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[Guide] How To Be Healed


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While I agree with most of the points, I feel they aren't always properly directed, as the OP's entire post comes across as being directed entirely and exclusively at DPS. With the apparent view that nobody that plays a DPS class has ever attempted a task more difficult than drinking through a straw.


It's a great read, with some good tips and helpful advice, however if one actually needed these tips, they might also be inexperienced enough to take from it that the only people who screw up in flashpoints are DPS, because thats how it reads at times.

Edited by Celebrus
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While I agree with most of the points, I feel they aren't always properly directed, as the OP's entire post comes across as being directed entirely and exclusively at DPS. With the apparent view that nobody that plays a DPS class has ever attempted a task more difficult than drinking through a straw.


It's a great read, with some good tips and helpful advice, however if one actually needed these tips, they might also be inexperienced enough to take from it that the only people who screw up in flashpoints are DPS, because thats how it reads at times.


That wasn't intentional and in fact it does apply to tanks as well--such as checking behind them for me or setting a guard on me. Fact is this is how to be healed and not how to be in a group.

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Probably something like that, perhaps even a term from a far earlier MMO, but:


add - additional monster


Now that we've got a definition of adds, it should be explained why killing adds should have a greater priority than standard mobs:


1. Your tank doesn't have any threat built up on adds that have just joined the fight. - These monsters are much more likely to start going after your healer as a result if your tank doesn't see them and pick them up immediately.


2. Adds, particularly summoned adds, tend to be squishy. - At least they're squishier than the monster that summoned them. If your DPS focus fires them down quickly, that's less enemies shelling out damage. Which means less overall damage your healer has to deal with, and less party members your healer has to worry about targeting.


3. Adds summoned periodically can overwhelm a party. - If you're fighting a boss who summons adds every so often, ignoring them to try to take down the boss can result in a wipe if he doesn't drop fast enough. Again, knocking out the easily killed damage dealers first makes your healer's job much easier.

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Regarding #9 My policy as an operative is "you break it you buy it." If the dps breaks cc, your health bar becomes the buffer zone between that mob and the tank. As far as I'm concerned you're nothing more than a shield I threw on the tank instead of ccing the mob. I'm an operative, I have countermeasures and a vanish. It's not going to touch me; it's entirely your problem until it dies or you do.
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I think I love you, OP!


On LoS issues... run out of Line of Sight and do NOT be expecting me to run after you, chasing your little backside down for a heal. That is not going to happen. And it irks the heck out of me. Same as going out of range. You can cover quite a distance in 3 seconds and it should be TOWARD me if you need healing, not away from the mob chasing you. Heck if you need to run circles about me! I don't mind, honest! I might get a little dizzy.. but you will stay alive, I promise.



Oh and please for the love of all that is SWTOR, if you see a boss casting an ground bombardment and you are standing in the AoE , move... please move. Please do not make me headdesk and cry tears of sheer fustration.

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6.) You have the ability to heal yourself between fights. Use it! - As a healer, I don't heal between fights. We each have a recovering ability. If you see me using it and you're at half health, consider USING it. It saves me on my ability pool and you're not running into a boss fight with half your health. Also, if you have healing abilities, consider throwing some support heals around when things get difficult. It helps me SO much, even if it isn't that strong.



12.) Make sure I'm there! - Before you go attacking a mob, check behind you. Am I there? If there was an elevator and you start attacking the minute you get off, chances are, half your team didn't make it, including me. Elevators don't work once your team has entered into combat. Also, sometimes I'm a room away. Maybe I discovered a chest, maybe I was looting a mob, or maybe I was using my skill. Whatever the reason, I may not be directly behind you. That doesn't mean yelling at me after you died. That means waiting for the five seconds it takes me to get to your position.




Love this post :o Thanks for writing it.

I agree with every word of it.


For me the most annoying things are these you wrote in 6 and 12. It happened to me a lot of times that I got stuck in an elevator because I was self healing myself after the fight and my team mates were not. So I just stood there one floor below thinking, "Well, now you die"


It's really hard to heal a tank for example who just jumped in to the next fight with 50% health. When they die most of them gets it and starts using the self heal... But some of them blames me. So I just point out that they have self heal ability. Most of the times the light bulb appears above their head. When it doesn't... Well, they will die again and again...


Some people just can not be helped :rolleyes:

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Excellent summary, and thank you for updating it with input from other folks. Just reposted it to my guild forums.


You may want to substitute the word "powers" for "spells". We all know what you mean, but we're playing Star Wars, not that Other Game. :-D




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Awesome post! Agree with everything. I get so frustrated when folks break LOS or run out of range just as my heal pops. I just wasted 3 seconds of valuable heal time. There's a reason my legacy name includes "chaser." I feel I'm always running after a group that has run on without me. Please don't run on to the next mob if you're half dead and I'm trying to heal you! :)
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I been playing tank for a long time in MMO and made my self some healer characters to try to see what the healers roll is and how important it is as well as tank.


I have been playing tank and healer characters since. And I love bought the rolls in a group or PVP dynamic.

I totally agree on all the points that is told.


But, I do miss; IF you have medpacks, stims, ect that would help you heal your self in a thought spot. Use it.

Edited by helgeandreNA
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As a tank you are my best friend :D


When playing a tank in PVP if you guard a healer and follow her around you will be almost invincible. Healers notice when you keep people off of them and keep them guarded!


Also, while not directly related to being healed, while in pvp abuse taunt and your AOE taunt if you have them, even if you're dps. There is 0 downside to taunting in pvp and this can save your healer tons of time and resources.

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Healing yourself should be top priority as a healer. A dps can tank, maybe they don't have the migration to do it well, but they can still hold aggro. What they cannot do is heal.


Priority list:





That priority list is somehow true and also falls. It depend on the situation as well as the group. My priority list as healer is tank first, than me, than the rest.

If the situation is that the boss is low on health and the tank is no where to be saved my myself only. I use to heal me and hope that the damage per second race is faster than the boss, and there is one that can be off-tank or step in tank to make sure that not all is taking damage.

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+1 to OP


As an added note for PvP:


Tanks, guard (the ability) us! It's great in warzones having 50% dmg redirected at you especially since it makes it so we only have to heal one target instead of you and me. Throw the extra 30% mitigation of dmg to taunted players and that will keep us both alive a lot longer.


So remember, guard your healers and taunt as often as possible. That is all. :D


Another added note (For the healers this time):


Advertise you're a healer at the start of a WZ - it's not always obvious and I usually (and rightly) assume that we don't have one. You're then much more likely to have a pocket tank looking out for you (guard isn't so useful if you don't have heals)


And understand that your tank can die purely from guarding you. Take care of him!

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Excellent post, but there is one point you are wrong on. All classes can rez. Only certain classes get in-combat rez, but EVERY CLASS has out of combat rez.


The two things I agree the most on, and this applies even to non-healers, is don't attack the CC'd target and use your out of combat heals. I don't know why people have such a hard time with those 2 things.

Edited by seekerofpower
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Side note on dps if you are being hit stop attacking and who knows your tank might beable to get the aggro back. Aggro isint the tanks responsibility its the groups responsibility. i started on EQoA (ps2 ever quest) where if a healer cast 3 heals back to back was certain to get aggro even with the best of tanks.
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