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Civil war won with 5 points


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closest civil war game i can imagine.


both imps and pubs at 5 points and the imps clicked 0 first.


that was pretty intense fighting.

It was fun although not as much fun as I would have liked.


I mean... this is as close as it could get and although lots of fun and intense it does not compare to the victory feelings of something EVE solo combat.

On the other hand... we had another intense hutball game right afterward.


Intense hutball! enough people on both teams knew how to pass and the direction of the goals to make it work pretty well.


Good pugs. lots of fun. People are getting game smart i think. I know i am.


It helps a lot when there is someone who is willing to give some simple instructions and at 50% of the folks who will listen.


go left. go mid. hold mid. blah blah blah.

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Perhaps it is simply that people can not win simply based on their ability to dominate in 1v1 or 1v2 combat.

Perhaps people have to, or rather have a chance to, learn how the process works so they can be more effective.


It could be that the 50's roll alts so that they can be in low bracket WZ's so more people know how to play... I don't but it seems to me that with simple instructions people are doing better.


Then again i don't remember anybody giving much in the way of instruction before i started becoming ops leader all the time.


I do like the way that the ops leader business makes the highest valor person ops leader.

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Civil War is one of my favorite warzones. Always fun when you get an intense battle going on. Closet match I was in was pubs 20 and imps 0 at the end. First chunk of the fight IMps was leading 315 to 230 and we managed to capture 2 and hold out for the reminder of the match. Insanity I tell you.
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The best part is Empire gets a free 10 point lead, unless they fixed it and I am unaware, so it should have been a Republic win.


How wonderful!



Yes, that always annoyed me, I have seen it happen when we capped a turret a good 5+ seconds before imperials only for the imp turret to immediately fire and get an advantage, I even lost 1 incredibly close civil war to that...


However, I was once in civil war and saw east capped before the republic (west turret) but it did not fire until after the republic turret...


So, it does appear to be some form of bug / visual glitch.

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Had a good one last night...

we started off pretty bad

all turrets went red and we were getting facerolled


we then got out stuff together about halfway and managed to come close towards the end. we ended up at 0 and loosing to their 20 points but the fights were intense and pretty fun


this was in a non-50 match

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I had a 5-5 game where we scored the tying goal with 1 minute left and then made a mad dash to get the ball back, and that was quite an experience.


I also had a 5-4 game where someone decided to hold the ball to 'farm' the enemy with 2 minute left, and we got the 'this game needs more excitement' with 30 seconds left and the ball holder instantly killed. That was exciting in the wrong way (we still won, though).

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I had a great Alderaan last night.


It was midway through the game, and the Imperials were leading 250-150 with 2 Turrets. Two Repubs and I decide to crash the west turret, since middle had about 6 Imperial, and we secure it with 240-130 left in the points.


We proceed to D-up on both outter Turrets having 4 at each and wait to see what happens. Well, the imperials throw EVERYONE at the west turret and the 4 of us work our butts of to hold it. While we are holding it, someone from the east turret ninja's the middle turret.


We now have all 3 turrets and the score is 210-95 Imperials. We proceed to hold all the points because they keep trying to cap the west turret and can't!


Was an awesome game and reaffirmed my faith in the Republic. :D

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