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Lack of marauder gear in hard modes?


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I got nearly full purples in a week for running ops and HMs - plenty of marauder gear. My only complaint is the lack of good MH sabers.


I'm on board with this. Plenty of warrior tokens drop in HMs and ops which of course buy your tier marauder gear. This is what you should probably be looking to pick up anyway. Earpieces and Implants of the highest level can be acquired doing dailies (you can get about 20 tokens a day without working too hard, a week for a rakata earpiece or implant). The gripe is with the weapons. I got an offhand rakata token, we see plenty of those, but the Soa loot bug has caused a total disappearence of MH weapons, since raid bosses don't drop any randomly named, high level weapons.

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I've been 80 for about a week and a half now and run 2-3 heroics a day plus my 3 daily warzones... I stopped doing Ilum bc my server it's just too hard to get Repubs to come half the time and everyone is farming the armaments. Anyways... I have Columi gloves and bracers, Tionese belt and boots, chest and pants are Champion, helm is an orange with level 50 mods in it so basically Tionese level, one relic is from Boarding Party and the other is my Matrix Cube from datacrons. It's probably just a luck thing... I've seen several warrior tier tokens drop, but since I also run with a Jug tank I will pass to him first since he is our main raid tank too. Got the main hand lightsaber from Kaon as well the day.... Edited by Takarazuka
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GaryReasons, this thread is not about warrior tokens or what other upgrade options are out there.


Alegoss, I run all the hard mode flashpoints. I've done hm BT about 15 times but haven't run it in about 2-3 weeks now. Lately we've just been doing BP, Foundry, FE, Kaon, and last night we attempted/completed D7 for the first time...averaging about 3 of those a night for the last 2 weeks. This issue isn't limited to BT.

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I've done around 15 or more HM FP,

and it's correct that I have yet to see any stuff drop for marauders.


I'm actually up to a point where I only "expect" to roll when it's at the end for the

columi piece if the warrior piece drops.

The past couple of HM FP, in between bosses, I just go in and pick up the Tionese crystals

and actually "think" about if it's good for my companion, honestly.

Edited by Crawfishies
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GaryReasons, this thread is not about warrior tokens or what other upgrade options are out there.


Alegoss, I run all the hard mode flashpoints. I've done hm BT about 15 times but haven't run it in about 2-3 weeks now. Lately we've just been doing BP, Foundry, FE, Kaon, and last night we attempted/completed D7 for the first time...averaging about 3 of those a night for the last 2 weeks. This issue isn't limited to BT.



hard modes can drop tokens for you. Tokens = tier gear, which is better than those random drops with strength that you seem so keen on finding. Are you just pissed that gear which is worse than what you can get isn't dropping?

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You are missing the point entirely.


I think you're just unlucky then. I have seen some marauder gear drop on occasion from those non-end bosses in HMs on occasion. It doesn't mean it's not still an issue because it certainly isn't often, but it's happened.

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I'd have to disagree with that on a pretty big basis. I've gotten drops for Enegized armor a bunch that is for marauders. Really it is just luck of the draw. I have all Columi and 3 pieces of Rakata, granted two were crafted by me (belt/bracers). But I get Maura drops all the time for the Xenotech and Energized stuff. Maybe just bad luck on your part? I mean there's a 12.5% chance that what drops is gonna be for your class so that could be why too.
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Apparently this needs to be spelt out in huge bold letters...




For the love of god actually read posts in a thread before responding too it like you have even the slightest clue of what you are talking about. Yes the tier tokens drop, I have 3 of my tier set pieces. The problem is with all the gear off the bosses between the start of the zone and the final boss in each zone who drops a tier piece. The problem has nothing to do with Energized and Tionese gear being worse than Columi gear. It's the fact that Energized and Tionese gear for Marauders (Medium Strength gear, weapons, implants and ears without defense on them) does NOT drop from said bosses.


For the love of god, stop bringing up the set pieces. They have nothing to do with this thread, or the problems mentioned in it.


I've run BT about 10 times, Foundry about 6-7 times, False Emporer 3-4 times, etc.


I have yet to see a single non-set piece item for a marauder.

Edited by Khyy
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I have been running HMs for about 2 weeks now, and not one time have I seen a marauder tier piece drop. More over I have only received 2 upgrades from HM Karaggas and the dozens of HMs I have ran. This is something that needs to be fixed.
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Assassins have the same issue when it comes to crafted gear. This is something that will bug me forever. How lazy do debs have to be to not make 2 pieces of armor per advanced class in each FP and vendor.


Leveling my assassin none of the commendation vendors had assassin mods.


Looking in the dark side vendor there is NO med armor...


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Hmm I can only recall getting the energized head, twice. Thats it. Can't remember seeing any or having any otherbits drop whilst doing my HMs. Though i found that the tionese gear was pretty rubbish, or at the very least not enough of an upgrade from the orange 50 gear to be worth any form of hassle.


