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Kira Carsen - Companion story bug?


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That is quoted from the patch page of 1.0.1, so it is confirmed that as of 12/27, the issue has been fixed. Whether that's only for players that have NOT reached that point yet, or for ALL players, I am not sure and cannot confirm


Late to the party. It's only for those that didn't reach that point yet at the time of the fix.

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Late to the party. It's only for those that didn't reach that point yet at the time of the fix.


and that would make sense, because, just like you can't go back and change your choices on any of the other quests, I can understand why it's difficult for them to fix it for those that have already past that point in the game. I am sure they are trying to find a work around for those that are affected so they won't have to re-roll their Jedi Knights, which is essentially what you would have to do ANY time you want to make different choices than you've already made.

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Well I'm posting the customer service forums now, it's pointless to keep complaining on this 100+ page thread.


It's pissing into the wind to try and get anything out of them at this point. The only workarounds for now are:


A) Create a different class.


B) Re-create your Jedi Knight, or


C) Don't renew after your 30 days.

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and that would make sense, because, just like you can't go back and change your choices on any of the other quests, I can understand why it's difficult for them to fix it for those that have already past that point in the game. I am sure they are trying to find a work around for those that are affected so they won't have to re-roll their Jedi Knights, which is essentially what you would have to do ANY time you want to make different choices than you've already made.


Too bad that in ANY other P2P game, when you get stuck on a questline, a GM will swoop down to you upon request and reset that quest. Which brings us to very, very poor customer support.


There simply is no excuse, despite the fact that some people are trying so hard to make up some.

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Here's an update from me. Some players suggested that we finish act 1 since that's when they started getting conversations and quests from Kira again. I finished act 1 tonight, and immediately got the icon stating that Kira wanted to speak to me somewhere private (not "on my ship" as before). So that changed. But once I went back to the ship, she had nothing to say. I went to the fleet, and still nothing. So finishing act 1 didn't help for me.


EDIT: Also, a YouTube-video showed me that Kira does indeed want a conversation directly after finishing Act 1, and the contents of it are in direct relation to what has just happened.

Edited by lexaconn
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Yes call me a fanboi all you want (highly mature)

- I have not denied that there are issues with this game not in the least have I denied it


I am simply attempting to be a mature individual who would think a forum would give me the respect I am attempting to give it by not breaking down into a complete ZOMG FML BIOWARE DOESN"T CARE attitude that can be akin to a child not recieving the lollipop it sees on the counter of a candy store


just as an FYI


you lose all credibility if you ever make a statement using the word "fanboi"

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Any simple ETA such as a few days, a few weeks, or a few months would be great in my opinion. (Although obviously i dont want to wait months lol). They have yet to give us ANYTHING though. Thats what makes me angry


EDIT: I'm to the point where i'd even be okay with "we have no idea how to fix this. If you truly care re-roll your character." Thats better than "Shut the F*** up and keep waiting."

While I don't think it's accurate to say they haven't given us anything, I fully support the sentiment of this post. As far as any of us know at this point, those of us who are bugged will remain bugged until the January 10th patch at the earliest.


I would be happy with a simple "Yes" or "No" to the following question:


BioWare, in your estimation, will the retroactive fix be good to go within, say the next couple weeks, just as a rough ballpark. Or, is it seeming like it is a tough enough issue (and/or low enough on your priority list) that it would be better for all of us with bugged Knights to just reroll our characters? Do you even know how to go about fixing it, or are you not even to that stage yet?



I just wanted to add my voice to the others affected by this bug. My Jedi Knight is languishing at level 31 because I don't want to move forward with his story until this issue has been fixed. I feel bad enough that I may have missed some special dialogue options at the close of Chapter 1 since I'm unable to advance my relationship with Kira -- and I sure as heck don't want to miss anything further!


I was holding out for the next maintenance patch, assuming it would have a fix for this, but it looks like I'm going to be playing alts for quite a while longer than I'd hoped.


How sad. :(

I'm in exactly the same boat, but one level higher. I feel for you, man. Let's hope for the 10th, or some kind of response other than, "Yeah, we know. Just be quiet and we'll get around to it."

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Just made a new jedi knight and slogged through Tython. It doesn't look like a fix is coming anytime soon, so I might as well start now. Exact same face, same advanced class, same skills, similar name. If I had done this when I first found out about the bug, I'd be caught up and then some by now.


I'll roleplay it, pretend my character is reflecting on his adventure so far.

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Can someone who played through to the end tell me if Kira has special dialog in the last quest line of the JK story around lvl 50?


Please, cause I am getting tired of waiting on BioWare, so if there is no difference in the main quest line's dialog with Kira, I am gonna finish it tonight.

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Just made a new jedi knight and slogged through Tython. It doesn't look like a fix is coming anytime soon, so I might as well start now. Exact same face, same advanced class, same skills, similar name. If I had done this when I first found out about the bug, I'd be caught up and then some by now.


I'll roleplay it, pretend my character is reflecting on his adventure so far.


Doing the exact same thing now. BioWare remains quiet, and I doub't we'll get a fix very soon now, if we're really lucky, I'm guessing we might get a fix on the 10th of January, but that's being lucky.

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I opened another ticket in game, appealing for my quest to be reset. of course they'll close it again without an answer, and I'll open another one the day after.


ive bugged it three times since i last posted on this forum. each time its the same old same old canned response. no way am i rerolling a toon that is half way to max level. thats just stupid imo, its BW's screw up not mine.

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ive bugged it three times since i last posted on this forum. each time its the same old same old canned response. no way am i rerolling a toon that is half way to max level. thats just stupid imo, its BW's screw up not mine.


halfway... i wish. my sentinels lvl 41 almost 42 with three lvl 400 crew skills valor rank 30 social rank 2 almost 3 etc... Re-rolling is pretty much out of the question for me :(

Edited by Roarrk
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was referring to the one who called you that


sry but anybody who thinks its acceptable to ignore this bug since JULY is just absurd. lets give the sorc's their darth title, but ignore content on the JK archtype. it is indefensible and it limits my already limited gameplay in this ultra linear game. i cant count the number of times this got bugged since july, and still nothing...but yet its ok to get the canned response, provide canned feedback, and make no effort to communicate where it sits on their priority list to PAYING CUSTOMERS.

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yeah i ahve to voice my support on this one. i discovered it while lanning with a friend where he didn't flirt being female and i did, and then he got another convo...which i didn't get. and from there, i came to find out about this wonderful bug.


I'm not as high as some of you, being lvl 35, but i'm in gear i like, infact i'm very happy with my character as is. Rerolling is not an acceptable option imo.

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