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Marauders screwed on Medals


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Anyone else feel we get absolutely bent over when it comes to medals compared a lot of the other classes? Sometimes i'll play my heart out, constantly working the objectives and still come out with a lot less medals than everyone else. Inb4L2P.


I get more medals in the first 5 minutes on my level 14 assassin alt, just because 10k protection is easy and after that you only need 2-3 damage/kills medals to reach the marauder cap (excluding defender medals)

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1.killing blow

2. solo kill

3.10 enemies

4.25 enemies

5.75k dmg

6. 300k dmg

7. 2.5k hit

8. 1k defender points

9. 3k defender points

10. 5k hit ( available only to good-geared carnage or rage marauders)




10 seems enough for me.

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1.killing blow

2. solo kill

3.10 enemies

4.25 enemies

5.75k dmg

6. 300k dmg

7. 2.5k hit

8. 1k defender points

9. 3k defender points

10. 5k hit ( available only to good-geared carnage or rage marauders)




10 seems enough for me.


3k defender points is impossible in, say, Huttball, and also tends to exclude 300k damage when playing alderaan or voidstar.


In the average game a well-geared marauder gets 7 medals. 7 is too few for a well-geared 50. I understand that we're capped at 10/11, but not every game lets you reach that count, whereas a sorc can get 10-11 on average.

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Once you're over 300ish Expertise, level 44 Medpac will award the 2.5k heal medal.


They nerfed that. Do keep up.


Also to the poster above claiming easy to get 10 medals. I'm guessing you are quite nicely geared? Why should i have to wait until full champ when other classes can do these pre-50??

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1.killing blow

2. solo kill

3.10 enemies

4.25 enemies

5.75k dmg

6. 300k dmg

7. 2.5k hit

8. 1k defender points

9. 3k defender points

10. 5k hit ( available only to good-geared carnage or rage marauders)




10 seems enough for me.


Annihilation regularly crits for 5k. The only thing that hits harder than this spell is a 4 stack smash.

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Annihilation regularly crits for 5k. The only thing that hits harder than this spell is a 4 stack smash.


No. With full champion it crits for 5k only after popping either a power adrenal or power trinket (or both) and critting on an enemy with <25% damage reduction. Or get lucky and attack someone with sunder armor on them.



Feel free to post a video showing you critting for over 5k regularly in the 50s bracket, I've yet to find a single marauder able to provide evidence for that claim.

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The problem is the incredibly easy to get protection medals. My assassin and bounty hunter are not even tank specced but just using taunt regularly gets them 3 free medals per match, four if i switch to the tank buff and guard someone, while having access to all the damage medals also. A fair solution would be to limit taunts to the tank stance like guard is for those classes so they can't get free medals. Edited by threas
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No. With full champion it crits for 5k only after popping either a power adrenal or power trinket (or both) and critting on an enemy with <25% damage reduction. Or get lucky and attack someone with sunder armor on them.



Feel free to post a video showing you critting for over 5k regularly in the 50s bracket, I've yet to find a single marauder able to provide evidence for that claim.



QFTW. Anyone that says otherwise, post patch 1.1 in WZs is a troll or liar. Screen shot or it didnt happen........

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a better solution would be simple to add more medals and enforce a cap (10)


there should be


25,50,100,150,200,250 and 300k damage(7)

25,50,100,150,200,250 and 300k healing(7)

1,2,4,8,12,16,20k protection(7)



there should be no killing blow or solo kill medal as both of those don't have a similar healing medal.


In hut ball you should get a medal for scoring ,passing,killing a ball carrier and picking the ball up from the middle. (yea thats right, use medals to encourage people to play better, who woulda thunk.)


On void star you should get medals for placing the bomb, disarming the bomb, extending the bridge, and dropping the shield or interrupting the shield drop and bridge extend since those can't be "disarmed". Since bomb disarming is difficult it makes sense that defenders get an easy medal for interrupting shield and bridge extends.


On alderaan you should get medals for turning a turret and both defender and attacker points, meaning fighting on the turret would get both sides medals.


It shouldn't be terrible hard to cap on medals. This would prevent matches from being extending simple to medal farm, it would also mean as long as you make an effort toward the goal and attempt to work together you'll still get a decent medal count.



This still gives the ease of medal achievement to the hybrid classes who can heal and dps or guard and dps, but there is really no getting around that , unless the make medals 100% around the objectives of the WZ rather than anything related to player statistics/performance.

Edited by Tilure
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I see over 2.5k crits and I haven't been getting that medal. Anyone else notice this on their Marauder?