Tier piece items >>>

BT - Bracers... coming close to 10 times atleast

- Implant recipe, no drop

Battle of ilum - Offhand... never gotten, 3 times

False emperor - Chest..... a good 3 times

Directive 7 - Legs.... 12 times, no drop.

Kaon under siege - head....3 runs, got it first time

Foundry - boots.....4 runs.... no drops


Had i not run a normal mode EV i wouldnt have gloves or boots. And directive 7, beh can go **** itself.


At the minute i've had enough of hard modes, bored of running and not getting any drops, and having to rely purely on tionese commendations to buy my saberx2, and tionese boots (bought same day i got the columni ones from EV later that day grrr)

I've actually parked my marauder, i love the class as it is relentless, but theres only so long i can go without getting loot before i get bored and feel i am literally not making any progress. Saving the char for EV, EV HM and Karagas only now. If this was biowares plan to slowly kill its players interest in the game, i have to say. Its working.

Edited by darkonnis
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I have to say, it get's fairly frustrating knowing that the only mob that has a chance of dropping gear for me is the last guy in the HM flashpoint.


Yeah, I could get lucky and get a relic or an implant / ear ... but really the last guy is the only guy that can drop armor for me ... the token for the set piece.


Other wise, I get to spend the my time watching my juggernaut friend win pants, boots, chest, gloves, wrist ... etc etc etc, as well as my imp agaent friends suck up any medium that drops, and then if an armor token drops from the last guy that would give me my armor piece ... I hve to roll against my jugger friend on it.



Talk about frustrating. IS this fair bioware? I mean did you REALLY mean for a good portion of your player baase to be so frustrated as to not even feel like playing anymore?


I pre-ordered this game the day the first day it was possible. I played in Beta, I started the early access on teh FIRST day ... I was more excited to play this game, than any In a very long time, and the fact I have less chance at getting a piece of loot (by a good deal no less) than pretty much any other class that goes into a flashpoint with me just has me not even wanting to log into the game.



Bio ware .. please fix this.

Edited by Deurg
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I've only gotten the belt to drop off the worm in foundry. Its horrible i didn't even start getting gear until running ops. Our set bonus blows compared to others as well. I mean seriously -1 rage on ability we can only use below 25% HP.. and 15 secs off a 3min cool down i usually end up not needing anyway.
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The only Thing i have gotten that is Marauder gear was gloves off of the First Foundry boss and it wasn't even a huge upgrade...


But i had a feeling i wasn't the only one!!!!



And not even the tokens drop for me havent even seen one

Edited by Sinaed
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I've only gotten the belt to drop off the worm in foundry. Its horrible i didn't even start getting gear until running ops. Our set bonus blows compared to others as well. I mean seriously -1 rage on ability we can only use below 25% HP.. and 15 secs off a 3min cool down i usually end up not needing anyway.


20% actually... not sure why they made it that low of a percentage

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I have a theory that the reason why Marauder gear does'nt drop most of the time is because there is more variation of other gears for other classes than mara. IF you don't believe me, go take a look at some of the PvE/PvP gear on the vendors, you usually see two sets of gear for certain classes like juggernaut and one set for Mara and some advance classes share the same gear like Agents for example if im not mistaken. Even if I am, I believe for a fact that Marauder simply have less varied gear overall.


So when you roll between Iquisitor, Warrior, Agent, and Bounty Hunter, Marauders has the handicap.


It's like all four classes put in 3 tickets for a drawing and you only put in one, obviously the chances of getting pulled is smaller for you than the others.

Edited by Shonuff
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  • 3 weeks later...
We've been running HM KP and EV as a guild for almost a full month now. Killed a total of around 30 bosses collectively between the total runs of each HM op. Seen 2 warrior tokens drop. 2 for 30. Surely this cannot be how it was meant to work.
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gearimg up at endgame was very smooth for , i am half rakata columi in 3weeks of raiding.

i was lucky cause i am in the perfect guild for a warrior cause in every raid we maximum 2 warriors:cool: and with use of masterloot the leader distributes the loot in a very fair manner


tbh though other than pve tokens it is very rare to see medium(meelee) armor part to be dropped. Im trying very hard to find xenotech weaponmasters head gear but nith so far.


things before lv50 were teribble. i was sick and tired of bosses (even on class quests)

droping rifles , shields and bracers. you simply have to pay a fortune for a piece of gear that you really like and stick with it like forever!

Edited by darth_billy
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We've been running HM KP and EV as a guild for almost a full month now. Killed a total of around 30 bosses collectively between the total runs of each HM op. Seen 2 warrior tokens drop. 2 for 30. Surely this cannot be how it was meant to work.


Then you are one unlucky guy ... I got full set columi (without implants/ear/belt) on my first EV/Krag normal run .. then went hard mode and got all parts beside chest (without implants/ear/belt)...


I **** you not ... where from 28 BM bags I got 1 token ...

Edited by Menzoberanza
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