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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Armor dyes?


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Is there a chance we'll get armor dyes soon?

I'm really looking like a Value Village reject with all the different colored gear(I'm too embarassed to post a screenie).

It's very hard to get immersed in my Commando world when I look like that...

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Is there a chance we'll get armor dyes soon?

I'm really looking like a Value Village reject with all the different colored gear(I'm too embarassed to post a screenie).

It's very hard to get immersed in my Commando world when I look like that...


I saw a Commando the other day, I couldn't help but laugh. Oh man did I laugh. He looked like he got in a fight with a bag of Skittles ... and lost.





But in all seriousness, I would give just about anything to have a black dye tub from Ultima Online, in this game.

Edited by Alkiii
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Consumable player-crafted color kits would be a great addition to this game. I am the Commanding Officer of Havoc Squad and I look like a clown compared to the Private in nice-looking and matching armor that I just agreed to help.


This will not keep me from playing, but it would be nice to have dye kits.

Edited by TheBBP
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Consumable player-crafted color kits would be a great addition to this game. I am the Commanding Officer of Havoc Squad and I look like a clown compared to the Private in nice-looking and matching armor that I just agreed to help.


This will not keep me from playing, but it would be nice to have dye kits.


I noticed that the trooper:


A) Looks like a jersey-less hockey player


B) doesn't seem to be able to match any pant details on his hockey equipment.


C) would look WAY better in Olive Drab, jungle camo, or even better urban camo.

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Personally, I'm for Armor Dyes, with the following conditions:


1. Only Armormechs/Synthweavers can craft them.

2. They are temporary.


I understand BW has a lot on their plate, but the crafting professions are all severely gimped at this point. Giving Armormech/Synchweaving an exclusive consumable that's highly in demand, would greatly help those two professions. Then BW could figure out how to fix/help the remaining professions.


edit: added Synthweavers :o

Edited by HanzoV
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Personally, I'm for Armor Dyes, with the following conditions:


1. Only Armormechs can craft them.

2. They are temporary.


I understand BW has a lot on their plate, but the crafting professions are all severely gimped at this point. Giving Armormech an exclusive consumable that's highly in demand, would greatly help that one profession. Then BW could figure out how to fix/help the remaining professions.



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I saw a Commando the other day, I couldn't help but laugh. Oh man did I laugh. He looked like he got in a fight with a bag of Skittles ... and lost.



Ouch lol!!! But...yeah...so much truth and an absolutely brilliant description :p

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Just helping out. They get testy when they think we are trying to lord over them. Jedi/Sith like to do the lording.




Heh, too true. Funny thing is, I was just playing my SI alt yesterday. I guess I mainly identify with my Bounty Hunter, though.

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Personally, I'm for Armor Dyes, with the following conditions:


1. Only Armormechs/Synthweavers can craft them.

2. They are temporary.



Consumable sure, player made absolutely.


Temporary, absolutely not.

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Consumable sure, player made absolutely.


Temporary, absolutely not.


Fair enough. As someone who was grinding out Amormech, and quit at about 250 because I didn't see the point; I was just trying to sweeten the deal for the Amorers/Synthers. ;)


However, if they are permanent, expect them to be more expensive.

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Fair enough. As someone who was grinding out Amormech, and quit at about 250 because I didn't see the point; I was just trying to sweeten the deal for the Amorers/Synthers. ;)


However, if they are permanent, expect them to be more expensive.


Oh hell no, they shouldn't be cheap.


Mostly because I am at 377 armour-tech and if I have any say over it, nothing I make will ever be cheap!

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Fair enough. As someone who was grinding out Amormech, and quit at about 250 because I didn't see the point; I was just trying to sweeten the deal for the Amorers/Synthers. ;)


However, if they are permanent, expect them to be more expensive.


Id happily pay more if thats the case...I just dont want to keep buying and find myself grinding out dailies or whatever just to maintain my look

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You do realize that there are plenty of matching sets of gear out there right? Quite a few are moddable so you can make them current once you hit 50. Forget about the greens, you'll be vendoring them in a couple levels anyway. Run a FP or collect the gear from quests on a planet, most have a gear set associated with them.
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Oh hell no, they shouldn't be cheap.


Mostly because I am at 377 armour-tech and if I have any say over it, nothing I make will ever be cheap!


Ok, now I see your head is in the right place, especially since you are an Armorer.


I guess we could still make money when people decide they want to switch from their black dye, to red, dark blue or what have you.

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I'd love for them to add dye. Between all the horribly designed armor sets and the ugly color schemes on the well designed armor sets, there's almost nothing for my BH to wear. I'd be so happy if we could at least get sets to a color we like. Edited by DarrkLore
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From what I have heard they had a system in place before where the color of your chest piece was put on all your gear so it was matching. For some odd reason they removed this feature... Such a shame.


That does you no good if you already have a full set of something but you want it a different color.

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