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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Begging Bioware for free faction transfers; Imperial to Republic


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Not a bad idea as long as it was sith --> republic only and not the other way around so that republic that are tired of being on the losing end all flock over to sith and make things worse....but in either case I highly doubt they would ever do this.


It would work. But, it would have to be for a limited time. It is an enormously man hour intensive thing to transfer characters to another faction, or server.

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you could just decide that you'd rather pvp more and pvp in all the WZs and switch yourself anyway.


"but i've already done my GRIND (lol yeah right) and I don't want to have to do all that WORK (ahahahahaha) to get my gear"


You've been playing this game for a month and a half.

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  • 4 weeks later...


you could just decide that you'd rather pvp more and pvp in all the WZs and switch yourself anyway.


"but i've already done my GRIND (lol yeah right) and I don't want to have to do all that WORK (ahahahahaha) to get my gear"


You've been playing this game for a month and a half.




It's YOUR fault for choosing the mainstream class/faction.

Within the first week of playing my entire guild swapped to Republic because we wanted to focus on PvP.

Since you decided to stick to Impire due to its pros, be willing to accept the cons that come along with it.

Republic, quite honestly, sucks in a lot of aspects like story, armor, etc.

Areas where the Impire does not lack.

So the Republic get to enjoy the PvP.

That's the way it is, and if you honestly have the hopes of free faction changes EVER coming about, you are going to be disappointed with life in general.

The most you can hope for is a PAID faction/class where everything is just converted to its faction-counterpart. (Titles, armor, etc.)

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It's YOUR fault for choosing the mainstream class/faction.

Within the first week of playing my entire guild swapped to Republic because we wanted to focus on PvP.

Since you decided to stick to Impire due to its pros, be willing to accept the cons that come along with it.

Republic, quite honestly, sucks in a lot of aspects like story, armor, etc.

Areas where the Impire does not lack.

So the Republic get to enjoy the PvP.

That's the way it is, and if you honestly have the hopes of free faction changes EVER coming about, you are going to be disappointed with life in general.

The most you can hope for is a PAID faction/class where everything is just converted to its faction-counterpart. (Titles, armor, etc.)



Fair points however the real question is would opening up cross faction switches help bring people back / stop people from leaving... At least on my server I'd say 50% of the top end players I know have unsubbed and or quit and server imbalance is one of the major problems so far in game.


With the long standing history of jedi turning to the dark side and then going back to the light you can't say that it doesn't make sense in the story either. I think they will open this up at some point and I think they'd be wise to make it free for people transferring to servers/sides that are greatly imbalanced.

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you could just decide that you'd rather pvp more and pvp in all the WZs and switch yourself anyway.


"but i've already done my GRIND (lol yeah right) and I don't want to have to do all that WORK (ahahahahaha) to get my gear"


You've been playing this game for a month and a half.


I completely agree with you. Apparently, so does BioWare because there are 8 character slots available per server, AND, players can play both factions on the SAME server.


Amazing, I know.


OP It is too easy to level to 50 in this game; even if you level a mirror class on the opposing faction , the story will be entirely different and new!

Thats right- new content!

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Imp->Rep transfers won't work because not enough people will want to play on the weaker faction. I'd rather have Rep->Imp faction transfers so I can finally find groups, farm Ilum, and roll over pug groups in WZs with a full team of battlemasters.
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A good way to stem the tide of faction imbalance. I don't want to go through all the trouble of re-rolling my mirror class. I would though switch my bounty hunter to commando. It's the one that I pvp with the most.


ive already asked for this in a ticket but they wouldnt do it :(


to transfer my empire toons into republic equivelant >.>

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