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Kira Carsen - Companion story bug?


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I simply don't understand why a game master couldn't roll back the quest prior to the bug and let us try again...
Well, class quests aren't just a series of quests any longer. They offer XP, rewards and affection, and trigger (unless bugged :)) new quests and conversations. It's an extremely complex process which probably explains both why GMs can't just roll back the quest without creating even worse issues with our characters, and why Bioware is taking their time to figure out how to handle this.


I'm afraid we'll just have to wait and see. Our best hope is that they'll figure out how to "awaken" Kira somehow, so that our progress with her can continue without affecting the parts of the game we've already finished.

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submitted four more tickets today for a canned response from fake droid.


keep closing them BW, ill just keep bombarding you with tickets untill you provide:


a) a suitable response to the community via the forums

b)resolve the problem

c) actually interact with players while in game with issues

d) all of the above



take a guess which one is the right answer

Edited by Crohadan
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Out of interest, is anyone that made a new Knight post 1.0.1 and had all of Kira's quests (with 10K affection) but still not getting the last quest? along with the ever so nice she wants to talk but really doesn't bug.


So, my Kira is still bugged after making a new Knight. Sweet. I've done what some others have said on here and stopped my subscription. Not only for the Kira bug (even if that is the main reason for me) but also for the sheer indecency that is the auto-response bot crap when you contact CS regarding anything. Personally, I'd be fine with waiting a little bit longer on my tickets if I got to talk to a HUMAN that actually responded to what I was saying and not irrevelant stuff.


A real shame because I was really enjoying this game and if after biting the bullet and remaking my Jedi Knight and finding it still bugged for me after a supposed fix? that's too much. I hope this gets fixed A.S.A.P for the other people.

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When does this "Defector" quest occur? I don't remember if i've done it yet. I'm level 25 and still in act 1. The only conversation i recall having with Kira on my ship is the "ground rules" conversation.


Can someone explain to me what quests lead up to this? If it turns out I have triggered this bug i will most likely start playing a different char until this is fixed.


Also, if I haven't come up to this quest yet, what do i do to avoid the glitch, and in avoiding the glitch do i also prevent any kind of romance with Kira?



You should be fine ZivilynBane. The bug was fixed last week for those of us who have not made it that far in the game.

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well, i finished act1 last night hoping id get a shedload of kita convos spamming me. nothing at all .... I did chose the DC flirt back in that early convo and i have tried many times to speak to her again.


My Jedi will now sit resting while i play another class. I am not surprised at the level of support Bioware are giving, I remember them in WARHAMMER Online. I dont expect to be playing my Jedi for about 6 months.

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I am bugged, and I understand that it may be difficult to fix, but I just have a question:


is there a point in the story that is a "point of no return," that is, if you do not romance Kira before, for example, finishing a certain Act, the option becomes unavailable? I'm not going to reroll my Knight just because of this or anything, but I want to know if I should stop advancing my story at a certain point until the bug is fixed or risk losing the option forever.

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Level 37 Jedi Knight on Balmorra working on Ch II. I have yet to receive a quest from Kira or any companion. Neither has my friend (same level). This is a pretty MASSIVE oversight on Bioware's part. This should have been sorted in beta. Having to miss out on an entire quest chain because of a game-breaking bug is unacceptable.
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Don't know if it's been mentionned yet or not (120+ pages threads are too much for me, even from work), but I finished the "brother" quest a couple days ago, and chose to report Kira to the council before I headed to Tatooine/Alderaan, and all her quests triggered after we got back from it. But since you can head to Tatooine or Alderaan without stopping by the council (or so I believe) I wonder if that is not the trigger Kira needs to start talking to you.
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Hey guys,


Just got my Jedi knight to level 27 and just done defector quest. I immediately had a string of conversations with kira onboard the defender. Was about... 3-4 of em? Had the option of flirting too. Manged to kiss her once.


that being said, is my kira bugged? or am i safe? Hate to reroll...



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Hey guys,


Just got my Jedi knight to level 27 and just done defector quest. I immediately had a string of conversations with kira onboard the defender. Was about... 3-4 of em? Had the option of flirting too. Manged to kiss her once.


that being said, is my kira bugged? or am i safe? Hate to reroll...




