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Story diversity is a lie


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Everything is the same except class quests. Is this not what you expected when you made a new toon? My second toon is nearly 46, the most enjoyable part is the companion quests I think.


the anticlimactic companion quests that take you to some random house in the middle of nowhere with zero motivation and before it starts its over?

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To you, maybe. To others, the questing is a hell of a lot more fun than in those other MMO's. To me personally, I like SWTOR's questing more than the questing in other MMO's like LotrO, Rift and WoW, only since the last expansion CATA there have been a number of funny and interesting quests that were present.

It isn't for nothing that a lot of people state they just click away quest text in those games, even in new quests they hadn't done yet. To them, those quests are meaningless or boring and nothing but a task list for xp gain, no knowledge of the quest text needed.


B ut hey, if you don't like SWTOR's VO/cutscene story approach to questing, there are always other MMO's that have your favorite way of questing, the textbased kind.




To me story and questing in SWTOR are far superior to anything the competition has to offer.

With 8 story lines and different faction side quests the game offers more than enough quality content in that department.

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To me story and questing in SWTOR are far superior to anything the competition has to offer.

With 8 story lines and different faction side quests the game offers more than enough quality content in that department.


you must not have rolled those alts yet...

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the redundancy really begins to set in on Taris as Republic, and Balmorra as Empire


then it is a case of a weeks worth of casserole in varying states of decay


zones after the above mentioned begin to feel empty, quests are spaced and paced with an actuaries sense of gameplay


i'm giving the game a chance until i get a few 50s on either realm, but i can tell already that the spacebar will have a groove worn into it sooner or later:(

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EDITED: due to insecure people not being able to stay ontopic, so ill just make it easier for them :)

I have played 24/7 every day since release 40 odd days about 500+ hours or however much you can imagine, is irrelevant.




So I hear a lot about the reason crafting, endgame and pvp gearing for pve is fail is because the game offers you so many unique levelling up experiences.


The claim is that re-rolling is where the amazing new re-roll experience is to be had. Bored at 50? Re roll for new fun!


That new characters offered new excitement. But it just doesn't.


I see mirror image CLASS QUESTS all the time. For example on Alderaan I have to destroy the generator to drop the shield etc etc. I have seen the same class quest formats + quests done on every single character I level up.


All they do is slap a slightly different circumstance / story onto it.


But it is all the same even across factions and it is very disappointing it is all the same over various class quests.




My point is that is extremely disappointing to not be having new experiences throughout my class quests. I can understand the inability to make it unique every time you go onto a new map. But I had of at least expected class quests to be some what unique. I can predict what I will have to do for class quests before I even get them just based on what I had to do on other completely different classes ><


At first when you roll a new class, quests are new and unique but as you progress towards 50, even the class quests start to mirror each other.




EDIT: Due to some people still missing the point of what I am saying, I am referring to class quests not being sufficiently unique. Which has surprised me as it is the one area I expected a completely new "ride" in this theme park game.


Interesting opinion.


I don't find your message to be true though. I have found uniqueness in the story lines and it also helps to rotate your new characters empire > republic > empire > republic or vice-versa.


Point is, if you really think they are the same, you have got some serious case of the 'spacebar mashers'. After I got 50 Bounty Hunter, I rotated over to Smuggler(which is now 40,) they are nothing alike. I also had rolled a 36 Consular and a Sith Juggernaut/assassin both 20+ and I can honestly say I have no idea what you are talking about.


If you find them too predictable, perhaps you should be writing books as it seems to come naturally to you. These are great story lines, very unique with very different play styles. If you find it all to reminiscent of the other classes, and you've already maxed out 4 50's without putting any effort into gearing them, I'd say this game isn't for you.

Edited by djsmileey
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you must not have rolled those alts yet...


Yes i actually did, haven't finished them all of course, it will take some time, but they are big enough level for me to realize that some here are simply trolling when they say it's all the same and similar BS.

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EDITED: due to insecure people not being able to stay ontopic, so ill just make it easier for them :)

I have played 24/7 every day since release 40 odd days about 500+ hours or however much you can imagine, is irrelevant.




So I hear a lot about the reason crafting, endgame and pvp gearing for pve is fail is because the game offers you so many unique levelling up experiences.


The claim is that re-rolling is where the amazing new re-roll experience is to be had. Bored at 50? Re roll for new fun!


That new characters offered new excitement. But it just doesn't.


I see mirror image CLASS QUESTS all the time. For example on Alderaan I have to destroy the generator to drop the shield etc etc. I have seen the same class quest formats + quests done on every single character I level up.


All they do is slap a slightly different circumstance / story onto it.


But it is all the same even across factions and it is very disappointing it is all the same over various class quests.




