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I'm out of here. I hate to do it because I had HIGH hopes for this game, but everything except the leveling process is horrible. It just sucks because I love Star Wars and SW games. I loved KOTOR and KOTOR2.


This game is a big letdown and it's obvious BW has no clue about PvP. It's obvious they did not think through the fact that the VAST majority of people would roll Empire thus making PvP suck from the get go. No, they didn't bother to think about such a simple matter and now they have a HUGE problem on their hands that I don't see being fixable. PvP in this game is going to die, and FAST.


Anyway, here's one more Republic PvP'er calling it quits. Have fun playing your Hutball all day Imps. Have fun rolling around in Ilum with 50 people looking for that ONE Republic player who might be lurking around. Such fun for you guys I am sure. :rolleyes:


And, no, you can't have my stuff since I have already transferred a million creds to a friend and gave all my biochem mats away. I have nothing left but my ugly Champion gear on my back.



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Best if luck. It is unfortunate that BW does not seem to really understand some of the PVP issues. If they do understand, they sure aren't very vocal about it or what their intentions are. Even if they said something like "for now, we plan to keep expertise the way it is," it would help to alleviate some of the questions/complaints that some people have. One thing I can say about some of the other MMOs is that their community service representives were a lot more vocal.
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Best if luck. It is unfortunate that BW does not seem to really understand some of the PVP issues. If they do understand, they sure aren't very vocal about it or what their intentions are. Even if they said something like "for now, we plan to keep expertise the way it is," it would help to alleviate some of the questions/complaints that some people have. One thing I can say about some of the other MMOs is that their community service representives were a lot more vocal.


They don't care, I don't think. They have their money. EA is getting its ROI and cares nothing about quality. This game should have been developed for another YEAR before ever being released. It is so obvious that EA forced BW's hand here to have this game come out just before Xmas. Coincidence? I think not.


But then again, PvP is just an afterthought to this game, like it is in 90% of other MMO's. Maybe the raiders are all happy, I don't know. But I always PvP at endgame and it's just horrible here, especially as a Republic player. Sorry, there's no two ways about it.

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I'm out of here. I hate to do it because I had HIGH hopes for this game, but everything except the leveling process is horrible. It just sucks because I love Star Wars and SW games. I loved KOTOR and KOTOR2.


Ok so I won't quote the rest but why mention how you loved two games that have no PvP and then continue to quit his game due to PvP?


Maybe PvP isn't for you? Have you tried any of the PvE endgame? It's actually really good.

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Ok so I won't quote the rest but why mention how you loved two games that have no PvP and then continue to quit his game due to PvP?


Maybe PvP isn't for you? Have you tried any of the PvE endgame? It's actually really good.


No. I don't play MMO's for PvE. KOTOR is a single player game, so there is going to be no PvP (obviously).


I don't know, maybe I should just give up on any MMO having decent PvP (though a lot of them are heads and shoulders above this game). I just can't get into FPS's though.

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No. I don't play MMO's for PvE. KOTOR is a single player game, so there is going to be no PvP (obviously).


I don't know, maybe I should just give up on any MMO having decent PvP (though a lot of them are heads and shoulders above this game). I just can't get into FPS's though.


Unfortunately good PvP is very subjective. For example; I actually really like the PvP in this game, although I'm starting to think I'm on my own.


Good luck finding something you enjoy though!

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Que mindless fan boys.


I'm sorry, but did my little comment really make you so mad that you had to resort to name-calling like a child?


Why does every person who threatens to cancel (I say threaten because they rarely ever actually do it) think that everyone else on the internet needs to know about it?


Guess what? We really don't. Especially since your reasons for leaving are usually a result of your own impatience.


Are there bugs? Yes.

Are there problems? Absolutely.

Is Bioware working on them? Yes.

Is Bioware's response one of the fastest in the history of MMOs? Yes.


So your issue is that even though Bioware is not only acknowledging the problems but is actively trying to resolve them you are still unhappy because it didn't happen when you wanted it to.


You are entitled to leave, and we are entitled to ignore you as the impatient whiner that you are.

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Maybe the raiders are all happy, I don't know.


Most of the raid fights are very buggy, and the loot system is almost as bad as Champion Bags.


I paid for two months past the end of the free month, so unless there are drastic fixes by then I'll probably be gone mid March.

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They have one month from me to get their chit together. I am out if they can't semi fix marauders, fix resolve (to include roots, stuns, knockbacks), huttball design and fix ilum.


The damage might have already been done to Repub population with this last 1.1 debacle, but we shall see.


You have ONE Month Bioware... and the latest set of patch notes with OP nerfs etc... don't bode well for you.

Edited by JonnyFreedom
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Are you saying "why mindless fanboys" or did you actually just manage to spell "queue" or "cue" wrong?


