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Should all GTN be cross faction?


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this thread seems to be getting slightly off topic but ill give my 2creds worth on the cross-server idea anyway.


personally, im against a cross-server for 1 reason only. could you imagine having to search every item on every server to find the thing you want to buy? sure they could fix the interface to make it easier to search, but everytime you hit that button you would have to go take a nap to kill time before the search got done. if they could do upgrade the engine to support it i would be down, but that would require alot more effort then simply linking the ones already on the same server.

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this thread seems to be getting slightly off topic but ill give my 2creds worth on the cross-server idea anyway.


personally, im against a cross-server for 1 reason only. could you imagine having to search every item on every server to find the thing you want to buy? sure they could fix the interface to make it easier to search, but everytime you hit that button you would have to go take a nap to kill time before the search got done. if they could do upgrade the engine to support it i would be down, but that would require alot more effort then simply linking the ones already on the same server.


Maybe cross-server-lite? every set period the server picks 5 or so other servers to link to.

You would get the benefit of cross server, but the choice changes weekly/daily.


Maybe some form of soft link? it copies the contents of another servers GTN hourly and no actual items/money changes server? Good for the buyer, choice etc, but bad for sellers.

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this thread seems to be getting slightly off topic but ill give my 2creds worth on the cross-server idea anyway.


personally, im against a cross-server for 1 reason only. could you imagine having to search every item on every server to find the thing you want to buy? sure they could fix the interface to make it easier to search, but everytime you hit that button you would have to go take a nap to kill time before the search got done. if they could do upgrade the engine to support it i would be down, but that would require alot more effort then simply linking the ones already on the same server.


Other games do it. Games with less money behind them. Or are you implying that EA/Bioware is too incompetent to figure out how to make it work here?

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No JUST NO. If you want an easy mode game go back to wow. For making credits you should earn it and should not get it easily by making it more accessible. Also I think republics are my enemies, I dont want anyone to help them by supplying goods. This is just wrong!


Selling and buying should be hard because thats what is hardcore. I feel so good after I sell something. My ePeen gets bigger and stronger. I feel as if I have opened a Walmart store. Thats how hardcore it is.







P.S. Yes please introduce it.

Edited by Yummymango
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Other games do it. Games with less money behind them. Or are you implying that EA/Bioware is too incompetent to figure out how to make it work here?


im saying that just because it can be done doesnt really mean it needs to. maybe a cross faction one would be fine without going through the trouble of linking all the servers in a stable and reliable manner to make one massive GTN. the word "overkill" comes to mind.

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I would just rather be able to access the other factions GTN through their console. There is an imp and republic one on the open world pvp area on tat. might encourage some PVP too. More likely would result in a lot of griefing, but theres always collateral damage.
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Definitely serverwide. It makes sense lore wise ( hello smugglers and BHs) and it would make items more available. I would be against cross-server or cluster, cause then it'd be toooo big. Too much to search, and too much competition would drive down profit margins.
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For those who don't know:

The Hutt Trade Network is cross faction. Listings posted at the terminals in Nar Shaddaa can be viewed/purchased by both Imperials and the Republic.


Great giggity galatic gobs of glowiness... why the HECK don't they make this MORE OBVIOUS? I cannot tell you how many sith items I've vendored because I had no idea that the Hutt GTNs on Nar Shaddaa were cross-faction.


***mad face***


Other than this, it would be convenient to have all GTNs be cross-faction, but I can understand why they are not. Making people travel to get to them seems in alignment with the overall design and intent (i.e., credit sink, time sink, etc).


I will say this, I would PAY to have a GTN terminal in my ship. Same for mail, for that matter. If our cargo hold is accessible from anywhere, why the heck NOT these?


Just sayin'.

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They should definitely be cross-faction. I can't tell you how many dark-side items i've gotten as a light side player that i had to vendor-trash because no one is dark-side. Putting these types of items on the GTN would mean that i get creds and someone gets their dark-side item.


That being said, i think that it could cause a problem with the individual players. I think there would be an over-population of low-level armor that wouldn't sell becaues there's alwas higher-level armor being sold, for example. It would be harder to sell items IMO.


They could also make it cross-server, that way there would be more clients willing to spend creds. that may combat the problem, or it may cause more problems.

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I provided a working example of a cross-faction and cross-server market without the downsides you are suggesting. If the best way to achieve that purpose (cross-faction and cross-server market) requires us to change how the GTN functions ... well ... we want them to change how the GTN functions already even if it doesn't go cross-faction or cross-server.


I don't see making further changes so as to avoid potential downsides to be prohibitive.


Stuff and nonsense.


The ratio of buyers to sellers does not change, game wide. The only thing that changes is is that a cross server GTN provides a large enough statistical universe to ensure there isn't a shortage on Server A while there's a glut on Server B.