If you did it after the 27th, you're good.

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If you did it after the 27th, you're good.


I just did it 20 minutes ago lol.


Phew, Thank god. Thanks. :)


But i really hope bioware steps up their game. It's kinda sad seeing everyone having this problem and bioware is just keeping quiet.

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Hey guys, NEED HELP. I avoided the dark side flirt, but i still flirted with her on the ship. After the quest i got like 3-4 convos back to back and managed to kiss her. this was all before the 27th tho. I'am I bugged? I've completed tattonie and still havent had a convo with her yet just wondering.
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I just did it 20 minutes ago lol.


Phew, Thank god. Thanks. :)


But i really hope bioware steps up their game. It's kinda sad seeing everyone having this problem and bioware is just keeping quiet.


Yeah, I got hit with it, and while it's not enough to stop me playing my knight or anything, I'm trying to figure out if I'll be locked out of the romance option if I progress too far in the story before they fix it for those of us already bugged. Is there a point of no return where it's no longer available? My guess would be no, but I'd like to see confirmation.


EDIT: and if so, what planet I need to not finish until the fix to avoid that problem.

Edited by Empire_of_Dirt
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Yeah, I got hit with it, and while it's not enough to stop me playing my knight or anything, I'm trying to figure out if I'll be locked out of the romance option if I progress too far in the story before they fix it for those of us already bugged. Is there a point of no return where it's no longer available? My guess would be no, but I'd like to see confirmation.


EDIT: and if so, what planet I need to not finish until the fix to avoid that problem.


From what I've read, the romance option is still there, though the dialog changes after the end of the class quest, and becomes significantly less relevant to the game play for the fact that it should be coinciding with other events.

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I too am still bugged with Kira after doing the darkside flirt with her. I was hoping the last patch would fix the issue but I guess they only fixed it from happening and all of us already bugged are just screwed.


Come on Bioware, announce it as a known issue and that you are working on a fix. I dont want to play my knight any more till I can talk to Kira again! I at least got my knight up to 31 and unlocked my legacy. Sigh......:(

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There are so many pages to read, so I will ask: I've created my JK on 21th December, but I haven't met Kira yet. My question is if I'll have to suffer this bug because I've created my character before the patch.

Thank you (:

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My 44 JK is now shelved; I don't want to continue only seeing part of the story, and I'm fairly bitter about having already gone as far as I did past the broken point.


I have a new alt in a different class (still Republic since my friends are all there), but I'm already playing less. I may just find other things to do.


Given that they already listed this bug as "fixed" in one set of patch notes (when correcting the existing bad data for current users was such an obvious part of any fix that it's astonishing that it wasn't included), and given the supposed "fix" for broken harvesting nodes (which anyone doing any sort of crafting-material gathering can tell you is still just as broken as before), I can't help but consider whatever developers are currently assigned to bug-fixing to be somewhere between disinterested and incompetent. These are not complicated problems to debug and verify fixes for, for anyone with a CS background and even a basic interest in gaming. As such, I'm not optimistic about seeing a resolution being executed within a timeframe relevant to those of us who are stuck.


I think it's time to move on.

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There are so many pages to read, so I will ask: I've created my JK on 21th December, but I haven't met Kira yet. My question is if I'll have to suffer this bug because I've created my character before the patch.

Thank you (:


No you don't get bugged

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Not for nothing, but if this were Blizzard running WoW, everything would be fixed. If Bioware wants to compete with WoW, they need to step up their support and development.


You obviously was not playing WoW when it first came out, otherwise you wouldn't be making that statement. This is the most highly polished MMO right out the gate, which is saying a lot, considering all the different factors and variables that come into play when developing an MMO.


Anytime an MMO comes out, there will always be scores of bugs to start out with. I am surprised that the known issues list is not longer, which goes to show the quality of the workmanship. If you compare the known issues list to those MMOs that have been out far longer, you will find some interesting comparisons in their length. You would expect a new MMO to have a far longer list, but that is far from the case.


Kudos to BioWare for working as hard as they did to get a quality game out, despite the expected hiccups that will always arise.

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