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So who has the worst storyline? break it down


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Personally, the IA story strikes me more as Jason Bourne than James Bond. Truth be told, I found Act I's storyline to be rather blasse (though it did ring true with an American notion of [counter]intelligence by subverting terrorists) but had a very nice twist at the end of it, and Act II has been absolutely wicked awesome and enjoyable.


I certainly agree with you, however, about the conversation choices where you tell the person to remember you - as an IA, I avoid those like the plague for roleplay purposes (plus I wouldn't be so smug to say that myself). It really doesn't fit the notion of someone who works for Intelligence, let alone someone who works hiding in plain sight.


So for me, anyway, I find that the Imperial Agent story is very much worth completing. I played a Jedi Consular on my first server up to the mid-40s and didn't feel at all engrossed in the story. To be sure, there were some spots that I did find interesting, but there were also parts that were too predictable. To me, it was just another set of quests to complete, and I ended up just finding the style of playing a Kinetic Combat tank more satisfying - that's what drove me, not the story.


In another thread addressing this topic (which took a positive, rather than negative, perspective), it appeared that Bounty Hunters, Imperial Agents, Sith Warriors, and Smugglers were the most enjoyed class storylines, the Sith Inquisitor storyline kept getting pummeled by a baseball bat, while the remaining classes were more or less considered "meh." Of course, it depends on what you're looking for in a story.


Jason Bourne wasn't bopping around sleeping with anything of the opposite sex, however. No, the story is stylized off the James Bond meme more than anything. Heck, I wanted to ask Darth Jadus where his white-haired kitty cat was, he was so much the typical villain from one of the films.


Not that it matters overmuch, really. The fact it's cliched isn't, to me, that big of a deal. Many of the stories are just as much of a cliche as the IA story is, anyway. It's more that that particular cliche is one I can not stand, I think. James Bond, imo, is just an awful consideration of spies and spying and I always disliked those movies and stories. But I have no angst with those who enjoyed the story, either. Have at it, I say, cause it's a game and games should be fun, I think.

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I enjoy playing my inquisitor, but admittedly there have been some disappointing developments in the story. Like

Thanaton getting away, and getting away again, and failing at turning Ashara dark, and a romance companion that doesn't interest her.

And also a few things that don't make sense to me that I've outlined in a separate thread.


But there are things about it that I enjoy too, like

going back to Korriban to get a new apprentice, or the sense that I'm proving that species besides humans and pureblood can be proficient with the force, or even when she meets Talos and discovers that he has the same love of history and artifacts that she does. I almost feel like at this point she could just ditch the whole empire vs republic debacle and ride off into the sunset with Talos riding sidecar in her speeder. (:


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I'm just starting out on my Sith Inquisitor, so I can't really comment, but I have the benefit of doing class quests with a friend who's doing Bounty Hunter, so I get to see both concurrently.


I find the comments about 'Defeat by cutscene' discouraging though, becuase that was the single thing that annoyed me the most about Squae Enix's MMO's (And their RPGs in general). The tendency for your character, who often has already saved the world multiple times, to then get their butt handed to them by what would become a joke character later on in a cutscene. Not only that, SE seemed to love to reinforce the whole idea that your character is a weak nobody. No one ever remembers your deeds, each storyline starts out with you being a random no one who happens to stumble into things, and even after you beat down a GOD, you are one cutscene from getting pwned by a 12 year old with a slingshot.


Sometimes they actually let you fight the guy, but make the fight unwinnable, if just to reinforce that you're a weak nobody. Which is stupid because, after this guy apparently effortlessly defeats you, you typically get a rematch almost immediately, where you are expected to beat him.


The worst example of this was in the Marauder quest line. You fight a pirate... except at his last 1% of health, he becomes invincible, and it's just a matter of him beating you down. Except... SE didn't bother to actually make him a threat, stat-wise. So the first 10 seconds are you (At the recommended level for the quest no less) completely destroying 99% of his health... then waiting about 5 minutes either for him to slowly whittle your health down, or for the fight to time out, at which point you auto-lose.


I didn't heal myself at all, and he wasn't able to do it. It was pathetic.


