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Is it time for everyone to reroll as a sorc/sage?


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Its always the same thing on the forums. People whining about a class they lose to, and the class in question defending there class in saying they are fine and balanced.


let me tell you whats wrong with sorcs:

1. Shields

Problem: There shield is fine, except reuse time. They can basicly preshield, and when that shield is done, they can shield themselves again.

Solution: Make it so when your shield ends you get a debuff lasting for like 20seconds, in which you cant be shielded again.


2. Shields p2

Problem: While there shield is active they can't be rooted/slowed from any ability that does damage (like force charge), since the damage gets absorbed and because of that the additional effect (in force charge's case, a root) gets negated.

Solution: Change the way absorbs work, so that the effect still get applied, lets be honest isnt a ..sec insane speed boost enought?


3. Force Lightning/Telekinetic Throw

Problem: perma slow???

Solution: Either remove it, or let it build up resolve as it slows, this is such a retarded skill, and talking with multiple sorcs from my guild, also find it laughable how much it slows, and how they wreck melee with it.


Now these are actually the only 3 real concerns that seriously need to be looked at, because at this moment this is what makes the sorc so overpowered vs melee and most other ranged classes.

So sorcs/Sage's i expect nothing else then you guys defending your class here, but these are real issues, and even if they get fixed your class will still be awesome to play, just a litle more vulnable for CC, you guys just dont realise how frustrating it is to fully unload on you and not even see your health drop, and when it does your out in 2secs without any chance of us responding.


And yes i play a marauder, and its frustrating to play at this state of the game.


Ok, please watch

at 4min43s ... now please tell me how long the sage's bubble lasted?


0.5s, 1 absorb really? Why don't you watch the first fight in the video seeing the sage get hit for 6.5k damage.


Yes sorry it's a L2P issue... marauder is actually a very good counter vs sorc. My friend plays marauder, he knows how to kill a sorc.


Choke on sprint etc... so easy he says, most sorc don't know how to react when FL gets interrupted. Most of the times they CC & retreat and my friend just leaps back on them with a full resolve bar. GG.

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Yeah, it slows you, but it roots them. Overpowered, I know.


So you dont think a ranged channeled 50% slow, which eats hp needs a fix, instead you think its nor a problem because you just stand there casting it? Sorry but even if I get to you, you have 4 spells to get rid of me and reposition yourself, may i add that by this time my hp bar is 2 times empty already.


I agree you should keep people at range if you are ranged, but its not like melee get any benefits for being in your face, as you still outdamage me.



Either melee need a serious damage boost, or you should have less CC protection like you have now.

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Really all I see in wz's now are either a team full of sorcs/ or sage so I did a little research + rolling one myself to see what's the commotion about.


To my surprise I found the perfect class for me, I Found a class that can do Everything in PVP and has tools to become the best from CC to slows / range damage, and that shield, knockbacks, force run, and the allied pull.


Now I think that if you dont roll a sorcs/sage now in pvp you are gimping yourself. you are missing out all the fun. and to top it all of Bioware even removed the hard counter for this class so now we can rampage all we want in pvp without worries :D


If this is what bioware design had decided then I hope they dont get nerfed since I know I will Be playing one and it sucks to be nerfed


Someone failed the basics of reverse psychology.


"I done gone rerolled as dis class! Don't nerf it plz!"



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Ok, please watch
at 4min43s ... now please tell me how long the sage's bubble lasted?


0.5s, 1 absorb really? Why don't you watch the first fight in the video seeing the sage get hit for 6.5k damage.


Yes sorry it's a L2P issue... marauder is actually a very good counter vs sorc. My friend plays marauder, he knows how to kill a sorc.


Choke on sprint etc... so easy he says, most sorc don't know how to react when FL gets interrupted. Most of the times they CC & retreat and my friend just leaps back on them with a full resolve bar. GG.


Hahahaha, tipical.


Do you know that when this video was made he was walking in full battlemaster, vs ungeared people?

Aswell as Adrenal stacking still being possible?


Your frend must also outgear people, or just play vs noob sorcs, i have yet to see a sorc from my guild fall to a marauder or assassin. And i loled at the force choke when he sprints.. first of all you are locked in your attack animations and by the time you can cast force choke, the sorc is already far gone, and even if it hits, sorcs have all the tools to get you off again, not to mention they can just break cc as easy as all other classes..


And if you think 6k aoe dmg is much, i recall mercs and snipers pulling 10k burst dmg in 2 gcd's, yes its balanced.

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Ok, please watch
at 4min43s ... now please tell me how long the sage's bubble lasted?


This video shows some fallacies with shields. When not being hit ... the bubble could last up to 30s. At 4:43 the marauder charged a keyboard turning tank who did not swing their sword once.

