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Ball Handler pulled into Enemy Spawn: Empire Tactics


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THis is the first time I'd encountered this little tactic.


So when my team started to complain, I went over to have a look and sure enough on HIdden Beks, one Empire player was insta killing the person with the ball before they could cross the line by pulling them up to the spawn point.


I popped into /say to have it out with this player who didn't seem pleased that as a healer he couldn't kill me, so there I was casting my heals on myself and telling him that he's a cheat while trying to batter the poop out of me.


What I discovered was the same mentality of those trading kills on Ilum "BW allows it so.... it must be okay."


BW allows insta kills when enemies get into the spawn point so that no spawn killing occurs, not so that it can be exploited by players to attempt to win a game.


Needles to say they still lost 5-0 and I moved on but this mentality of some players, this lack of a moral compass and fair play from the community is going to ruin the game. I see here every day that BW are screwing up the game but at the end of the day it's the communities behaviour at using exploits like this which damages the game for those of us who want to play the game as it is supposed to be played!

Edited by Satans_Puppet
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this will give a huge impact on strategic gameplay... hopefully they wont fix it...


take a bountyhunter as something like a goalkeeper... so you need 2 players to outsmart him


Your post is just ********, it says bring the ball BEHIND the line and that is what your obviously doing, bringing the ball behind the line by pulling him upwards, its cheap, it sucks and your exploiting a game mechanic

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The thing is that you will get booted out if you stay in the starting zone for a long time.


He did come down from time to time as we scored our five goals, even with the cheating but the game would have been over a lot sooner had the player not resorted to shoddyness.


For teams that weren't as good that tactic could really make Hutt Ball a baaaaaaaaaaaaaad experience indeed. For me it was crappy game playing and just made us want to win more but for other pug groups it might turn them away from Warzones :)

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Thanks for proving my point about the lack of moral compass you two...


Thanks for proving you don't understand the classes in this game... since Troopers can do it too so its not an "empire tactic".


Anyway Sorc/Con, Jug/Guard, BH/Troop can all make themselves immune to grapple... so just save it for the finish if you're really worried about it.


It can only be done if the BH/Troop has died, is let out of respawn before you score, AND if you're going to score within 60sec of them respawning since if they ledge camp after that they'll get kicked.


This isn't something worth QQing over.

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I'll try to find the post but I'm pretty sure Bioware has already posted that insta-killing is OK as it is not an exploit but a creative use of in game mechanics.


It should be pointed out that if you stay inside the spawn + goal area you will be automatically removed from the warzone after a set amount of time. That means that his window of opportunity is very small to perform that little feat. Next time, tell your ball carrier not to run within range of the puller.

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I harpoon people into the ball zone occasionally. I've seen people try doing it to me and I harpoon them down before they get a chance to pull me up or I throw it to somebody standing in the cap.


It's not considered an exploit/cheat according to what a GM said a couple pages back. I've had good teams wait for their Powertech to pull me down or they throw a bunch of CCs at me.


There's ways to counter it.

Edited by ComeAndSee
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Needles to say they still lost 5-0 and I moved on but this mentality of some players, this lack of a moral compass and fair play from the community is going to ruin the game. I see here every day that BW are screwing up the game but at the end of the day it's the communities behaviour at using exploits like this which damages the game for those of us who want to play the game as it is supposed to be played!

I completely concur with this sentiment. Whilst I may study a subject that is popularly known (the reality is different) for focusing on linguistic minutiae in order to wriggle past overall intention, I don’t approve of that as a model for living life. Personally, I blame those akin to Ayn Rand for making empathy, respect, and altruism seem like weaknesses to be exploited for selfish gain thereby making things short-termist in nature. It baffles me that people fail to realise that acting in such a callous, conceited, egotistical manner will result in others reciprocating and any convention-based social contract degenerating into everyone abusing exploits rather than having a 'code of civility.' Regrettably, we have a social model that, paradoxically, makes being a sociopath a good thing so that will inevitably bleed into MMOs.

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It's part of the game mechanic, deal with it and stop crying. Not everything is an exploit.




Destroying the turrets inside reps base, wasnt suppose to happen so people can spawn camp. Instant killing the ball carrier before he scores wasnt intended either. Yes it is a exploit. L2P that way you wouldnt have to cheat to win.

Edited by Tycoon
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It's all part of the rules of Huttball. You may not like it and think there is something morally wrong, but that's completely your own hangup. My grandmother thinks bluffing in poker is cheating, even though it's how the game is played. Goodness knows I've experienced my fair share of sneaky and underhanded tactics in WZ, but that's PvP and all of the frustrations that come with getting killed by a move you can't do or can't counter.


So while I do feel your frustration, I don't want it changed.

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