I disagree. The market works fine in EVE Online which does not have spearate servers, instances, shards, etc. All players can access the market regardles of faction, rl location or language. I've made billions from industry and trade in EVE and the economy is one of its strengths. They even have an economist who writes quarterly reports analysing the in-game economy. Sure common items often sell for cost or minimal profit but if you build more unusual items or monitor prices and pick the right time to build you can make a killing.


I'll concede that a cross-server GTN might in fact work, but forgive me if I remain skeptical. The arguments for it are strong enough, and I'm not an economist by any means. It just seems to me that with it being impossible to reduce manufacturing costs below a certain point, and 1/6th of the population shares your crafting skill at any given time with no barrier to entering the market and a very small barrier to swiftly changing markets, that prices won't stay above manufacturing costs.


Again, it might work, but I have a hunch that it will not. I'm not going to fight rabidly against it or anything because I'm kind of curious to see it implemented. It would be interesting to see exactly how things pan out, and how wrong I might be. If I'm right, I promise I won't say I-told-you-so.


On an unrelated note, if PvP were any better/more important in this game, I would be fighting tooth and nail against cross-faction GTNs. I like the idea of helping the enemy significantly less than I like the idea of crafting skills being potentially unprofitable.

Edited by Genisaurus
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No, there are places to find cross-faction GTN's. The standard ones should remain faction only.


could you elaborate as to "why" you feel they should remain faction only? IMO i only see a possitive effect to making them server wide instead of restricted to each faction. but if you have a legitimate reason as to why they should remain differnt i would like to hear it.

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could you elaborate as to "why" you feel they should remain faction only? IMO i only see a possitive effect to making them server wide instead of restricted to each faction. but if you have a legitimate reason as to why they should remain differnt i would like to hear it.


It seems reasonable that some people would want to avoid helping the enemy in any way possible, especially players interested in PvP. If PvP is something I cared about (which it is), why would I want the other side to have access to our medpacks, stims or gear?

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They had auction terminals on most major planets on both sides in beta but they were removed, appears there was a bug and anything posted there would only show up if you were at auction terminal on that planet.


I am guessing once they fix the issue they will put them back on the planets.

Edited by Aria
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It seems reasonable that some people would want to avoid helping the enemy in any way possible, especially players interested in PvP. If PvP is something I cared about (which it is), why would I want the other side to have access to our medpacks, stims or gear?


i suppose i can see that point of view, however, from a PvE point of view of it would be better to have them linked to make those items more accessable.


They had auction terminals on most major planets on both sides in beta but they were removed, appears there was a bug and anything posted there would only show up if you were at auction terminal on that planet.


I am guessing once they fix the issue they will put them back on the planets.


this would be great! if people didnt have to go all the way back to fleet and deal with all the load screens and stuff to get there and back i think alot more people would use the GTN.

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As mentioned above... the Nar Shadda GTN is already cross-faction.


Yes everyone already knows that. The issue is that because it takes so long to go there no-one uses it. Have you ever tried to sell anything on it? It isn't worth the time and effort.

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It seems reasonable that some people would want to avoid helping the enemy in any way possible, especially players interested in PvP. If PvP is something I cared about (which it is), why would I want the other side to have access to our medpacks, stims or gear?


That is all well and good. How about on PvE servers they enable and on PvP servers they keep it as it is.


WIN/WIN for everyone.

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First thing they need to do is make it actually "galactic" wide. Not localized. I want to be able to stop off at any kiosk and drop something on there for everyone to be able to see.


Secondly, yes. I think it should also be cross faction. Again, that would fall under the realm of being "galactic".

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Yes, the GTN should be cross faction. Some servers have a rather imbalanced population ratio, and the lower populated side definitely seems to get shafted as far as available items goes.


I also think the entire GTN should be linked. There's no reason why not. I mean, if an NPC from a previous mission can mail me an item from a totally different planet in a totally different sector of the galaxy, then why in Sam Hill can't I buy an item off the GTN and have it shipped from another planet?!


If they want to put some kind of sink on the GTN, then raise the fees for transporting purchases if they are off-planet. They could be calculated the same way fuel is calculated in space travel. They could also raise the fees for purchasing items from the opposite faction.


For example:


5% black market charge for purchasing from the opposite faction.

Fuel cost x 5 for delivering from off-planet. (Which means going across the galaxy would add something like a 300 credit fee to your purchase. This would suck at lower levels, but then there's less to purchase at lower levels.)


There. Ta-da. Now it's actually somewhat costly to buy from the opposite faction and off-planet. The black market cost could possibly be raised more, but we don't want the fees to be so exorbitant that trading with the opposite faction is completely pointless.

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