailers is what sold me on the game, and to find out that these features is not in the game makes me doubt future advertisment from the developer.

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Pretty sure every single person in this thread who says they liked TPM was under the age of 15, either physically or mentally, when they saw it.


I have yet to meet a single person who gave Ep 1 a rating above "meh" and those were the good reviews.

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I just rewatched Episode 3 and even though it's only been 7 years the CG in most of the scenes is obvious dated CG is obvious.


Go back and look at any scene taking place in the jedi temple. It's like looking at some sort of student project in terms of convincing CG in comparison to today's standards. I was a junior in high school when Episode 3 came out so I didn't really care about anything except that it was star wars. Now my 24 year old self is saddened by how terrible the prequels were and how much better the acting and over all performance of the originals were over the new ones.


But then again not even originals are safe anymore with lucas going back every 5 years to add more CG. Seeing the Jabba scene in Episode 4 jarred me. Jabba looks nothing like he does in the following movies, he's small, no taller than Han, he's not slimy, he's blue and white, not brown like in Return.


Star wars is becoming a terrible thing to love. It seems every few years another lucas abomination comes out and kills the universe just a little bit more.


I really hoped SWTOR would be a solid quality product. I bought into the hype and went as far as to sign up for a three month subscription. Now I realize that this game is a bastardization of Star Wars (like so many recent SW games) and has no place for the true fans of the series. Now I have three months of subs to pay and I'm not even playing.


Never again.

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Breaking down the meaning of a post by it's exact choice of words is kind of lame but...


When someone starts a thought with "admit it", the thought is typically going to be sardonic.


Also, your hyperbole with claiming he "DEMANDS we VIEW things HIS WAY" is kind of paranoid.


Lol, how is it paranoid when it's literally in writing on the wall.


As for the breaking down the words of someones post being lame, Non-biased discussions promote a healthy environment and a good community.


Also, nothing about his post was sarcastic or had any implication of being sardonic, he literally replied in the first few pages that unless you were to agree with him it was not to be posted.


I get what you are trying to do here, fluff your conversation with observation points about inadequacies of my replies in an attempt to debunk my argument.


While I do appreciate the overwhelming attention you've provided me, I will remind you that hypocrisy is the worst of all; as you are doing the very same thing to my posts.

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Ugh, in all honesty, I like Phantom Menace more than Matrix 2 and 3.


Imo, those movies will be looping in the afterlife as a punishment for devil-worshiping nazis in hell. lol

Hah! You and tons of other people. ;)


I didn't mind them, though. Matrix was groundbreaking, but I wasn't expecting the same kind of leap forward from 2 and 3, so I just kind of enjoyed them for what they were.


Phantom Menace, though....I don't know....part of it was probably disappointment due to expectations, but part of it was I was hoping someone or something would kill Anakin and Jar Jar and I don't quite think that's the feeling the movie makers were trying to invoke in their audience.

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Pretty sure every single person in this thread who says they liked TPM was under the age of 15, either physically or mentally, when they saw it.


I have yet to meet a single person who gave Ep 1 a rating above "meh" and those were the good reviews.




I was in my early twenties and I loved it. Let me guess, the pod racing and Jar Jar were too "kiddie" for your mature adult mind?

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Personally, I've learned over many years of gaming to ignore the "hype". I tried the game over several betas, loved it so I bought it. Still love it, which is why I'm still playing it. :)


As much as you may feel the game was hyped by BioWare/EA (which any company would do, obviously) it appears some people hyped it in their minds so much that it was, quite frankly, impossible to not be let down as no game could ever live up to some people's expectations.

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Pretty sure every single person in this thread who says they liked TPM was under the age of 15, either physically or mentally, when they saw it.


I have yet to meet a single person who gave Ep 1 a rating above "meh" and those were the good reviews.


I would agree with that, although I don't mean it in an insulting way to those that were younger. Their expectations of what makes a move (or game or whatever) great are different than mine. I do know that kids seem to enjoy the prequels more than adults, overall.


Which would make sense considering that Lucas apparently took a lot of input from his young daughter to heart when writing the story (she loved Jar Jar, for example). That and he explicitly stated up front that he wanted the prequels to be movies that could be enjoyed by the children of fans who grew up with the originals.

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Lol, how is it paranoid when it's literally in writing on the wall.


As for the breaking down the words of someones post being lame, Non-biased discussions promote a healthy environment and a good community.


Also, nothing about his post was sarcastic or had any implication of being sardonic, he literally replied in the first few pages that unless you were to agree with him it was not to be posted.


I get what you are trying to do here, fluff your conversation with observation points about inadequacies of my replies in an attempt to debunk my argument.


While I do appreciate the overwhelming attention you've provided me, I will remind you that hypocrisy is the worst of all; as you are doing the very same thing to my posts.


ok *rolls eyes*

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I actually do relate this to Phantom Menace in one way...