My point is that is extremely disappointing to not be having new experiences throughout my class quests. I can understand the inability to make it unique every time you go onto a new map. But I had of at least expected class quests to be some what unique. I can predict what I will have to do for class quests before I even get them just based on what I had to do on other completely different classes ><


At first when you roll a new class, quests are new and unique but as you progress towards 50, even the class quests start to mirror each other.




EDIT: Due to some people still missing the point of what I am saying, I am referring to class quests not being sufficiently unique. Which has surprised me as it is the one area I expected a completely new "ride" in this theme park game.


This is why you're not a lawyer.


Every CLASS quest is different than ANOTHER CLASS QUEST. However, CLASS QUESTS are different from WORLD QUESTS. THey never promised diversity between each class's WORLD QUESTS, only CLASS QUESTS


quest breakdown comes to this:


Class Quests (different from each class, soloable)

World Quests (objectives shared between all classes, slightly different dialogue, soloable)

Heroic Quests (Same as world quests, typically not soloable)

Flashpoints (Not soloable, multi-class storyline, differing animation and dialogue depending on classes and choices)

Other (pvp, raids)

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I get what the op is getting at, but what he is missing is this is an MMO, while the main story lines are indeed different in classes, each one ends up at the same location so all members in a group/guild etc will be around the same area to quest. If you did large group questing like I am sure many have, you would notice this. Everything within realm of each other so where not hoping planets etc but all the same level.


I get the idea of total uniqueness, but I have to concure with some, you need to slow down or better yet, play pvp matches, now that is something totally different and will challenge you , frustrate you and embroil you every time you play.


Then again, maybe the game in the end is not your flavor, but from what I read and can tell, you beleived it to be a bit more Solo with mp added. It's actually mp with solo added.

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There's a certain amount of irony involved in saying "story diversity is a lie," and then following it up with a blatant falsehood like "it is all the same even across factions."


Yes, some story quests have similar mechanics. Mechanics are not story.


I've played every class at this point (though not all to 50), and they're all very unique. Sure, sometimes (rarely) you may have to a perform a similar task to something that another class had to perform in their story. If you honestly think that makes all the stories the same, you're not paying attention to the stories at all.


And, seriously, anyone saying the stories are "mirrored" doesn't know what "mirror" means. That's a completely ridiculous assertion and obviously untrue to anyone who has played more than one class.

Edited by imtrick
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Yet you're still here... either you like the game, or you enjoy wasting money.


Yeah was wondering about that. I figured by now most of the people on my ingore list would of had their accounts closed because they weren't going to sub

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Zero questing variation between levels and factions is Bioware's fault. There's a reason why people have 5 level 85's in WOW and this game will shut down with most people have 1 (or less) level 50.




HAHHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA OH man. I'm ignoring the OP. If he does have 4 level 50's it's his own fault that he is bored. You play any game 8-12 hours a day and you'll eventually get bored.



So on to this gem: So you are saying that WoW has variants on it's questing? ROFLMAO Thank you for making my stomach hurt from laughing. No one even reads the quests in WoW, much less cares why they need to kill 10 boars. The storytelling in SWTOR makes you feel that you are contributing and that it is more important. Cleverly disguising killing 10 geonosians instead of just blandly just hitting accept. Accept. Accept.

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OP is right.


I was going to unsub, but some RL friends convinced me to re-roll on a more populated server.


I can barely bring myself to log on, even with friends playing, its just such an insipid gaming experience, playing the same quests over again, listening to the same voice acting over and over and over again, its like watching the same crap movie on repeat.


If I spacebar, its just endless kill X collect X boring quests.


Not sure I'll last the week, let alone the month.

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Agree that variety would be nice. And there are flashes of something new in swtor missions. Like tagging siths on dromund kaas, and training raw recruits on tatooine on repub side. But those type of missions are too few and very far between the kill/collect/click quests. Also at issue is that a big portion of quests are all three; you kill some (lots, actually, sometimes over a 100 in one quest), collect item from bodies, and use/destroy items strewn about.


Would be amazing to have real escorts, real assassination (not kill 50 guards, talk to NPC, and fight the elite plus 2) where you goto a spot and ambush someone. I'd like to be able to actually go into a story mission where I'm not always taken to 5m in front of the boss when fight starts. Maybe a drivable vehicle, or a race mission with speeders, or missions where you gather intel by actually observing from a high perch. SOMETHING to spicen up the leveling experience.


What we have is great for one run through. And honestly, the leveling wasn't as grindy as vanilla wow 1-60. But once you max out one character, it's difficult trying to get an alt up since you're doing the exact same missions 90% of the time. And yes, some people enjoy leveling alts (me, for example). This game makes it much more tedious to do so.

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I am amazed how trolls such as yourself whose EVERY post is more or less troll like, are still subscribed to this game.

Hilarious really.


Really? it says why in my post, maybe you could try reading the posts you quote.

Edited by Cameirus
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