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Kira Carsen - Companion story bug?


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They've known about it since BETA and they didnt bother even trying to fix it till now. I say thats not working as hard as they can to fix the problem. This is SOE all over again.


I used to have a lot of faith in bioware and the standards of there games but this bug has really wrecked it for me. I should not have to re roll because of their failure and this should of been fixed in the ******* BETA it makes me think all my beta testing was a waste of time.

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I'm now a happy Sith Assassin tank. I waited long enough, now I'll do my part and add to the overpopulation on the Empire side. I could very easily be a level 50 Jedi Guardian doing my part for the Republic, but that's their loss. I'm not the only one and this will only add to the shortage of Republic tanks on my server.


It might be alright for some people, but I can't bring myself to play a "story driven" MMO with a big piece of that story broken. This feels like I'm playing The Sith Lords before the restoration again. The rest of the launch has been incredibly well executed (I've tried most of them), but wanting to throw Kira out the airlock has been a big tarnish on it.

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BW probably resting already and we wont hear from them for some time now, well, i doubt anyone working during 30/11-5/12. I hope im wrong, but seems like no fix for us in this year.


we payed for their broken game they owe it to us to fix it even over break. I know this sounds mean but they did give us a broken game and now might of just left it to go have fun. if they wanted to go have fun now then they should of fixed it BEFORE LAUNCH.

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I used to have a lot of faith in bioware and the standards of there games but this bug has really wrecked it for me. I should not have to re roll because of their failure and this should of been fixed in the ******* BETA it makes me think all my beta testing was a waste of time.


Then do what I said above. Put this bug in the light, let the public know that your gaming experience has been ruined!

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Then do what I said above. Put this bug in the light, let the public know that your gaming experience has been ruined!


you can do that if you want to but i still like bioware even if they ruined this game for me and im not going to try and make the game fail with all the hard work put in to this game be for nothing.

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Guys, I beseech you. Don't turn into the whining mob of peurile instagraties found in the General Forum. They made a quick fix for those who have yet to get to that point with Kira. They'll get it straightened out.


The game has a lot of bugs because it's very new. They'll get things fixed. Be vocal, but be patient and encouraging and we'll all be rewarded for it.

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Guys, I beseech you. Don't turn into the whining mob of peurile instagraties found in the General Forum. They made a quick fix for those who have yet to get to that point with Kira. They'll get it straightened out.


The game has a lot of bugs because it's very new. They'll get things fixed. Be vocal, but be patient and encouraging and we'll all be rewarded for it.


you don't get this people reported it in beta and now the finally fix it which is only helping new people while of their loyal fans (people that preorder and put hours into this game) are screwed and we have the right as paying costumers to whine if we want when we get a ***** game.

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Just to totally confirm this before I get to this defectors quest. I read as many pages as I could but this is fixed for new players that choose too flirt with her correct? Just wanna be sure thanks in advance.


Edit: nvm guy above me posted while I was writing. Good news but I hope they fix this for the jedis passed that point.

Edited by Gearsofwarthree
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I know that they will eventually fix this bug. The thing that bothers me most right now is the lack of actual communication. All we've heard so far is "under investigation". What does that mean? Do you have NO idea what the bug is? Are you close? Are you finished investigating and currently developing a fix? That's what I would like to know. I don't even need an ETA, just to know what stage the work is in.


If this was known in beta, it should have been addressed sooner. It's a huge story bug in a story based game that really makes the JK arc weaker than every other class' arc who have dialogue and relationships with their companions throughout. It's not like a missing tooltip from a skill, this is clearly a very large and disappointing issue, as evidenced by the number of complaints about it and the fact that people are actually willing to reroll just to experience the missing content.


"It's under investigation" at this point just doesn't suffice. We want to know where they are on a fix. They teased us with the patch notes this week, then we all found out it wasn't fixed for the players who had already spent a lot of time going through the story. That really should have been explained better. The quality of communication right now is not instilling confidence in players.

