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1 month into the game -- biggest gear gap I have ever seen in an mmo


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sorry for being dramatic but why is the gear gap SO big from a fresh 50 to a 1-month geared 50? I just turned 50 and have 41 valor rank. ~10 bags and got a relic so far.


expertise : I do ~20% less damage to them, they do ~20% more damage to me.


it seems based on hitpoints we can also expect a 36% stat difference too. E.g. a geared tank is ~22k, I am at 14k as a fresh tank in 49 to 50 blues/purple's (without expertise).


and this is one month into the game. this isn't 1 year in. it's one MONTH. I'm a month behind because I rerolled from empire to republic to help with the population disparity. why do they have a 76% (36+20+20) gap advantage on new 50s? note : 76% is not even counting consumables or set bonuses...

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I'm not sure I'd base my argument on an entirely random loot system that's universally hated.. up to you though I guess. I hit 50 3 days ago, 12 bags with 1 relic so far.


why is the gear gap so massive? it just seems like 2x what it should be to me.. get the expertise penalty or the stat penalty but not both..

Edited by ururururu
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I hit 50 a little over a week ago and am close to full champion. it doesn't take that long to gear if you do the dailies.


Well can you send your RNG this way? I could really use it


Ive opened TONS of those bags havent got much and now i have 2 helms 2 waist and bracers with nothing to do with them

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sorry for being dramatic but why is the gear gap SO big from a fresh 50 to a 1-month geared 50? I just turned 50 and have 41 valor rank. ~10 bags and got a relic so far.


expertise : I do ~20% less damage to them, they do ~20% more damage to me.


it seems based on hitpoints we can also expect a 36% stat difference too. E.g. a geared tank is ~22k, I am at 14k as a fresh tank in 49 to 50 blues/purple's (without expertise).


and this is one month into the game. this isn't 1 year in. it's one MONTH. I'm a month behind because I rerolled from empire to republic to help with the population disparity. why do they have a 76% (36+20+20) gap advantage on new 50s? note : 76% is not even counting consumables or set bonuses...


Yep, rurururuuruur. This does make seem R1 vs. R8 a bit more tame.

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Really i would prefer its cost commendation cap for 1 piece over these bags because then i would know what i was working towards


One of the main things hated about the current system is some people will be fully geared with half the valor rank as you

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1. 10 bags is nothing.


2. Valor required to gain a new rank increases significantly once you get to rank 50. Gear progression seems to be normalised so that you should be close to full champion gear once you are very close to rank 60. I'm at valor rank 57 and have full champion except for centurion gloves and weapon.


3. Don't know where this 22k health for a geared tank comes from. With Rakatta PvE gear maybe. With my gear, trooper endurance buff and rakatta fort stim i'm at 19.5k


4. I got to level 50 and was wearing a full set of level 40 pvp gear. Zero expertise and 15.5k HP. As a tank, i never expected to do massive hits but still faired well with overall damage in a game. The defensive stats alone on the level 40 gear were good enough against most players for me to be an effective PvP tank.


5. I went two weeks of opening bags at one stage and litterally getting nothing but cash and tokens. Then one day I open four bags and get three items. I see people complaining all the time about how they just hit 50, opened up 10-15 bags in the space of a week an complain about having nothing. The gear progression is a grind, make no mistake about it.


6. Not sure about your calculations but after diminishing returns, a player would need over 1100-1200 expertise to have 20% dmg reduction and 20% bonus dmg. This is currently impossible in the game, even with full battle masters.


Happy Hunting

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lol, biggest gear gap?

Rift would like to have a word with you


I played rift. The gear gap took more than 1 month unless you cheated/traded valor with the enemy.. and even then it wasn't 76%.


you can get the gear gap here without such cheating in < 1 month..

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Really i would prefer its cost commendation cap for 1 piece over these bags because then i would know what i was working towards


One of the main things hated about the current system is some people will be fully geared with half the valor rank as you


When you reach rank 60, you can save battle master tokens from bags and work towards the items you want then. Even if you were to get litterally nothing from your champion bags, you are getting 3 centurion tokens and heaps of cash. Buy stop-gaps off the GTM and purchase centurion gear to gain expertise. Champion gear isn't even a rediculous upgrade from centurion, expertise-wise. Battlemaster gear is only +5 expertise per item up-on champion.