And then straight into a cutscene where he's not even winded, and you are soundly defeated, and the pirates are all laughing at how pathetic you are.


That sort of thing rankles. I was hoping for better from the SI questline.

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I hate the consular storyline, the male consular personality (if you can call it that) is SO dry and boring.


I agree wholeheartedly. I had a female consular, and around level 30 I was just so bored with the story and character that I bailed on her. I then created a Sith Inquisitor, and loved the storyline.



Sure, the reason darth thanaton wants you dead is a little paperthin. He simply hates Zash and thinks she's corrupting the order, as he's a traditionalist.


So, you consume the ghosts of powerful former sith. Glowy purple eyes and disturbing dreams. Fun! Plus, you have your newly discovered ancestral lord who was a total bad ***, watching out for you. SLAVE NO MORE!


Thanaton keeps throwing lackeys at you, but eventually you face him. He doesn't die, you pass out. You realize these powerful sith ghosts are basically destroying your mind, so you track down some ancient technology, "The Mother" who created several races in the world, and she agrees to make you anew, should you help her.


Also, acquiring your apprentice, and dare I say it? KILLING HARKUN (FINALLY!!)


Finally, you take on thanaton in corelia, but he's basically a little girl and flees. So you approach the dark coundil and take him head on. You force him to bow, crawl and grovel with... the force. Then you slay him; the dark council is suspicious of you, as you've just confirmed you are indeed powerful, and a threat, before they give you a seat on the council. THE DARK COUNCIL!


Now you're responsible for acquiring objects of power, and making people bow before you in fear.




I wasn't as crazy about my romance with Andronikos, although some of the dialogue/follow up mail was rather entertaining. I preferred Corso, to be honest (my smuggler companion).


Can I mention, I've never been a huge Star Wars fan? So this isn't nerd love, or fangirl stuff. This is the perspective of someone outside the target market demographic. Well done, I say.

Edited by Nicolettexiv
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So far, I have only reached 50 on my Inquisitor, but my Smuggler is at level 40, and I have to say the smuggler storyline seems the most entertaining thus far.


No one is controlling you or giving orders really, you're just trying to get your bloody ship back and either cover your own arse or exact revenge. It seems rather fly by the seat of your pants and make the best of what you have to work with. Further, I liked how they incorporated Risha into the story line, and bumping into Akaavi was rather fun as well; albeit, I wish she retained her battle prowess when she became my companion...


I was a little bored through Hoth, and I left off at Belsavis.


Now I have a SW and IA at level 25. I'm waiting to see where they go!

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I'm just starting out on my Sith Inquisitor, so I can't really comment, but I have the benefit of doing class quests with a friend who's doing Bounty Hunter, so I get to see both concurrently.


I find the comments about 'Defeat by cutscene' discouraging though, becuase that was the single thing that annoyed me the most about Squae Enix's MMO's (And their RPGs in general). The tendency for your character, who often has already saved the world multiple times, to then get their butt handed to them by what would become a joke character later on in a cutscene. Not only that, SE seemed to love to reinforce the whole idea that your character is a weak nobody. No one ever remembers your deeds, each storyline starts out with you being a random no one who happens to stumble into things, and even after you beat down a GOD, you are one cutscene from getting pwned by a 12 year old with a slingshot.


Sometimes they actually let you fight the guy, but make the fight unwinnable, if just to reinforce that you're a weak nobody. Which is stupid because, after this guy apparently effortlessly defeats you, you typically get a rematch almost immediately, where you are expected to beat him.


The worst example of this was in the Marauder quest line. You fight a pirate... except at his last 1% of health, he becomes invincible, and it's just a matter of him beating you down. Except... SE didn't bother to actually make him a threat, stat-wise. So the first 10 seconds are you (At the recommended level for the quest no less) completely destroying 99% of his health... then waiting about 5 minutes either for him to slowly whittle your health down, or for the fight to time out, at which point you auto-lose.


I didn't heal myself at all, and he wasn't able to do it. It was pathetic.


And then straight into a cutscene where he's not even winded, and you are soundly defeated, and the pirates are all laughing at how pathetic you are.


That sort of thing rankles. I was hoping for better from the SI questline.


