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Kira Carsen - Companion story bug?


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They have more then enough money and more then enough people to fix this bug in one day....yet they continue to let it stew and basically say


"Sorry you Jedi Knights and your Kira bug just aren't worth are time...just yet..."

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I work in a technical field and I know the mindsets of people who want things fixed immidiately.


As for an ETA- as an example they gave an ETA for the patch on last tuesday- it went over by a margin and people SCREAMED at them so ultimately they cannot win.




The "they do not care" or "have no idea how to fix it" is an assumption.


In my line of work things go wrong that take engineers months to fix and people SCREAM. but ultimately it is resolved.


Patience is a virtue.


People say "the fix is easy" but unless they have created a massivley intricate game such as this one and promoted it to the public then can it really be that easy?


Perhaps they do know how to fix it but if they do it has effects on something else unforseen. And then you say "well they shouldn't have released it to which I say If they kept it in development even longer people would scream at that too.


Dude, you're talking way too much common sense for this place.

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They have more then enough money and more then enough people to fix this bug in one day....yet they continue to let it stew and basically say


"Sorry you Jedi Knights and your Kira bug just aren't worth are time...just yet..."


And who are you again to judge whether they "have more than enough money" for anything? Do you have BioWare's accounting book? Do you know the cost of server maintenance? Each individual employee's salary? How about the total cost of overhead? What about their power bill? Do you have a chart denoting their transaction costs with their partner clients? Do you even know how many employees Bioware has working on TOR? Tell me, how much is BioWare spending on paper each month? Pens?


Please elucidate for us.

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And who are you again to judge whether they "have more than enough money" for anything? Do you have BioWare's accounting book? Do you know the cost of server maintenance? Each individual employee's salary? How about the total cost of overhead? What about their power bill? Do you have a chart denoting their transaction costs with their partner clients? Do you even know how many employees Bioware has working on TOR? Tell me, how much is BioWare spending on paper each month? Pens?


Please elucidate for us.



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And who are you again to judge whether they "have more than enough money" for anything? Do you have BioWare's accounting book? Do you know the cost of server maintenance? Each individual employee's salary? How about the total cost of overhead? What about their power bill? Do you have a chart denoting their transaction costs with their partner clients? Do you even know how many employees Bioware has working on TOR? Tell me, how much is BioWare spending on paper each month? Pens?


Please elucidate for us.



Though you make valid points, this bug is rather glaring and in some ways game breaking. For that reason I am in the middle of the issue having both patience and at the same time wanting them to hurry up and fix it.

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It doesn't matter what language this link is in, it still doesn't refute the asininity of the assertion that "they have more than enough money." You people have what economists call a "knowledge problem."


That is to say, you don't know what you don't know.

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They have more then enough money and more then enough people to fix this bug in one day....yet they continue to let it stew and basically say


"Sorry you Jedi Knights and your Kira bug just aren't worth are time...just yet..."


They had enough money before this game even started- irrelevant argument used to justify why they have not done what people want

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This bug is buggin' me!


Besides that, just park your jedi knight for a while guys. Try another character. I'm sure BW is trying its best to get everything fixed up. I can't imagine creating and running a huge MMO like this. As long as it doesn't take months and months, I can be patient :)

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It doesn't matter what language this link is in, it still doesn't refute the asininity of the assertion that "they have more than enough money." You people have what economists call a "knowledge problem."


That is to say, you don't know what you don't know.


when your done being a ***** will you realize all the people on this page are full of anger right now and don't take kindly to you telling us what to do. let some people vent their fellings with out you coming in and telling us were wrong or this is what we should do or any other crap you have. let us have our nerd rage in peace!

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This bug is buggin' me!


Besides that, just park your jedi knight for a while guys. Try another character. I'm sure BW is trying its best to get everything fixed up. I can't imagine creating and running a huge MMO like this. As long as it doesn't take months and months, I can be patient :)


Agreed- Ultimately unless you have extensive knowlege in massive game production creation as this one then stop flaming Bioware for not doing something that "seems simple"

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Agreed- Ultimately unless you have extensive knowlege in massive game production creation as this one then stop flaming Bioware for not doing something that "seems simple"


I don't care if it is simple, or the most mind-bendingly complex bit of code monkeying on their plate at the moment. Fixing this issue is necessary, and whatever resources need to be tasked to fixing it in order to get this done pronto should have already been assigned to it a week ago.


Nerfing slicing was not critical. Updating the server selection screen more often was not critical. This issue, however, has a bunch of characters benched pending a fix. When you have a bug that takes characters out of play indefinitely, you've got a big damn problem that needs to be treated with real urgency, regardless of its simplicity or complexity.


