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PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Invite 1st week of December also tommorrow :(


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I would love for this to happen( I dont think it will but still...) seeing as i pre-ordered the game mid november but because of best buy i had to wait until early december before they finally gave me a pre-order code. :( Edited by PunkSolo
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Joined: Oct 2010


Today , 12:25 AM


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A quick update on today's invites, and a little preview of tomorrow.


Today, we invited people who had pre-ordered up to the very beginning of October (roughly). Tomorrow, we're going to be inviting the same number of people again; that will take us up to the last week or so of November. On Friday, we'll be inviting even more, and we'll give you an update on that tomorrow.


You'll see more servers coming online tomorrow, and almost certainly there will be some queuing. That was always expected. As a reminder, our plan here is to maintain healthy server populations post launch, and during the excitement of launch that will mean queues. That said, we'll be working hard to keep those queues reasonable.


We'll check back in tomorrow with another update.



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"Raaaaaaise your hands people! We gather here today for channel the force for a tomorrow bonus and final wave! Fear not! I can sense kindness in Bioware! Tomorrow may everyone be in your house enjoying this sweet, caring and gentle launch."

^ I agree with what phaelz said. 11/29/11 PO here.

Edited by douja
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Since Dragon Age I was slowly falling in love for Bioware, well, till this "lauch" of course, but if tomorrow December people be allowed to log in. Ow my! I will invite all of you for my marriage with Bioware! EA will live in our garage of course.
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Dec 2nd here, but not because I didn't order sooner. Stupid BestBuy made a big pile of bantha fodder out of issuing codes.


Anyways, I support their handing out an extra wave or two tomorrow in order to get us AL in, considering tomorrow is the 15th. I know what "up to" means or course, but wouldn't it be a feather in their hat to actually have us all (including those who entered their codes later than me) not only get in, but have us all get "at least" five days of ea? Maybe I'm too optomistic at times, but hey, that's just me.


I'm not in a guild, and I don't know anybody personally who will be playing so time frames aren't that important to me, aside from having limited days off before I have to get back to work (which is, admittedly, a home-based business...not going to abuse that am I...nah...wel maybe a little at first).


Here's to badly wanting to get my trooper on.



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whats funny is that when the December peeps get in, they wont have the nice no Que, no lag atmosphere like those other players enjoyed for the past 2 (becoming 3) days, instead not only December peeps get in late but they will have..QUES, LAG and crap and here is why........because your money are made of peanuts, walnuts and other berries and your $5 bucks is only worth 2 cents to Bioware.



So go and take a arrow in your knee and welcome to the world of second class citizens m o f o s (me included)..:p

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Seriously. They invite 4 months worth of people in 2 days yet they won't invite the remaining lousy 2-3 weeks until friday CMON! At least they should add some kinds of bonus wave for the rest tomorrow.


They are inviting PURELY off numbers they feel safe with.


I am SURE if the numbers come up and it is a mere few thousand left.. they won't hold them off a day.


But we DON'T know the December order numbers. So there is no way we can positively say , for sure, it is 'very little' etc.


I'm a Nov. 30th -- I don't expect to get in tomorrow with the current wording. We'll see how they word it tomorrow.


Which I bet they won't.


I will predict they will just start Wave 1 -- and 2, and so on. And if they get us they get us.. if they don't.. they will say Everyone else will get in Tomorrow!

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I, personally, cant wait to get in. That being tomorrow(hoping a lot for) or Friday. As long as it will be before this weekend. This weekend will really be the *main* test for the servers. We will see how it goes.. Maybe they will be adding even more servers...
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shoot if your going to do the first week of dec why not let everyone in. It would be messed up just to leave a week out. It is not my fault i did not recieve my code when I ordered it It took me a couple weeks hard fighting and calling and finally they sent me one in dec. just let everyone play or no one.
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