Your post reminds me of how I felt playing NWN2: Mask of the Betrayer, and why I disliked it so much. I'm too tired to elaborate but that's pretty spot on.

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Consular story I think is by far the worst. I like the class but feel like I wasted my time with the story. The romance (for females) was terrible, dry and boring and the story felt rushed like they completely forgot to write it and hacked something together shortly before release. Theran Cedrax is a total jerk, Iresso is BORING, Qyzen is bland and uninteresting, Zenith isn't terrible but he's not a useful companion for me and while I use goody-goody Nadia she's not all that interesting.


I started an Imperial Agent which I am enjoying and my Jedi Knight is pretty fun story-wise and it irks me that when I got to the final boss of the Sage storyline I thought to myself... "That's it? Seriously?" and the ending scene wasn't that good either I was horribly disappointed and haven't been able to play the character since. I want to since I enjoy her play style but...I'm still kind of bitter about how the whole thing turned out.



Before I decided to bail on mine, I did youtube the final scene; and it basically looks like a corporate quarterly profit earning conference or something. In a really bad conference room. Seeing that completely sealed the deal for me. No. Way.

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Yea. no kidding. That being said, I'm not gonna try making a sith inq alt...again.


HA HA! Your signature!


It's surrounded by a moat of urine colored fluids, with slave girls dancing in it on one side and party goers vomiting in it on another. Oh, Nar Shaddaa!


sorry, off topic..

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I just finished the Sith Inquisitor storyline. I played a Sorceror/Healer. The most boring combat but with the most survivability. As a result, I was able to finish the SI storyline at L48. I have to say, I was very disappoiined



Act 1 was not too bad. A beautiful Sith makes me her apprentice (though why she chooses me rather than anyone else is never revealed) and eventually I find out she's in fact very old and is trying to steal my body. In a mix-up, I kill her and her soul goes into one of my companions. This is in fact an interesting opened with a nice twist. Perhaps because it is of such high quality, the Chapters that follow seem arbitrary and broing.


Act II. For some reason, never properly justified or explained, one powerful Darth now regards me as a mortal enemy. In order to make myelf strong enough to fight him, I have to 'consume' ghosts. So I travel the galaxy, being a Ghostbuster. At the end of the chapter, I fight him, beat him but it turns out I've eaten too many ghosts and may die soon.


Act III. First, I have to travel to new planets to find a cure - which I do pretty easily. And then resume my strange and pointless struggle against the enemy Darth. I find and beat him - again. But he escapes. I then go - immediately - to Korriban , where I fight him again (for the third time). And then kill him. Nothing has changed in the interim, I just get lucky this time around, I guess. This somehow qualifies me to be a Darth and get appointed to the Dark Council (as a reward at the end of this entire quest chain, I got a new pair of trousers).



All in all, I thought this story was weak, haphazard, illogical and not worthy of Bioware.


Which class - that you've played - has a worse story?


And which ahs the best?


I agree the SI has the worst story line going. The only one that came close was the jedi consular and I onkly got to lv 19 with him.


I dont blame the person who wrote it, I imagine they were told you must vist the following planets int he folowing order, you must bore the **** out of the player and you can not copy any of the stories told my any other class (yours is the last) but seriously this could have been improved,

What is actually worse is I get control of a fleet of ships with super weapons on them, I am a member of the dark council and I still have to pay for stuff. Screw that I will destroy the other dark council members, make myself empoerer and rule the galaxy for 10 thousand years,

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I've taken my Consular to 50 and I agree that the story is lackluster at best. To make things worse I played through making dark side choices and no matter how evil I was or how many innocents died as a consequence of my actions the Jedi Councel only ever responded with something to the tune of "Oh well." and then basically praised me for my evil accomplishments. This just really killed the story for me and left me with a character I didn't really connect with or care about.
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My first and favorite character is my Inquisitor as it's the only class with lightning with a side of lightning during my lightning while I lightning but as others have stated, the story line sucks. I won't reiterate what has already been pointed out but what really drove me to the wall was how the story felt extremely narrow. Now I know that plot lines follow a set path and the Inquisitor is described as the deceptive class of the Sith but the entire story felt like I was being forced into a juvenile dispute and pointless power struggle which I wanted nothing to do with. Act 1 was good, Act 2 was "meh" at best and by Act 3 I didn't even bother to pay attention to what was going on.