Fix it.

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I'm willing to wager the $5 in my left pocket that this issue is fixed next week once the entire team returns from the holiday break. And then we'll move on to our next *****-fest. Repeat. Ad nauseum.

While you're right about some of the people here, I would ask you to please not generalize. I know the kind of people you are talking about, and trust me, I am not that guy. I have been playing MMOs since '04, and this is the only time I have felt fully justified in airing the breadth and depth of my grievances at full (albeit respectable) volume.


Stay vocal, but as Ron Burgundy said, stay classy. You'll catch more flies with honey than you will with vinegar. And that's doubly the case here because BW has a major incentive to keep all of us happy.

This is what I am trying my best to do. I feel like if I jump on the "Just be patient, guys," bandwagon, fixing this will end up falling lower on the BioWare priority list. I don't want to sound ungrateful or ignorant, but I want this bug fixed as immediately as possible and will continue to campaign in my own way for that to happen.


The bug will be fixed. And soon. And all the instagraties will move on to something else to piss and moan about, forgetting that their previous whining was addressed.

I can most assure you that this will not be me.


I still feel my thoughts/sentiments were best expressed in this post from a dozen or so pages back, which I have copied here for those that may have missed it:


12.28.2011 , 10:52 PM

A lot of my friends playing JKs (at least three that I know of) have rerolled characters that were already over 30 because of this bug, and I think that's a real shame. I'm at 32 currently, and I've set a deadline of the end of January when I finally pull the plug on my first live character, whom I had intended to be my main up until I discovered the bug. I really don't want to, but I absolutely won't continue the character's story until this is fixed.


It's not a simple issue of repeating content. I have emotional investment in my current Knight. He was created at 6:17 a.m. on the first day of early access. I've been through flashpoints, quests, and maddening Datacron hunts with him. None of that can be replicated now that I've seen it for the first time. I have recipes in my crew skill window to remind me of the first few times I joyfully discovered a purple schematic through reverse engineering. My ship's cargo hold is stuffed with mementos and orange gear I've collected.


This is an absolute Blight on a game I was out of my mind with enjoyment for until it hit me in the face. At this point, I don't know if there is much more we, as players, can do to speed this up. So I'm just asking you, BioWare, from the bottom of my heart, to fix this and fix it soon. It has tainted my perception (and the memories I'll have looking back) of a game I waited over 3 years for in giddy anticipation.


I feel like I'm starting to ramble, so I'll just stop there. Please. Please, please, please. Fix this quickly, and if it is in your power, give us some sort of timeframe. As others have said, it is unacceptable that this made it to launch.



A Very Disappointed BioWare Fanboy

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I don't care if it is simple, or the most mind-bendingly complex bit of code monkeying on their plate at the moment. Fixing this issue is necessary, and whatever resources need to be tasked to fixing it in order to get this done pronto should have already been assigned to it a week ago.


Nerfing slicing was not critical. Updating the server selection screen more often was not critical. This issue, however, has a bunch of characters benched pending a fix. When you have a bug that takes characters out of play indefinitely, you've got a big damn problem that needs to be treated with real urgency, regardless of its simplicity or complexity.


Fix it.


I agree they need to fix it- as for Nerfing slicing I'm sure there were numerous posts from individuals saying


"he haz more moneez den meez *cryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy*"


I don't know why they decided to fix that first, and I don't know why they have decided to take so long to fix this one.


I can only hope that they do fix it ASAP but I also know flaming them constantly with hate posts doesn't make it so

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Nerfing slicing was not critical. Updating the server selection screen more often was not critical. This issue, however, has a bunch of characters benched pending a fix. When you have a bug that takes characters out of play indefinitely, you've got a big damn problem that needs to be treated with real urgency, regardless of its simplicity or complexity.


Fix it.


^^ That.


Personally, I want to make a decision on re-rolling, or waiting for a fix. To make that decision, I need to know from BioWare even a vague estimate on WHEN this fix might be coming in.


Is it days? Weeks? Or months? Based on the answer to that, I'll decide on taking the hit on re-rolling my Jedi Knight to avoid the DS-flirt option.


If the fix is coming in relatively soon, however, I'd rather avoid the wasted time of re-rolling when my main could just continue on.


Do you understand the dilemma, BioWare? We know that you're still investigating the issue. However, it is reasonable for us to assume that you already have some options on the table and you're weighing those alternatives. Just confirm what some of those options are and give us a ballpark idea on when you could be making the decision, instead of giving us the standard "we are still investigating" party line.