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Also have to consider the first month of Rift. By the end of it there wasn't this huge gear disparity. People were still complaining about getting annihilated by 100% Amor Pen Champs.


I don't care what month you consider, Trion has created 8 incredibly grindy ranks of gear.

They didn't reduce the time from r1-r6 AT ALL when they created r7 and r8

It was easily the worst PvP I've ever seen in a game, for a number of reasons

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The gear gap in rift was just horrible....it took a solid month of grinding to get to where it wasn't painfull to que up. The one thing different was you could spec into a build that gave you some utility to help the group out more...not just heals either. This gear grind is easy in comparision.


It's pretty easy to get at least 3 bags a day....4 if you grind the warzones for more coms to buy a second one. Make sure you use your cent coms to purchase gear that counts towards your set bonus. I thought you had to have all champ to get them but cent counts as well.

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lol, biggest gear gap?

Rift would like to have a word with you


^ Lol this. Ever played Rift as a fresh 50 going up against a R8 in full pvp gear? Here's what happens: One-shot kill. In Rift, the valor on the gear gives you 50% damage reduc at R8. Compare that to 10-15% in this game.


Even with all its problems, Rift is a better PvP game than what we have in this game right now. But SWTOR's PVE and leveling blows Rift out of the water.

Edited by Thiussat
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When you reach rank 60, you can save battle master tokens from bags and work towards the items you want then. Even if you were to get litterally nothing from your champion bags, you are getting 3 centurion tokens and heaps of cash. Buy stop-gaps off the GTM and purchase centurion gear to gain expertise. Champion gear isn't even a rediculous upgrade from centurion, expertise-wise. Battlemaster gear is only +5 expertise per item up-on champion.


Yeah I know i really dont mind grinding for gear its the fact that some people dont have to like i said nearly half the valor rank and has close if not all the items

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Even with all its problems, Rift is a better PvP game than what we have in this game right now. But SWTOR's PVE and leveling blows Rift out of the water.



Reasons Rift was the worst PvP I've ever played:


1. MASSIVE DR. Any control ability under the sun contributed to the game's horrible, massive DR. Slows, stuns, knockbacks, mezzes, roots. PvP was glorified PvE, with healing and damage outputs being the only thing of value to kill an enemy.


2. Broken Soul system. As a warrior, every single viable warrior PvP specc was built around one incredibly overpowered ability. With stuns and slows DR'ed into oblivion, we had no way to close in on targets, so we were 100% dependent on an ability that made gap closer cooldown a function of crit. It took no skill to stay on a target, which should be one of the biggest skill-factors on a melee class. Just crit once and you get a free gap closer.


3. PvP balanced around a 50% MS. If you have it, you're safe. If your team doesn't, enjoy the massive healing output of the other team.


4. The biggest gear gap I've ever seen. A R8 would have to be fully AFK for almost a minute to die to an R4. It took FAR too long to rank up, suffering the constant suffering of getting 3shot.


5. Trion's yoyo buff and nerf policy. The game constantly rotated through overpowered classes patch by patch. Warriors were godmode ,then mages, then warriors, then rogues, and now mages again. The only class that has stayed fairly consistent is clerics, who are always pretty overpowered if the other team doesn't have a heaping helping of 50% MS's to serve.


SWtOR has its share of bugs, but none of them are as terribly fun-breaking as Rift's

Edited by CupieFoxtail
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One month, one year or whenever. There shouldn't be a massive gear gap at all.


The same people who scream that they want PVP to be about skill are the ones who want a special PVP stat that they can grind for in order to get an advantage.


Find some other way to reward PVP besides creating gear grinds and gear hierarchy.

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at release.. 1 month in.. the gap in rift wasn't as bad. r8 did not even exist for many times 1 month, and it took a long time to grind to the rank.


what about still just about a month -- 1.0 near the end a battlemaster vs a level 11? worst in any mmo?

Edited by ururururu
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Bioware should introduce a good set of level PvP blues, something like 90% of Centurion power for a price of 500/500 in total.


Not a bad Idea


However I will say this PvP gear is sooo easy to get ... you should be able to bridge the gap reasonably well in a couple of weeks. Well assuming you can get Ilum done... which you can't anymore cause Ilum is broke... Hmm everything that sucks about PvP can pretty much be tied to Ilum. Coincidence? I think not.

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