Even though I didn't like the end game for the Inquisitor I have high hopes for future expansions as the ground work has been laid out for anything Bioware has in mind. At the end of the day I still tip my hat to Bioware as it's no small feat to create 8 independent stories all intersecting together nearly seamlessly.


This is only the beginning as the future may be... (Ultra dramatic turn) ...Shocking

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I love this thread and the ability to see everyone's opinions. I haven't even played one class through to completion, but I can post my opinions on what I have experienced.


Sith Warrior -- my main is level 41. I enjoy the warrior more than I enjoy the story. The story is just kind of 'meh' for me. It's good, it just doesn't surprise me in any way or make me excited to see what happens next. I find myself willing to skip days before I even work on a class quest.


Bounty Hunter -- I disliked the bounty hunter more than I disliked the story. The story seems predictable and that isn't necessarily bad if it's written well, but I just thought the BH was super easy and simplified so I don't like playing her at all.


Sith Inquisitor -- I'm at level 21 with her and it's alright. I don't feel personally involved. The only time I was like, 'huh, now that's interesting!' is the last quest on Dromund Kaas. It was the only time I wanted to play her more to see what happens next.


Imperial Agent -- I LOVED this story line. I loved it so much, I stopped playing my alt so I could go back and enjoy every moment of it after I'm done with my main (and will probably re-roll my alt so I can play it through from start to finish). I don't want to interrupt it at all. Favorite storyline so far, for me.


Consular -- I played around her and I didn't hate the storyline at all. I rather enjoyed it, but my mains are imperials so I don't play her that often. I guess I enjoyed it because I can personally 'immerse' myself in this storyline much easier than I can say in the Inquisitor line. It was easier to imagine myself in the Consular's shoes, than it was the Inquisitor's.


Smuggler -- I dabbled with this one and really enjoyed it. I think from the get go it's interesting and hope to go back and explore it more.


Trooper -- I've heard others say they hated the storyline. I loved it. I think of all the ones I've played, it's one of the most immersive from the beginning, besides smuggler. I really felt like I was part of the action and involved and it was my duty to go do this or that.

Edited by Jadarra
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Contaning huge story spoilers

Well for me it was like this;


Sith Warrior: starts slow, although the interactions with baras were always great (especially when pissing him off and his VA was doing an amazing job). Later the story had many twists and interesting characters along the way, although I'm not sure if it would all have been that rgeat if it wasn't for vette and her comments.


Then at some point it simply builds up to the one final fight in a very epic way and the last scenes were simply awesome, I mean srsly the entire council not daring to say anything against you while you yell at them? Majestic.


Sith Inqui: Opposed to the Sith Warrior who appearently was always amongst the elite, the Inqu was a slave and doesn't know all that much about being a Sith so it was pretty fun to watch how that played out.


A young one forced into the academy, fighting her way up to become Lord Zash apprentice, then being betrayed with a nice twist, then learning about forcewalking, playing with powers she doesn't actually understand in order to survive because a mighty Darth wants to destroy all of Zash powerbase to which you belonged to.


In the process you unearth a lot of interesting things, the companions are pretty interesting and it's basically a story about someone new to this whole thing trying to survive and coming out on top, typical underdog against all odds kind of thing, I found it enjoyable, while not as good as The Sith Warrior story.


Imperial Agent: rolled one simply because everyone said how awesome the story was.. and it is pretty interesting although being pushed around by Sith makes me want to log on my Warrior and behead them. I am only on Tatooine right now so I can't say much, but they did a good job with making you feel like an actual agent with undercover stuff etc.


Bounty Hunter: This one isn't even off Balmorra, but so far the stor is pretty lame. Random guy kills other rarely guy I barely knew and now I'm off to avenge him with a weird girl that has a serious inferiority complex while trying to win the great hunt so I'd be paid better in my future errand boy jobs.. yay. Does it get better or is this Great Hutn thing all there is to BH?

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I absolutely loved the Jedi Knight story.