Edited by Orangerascal
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Sages and sorcerers are probably the squishiest class in the game. Not having a damage reduction ability of their own means that when the crowd control chain comes, they don't have as much ability to withstand against it. It's not to say they aren't powerful, but a team consisting of a majority of them will fold under the pressure of a balanced team, provided that gear is relatively equal.


Hahahaha Try to play a marauder ... U Can heal u Can run u Can Bubbee u Can knockback

U Can kite u Can root we cant


U have 18000 hitpoints i have 15000 and are i. Full champ gear

1 Day with this class i see you at the forums not understand why the marauder class

Take so Munch dmg.... If you saying they hey man the class kills me . I say bad player

I been target by sorcs befor i get there i have 30% Heath and

Edited by Aztian
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So you dont think a ranged channeled 50% slow, which eats hp needs a fix, instead you think its nor a problem because you just stand there casting it? Sorry but even if I get to you, you have 4 spells to get rid of me and reposition yourself, may i add that by this time my hp bar is 2 times empty already.


I agree you should keep people at range if you are ranged, but its not like melee get any benefits for being in your face, as you still outdamage me.



Either melee need a serious damage boost, or you should have less CC protection like you have now.


You know u can interrupt that right? Really freaks out Sorcerers when I do that.

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I'm assuming the OP is complaining about PVP Dps Sorcs.


I'm valor level 31 with about 500 expertise and pvp gear in all slots except legs and hands (not complaining about my bag luck).


When I play against weak teams and I can just heal the numbers are astounding. And the friendly grip is pretty godlike in Hutt Ball.


But when I play against good, coordinated teams, I am trained the entire warzone. The 17 second bubble refresh timer helps but I feel really squishy at times. It makes me wish I had another instant heal because I am running around turrets or posts constantly to get away from pressure.


There are just a ton of damage, stuns and slows going out. And in Alderaan and Voidstar, there aren't many good spots to "hide" if you want to effectively heal.


So yeah...sorcs are a great class to play but you have a target on your back.

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I'm assuming the OP is complaining about PVP Dps Sorcs.


I'm valor level 31 with about 500 expertise and pvp gear in all slots except legs and hands (not complaining about my bag luck).


When I play against weak teams and I can just heal the numbers are astounding. And the friendly grip is pretty godlike in Hutt Ball.


But when I play against good, coordinated teams, I am trained the entire warzone. The 17 second bubble refresh timer helps but I feel really squishy at times. It makes me wish I had another instant heal because I am running around turrets or posts constantly to get away from pressure.


There are just a ton of damage, stuns and slows going out. And in Alderaan and Voidstar, there aren't many good spots to "hide" if you want to effectively heal.


So yeah...sorcs are a great class to play but you have a target on your back.


You do know you have it easy as a sorc healer compared to other healers right?

And the sad thing is that even dps sorces can get the buble boosts, which is retarded to say the least, putting this far higher in the tree helps with the balancing that needs to be done.. Ooh and the pull.. i mean, isnt that an ability specific for healers?? yet all sorcs have it.


I mean atleast the assassin pull is in the tank tree as it should...

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Incorrect, Force Lightning is elemental damage that is not mitigated by armor or shields. Their DoT tree is internal damage which also bypasses armor and shields. A well played Sorcerer will drop any heavy armor class easily, even with interrupts.


Please check up for skill damage before you write some BS.


Force lightning is energy damage, and it gets mitigated. Sorc have 1 dot that does 1,3-1,5 k internal damage over 15 sec and if he's full specced in their dot tree he gets another 1.4 k over 18 sec. That's nowhere close to dropping 22k hp heavy armor tank.

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Please check up for skill damage before you write some BS.


Force lightning is energy damage, and it gets mitigated. Sorc have 1 dot that does 1,3-1,5 k internal damage over 15 sec and if he's full specced in their dot tree he gets another 1.4 k over 18 sec. That's nowhere close to dropping 22k hp heavy armor tank.


Yet all this damage bypasses any form of avoidance.


But i agree though, sorcs should be the bane for tanks, but not for other melee classes.

Its sad how they removed the 1 class that caused you trouble (operatives) now you have nothing to worry about, i'd say, have fun till it lasts.

Edited by DonSkuzzie
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U have 18000 hitpoints i have 15000 and are i. Full champ gear


Statements like this prove how ignorant the community is.


Protip: If the lo class has 3000 more hitpoints that you ... He is 1 (or more) tiers of gear higher. You won't win, even if you think you're skilled. :rolleyes:. He also has more experience playing his class than you do.

Edited by Orangerascal
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Ooh sorry i forgot to QQ about your imba group heal, while mine (BH merc) has a max of 3 targets, and yours has 12.