Thanks for point that out. I was really concerned about his lack of spelling too. Thankfully it has all been cleared up and I can rest easy tonight. Whew, what a load off! I for one am relieved.

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I'm sorry, but did my little comment really make you so mad that you had to resort to name-calling like a child?


Why does every person who threatens to cancel (I say threaten because they rarely ever actually do it) think that everyone else on the internet needs to know about it?


Guess what? We really don't. Especially since your reasons for leaving are usually a result of your own impatience.


Are there bugs? Yes.

Are there problems? Absolutely.

Is Bioware working on them? Yes.

Is Bioware's response one of the fastest in the history of MMOs? Yes.


So your issue is that even though Bioware is not only acknowledging the problems but is actively trying to resolve them you are still unhappy because it didn't happen when you wanted it to.


You are entitled to leave, and we are entitled to ignore you as the impatient whiner that you are.


I have not heard a peep from BW on the faction imbalance issue. They know they have screwed that one up majorly and there's nothing they can do to fix it, so they just ignore it.


The only way to fix it would be to open up free server xfers so all the republic players can get on one server. But then that would suck since there would be no Imps.


Or they could give incentives to roll republic, but that just seems lame to me.


Or they could force xfer Imps from heavy Imp servers to balance it out, but then there would be endless QQ about that too.


I see no way to fix it. They screwed up making empire so much more attractive than republic.

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Yeah I'm done. I've been playing since August and I just cancelled my subscription today. Originally I signed up for 6 months, then a week before 1.1 I switched to 3 months. On 1.1, I switched to 1 month. Today, I cancel.


I wanted to love this game. I wanted to play it for years. I wanted to give Bioware thousands of my dollars over time. But I can't. This game sucks. It's too linear. It's too ez-mode carebear. Come on, I was 50 in a week and I had full epics a week later. Granted, I was playing 12-16 hours a day at that time, but still, it shouldn't take 2 weeks to get a fully geared out max level character. After that, I did the BM grind for a bit, then tried to fill the void with alts, which was Bioware's hope.


just can't get myself to level another character (after doing it so many times in Beta and again here at launch) or even do the warzones much anymore (so sick of Huttball). Maybe if I could queue for only ACW/Voidstar, that would help, but those queues would also be really long, and that only temporary fixes the problem until I'm bored of those too. Too many factors of 4 pugs in the WZs, so if you fight another premade, its a war of the PUGs, and if you fight PUGs, it's just faceroll ezs. I was hoping there would be some world PvP in this game, but of course there isn't.


These MMO developers since WoW just don't *********** get it. They think PvE content and story and voice over is the key to success. No it's not. You know what gives the most replayability (ie: subscription retention)....player generated content.


No game has held my subscription longer than SWG, which held my subscription for 3 years. Since then, WoW held it the longest for 6 months, and every other MMO, a month or 2.


How was SWG able to maintain my subscription for 3 years and how did they lose it? Well obviously they lost it with the NGE crap they pulled, but enough of that. People say "SWG sucks LOL l2p" or w/e. You guys don't have a clue. Yes, SWG had a lot of things wrong with it, a ton of bugs, I won't deny that. But you know what, it was YEARS AHEAD OF IT'S TIME. Those original developers were not afraid. They put incredible features into the hands of the players to create PLAYER GENERATED CONTENT. This means, player generated items, player generated houses, player generated towns, player generated BASES, player generated PvP. I remember every day logging on, and going to an enemy guild's town and trying to take their base down during it's hour of vulnerbaility and than that whole guild there trying to defend it. Epic *********** PvP. The best PvP I ever experienced. Wait, I didn't get epics handed to me for participating this PvP? I just did it for the "fun" of it? No way.


See, these MMO developers don't get it. These James Ohlen, Georg Zoeller, Gabe Amatangelo morons don't get it. They just don't get it. They focus so much on this carebear story voice over. How many times are people going to watch a voice over? Once, and even then I started skipping them cause of the piss poor voice over to lip matching, if I wanted to watch a ****** Star Wars cartoon I'd watch that children's one on TV, at least their lips are matched to the voices properly.


I'll be writing a more extensive I quit post soon, but that should give you an idea of how I feel.


My disappointment in SWTOR is immense, but I blame myself for having expectations when I clearly shouldn't have.

Edited by gankenstein
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They have one month from me to get their chit together. I am out if they can't semi fix marauders, fix resolve (to include roots, stuns, knockbacks), huttball design and fix ilum.


The damage might have already been done to Repub population with this last 1.1 debacle, but we shall see.


You have ONE Month Bioware... and the latest set of patch notes with OP nerfs etc... don't bode well for you.


why wait just unsub so we dont have to hear your qq about it in a month

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