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Kira Carsen - Companion story bug?


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Does this effect FJknights or only the males due to this flirt being the bug???


I had 2 or 3 conversations after the Mining asteroid stuff.


I think its only males because you cannot flirt with her if your a female...However do not quote me on that...but if I had to guess like I said most likely only JK males...

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On a similar note, I've gone from around 7k affection to over 9k affection with Jaesa Willsaam without a cut scene. Not sure if its a bug or something I said. Or if I need to progress my overall story line further.


Well, nevermind. I think I figure my situation out. I believe progression with Jeasa was connected to my progression in my class storyline.

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Add my emphatic "Yes" vote to resetting the JK class quest to square 1, if that's what it takes to get this fixed ASAP and wouldn't cause even more bugs to do so. I'll just faceroll through the bad guys and spacebar through the dialog to make it seem like nothing changed. Or I'll listen to it over again and justify it in my head as my character meditating on his past missions. Whatever.


Even if you have a solution that will fix it without having to reset the Class Quest to the beginning, if you can roll it out a week sooner by doing the reset, I would prefer that over having to wait another week.

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Add my emphatic "Yes" vote to resetting the JK class quest to square 1, if that's what it takes to get this fixed ASAP and wouldn't cause even more bugs to do so. I'll just faceroll through the bad guys and spacebar through the dialog to make it seem like nothing changed. Or I'll listen to it over again and justify it in my head as my character meditating on his past missions. Whatever.


Even if you have a solution that will fix it without having to reset the Class Quest to the beginning, if you can roll it out a week sooner by doing the reset, I would prefer that over having to wait another week.




we do not care on doing some class quest, it would take not much time. give to jedi knights the possibility to reset the whole class quest. take to us lightside/darkside points or whatever it takes but let us play the story with kira.


i'm on ACT3 and i feel deceived

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You do realize there's a total cap, right?

And only full light/full dark can equip the top tier...


The way it works (now, anyway -- we had someone test it) is that when you hit the cap, any additional points reduce the amount on the other side. So if you have 10k light & 200 dark, getting more light just makes the dark drop.


Doesn't make me feel any better about the Kira bug, but as a brief aside, you don't need to worry about the cap -- at least given how it currently works.

Edited by ciparis
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Can't wait for a fix for this. Got redirected here, so good to see BioWare's aware of the issue. I've also seen the bug fix on the patch notes, so hopefully the current Knights won't have a problem with it.


Time to work on my Inquisitor while I wait to make sweet sweet love to Ms. Carsen

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I've completely stopped played my JK now. Started a new consular while I wait for this to be fixed.


Story is one of the main reasons I love this game & I think I will be missing out if I continue.

I wish I realised earlier as I am currently in the start of act 2.


Hopefully it won't take too long so I would like to get back to my main soon.


P.S. I also would be more than happy with a class quest restart.

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hi everyone - we're continuing to look into the issue preventing progress with kira for those of you who are still experiencing it. We're sorry for the inconvenience and appreciate your understanding.


2 days to new year, and still bugged romance, crysis!

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It is obvious they are fixing it they can't respond until they know they can fix it . Yes you are upset but im sure that trawling through lines of code to find a fix to revert the problem. It is like a disease, you stop anyone else from catching it and then prioritise and cure those with it. Do you see vaccines pumped out as soon as a disease crops up?? So my advice would be to try other aspects of the game role another class its a fun experience explore many avenues not one. Be open minded as a jedi would be don't given to the hate as it leads to suffering the shadow of greed that is!!!
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It is obvious they are fixing it they can't respond until they know they can fix it . Yes you are upset but im sure that trawling through lines of code to find a fix to revert the problem. It is like a disease, you stop anyone else from catching it and then prioritise and cure those with it. Do you see vaccines pumped out as soon as a disease crops up?? So my advice would be to try other aspects of the game role another class its a fun experience explore many avenues not one. Be open minded as a jedi would be don't given to the hate as it leads to suffering the shadow of greed that is!!!


It is decidedly not greed to want the thing you bought at fairly great expense and will continue to support through a fairly hefty, if standard, monthly fee to work properly.


When many things don't work properly, our first response is often to take them back to the store and get a replacement if possible, or a refund if not.


Here those things are not plausible or practical, but there is the very real possibility of just not continuing to support the product through that monthly fee.




I'm sure we'll find that different features are important to different people. There are many people that could not have and now will never run into this bug, and there are some that don't really care very much about the companion / romance features in this, or any other Bioware title.


But since I really like that stuff, it so happens to be important to me, and that's why this is so frustrating.

Edited by JayDubyaDub
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So the last patch fixed the issue for those who haven't yet flirted with her? Can I safely choose that dialogue option?


I successfully completed the Defector quest last night, and was able to correctly trigger the romance storyline with Kira.



- Ensure you back her up in all dialogue in the Defector quest.