Wow .... you're able to get 12 people to stand on an 8 metre radius in group pvp for 10 secs. That's AMAZING!!!!

Edited by Orangerascal
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Wow .... you're able to get 12 people to stand on 1 spot in group pvp for 10 secs. That's AMAZING!!!!

Really bro?

You've never seen 5+ people huddle around a door, turret, sometimes the ball?

I see that **** every warzone. I've seen entire civil wars, start to finish, on top of one node, usually mid. Entire teams fighting in 1 spot for the full length of the warzone.


8 meters AoE range is enough to cover the entire 'platform' in Civil War, it's enough to cover the entire area in front of the door (door to pillars) in Voidstar.


Anyone with a targeted AoE ability (DFA and MV) know exactly how huge 8 meters is... It's like twice the area as the targeting reticle.

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Exagerate much ^






If all 8 ops are on 1 door in Voidstar thats the least of your problems. Same applies to nodes in Civil War. It's rare that I have more then 3/4 people to heal with AE.


But again, lets all just over-exagerate so people complain. I do wonder if people are merging DPS and Heal sorcs into 1 so they think they are best DPS AND Heal in warzones....

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Really bro?

You've never seen 5+ people huddle around a door, turret, sometimes the ball?

I see that **** every warzone. I've seen entire civil wars, start to finish, on top of one node, usually mid. Entire teams fighting in 1 spot for the full length of the warzone.


8 meters AoE range is enough to cover the entire 'platform' in Civil War, it's enough to cover the entire area in front of the door (door to pillars) in Voidstar.


Anyone with a targeted AoE ability (DFA and MV) know exactly how huge 8 meters is... It's like twice the area as the targeting reticle.


he said 12 people he obviously was not talking about warfronts. Geez learn 2 read!!!


Also since we're taking about IMBA heals. Where is my channeling heal on the run type heal? And about my paper thing armour?


My point ... different classes play differently :rolleyes:

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Well,all in all,facts say that Sorcerer is the most imbalanced class,sorcerer is a combination of all classes.Especially they are impossible to kill em if they under buble.Damage,heal,buble,a lot of different stuns(stuns,movement slowing abils+push back is too powerful,especially on voidstar,when sorcerer pushes back on bridge every1 can fall down from bridge+it pushes back everyone who is around it)The low skilled and most imbalanced class,its a fact,and thats why all empire players choose em
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Well,all in all,facts say that Sorcerer is the most imbalanced class,sorcerer is a combination of all classes.Especially they are impossible to kill em if they under buble.Damage,heal,buble,a lot of different stuns(stuns,movement slowing abils+push back is too powerful,especially on voidstar,when sorcerer pushes back on bridge every1 can fall down from bridge+it pushes back everyone who is around it)The low skilled and most imbalanced class,its a fact,and thats why all empire players choose em


Please bow down to your sage/sorc overlords. I demand payments of virgins ... (not forum virgins) and chocolate covered gummi bears.

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Yet all this damage bypasses any form of avoidance.


But i agree though, sorcs should be the bane for tanks, but not for other melee classes.

Its sad how they removed the 1 class that caused you trouble (operatives) now you have nothing to worry about, i'd say, have fun till it lasts.


Nope it doesn't, Sorcs force power gets resisted sometimes. Means you can stay there for few sec getting off some nuke and yield small red "resisted" text. Ive no idea wich stat makes your more resistant though, but fact, it happens.


I never had troubleto operatives really, its melee classes that leaps on me rooting me and stuff giving me most trouble. Powertechs being most wicked to my expirience.

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Well,all in all,facts say that Sorcerer is the most imbalanced class,sorcerer is a combination of all classes.Especially they are impossible to kill em if they under buble.Damage,heal,buble,a lot of different stuns(stuns,movement slowing abils+push back is too powerful,especially on voidstar,when sorcerer pushes back on bridge every1 can fall down from bridge+it pushes back everyone who is around it)The low skilled and most imbalanced class,its a fact,and thats why all empire players choose em


Serious learn to play issue right there.

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This fire (and acid) is hazardous environment so bubble don't absorb that.

Upgraded bubble have something like 6k hp but it probably takes damage without any sort of mitigation.


wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong. On both accounts. number 1, it does absorb a tick of fire damage...which is about it.


Number 2, even full epic gear, and talented, the shield absorbs somewhere around 3k. No more.


Simply no more. I dont understand where all these figures of 6-9k protection are coming from. maybe you guys just arent hitting the shields for as much as you think you are? Did an hour of duel testing to figure out how much damge the shield absorbs...and let me tell you know, it really is only 3 - 3.5k


Get real guys and L2P

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