Doesn't count if it's overkill/Killing Blow. Example: Enemy with 1.5k hp, you hit them for 3k, damage counted is only 1.5k. Full damage has to be done for the hit to count.

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Very impressive hellion.

Personally as Annihilation, i've never gotten a 5k crit, not ever. 4.something is my highest. I usually get 5 medals per match, 10/25 kills, 2.5k single damage, solo kill/killing blow and then 75k damage if i bother with objectives, 300k if i don't. occassionally get medals for attack/defence but very unlikely... only if im fighting where the acion is for a long time.


My assassin is just a troll for medals though, Guard/Taunt. theres 3 before i even try. 75k damage done, killing blow, usually a solo kill (though in tank spec that takes ages) 10/25 kills, spamming aoe this is super easy.

But nothing compares to the easiness of sorcs unfortunately, 2.5/5k healing, 2.5k hit, 10/25 kills, 75k healed, 75/300k damage and thats before any others like solo kill, killing blow, 300k healed (seen a battle master easily get both 300k medals)


Its not so much we're gimped, so much as the medal system like many other aspects is very badly thought out and how it made it out of beta is beyond anyone, these aren't new issues.

Whats more annoying is that we can't even use the stim to get the 2.5k healing medal, we get less than anyone else anyway, so why put us down further?

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Darkonnis, to get the > 5k dmg in a single hit medal, you have to use your Bloodthirst, Adrenal/Expertise buff, Relic and try to hit your Annihilate on someone with light armor, but I can still do it on medium armor and only once have done it on heavy armor on 50's. They nerfed the adrenal + expertise buff, now it's one or the other. Try that though, that may help.
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a better solution would be simple to add more medals and enforce a cap (10)


there should be


25,50,100,150,200,250 and 300k damage(7)

25,50,100,150,200,250 and 300k healing(7)

1,2,4,8,12,16,20k protection(7)



there should be no killing blow or solo kill medal as both of those don't have a similar healing medal.


In hut ball you should get a medal for scoring ,passing,killing a ball carrier and picking the ball up from the middle. (yea thats right, use medals to encourage people to play better, who woulda thunk.)


On void star you should get medals for placing the bomb, disarming the bomb, extending the bridge, and dropping the shield or interrupting the shield drop and bridge extend since those can't be "disarmed". Since bomb disarming is difficult it makes sense that defenders get an easy medal for interrupting shield and bridge extends.


On alderaan you should get medals for turning a turret and both defender and attacker points, meaning fighting on the turret would get both sides medals.


It shouldn't be terrible hard to cap on medals. This would prevent matches from being extending simple to medal farm, it would also mean as long as you make an effort toward the goal and attempt to work together you'll still get a decent medal count.



This still gives the ease of medal achievement to the hybrid classes who can heal and dps or guard and dps, but there is really no getting around that , unless the make medals 100% around the objectives of the WZ rather than anything related to player statistics/performance.


There are no medals for grabbing the turret or placing / dismantling a bomb. Those are one time "achievements"

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1.killing blow

2. solo kill

3.10 enemies

4.25 enemies

5.75k dmg

6. 300k dmg

7. 2.5k hit

8. 1k defender points

9. 3k defender points

10. 5k hit ( available only to good-geared carnage or rage marauders)




10 seems enough for me.


Unless you have your own healer, 300k damage is hard to get(as a carnage marauder)


1k and 3k Defender medals are only possible in Alderaan( its hard to get in huttball, and the area you get credit for in voidstar is kinda small.) and you have to be on the winning end of it and be at the turret that they are trying to focus down, else you sacrifice the 75k, 25 kills and 300k medals to get it.


5k hit, as a Carnage is hard, i can push 3.8k crits as with Gore+Relic and im full champion gear(except for chest).

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I see over 2.5k crits and I haven't been getting that medal. Anyone else notice this on their Marauder?


yea i sometimes don't receive a medal for this,


another thing i noticed is that when i do a 2.5k crit + a killing blow i most of the time receive only one medal

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I think just giving medals for objectives (score with ball in huttball, capture point in alderaan, plant or dismantle bomb in voidstar) would give marauders lots more options for medals and also help get people to play as a team better.


Two birds, one stone.


I'm sick of getting huttball PUGs where nobody seems to care about winning, just getting kills. The enemy team is rocking us, so I single-handedly grab the ball and use my leap + undying rage to ninja cap over and over, and I single-handedly win the game for my team.


Then for my effort, I get 3 medals (because I was busy running the ball), and others get 7-10.


I ask people to vote me MVP at least, and I get 1 vote, while everybody votes their friends.


There are no incentives to care about your team right now. This is a huge oversight.

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