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BioWare should switch to the Unreal Engine!


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Obviously, you do not completely understand what im saying, I said for future expansions. I have done multiple projects, I even worked on exporting Oblivion to Cry engine 3, and it looked beautiful.


there is a difference between MMO and Single Player game. its not convertible as easily as you think

Edited by CKNairb
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Any commercial engine out there that is designed to fit many games will not work correctly in case of MMO unless major overhauls are done to the engine or unless the entire framework for MMO is built on top of the engine.


Engines like Unreal, Cry, Frostbite, etc. are not optimized for MMO. Amateur engines such as Unity 3D can be used to successfully implement an MMO but because of their "amateur" or "indie" status, big game giants like EA/BioWare will not consider them.


For a successful MMO one needs to roll a custom engine, or in case of a game company, repurpose one of the in-house created engines to suit the MMO.


For god knows what reason BioWare decided to use Hero crap. The whole underpinning of the game sucks because of this choice. The engine is single threaded, runs DirectX 8 or 9 I forgot which, etc. On top of it all it appears that the textures are not transferred to video RAM but are used from normal RAM and objects are retextured all the time.


If they are to change the engine, and I don't think it will happen as it would essentially mean a rewrite of the entire game code base, they are better off creating their own engine than using some vendor solution. That way they can tweak it and tune it to their liking and based on feedback instead of living with what vendor puts out there.

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I disagree...


They should have started with it.



Then again maybe since this game is still alpha/beta maybe there is time to switch. Oh wait they released it already... DOH!


Maybe bio should have taken the unreal mantra to heart... it will be released "when its finished."


SWTOR is not ready for mass market! For every fix there seems to be more that breaks.


The Force is weak with this one.

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I didn't say it would be easy for a small scale, but with EA's funds and the amount of people on the SWTOR developer team, it would be wonder for them and easily take them a year and a half to switch it, which isn't that long.


Somewhere I picture a lot of real developers rolling on the floor in hysterical laughter at your ideas.

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Somewhere I picture a lot of real developers rolling on the floor in hysterical laughter at your ideas.


Just facepalms.


Used to be a UE3 licensee myself. UE3 is not a good engine for an MMO, and that's that. I even remember an unprog thread about using UE3 for MMOs. I think the idea was that it was sort of feasible for the client only, requiring the developers to mutilate the network code and write all of the server code (hint: this is the hard part of making an MMO engine, may as well make your own engine at that point in time).

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Im not a game devoloper but I work for a production company which makes 3D animations and compositing for advertisements. Even importing work from one software to an other is huge time lose for a company I work so everybody in the team has to work on same software ( maya ).I cant imagine Bioware migrate WHOLE GAME from hero engine to unreal engine.


Im having low fps issue with a strong pc but I think its fixable.It requires 3-4 month work , they need to work on some lighting animations and they need to adopt measures like reducing polygons of rock forms.


I see this game is a 10 year project and 3 years later nobody will have low fps issues after they launched some patches and PCs became stronger.

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Why not?


This is Tera which is on the Unreal Engine.



Yeah, you can do things in an engine that are not practical in that engine. But you shouldn't. It's just a bad idea - far too much frustration, extra work, and so on. You're better off to find an engine more similar to what you need which supports the same basic game type (you use an engine for vehicle simulators for a combat driving sim, not an FPS engine - or you will have all sorts of hideous problems due to the nature of vehicles in what you're using versus what you need the nature of vehicles to be). Hell, you're better off making a new engine from scratch.


Sometimes, though, people make the mistake anyways.

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Im having low fps issue with a strong pc but I think its fixable.It requires 3-4 month work , they need to work on some lighting animations and they need to adopt measures like reducing polygons of rock forms.


Which is more related to the renderer than the overall engine. You can rip the renderer out of the graphics engine (which isn't the game engine, these are different things) and rebuild it, sure. CDProjeckt did this in the Witcher - they took the Aurora engine used by Bioware for NWN, and rewrote the renderer to get more modern graphics from the engine that otherwise was exactly what they needed.


Just facepalms.


Used to be a UE3 licensee myself. UE3 is not a good engine for an MMO, and that's that. I even remember an unprog thread about using UE3 for MMOs. I think the idea was that it was sort of feasible for the client only, requiring the developers to mutilate the network code and write all of the server code (hint: this is the hard part of making an MMO engine, may as well make your own engine at that point in time).




Having done engine code, there's no easy part.

Edited by Inarai
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