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What has WoW actually done innovative since it released?


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Here's the difference:


Most of WoW's bugs did not affect every single player in the game.


TOR's biggest "bug," combat delay, affects everybody. So naturally people think this game is more bugged.

Nope. It has never had an effect on me, and I've seen lots of people in lots of threads saying they had no idea what people were talking about.


Sorry, it doesn't affect everybody.

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Nope. It has never had an effect on me, and I've seen lots of people in lots of threads saying they had no idea what people were talking about.


Sorry, it doesn't affect everybody.


If you're ill and don't know it, the illness still affects you. So yes, it has an effect on you.

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WoW innovated with Phasing, noone before had ever done that not even single player games since they could just choose what got destroyed and what didn't.

A persistantly changed world in an MMO is revolutionary, especially one that can exist on multiple levels of accessability.


It's the ultimate expression of "Show, don't tell" and I for one is very interested in seeing what Blizzard does with it in their forthcoming work on WoW as well as their future MMOs.


Yes, multiple, because besides Titan they are working yet another unnamed MMO.


That said, I'm really curious as to what Titan is, perhaps Blizzard want to reinvent the sandbox, the titans did after all create the world according to greek mythology.

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Swtor was first with vo, story and ships?


Actually STO (star trek online) already had ships, basically the exact same way as tor has them now, since long before tor was released.


But they are the first to do anything real about story in an mmo, sure wow has story, but noone reads it and there's like 1-10 cutscenes total in wow.

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What did WoW innovate post-release for MMO's?


The tier-gear. Flying mounts. Battlegrounds. ARENA. Phasing. Achievements. PvP specific gear.


But again, like I said in another thread, WoW innovated so much at release compared to what was out there (read what was out there at at the time in my previous post in this thread) that it completely changed the genre for good and now it's near impossible to make an MMO because you have to have so many basic features to compete with WoW it isn't even funny.

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What did WoW innovate post-release for MMO's?


The tier-gear. Flying mounts. Battlegrounds. ARENA. Phasing. Achievements. PvP specific gear.


But again, like I said in another thread, WoW innovated so much at release compared to what was out there (read what was out there at at the time in my previous post in this thread) that it completely changed the genre for good and now it's near impossible to make an MMO because you have to have so many basic features to compete with WoW it isn't even funny.


^ This.

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EQ's release had about 3 days of solid down time. WoW had like 3 hours outside of 5am style maintenance for *most* servers and most servers were solid.



You're kidding, right?


All the servers were down almost all day most Tuesdays, and they'd rarely even give you good ETA for when they'd come back up.

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Wow is just as 'accessible' as any other MMO out there. There is a reason why it is the most financially successful MMO in history and it isn't that it is accessible.


Not true actually...


WoW requires WAAAAAAAAAAAY less in the hardware department in order to run at high settings. a 200 dollar dell can run WoW at low/mid settings.


Accessibility isn't about how easy it is to get the game it is about what is required to run it.


if millions more people CAN play it. Millions more WILL play it.


Kids play baseball more than Polo not because baseball is better but because all u need is a mitt, bat and ball to play. Horses are harder to come by.

Edited by Tadshackles
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What did WoW innovate post-release for MMO's?


The tier-gear. Flying mounts. Battlegrounds. ARENA. Phasing. Achievements. PvP specific gear.


But again, like I said in another thread, WoW innovated so much at release compared to what was out there (read what was out there at at the time in my previous post in this thread) that it completely changed the genre for good and now it's near impossible to make an MMO because you have to have so many basic features to compete with WoW it isn't even funny.


The tier-gear was done before WoW, with EQ armor sets, Flying Mounts killed exploration, battlegrounds were in launch, but done before in EQ, Phasing isn't really innovative, Achievments were done by in Warhammer, and again eq2 had pvp gear which came out BEFORE wow.

Edited by BOLTgamer
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WoW was not buggy at release. WoW was most likely the most stable and bug-free MMO released up till that point.


EQ's release had about 3 days of solid down time. WoW had like 3 hours outside of 5am style maintenance for *most* servers and most servers were solid.


Bugs exist in every MMO. Compared to EQ, SWG, AO, Horizons, Eve, AC and AC2, it was a better release. And I'm sure I'm missing a few others I played and forgot about. What else was better before then? Nothing I can think of. CoH was probably about the same stability wise and bug wise, but EQ had like 10000x the content.


Wow had huge amounts of bugs at release, they even credited people free playtime to their account to make up for the MULTIPLE days it was down at a time.


My character got stuck in the loot position for 2 days lol. Logging out didn't fix it.

Edited by Sireene
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Also, Lets compare the bugs of SWTOR and WoW at launch.


Just look at a list of WoW bugs At Launch : http://www.wowwiki.com/Patch_1.1.0


List of SWTOR's patch notes : http://www.swtor.com/node/310139


Try comparing it to a recent launch. Are you really saying that SWTOR can only compete with games 8 years old? lol./


Rift beta - head start patch notes. take a look here

Trion put others to shame when it comes to fixing stuff and being responsive.

Edited by Cameirus
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Quoting your post, OP.

1) VO: There have been voice overs in almost every MMO. But fully voice over, yes, that's new, not innovative, but new.

2) Companions: Everybody is a pet class, yay!

3) Story: So you're saying no other MMO has story? Daaaang...

4) Ships: Ships = Very limited player housing. Wewt!

5) Crew skills: Ummm... Ok. It's crafting that somebody else does for me. Nothing really "OMG ITS AMAZING! JUST LIKE COOKIES!" over.