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Ok I get it Bioware it make take awhile to fix...but for god's sake it only takes 5 mins to give a post and to give us an ETA on when it can be fixed!


I refuse to reroll after putting so much time on my char...I would accept a reset of the quest to that point however....


Has anyone gotten a reset yet when they have asked?

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Just to totally confirm this before I get to this defectors quest. I read as many pages as I could but this is fixed for new players that choose too flirt with her correct? Just wanna be sure thanks in advance.


yes it should be okay now. have fun with kira as we all cry ourselves to death :D.

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OK, so I guess my Kira is also bugged. But I only found out because I got a message (an icon over her portrait) saying that she wanted to speak to me privately on my ship. I immediately went to the ship, but when I got there, she had nothing to say after all, and the icon was gone. This was on Alderaan, level 31.


I did indeed pick the DS flirt option and the next flirt option as indicated from the descriptions in this thread.


Just wanted to mention this since it could be useful, maybe even for devs whom I trust are working hard on fixing this for us poor Jedi Knights.


EDIT: Just wanted to add that I now again got the little message saying that Kira wished to speak to me aboard my ship. The message disappeared after a few seconds, and once I entered the ship, I briefly got a message in red saying "Not eligible for this conversation".

Edited by lexaconn
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Ok I get it Bioware it make take awhile to fix...but for god's sake it only takes 5 mins to give a post and to give us an ETA on when it can be fixed!


I refuse to reroll after putting so much time on my char...I would accept a reset of the quest to that point however....


Has anyone gotten a reset yet when they have asked?


You get a copy/paste paragraph from a "Droid" telling you to wait for a patch and stating that they have no further information for you.


Translation from "Gamemaster-ese: "Leave us alone, we'll fix it when we get around to it."


Edit: I'd like to add that my ticket was politely worded and simply asked for an ETA or a workaround. It also stated that the patch that "fixed" Kira did nothing of the sort for us bitter veterans. The response didn't even acknowledge that point.

Edited by SidisAran
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You get a copy/paste paragraph from a "Droid" telling you to wait for a patch and stating that they have no further information for you.


Translation from "Gamemaster-ese: "Leave us alone, we'll fix it when we get around to it."


Edit: I'd like to add that my ticket was politely worded and simply asked for an ETA or a workaround. It also stated that the patch that "fixed" Kira did nothing of the sort for us bitter veterans. The response didn't even acknowledge that point.


I wrote a couple page letter via support ticket, I actually got a written reply though still in the form of a protocol droid to answer my questions. Though yes, the response could be boiled down to: "yes, we know. we are working on it, no eta."

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you don't get this people reported it in beta and now the finally fix it which is only helping new people while of their loyal fans (people that preorder and put hours into this game) are screwed and we have the right as paying costumers to whine if we want when we get a ***** game.


I do "get" it. You apparently do not. Just because you've been playing since Beta doesn't mean that you're BioWare's "most loyal fan." We're all paying customers now. And there are far more new people than there are Beta holdovers.


Prove your loyalty with your patience. And stop the whining.


Good. Grief.

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Considering the age of the game bugs are normal but a companion quest flag to alter before a lunch doesnt take that much - from a script kiddies point of view that happens to also work for MMOs in RL.

Kinda sad that it was reported but their tkt FAQ isnt updated at all - best part is, I get their replies these days not in just one language but in FR, EN and Italian or whatever it is.

They clearly lable all tkts as bugs and send that response aparently with cross language GM which cant read the tkt nor have to.

Just close the tkts to have a short "answering" time.

very sad ...

Edited by Anelor
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You get a copy/paste paragraph from a "Droid" telling you to wait for a patch and stating that they have no further information for you.


Translation from "Gamemaster-ese: "Leave us alone, we'll fix it when we get around to it."


Edit: I'd like to add that my ticket was politely worded and simply asked for an ETA or a workaround. It also stated that the patch that "fixed" Kira did nothing of the sort for us bitter veterans. The response didn't even acknowledge that point.