As the Jedi Knight, you literally end up being the hero of the Republic. You fight the mother****ing Emperor! And kill him, although that is to be debated. Nevertheless you fight the Empire's head honcho and beat him 1 v 1 (I know you have T7 but I was a tank and he was wearing Tython gear and was pretty much useless) From the start of this game I wanted two people dead, Malgus and the Emperor, and as a Jedi Knight you kill both of them. That would be like a Sith killing Satele.

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Bounty Hunter: This one isn't even off Balmorra, but so far the stor is pretty lame. Random guy kills other rarely guy I barely knew and now I'm off to avenge him with a weird girl that has a serious inferiority complex while trying to win the great hunt so I'd be paid better in my future errand boy jobs.. yay. Does it get better or is this Great Hutn thing all there is to BH?


Yeah I agree with this. Some people love the story but right off the bat it I feel alienated by it.


I've had a total of two..? conversations with this guy who ends up dead and suddenly it's my "duty" to avenge him, or at least feign compassion to shut Mako up. Who by the way is all too eager to remind me that Braden got me in the great hunt to begin with every opportunity she gets.


I'm pretty sure my character got herself into the great hunt with all the work she did, and if she had wanted to join it she could have regardless of meeting Mako and crew. Makes me wonder if my bh was better off before meeting this group of people; she would have simply continued.. hunting bounties, presumably.


I still like my character though. I play her super nice and I think she might be the sanest and most rational of all my swtor toons.

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I've finished the Smuggler/JC/JK stories, and I found both the Smuggler and JC very underwhelming. They had their moments, but most planets are really forgettable. I also think the whole Act3 Smuggler line is disappointing.


The JK one is basically the KOTOR 3 LS storyline - ascend and be the hero. That will probably resonate with a lot of people even though it doesn't really take any risks.

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To all people complaining about SI story, you should really read a certain The Old Repulic Comics. It pretty much explains how "Darth Thanaton" became Darth and it also made a whole lot more sense as to why did he attacked you in the first place.


That's one of the major problems with the Inquisitor story though. You shouldn't be required to read stuff outside the bloody game just to make sense of your class story, one of the major selling points of the bloody game. That would be like needing to read a series of Bazooka Joe wrappers in order to understand the plot of KotOR. It's an unneeded and unrealistic expectation.


Yeah I agree with this. Some people love the story but right off the bat it I feel alienated by it.


I've had a total of two..? conversations with this guy who ends up dead and suddenly it's my "duty" to avenge him, or at least feign compassion to shut Mako up. Who by the way is all too eager to remind me that Braden got me in the great hunt to begin with every opportunity she gets.


I'm pretty sure my character got herself into the great hunt with all the work she did, and if she had wanted to join it she could have regardless of meeting Mako and crew. Makes me wonder if my bh was better off before meeting this group of people; she would have simply continued.. hunting bounties, presumably.


I still like my character though. I play her super nice and I think she might be the sanest and most rational of all my swtor toons.


Yeah the whole "omg Braden ; ;" thing is one of the worst things about the BH story. It would be much better if it was entirely part of Makos companion story and the main plot didn't try to make you give a damn about a dude you see for all of a minute. Plus Tarro is really, really lame for a main antagonist, dude looks, and acts, like he should still be in grade school. I kept wanting to tell him to come back after his ********s have dropped.


Thankfully I found it rather easy to completely ignore those bits.


On the other hand I liked the individual planet arcs. Those felt good. Even the ones on Dromond Kaas and Nar Shadda, two planets I loathe in every other respect, were engaging and amusing.



On the gripping hand, I wish the Great Hunt hadn't ended in Ch1. It would have made a better framing device for the planet arcs than SUPAR SEKRET BOUNTY LIST with associated MEGA-AWESUM HUNTAR CLUB and the rest. Oh, and I wish I could kill Gault and Skadge. Screw you for not allowing us to kill companions Bioware.


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On the other hand I liked the individual planet arcs. Those felt good. Even the ones on Dromond Kaas and Nar Shadda, two planets I loathe in every other respect, were engaging and amusing.


I'm almost done with DK and yeah it's been really fun. I even like that lady that whose accent seems to irk a lot of people, the one that sounds like Paula Deen :D

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