It would be VERY appropriate for you to over-communicate regarding this particular issue.


Thank you.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

p.s. Just how the heck was this Kira bug deferred from your release-criteria? If it was labeled anything other than a Priority-1/Severity-1 issue in your bug tracking system, then some folks made some grossly flawed judgements during your bug-scrubs, IMO. . . Just sayin'...

Edited by Deelmackey
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It would be VERY appropriate for you to over-communicate regarding this particular issue.


Thank you.

I couldn't agree more.


We're worried, guys. That's it, straight-up. We're worried about,

A) Where this is on your priority list, and

B) How long we should wait for a patch.


That's why this thread is 90 pages long. That's why this thread is in my Bookmarks bar in Chrome. That's why you see so many of the same people posting over and over, and why some people are getting unduly upset and hostile with you.


We just want some information, that's all. We want to know if this is going to be a quick fix once everyone gets back from holiday break, or if it's a very complex issue that will require a complex solution.


Just knowing that you're working on it simply isn't putting our minds at ease. And if our dedication to your game and our subscription dollars haven't bought us a fix yet, can they at least buy us some peace of mind?



Edited by TirJin_Meteos
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Well, this has me worried. At what point does this bug kick in? I just got to Nar Shada, been to Taris before that, Kira hasn't wanted to talk once since Ord Mantel. Is that normal?


Based on what I've read the bug itroduces itself AFTER Nar Shadaa so if you haven't one that planet yet it seems to be ok

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Well, this has me worried. At what point does this bug kick in? I just got to Nar Shada, been to Taris before that, Kira hasn't wanted to talk once since Ord Mantel. Is that normal?


The bug is the Defector, lvl 24 quest

Edited by Vengillian
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Well, this has me worried. At what point does this bug kick in? I just got to Nar Shada, been to Taris before that, Kira hasn't wanted to talk once since Ord Mantel. Is that normal?


Normal. The bug is only for people who did the tatooine quest before the 27th of december patch.

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You will be presented with her companion quest after you finish Nar Shaddaa. The quest is called "The Defector". Upon completing that quest (which takes place on an asteroid that you fly to), you will talk with her in your ship.


During THAT very conversation, the safest thing to do (even in light of the recent patch) is to avoid the [Flirt] option you see that has dark-side points attached to it.

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Well...i lvl'd a guardian in beta and was lucky enough not to run into this. unfortunately, eventhough i made all the exact same choices this time around, i got the bug. i'm lvl 35, on quesh, have 6k affection, and she hasnt said a word to me. kira died a few minutes ago for me, and above her avatar i got a ray of hope. the bubble stating she wants to talk to me on my ship showed up. i stopped in the middle of all my quests and hightailed it back to my ship. of course when i got there....nothing. couldnt talk to her. it really would be nice, after this problem being around 6 months ago while i was in beta....if we could get some communication about it. it's getting to be ridiculous.
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Background: I'm level 50. I stopped doing story after Voss (only Class Mission locations and Corellia left). My Kira affection is almost 8k (10k is the max). I am bugged like most here.


Let's do the list regarding Kira and the Jedi Knight story line, very mild spoilers ahead:


1) Kira is the major motivation for the Defector mission. Enough said.

2) Kira is the only romance option for the Knight

3) Kira is the only other Jedi that follows the Knight (the melee tank excluded, obviously)

4) When Doc flirts with Kira on Balmorra, you get the option to say "She's spoken for", to which Kira replies "Yeah, but he doesn't need to know about that." Awkward considering she hasn't spoken to me once.

5) Kira is again a critical component in the end of Act 1. Darth Angral, you, Kira... very major story stuff.

6) Kira is again a critical component in the end of Act 2. When you earn the Indomitable title.


I have done Belsavis and Voss, both with Doc mostly. Considering how much Kira was weaved into the main story line thus far, I have stopped doing missions and am waiting for the fix. AGAIN, not having any Kira interaction is killing the R and the P in the games RPG factor (and this is why I dismiss those who say "Kira doesn't effect the story". Because it certainly effects MY story.)


***EDIT*** Woot! This is the 600th post. Come on Devs! Hear our Roar! I bet you guys already fixed the bounty hunter stuff....


Quoting myself to bump the thread. Come on Bioware... i've done what you've asked of me (bug reports, patience, workarounds, specifics of issues). Who's the paying customer here? My eyes are burning holes in the Public Test forums... waiting to see those patch notes.... do NOT fail me...

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