- DO NOT select the first DS flirt option when using the intercom on the ship.

- Instead, ensure that you select the option to return to Tython to expose Kira's past to the Jedi council.

- Once the scene with the Jedi Council is completed, I had at least 3 (or 4, can't remember) companion quests appear available to me when on the ship with Kira. All flirt options here do not trigger DS points.


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I successfully completed the Defector quest last night, and was able to correctly trigger the romance storyline with Kira.



- Ensure you back her up in all dialogue in the Defector quest.

- DO NOT select the first DS flirt option when using the intercom on the ship.

- Instead, ensure that you select the option to return to Tython to expose Kira's past to the Jedi council.

- Once the scene with the Jedi Council is completed, I had at least 3 (or 4, can't remember) companion quests appear available to me when on the ship with Kira. All flirt options here do not trigger DS points.


I have done pretty much exactly that last night too and can say that it worked for me as well! I didn't want to risk it and try the DS option, though it was temping, but it worked out better this way anyway!

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Here's a thought I had...


Rather than trying to figure out a way to rewind time for all the Knights who already chose the DS option and thus are screwed out of any quests.


Choosing one option or another assigned a flag to our characters. It says "Yes she'll talk to you" or "No, she won't" depending on what you clicked.




Make an item, sold by the Companion Gift vendor, that resets the flag from "No" to "Yes".


Then anyone affected can just go get the item and use it. And anyone unaffected can continue playing without having to worry about rewinding.


Problem solved?

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Here's a thought I had...


Rather than trying to figure out a way to rewind time for all the Knights who already chose the DS option and thus are screwed out of any quests.


Choosing one option or another assigned a flag to our characters. It says "Yes she'll talk to you" or "No, she won't" depending on what you clicked.




Make an item, sold by the Companion Gift vendor, that resets the flag from "No" to "Yes".


Then anyone affected can just go get the item and use it. And anyone unaffected can continue playing without having to worry about rewinding.


Problem solved?


It's a good idea, though I'm not sure if it'll work. I'm sure BioWare's working on the problem, they've said so, and from past experiences, I trust them on that. I'd just like some sort of info or an ETA on the fix, or someone telling us what's going on. Even though I don't want to reroll my Knight, if this is gonna take a month, I might as well, 'cause I'll be romancing Kira faster if I then reroll. So please, BioWare, I know you're doing what you can to fix it, but could you give us a hint at what's going on?

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Here's a thought I had...


Rather than trying to figure out a way to rewind time for all the Knights who already chose the DS option and thus are screwed out of any quests.


Choosing one option or another assigned a flag to our characters. It says "Yes she'll talk to you" or "No, she won't" depending on what you clicked.




Make an item, sold by the Companion Gift vendor, that resets the flag from "No" to "Yes".


Then anyone affected can just go get the item and use it. And anyone unaffected can continue playing without having to worry about rewinding.


Problem solved?


I guess the problem here is not the way to trigger the reset on this but how to make the reset itself or solve it in any other way.


I want to believe the the guys at BW are working on the best way to solve this problem.


I didn't have this problem because of my Knight being low level and I didn't reach that quest yet but I understand everybody else's concern.

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We're glad that newer JK's that are just now doing defector are not having issues, but I'm hoping they find a way to resolve the problems being experienced by the JK's that have already done it and now cannot continue our story arc properly.
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Please, BioWare, I know we're nagging, I know we're annoying, but it means a lot to us, and I know that you know that, because you told us that you knew how much it means. So can we please get a hint at how far you've come on the bug? Are you still investigating? Being worked on? Can we expect to see it within the coming week? Or will it more likely take a month?
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Please, BioWare, I know we're nagging, I know we're annoying, but it means a lot to us, and I know that you know that, because you told us that you knew how much it means. So can we please get a hint at how far you've come on the bug? Are you still investigating? Being worked on? Can we expect to see it within the coming week? Or will it more likely take a month?


It isn't nagging when that is a selling point of a Bioware game and they don't come up with it. What is appalling is how they claim to have fixed the bug patched the game, and either didn't give a complete fix or didn't fix anything at all.

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It isn't nagging when that is a selling point of a Bioware game and they don't come up with it. What is appalling is how they claim to have fixed the bug patched the game, and either didn't give a complete fix or didn't fix anything at all.



I don't understand why people keep saying this. The fix in the patch was always meant to just fix the bug so future people don't get it, not the people who have already been screwed by it.


Also, the big reason we all want an ETA is what has already been said. If this fix is going to take awhile then I'll just reroll and redo my 90+ hours of game play and just spacebar through everything and hope that it doesnt get irritating.

Edited by calhounhusker
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I don't understand why people keep saying this. The fix in the patch was always meant to just fix the bug so future people don't get it, not the people who have already been screwed by it.


If I understand you correctly, since I already had the dialogue with her, and choose the darkside option. I will have no more opportunities to have dialogue with her.

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