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Wow is just as 'accessible' as any other MMO out there. There is a reason why it is the most financially successful MMO in history and it isn't that it is accessible.


WoW can run on Grandma's 10 year old computer. At one point in it's life, it was casual, hardcore and pvp wrapped into one. It was also mass marketed.


There were "WoW Trial" Disks on counters at 7-11, Target/Walmarts, Gas Stations, etc.


Again, accessible.

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What did WoW innovate post-release for MMO's?


The tier-gear. Flying mounts. Battlegrounds. ARENA. Phasing. Achievements. PvP specific gear.


But again, like I said in another thread, WoW innovated so much at release compared to what was out there (read what was out there at at the time in my previous post in this thread) that it completely changed the genre for good and now it's near impossible to make an MMO because you have to have so many basic features to compete with WoW it isn't even funny.


Tier gear - Everquest has been doing it and was doing it before wow ever launched.


Flying mounts - Not really innovative - not like Aion where there was flying combat (though it was a bad game besides some cool ideas)


Achievements - Stolen directly from Warhammer Online (EQ didn't have and still doesn't have achievements) which launched with it and had been planning to long before wow did anything with it.


Phasing was done in lots of games.


PvP gear was done in Warhammer and EQ2.

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Wow had huge amounts of bugs at release, they even credited people free playtime to their account to make up for the MULTIPLE days it was down at a time.


My character got stuck in the loot position for 2 days lol. Logging out didn't fix it.


And yet it went on to become the most successful MMO ever. Huh, go figure.

Edited by Sireene
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Try comparing it to a recent launch. Are you really saying that SWTOR can only compete with games 8 years old? lol./


Rift beta - head start patch notes. take a look here

Trion put others to shame when it comes to fixing stuff and being responsive.


^^ This.


Rift was a great launch and had great CS. They also deployed patches very quickly opposed to having hours of downtime on certain days. On Rift if there was a problem, a fix was made, all servers down for 10 mins followed by a patch. Done.

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Try comparing it to a recent launch. Are you really saying that SWTOR can only compete with games 8 years old? lol./


Rift beta - head start patch notes. take a look here

Trion put others to shame when it comes to fixing stuff and being responsive.


Doesn't matter when they were released, stop telling yourself that, The hero engine is from 2005, they both use the same technology. Even if thats so, they both still use the same techniques to fix bugs, and WoW isn't 8 years old, it was last updated a month ago with 4.3, adding features and graphical improvements with cata.

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out of all the mmos ive played blizz tends to win on customer support and flow of information between them and the community and they do screw up from time to time on fixing bugs dunno how many patches it took for them to get starfall not to break cc to work..


Trion would like to have a word with you.

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Some facts need to be taken into account when an mmo launches there will be crashes as the company take a guess as to how many people will be in the game. Next I really dont see this whole idealisation of guild wars 2 I mean its still hot key based and instead of jumping you can roll woopty do. Plus it will see very little post launch support,much like guild wars one which is the time its been out has only had like the odd balance change an additional few quests chucked in. The expansions cost a another like 40€ (60$ I think). So yea that game will also suffer from a lot of lag and crashes and performance issues aswell at launch. Call it a hunch.This game offers a good story that makes you feel like a ****** and has some active choices in class quests that are quite altering. Also the devs communicate with the players far more frequently well I am european and devs never went on those forums at all.However this game has its shortcoming aswell like maybe some more active quest are in order like a turret section or a chase scene on nar shaada might be cool. PVP is a mess but tbh I sruggle to remember a game whee it wasnt pants.I personally think most people are just unlucky in matchmaking rather tan the game being broken I mean I am sure its slightly unbalanced but wow was very unbalanced for years I mean wotlk was as like to call wrath of the nub knight.


So really this game is entirely its own with maybe a very streamlined combat system thats a bit dated but hey no auto attack at least you actually have to press buttons to get to 4k dps :)

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I love when people suggest or say that WoW sucks and only mindless idiots play it. We play WoW because we like it. It's still fun even though the Cata content hasn't been all that great. If people didn't like it they wouldn't play it. Just like SWTOR which I am also enjoying so far.
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Quoting your post, OP.

1) VO: There have been voice overs in almost every MMO. But fully voice over, yes, that's new, not innovative, but new.

2) Companions: Everybody is a pet class, yay!

3) Story: So you're saying no other MMO has story? Daaaang...

4) Ships: Ships = Very limited player housing. Wewt!

5) Crew skills: Ummm... Ok. It's crafting that somebody else does for me. Nothing really "OMG ITS AMAZING! JUST LIKE COOKIES!" over.


Do you not know what innovative is? It's improving on something, and thats what they did with crafting in this game, is it brand new, no, but it's innovative, don't misuse innovative. Companions are smarter ai, and no other MMO has presented story good enough for people to actually call it "story"

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I wasnt saying wow bad I was just illustrating that it has a fair share of problems and from my personal experience there is a very good portion of mindless idiots playing it but you get that in most games I think.cough LOL cough
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Do you not know what innovative is? It's improving on something, and thats what they did with crafting in this game, is it brand new, no, but it's innovative, don't misuse innovative. Companions are smarter ai, and no other MMO has presented story good enough for people to actually call it "story"


I think you don't know what innovative is.




(of a product, idea, etc.) Featuring new methods; advanced and original.

(of a person) Introducing new ideas; original and creative in thinking: "an innovative thinker".


It means "new" ideas. Not "improved".

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