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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Ilum Dailies


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It really is worse than ever before. Instead of at least only having to shoot environment objects 5 times a day most people now go for picking things up 30 times a day fighting more against the own faction than the opposite one.


Scratch Ilum. Failed concept due to server population imbalances. I expect a clear and swift reaction and admittance of BW followed by yet another change. I'd even prefer people to just get their battlemaster chests automatically since it's so very obvious anyway that BW doesn't want the current PVP progression to be tied to actual PVP in any way.

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I tried but after 90 minutes I was only able to get in on 8 republic kills, and was only given credit for 3 of them. I also was able to manage to get to 2 boxes in that 90 minutes.


So after all that time I was at 5/30... 90 minutes to get ~17% finished? ... ya I don't think I'll be participating again

Edited by ihateyouall
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I have continued to do the daily in Ilum and i've had mixed experiences. Most of the time, since our server is heavy-empire, we wind up camping outside the Republic's base and pick them off. This is not very fun - ESPECIALLY for a melee.


As a Juggernaut the daily is a terrible grind. The ONLY time I have had fun was very early in the morning when there was about 10 repubs vs 10 empire. We had 2 fairly balanced Ops teams and I was able to engage, tank a bit, use my taunts to reduce damage, and pick up my kills. It was REALLY fun.


I'd love it if they turned Ilum into a 'warzone' type place where they forced the team sizes into something manageble. For now it's just a force-pull-aoe fest where Melee do not fit in.

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Some interesting feedback. I just find it very frustrating knowing that I'd like to get my dailies/weeklies done but feel that I have to spend a couple of days just trying to grab armaments and get lucky enough to find players to kill.


I'd like to spend time leveling an alt or just enjoying the game but with the current changes I feel as if were being forced to do it.

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You would think Ilum would be an easy fix.


1. Give a buff to the out-numbered side to attract more people to go there.

2.ALL kills count for the entire group as long as you are within a certain distance from the one


3.More boxes that spawn faster

4.Those boxes need to be in more than just the center of the map.

5.Kills count no matter how many times you have killed them.


Can not tell you how many people I have killed back to back and recieve no credit and no valour either. Bring us a couple of these things BW. People are getting irritated.


Remeber BW we as subscribers choose to be here. We have re-subbed for additional time past the first 30 days and want this game to succeed. Now show us that you want us to stay and do something... at this point ANYTHING !!!!!!!!!!

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On my server, Ilum has been great (except for the ridiculous lag)

I went out there this weekend for the first time since patch 1.1, got into an ops group within 5 minutes and travelled to the south point, where there were two ops groups having running battles between the repub base, south and center.


Finished my daily and weekly in about 30 minutes. Went back yesterday and it was more of the same from the day before, finished my daily in about 15 minutes. How long it took me didnt matter, it was alot of fun.


Seems like Ilum is working exactly as it should be imo and many players had alot of fun with it this weekend.

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Yeah you just run around in a circle in the center now while you wait for warzones to pop. Sometimes you get lucky and a group of republic try to get some updates (and become yours).


They need to seriously boost the spawn rate until they can get Ilum PvP in a working state.

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i know alot of the republics on my server wont even go there anymore because of the imbalance, the few times i have joined an ops group we usually have 16-22ish at the highest and when we run into the 40-55 imps, i say **** it and leave and abandon my Ilum daily.
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After only fighting 1-3 republic and killing the same republic again over and over... i got bored and left ilum. Although the republic guy was willing to sacrifice himself to 30 empire players... poor soul. He kept coming back for more... those who stayed was able to kill him 150 times.
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Yeah you just run around in a circle in the center now while you wait for warzones to pop. Sometimes you get lucky and a group of republic try to get some updates (and become yours).


They need to seriously boost the spawn rate until they can get Ilum PvP in a working state.


Ya increase spawn rates so empire can get thier dailies done... **** no. get rid of them all together.

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You would think Ilum would be an easy fix.


1. Give a buff to the out-numbered side to attract more people to go there.

2.ALL kills count for the entire group as long as you are within a certain distance from the one


3.More boxes that spawn faster

4.Those boxes need to be in more than just the center of the map.

5.Kills count no matter how many times you have killed them.


Can not tell you how many people I have killed back to back and recieve no credit and no valour either. Bring us a couple of these things BW. People are getting irritated.


Remeber BW we as subscribers choose to be here. We have re-subbed for additional time past the first 30 days and want this game to succeed. Now show us that you want us to stay and do something... at this point ANYTHING !!!!!!!!!!


This is how it needs to work, especially 2, 3, and 4.

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After doing the dailies for a while now I can safely say this region is one of the most annoying things I have encountered in an MMO. At least before on my server things were civil, Imperials were so happy to have Republic out there to flip points they were never killed, people finished their dailies quickly and everyone went on their merry way.


Now it just feels like an experiment by Bioware to see how long people will go around in circles for. Everyone loses in this setup, Imperials constantly going around and getting nothing because of the amount of people, and with the imbalances republic have no chance to get it done. I really hope Bioware just scraps this idea of open pvp and moves onto a different idea.

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"New" Ilum is bad. Went there yesterday, there were like 30 imperials on the planet, but no groups, so I created an open ops, got if filled quickly. Then most of us moved to central assault with some of us wandering around and capturing control points if needed. The rest (like 10 people) camped mid, and were hunting the chests. If by a miracle a republic toon showed up he didn't live for 10 seconds and got zerged down. Real pvp, my ***. Took 1,5 hours to finish the daily.
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It makes me wonder really why BioWare really went forward with this now I'm assuming this was on the test server and had feedback.


The question is why did they honestly let it follow through with such a bad concept I mean who are these people that actually gave feedback enough to suggest it was a good idea?

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Out of curiosity how many of you now actually take part in the grind since the change?


I haven't done them. Everyone in my guild took one look at the proposed changes and knew instantly that the night before the patch would be the last time any of us did the Ilum daily.


If western Ilum wasn't such a PIA to get to (what design genius came up with the super annoying triple airlock system???) I might at least go up there and run around looking for ground spawns while I waited on WZ queues.


But the reality is that it's not like PvP bags are that hard to get so the Ilum daily/weekly is not worth the inconvenience anymore.

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The Ilum daily is a PAIN for melees (just like the rest of the game).


A ranged class will have it done in 5 minutes easily, while a melee class can take more than half an hour to get the 30 kills. Especially as a Republic melee.


It's really frustrating at times that the only way I can make any progress is by charging and dying repeatedly with the hopes someones else might finish them off.

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Will march and 1.2 fix it? Maybe.


We might see minor changes before then.


I'll be doing ilum dailies until I get 4 more bm comms, after which I'll have a full set and will prolly bench my assassin for pvp(barring fun like stealthing into the republic's main base to interrupt their flashpoint groups or the occasional wz till i remember how much i hate huttball on an assassin) and start doing PvE for mods to be able to customize the stat spread of my gear (though I'm pretty happy with what I have going now).

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it is bad, but it is better than having to colude with the other side to knock out ships...


baby steps i guess. More often than not i find a raid of rep's haning in their base at the point i do not get credit for kills waiting for us to pop in far enough to get killed so they can get points...


its funny imo but sad at the same time.

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