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Guide: How to bridge the PVP gear gap for fresh level 50s in less than 2 days


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I'm confused then, I am a sith warrior (which I believe is Imp equivalent of your guardian) and DPS spec'd, I'm almost done gearing up through mods/armor/enhancements you get from dailies and mission support vendor. But I've only gone from 11k to just 13.8k. I've spent centurion comms to buy epic offhand, belt, wrist, and relic. I got the lvl50 matrix cube for my class. Everything else is orange and nearly complete at purple 50/51's at each slot, I crafted myself an epic lvl49 earpiece, only thing left are my implants. A guildie crafted me lvl45 epic ones which aren't bad, i doubt those would bring me from 14-16k hp.


I know details I'm giving are pretty vague, but can you tell if there's something I missed?

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I'm confused then, I am a sith warrior (which I believe is Imp equivalent of your guardian) and DPS spec'd, I'm almost done gearing up through mods/armor/enhancements you get from dailies and mission support vendor. But I've only gone from 11k to just 13.8k. I've spent centurion comms to buy epic offhand, belt, wrist, and relic. I got the lvl50 matrix cube for my class. Everything else is orange and nearly complete at purple 50/51's at each slot, I crafted myself an epic lvl49 earpiece, only thing left are my implants. A guildie crafted me lvl45 epic ones which aren't bad, i doubt those would bring me from 14-16k hp.


I know details I'm giving are pretty vague, but can you tell if there's something I missed?


you probably went with might armorings, I went with the other one, so I guess it is sorta tanky.


Also I used the 30 end, 15 crit 39 surge enhancements instead of the 18 end 27 crit 39 surge enhancements.


I picked the more survivable route so I probably had lower crit and lower strength than you... so I guess in a way im more "tanky".


either way works, its just a matter of preference.

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If you've saved up the comms to get the Cent bags off the bat. You'll get 6 bags right when you hit 50. Combine that with all the other stuff in this guide and you can be a contributing member of the team as a fresh 50. You may not be equal to the guys who have all Champ/BM gear but if you play smart and defensively, you can have fun. Just don't try to be Rambo, support your better geared teammates with CC, heals, and focus damage.


Good guide.

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Nice guide,

i could of used it a few days ago when i had no clue of what or where to go lol.

Ive been useing orange gear from the get go(u gotta b crazy not 2)but had no idea about the dailys until i found them but im doing pritty much what you have posted and it works like charm so you got a bump from me to help out the rest of nubs out there :)

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Big thing here is using the mods from the ilum and belsavis dailies. Definitely will help your survival. Yes, you will still get your butt handed to you but not as bad or as often. Plus you will still pvp while you try to get more gear and do not be afraid to pvp with cent gear. pretty much everyone purchased cent gear to fill in the gaps of their champ gear till they got that piece.
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This guide is great, but quite honestly you don't even need to follow it 100% to be competitive in warzones. That is, if you're a competent player. If you're a bad player and you need a significant advantage over someone to be effective then by all means, follow it to the T.


However, the following will suffice:


Take cybertech, grind up to purple level 49 mod/armoring.

Get a stet of level 40 orange pvp gear, fill it with above mods.

Buy level 46 weapons with 25 expertise to fill enhancement slots.

Save up 1000/1000 comms, buy 1 champ bag pre-50.

Hit 50, open bags, buy champion ear, cent implants/relic/belt (or bracer if you have orange belt).


Wahla, you're at 7% expertise and 15k health. Do you first ilum daily/weekly, and warzone daily, then you will have another cent piece and a champion piece, thus your first set bonus.


Gearing up in this game is so easy it is LOL. The people crying about the current system would have /wrist if they had to gear up against 50's in full BM gear as a level 14, as it was on launch.

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I wish I had read this a long time ago - I'm suddenly a level 50 sniper, and have not concentrated on PvP at all. :/ I have plenty of orange gear that I can max out though, and will start doing that tonight. I also plan on trying those dalies on belsavis.


My other problem is I have maxed-out armstech - so I can craft barrels for myself and hilts for people, but I'm not sure it is worth the effort to try and RE to the epic weapons that I can use. What do people think on that?


Thanks for the guide, and thanks to everyone who commented - not everyone agrees what is best, but it is all useful information to me; thanks!

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This thread is far too useful to be on page 10.


I hit 50 on my Sorc last night and figured I would add to this thread by posting a SS of my last match at 49 and my first match at 50 so people can see that the gap, while significant, can be significantly reduced with some proper planning.


Here is my last match at 49:



My gear is epic L45 hilt/focus and all L45+ blue mod gear WITH expertise mods ripped out of L46 PvP weapons. I have 150 expertise (3.99%@49).


Here is the first match at 50:



I bought my 6 bags and got 0 lucky tokens. I used the comms to buy the champion offhand and centurion mainhand. I spent ~150K on 6x purple armoring and 150K on a L49 mastercraft implant with +22 willpower aug. I also added the L50 matrix cube and basic L50 end +power relic. My expertise is about 200 (~5%@50).


I had to play much more conservatively, ate more deaths (BM geared players roll me regardless of skill) but was still effective as you can see.


Today I am going to knock out the ilum/belsavis/pvp dailies. I expect to be ~400 expertise/~ilvl 136 geared within a week.

Edited by CEAF
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I just wanted to thank OP for posting this.


If I had noticed it when I first came to the forums I would have never posted that I needed help with being a fresh 50.


Now, thanks to OP, I actually have a gameplan when I get home!

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Just regarding the Orange moddable belts in recommended additional tips 3 or whatever:


You can get one with 60 fleet commendations (from space) from 1 of the space suits which is like nothing, no bracers though unfortunately

Edited by drosalion
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This long post could have just been replaced with:


Buy a champ bag before you hit 50.

Save 1000 WZ and 1000 Merc commendations while you level.


Hit 50 open 6 bags, buy 4 centurion and 1 champ upgrade.

Get weekly and daily done, open 8 more bags, buy 3 centurioni and upgrade weapon to champ.


400 expertise from the above process is a much bigger upgrade than farming daily commendations in Ilum.

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This long post could have just been replaced with:


Buy a champ bag before you hit 50.

Save 1000 WZ and 1000 Merc commendations while you level.


Hit 50 open 6 bags, buy 4 centurion and 1 champ upgrade.

Get weekly and daily done, open 8 more bags, buy 3 centurioni and upgrade weapon to champ.


400 expertise from the above process is a much bigger upgrade than farming daily commendations in Ilum.


^This is what i am planning. I have a lot of stuff to buy with 500k-600k credits. That's a lot of credits to spend knowing that i could easily grind pvp warzone commendations and merc commendations without losing anything in return.

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