I personally enjoyed Phantom Menace a lot because it was the first time we got to see these classic characters we knew of, only when they were much younger. Really crazy to see where it all began.


Now in relating this with SWTOR, I feel it is possible because it's a classic example of how people take a few aspects and blow them out of proportion to the point of overshadowing the positives.


I loved the pod racing, seeing the original Jedi Order during its glory days, the lightsaber duels, and Darth Maul.


But I didn't like Jar Jar Binks, just like most people. But I didn't focus so much on my hatred of Jar Jar that it made the entire movie horrible. I just marked him as a blemish on what is otherwise a fun movie.


I see countless threads that focus on 2-3 bugs (bugs which I haven't witnessed much personally) and blow them way out of proportion to mark this game as a complete failure. A broken game that never should have been launched.


They dismiss all the great features this game has as unnecessary or superfluous. They focus sooo much on the negative that a menial issue like UI customizability all of a sudden becomes such a high priority that everything else can be thrown out the window.


I understand the need to call out issues you have with the game or features you want in it, but why bash the game for everything else? Why insult the company or the producer? I think taking a step back can help.

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Hah! You and tons of other people. ;)


I didn't mind them, though. Matrix was groundbreaking, but I wasn't expecting the same kind of leap forward from 2 and 3, so I just kind of enjoyed them for what they were.


Phantom Menace, though....I don't know....part of it was probably disappointment due to expectations, but part of it was I was hoping someone or something would kill Anakin and Jar Jar and I don't quite think that's the feeling the movie makers were trying to invoke in their audience.


Aw, but I thought Anakin was cute. I swear I actually fell in love when I first saw...


Oh wait, I'm talking about this Anakin, not this Anakin...

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I was in my early twenties and I loved it. Let me guess, the pod racing and Jar Jar were too "kiddie" for your mature adult mind?


I don't know.. there were so many things that were just wrong. A lot of it has to do with comparing it to the older films.


Compare the opening scene of The Phantom Menace as opposed to the first scene in the A New Hope film. Compare the protaganist in A New Hope to the protagnist in The Phantom Menace(Hint: There was no protaganist, Anakin was the closest thing and he was pretty much introduced almost half way through the film), compare the personalities of every character in The Phantom Menace compared to A New Hope, was there any characters in The Phantom Menace that had any kind of depth compared to the older film?



Not to mention all the script deficiencies etc.



All these little faults is what makes me relate that kind of experience to the release of this game.

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Pretty sure every single person in this thread who says they liked TPM was under the age of 15, either physically or mentally, when they saw it.


I have yet to meet a single person who gave Ep 1 a rating above "meh" and those were the good reviews.


Whats wrong with that?


Heres another question. How old were you when you first saw the originals? Probably the same age. Correct?


Lucas was smart. He played to the audience he was looking to bring in. New blood. Exact same reason why the latest Star Trek movie was so successful. It did its best to avoid alienating current fans but also gave new ones a reason to be interested.



I think anyone who hates on TPM is upset simply because they arent the generation that matters anymore when it comes to the future of Star Wars.

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I didn't get very-hyped, I did my research, and I waited a week to buy it, so reviews could roll in.


I'm not disappointed, and I got what I expected. I enjoy the game more than WoW and Rift, and the launch is MUCH smoother than WoW's, and slightly better than Rift's.


Edit: And if it weren't for ********ned Jar Jar, I would've enjoyed TPM a lot more.


And, relevant:

Edited by Explosive_Lasers
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I don't care what anyone says..the game is fun and addicting bugs/missing features and all. If it is as great as it is now, it will be even better as they continue to squash bugs and implement needed/wanted features. I could care less about 90% of the issues people are whining about, if a game is fun, it's fun. I have almost 10 years of MMO gaming experience and not a single MMO has been even close to perfect, especially at launch. This launch has been one of the best. Edited by DroidDestroyer
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I don't know.. there were so many things that were just wrong. A lot of it has to do with comparing it to the older films.


Compare the opening scene of The Phantom Menace as opposed to the first scene in the A New Hope film. Compare the protaganist in A New Hope to the protagnist in The Phantom Menace(Hint: There was no protaganist, Anakin was the closest thing and he was pretty much introduced almost half way through the film), compare the personalities of every character in The Phantom Menace compared to A New Hope, was there any characters in The Phantom Menace that had any kind of depth compared to the older film?



Not to mention all the script deficiencies etc.



All these little faults is what makes me relate that kind of experience to the release of this game.


I liked Qui-Gon Jinn :/


I even thought Obi-Wan Kenobi was pretty good as a contrast to his wise older version in the originals.


Basically, most of the characters were fine. It's just the script that was bad.

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