GM dont fix stuff, they answer tkts and do comunity works. Fixing is the Developpers job. What a dev does or not does a GM does not know. They are on the bottom of the food chain and only know what they ve been told.


If they are lucky they have a good GM tool allowing them to reimburse stuff or change quest flags but no one will do that for single players. If it be done, than for all of us at once via devs and a patch. That going by this thread is long over due considering the simplicity of the fix that could have prevented this post altogether.

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I do "get" it. You apparently do not. Just because you've been playing since Beta doesn't mean that you're BioWare's "most loyal fan." We're all paying customers now. And there are far more new people than there are Beta holdovers.


Prove your loyalty with your patience. And stop the whining.


Good. Grief.


I appreciate you being a voice of reason, but in this rare case I actually believe that, at least for those of us avoiding incendiary wording, the complaints are warranted. We paid for a game in which one of the main eight storylines is not finished.


I'm sorry if someone considers this a spoiler, but I have confirmation from a higher-level, non-bugged Jedi Knight that being in a romance with Kira does change some of the quest dialog in the main story. It doesn't change any of the outcomes, but you will get different lines from her in certain places if you have her with you.


The fact that they have known about this since beta, and it hasn't been enough of a priority to fix until, at the very, very least, scores of players (hundreds would not surprise me at all) are already affected, is just not acceptable. A timeframe is the least they can do, as a lot of us are trying to decide whether re-rolling is worth it.


This is not the typical MMO forum QQing going on here. This is a very legitimate series of complaints over a major issue with a product we all paid for that is blocking access to a significant amount of quality content.

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I appreciate you being a voice of reason, but in this rare case I actually believe that, at least for those of us avoiding incendiary wording, the complaints are warranted. We paid for a game in which one of the main eight storylines is not finished.


I'm sorry if someone considers this a spoiler, but I have confirmation from a higher-level, non-bugged Jedi Knight that being in a romance with Kira does change some of the quest dialog in the main story. It doesn't change any of the outcomes, but you will get different lines from her in certain places if you have her with you.


The fact that they have known about this since beta, and it hasn't been enough of a priority to fix until, at the very, very least, scores of players (hundreds would not surprise me at all) are already affected, is just not acceptable. A timeframe is the least they can do, as a lot of us are trying to decide whether re-rolling is worth it.


This is not the typical MMO forum QQing going on here. This is a very legitimate series of complaints over a major issue with a product we all paid for that is blocking access to a significant amount of quality content.


Look, I know it sucks. And I know it's frustrating for our particular class, but I believe it's important for us to be vocal about these problems without being incendiary and without adopting a victim mindset. Overall, the game is amazing. And it's going to be around for a long time to come.


In the big picture, the community needs to hold itself to a higher standard than what is being exemplified in the General Forum. If we're vocal in our desires, but also encouraging, thoughtful, patient, and providing useful feedback, we will see things proceed a lot smoother on their end.


They love this game as much or as more than we do--this is their baby. They created it. They want it to succeed as much for the satisfaction of mastering their trade as they do for the money that goes in to their pockets.


This community is in its infancy. If it's attitude doesn't improve, it's only going to make everyone's experiences (both Dev and customer) all the more worse in the long run.


Vocal but patient.

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Hi Yukondoit,

in generel u are right but if the poster before me are right, then being in a romance with her changes the lines we hear from her. I can endure having all the talks with her when i am lv 50 but what I go crazy about is, that I miss out on her words in the meantime of the main storyline.

In WoW I wasted most cash and time in having 9 alts. I wanted to stop that and have 1 char thus missing out on a lot of content from Balmora onwards and I am beyond Balmora already.

A simple GM/CM post - we heard you and the devs agreed in doing XXX but we do not know when ... is a fair start considering their ticket works isnt the best with closing tkts as bugs even if its an reimbursement case and with a response fitting 3 languages.


PS I upped her affection to over 8000 now even a reset will hit me hard considering all the artefact gifts I gave her, believing it was the low affection that made her mute.

Edited by Anelor
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