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How old are you? how many hours you play?


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I just celebrated my 53rd birthday this week. I've played computer games for over 20 years. These days, I play when I can. Sometimes that means 2 or 3 hours 2 or three times a week.


I've already experienced that "you play computer games too much!" from my husband, and also gone through that "YOU'RE NOT RP'ING WITH THESE GUYS THEY'RE TRYING TO TAKE YOU AWAY FROM ME!!!" stuff.


Marriage counseling helps for those people who can't seperate RP from reality. Reality always trumps RP.


After 27 years of marriage, with all those bumps along the way, he's allowing me my gaming time, and I let him buy toys. His current "toy craze" is handguns. He does quite well at the range and is working on his "Conceal and Carry" handgun license.


The point is, if you have a partner you care about, you always kiss them and tell them you love them BEFORE you head off to game. And you always come back to them, and learn when it's time to turn the computer OFF and pay attention to the real people in your life.

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17 yrs old and still in high school.

5-7 hours after school most days

20+ hours on the weekend.


thats not bad right.....?


Well, if high schools don't assign homework anymore or you are just doing fine in your learning process, yeah, it's not bad at all! Otherwise, think twice about the time you spent and what you gain! :cool:

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I just celebrated my 53rd birthday this week. I've played computer games for over 20 years. These days, I play when I can. Sometimes that means 2 or 3 hours 2 or three times a week.


I've already experienced that "you play computer games too much!" from my husband, and also gone through that "YOU'RE NOT RP'ING WITH THESE GUYS THEY'RE TRYING TO TAKE YOU AWAY FROM ME!!!" stuff.


Marriage counseling helps for those people who can't seperate RP from reality. Reality always trumps RP.


After 27 years of marriage, with all those bumps along the way, he's allowing me my gaming time, and I let him buy toys. His current "toy craze" is handguns. He does quite well at the range and is working on his "Conceal and Carry" handgun license.


The point is, if you have a partner you care about, you always kiss them and tell them you love them BEFORE you head off to game. And you always come back to them, and learn when it's time to turn the computer OFF and pay attention to the real people in your life.



yay, happy birthday!! glad im seeing more and more old farts like myself on here and yes I also hear " your too old to play these games " lol

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Full-time job from 8am-5pm with an hour commute at both ends of that.


Still get 4-5 hours a night and 8-10 hours on weekend days.


Sometimes the sleep suffers, but been doing this since day 2 of early access so the body is used to it.

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Age 54, and being disabled, I play a lot. Been a gamer since 1970 with table war games, then RPGs (see sig). Then PC games. Since the accident that messed me up in 1995, gamng has been a good way to ignore the pain that I go through. Lot better than prescription meds.... :)
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25 years old, about 3-5 hours a day since I bought it 2nd Januari. At the moment Star Wars: The Old Republic is the only game I play. Skyrim and BF3 are both on hold and canceled World of Warcraft about 3 month ago, might go back for a month when Pandaria hits but i doubt it.
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weekdays 3-8 hours (depends on how much I have to do in college)

weekends 6-16 hours


got game access 16th december


2x lvl 50

1x lvl 30

couple of 10ish


I'm in college.

Edited by Vallz
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40 and 10hrs aday laid off in winters, although like all ea based games and biowere some things are wack but more things rock!! i just hope ea has no controll over this game living or dieing ,i normally stay away from all ea mmo s there too quick to pull plug and dont care how long somone has played.
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I love this game and the story line is way cool. On work days I play about an hour before work and four hours after work. On the weekend, I like to get outside a little and play with dog a little but I end up playing about six hours a day on my days off. If I play to long I notice that Im stating to get headaches and my right hands gets cramped from holding the mouse to long.


Kramlac-Sith Juggernaut-level 18

Aklivity-Jedi Sentinel-level 22

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