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Why the hate for healers---Dev answer?


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What I find most frustrating on top of this is the fact that we need to work much harder as a pure healer. Dps goes something like: Oh look a target! Then spam the two buttons they have on their hotbar (force lightning, stun, tracer missile...a few others? ;))


I can understand that. But rest assured my assassin and marauder both think like that when they get hit by 2 button win classes :(

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I can understand that. But rest assured my assassin and marauder both think like that when they get hit by 2 button win classes :(


Yeah, my apology, I shouldn't have generalized as "dps" but we all know who those culprits are :)

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id prefer to see medals for capping towers, scoring the ball, healing the ball carrier, planing a bomb --not "i stood in acid and self healed my way to 40 medals." or "I ignored the ball and think huttball is a deathmatch" Edited by ademnus
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id prefer to see medals for capping towers, scoring the ball, healing the ball carrier, planing a bomb --not "i stood in acid and self healed my way to 40 medals." or "I ignored the ball and think huttball is a deathmatch"


We get 40 medals for healing in acid? I knew I was doing something wrong...


Anyway, giving medals for capping kinda screws healers just like the current defense medals. It's usually the job of a dps or tank to cap, not a healer(assuming there's damage going out).

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Sorc/Sage earning only 4 medals in a match is quite clearly doing it wrong. Not quite so true for the Tech healers, but Sorc/Sages in particular have the capability to earn medals from protection, healing, damage, and defender points, all in one go. they should never be at the bottom unless they're bad or woefully undergeared (and probably also bad).


Like i said, not quite true for Tech healers who don't have the ridiculous medal-earning toolkit at their disposal, but that's another matter entirely.


In any serious battle a heal spec'd Sage/Sorc has the choice to either do bad damage, or heal people. Unless you're just trouncing the other team and have lots of time to lay down pathetic damage, you're not going to get very much done OR you're going to sacrifice the betterment of your team in order to do your terrible dps instead of healing. You can't heal and do dps at the same time. There is an opportunity cost.

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this is a huge issue I've seen. I used to be a DPS spec and would average about 10 medals a game (some times i would get 9 some times i would get 12) and as a healer now i get 6-7 (some times even 4) which is absurd. there are 5 medals for healing, 2-3 for objective i cant remember, 3 for tanking (which to be honest is a little unfair seeing as tanks only hit their guard button a few times and hope the healers do their job) and 7-8 medals for DPS. the healers can get 2-3 of the DPS medals, a 2 easy and one if you can balance healing with killing but DPS can easily get 2 healing medals.


the fact being that the same level of skill/gear DPS (tanks generally get the same as DPS) will earn 3 more medals then a healer plus if your team has too many healers it is hard if not impossible to get 300k healing. where as if you have all DPS it is still just as easy to get 300k damage.


Point being yes healers should learn to stop over healing (even if you dont get healing points for over healing in PvP so this dosnt apply to OP), however even if you can heal like a boss and help your team with the DPS you still will come up short compared to the DPS on your team.

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Personally I'd much rather my team win so I can finish the daily quest for 3 wins rather than focus on how many medals I get. After all it takes around 10 wins (800 commendations) for a champions bag, but only 3 if you are doing the daily.


I can usually get

2.5K heal

5K heal

75K healer

1 killing blow

10 kills


Occasionally I can get

300K healed

1K defence

25 kills


Rarely I can get

75K damage

3K defence


So I have a possible 10 medals, but usually I only get 5.

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Not this topic again?


Healer's aren't bad when it comes to medals, if you're a medal hunter and are worried about them you can get 8 or 9 minimum easily. If more medal's were added, then we'd just end up continuously the top of the leaderboard with medals.


2.5k Heal, 5k Heal, 75k Healed, 300k Healed, killing blow, 5 kills, 10 kills, 25 kills, 75k damage. They are possible to get when you get decent gear and the higher and higher I level, the better and better my results are for medals.


But, I don't care about the medals. I play for fun, I find healing fun especially when I see 4 guys trying to beat down a Powertech Tank who is just getting healed up.

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2.5k Heal, 5k Heal, 75k Healed, 300k Healed, killing blow, 5 kills, 10 kills, 25 kills, 75k damage. They are possible to get when you get decent gear and the higher and higher I level, the better and better my results are for medals.



You do realize you kind of contradict yourself here? The whole discussion is about: Fewer medals for healers = longer to get decent gear.


I am sure everyone knows that once you get high end pvp gear you get more medals but that is also true for the other classes who in turn get even more medals as well. It's the actual discrepancy between the different type of playstiles and has nothing to do with "you don't have the gear yet to get those medals".

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Since they removed the Rekata Medpac counting towards healing stats, giving classes 2.5k heal, 5k heal and potentially 75k heal it's bought the top earners down considerably.


It holds true for DPS also, in awful gear they will struggle to get solid DPS thus not braking the 300k barrier.


You're also missing my point, which is I'm currently able to get 8/9 medals (and be top of the leaderboards on occassion) if more medals were added I would end up with 8/9 + whatever more were added putting me way out on top.


I had your view, when I first started playing and all I ever did was heal. Coming out of warzones with 3 medals, 2.5k heal, 75k healed and killing blow if I was lucky. I was never able to break 300k healed and never reached the 5k heal.


You can still get the daily/weeklies done, which is where a large percentage of the gear comes from.

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Personally I'd much rather my team win so I can finish the daily quest for 3 wins rather than focus on how many medals I get. After all it takes around 10 wins (800 commendations) for a champions bag, but only 3 if you are doing the daily.


I can usually get

2.5K heal

5K heal

75K healer

1 killing blow

10 kills


Occasionally I can get

300K healed

1K defence

25 kills


Rarely I can get

75K damage

3K defence


So I have a possible 10 medals, but usually I only get 5.

yupp, thats pretty much like me...

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A healing class being able to tank a single DPSer is the right way to go, in my opinion.


a healing class like the sorc i met 10mins ago with almost 0 expertise could tank 4 ppl on him hitting him is also abnormal they need to do something about it, currently healers are almost unkillable.

Edited by Nerithiel
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a healing class like the sorc i met 10mins ago with almost 0 expertise could tank 4 ppl on him hitting him is also abnormal they need to do something about it, currently healers are almost unkillable.


Fraps footage of that please?


There was more to it than you saw, there is NO way a sorcerer with 0 expertise was "tanking" 4 people, unless he was gaurded and being healed by someone else. I call shenannigans completely there. Unless it was 4 tank spec juggernauts... or he tanked them for all of 3 seconds.


Also, were those 4 players completely stupid, that they couldn't spread their interupts so ALL of the sorcs healing was unusable for 6 seconds? Or stun him, or choke him.....


Sounds like they were 4 epic baddies that need to learn to play.

Edited by Proppa
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Your not going to get a response they hired the Warhammer pvp team and when they said they hated healers in the past they got a ton of blowback from it.


Healers don't belong to PvP enviroment. Not when they can negate work of 2-3 dps in warzone. It's impossible element to balance unless you put restrains on how many healers a warzone you let enter.


New MMOs are luckily starting to turn away from this model.

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a healing class like the sorc i met 10mins ago with almost 0 expertise could tank 4 ppl on him hitting him is also abnormal they need to do something about it, currently healers are almost unkillable.


OH give me a break..as much as I hate Sorcs - don't write stuff like this without being able to back it up..Seriously..

This is seriously starting to piss me off. When are you people going to learn that it's not always black and white.

Did he have a guard? Did people actually TRY to interrupt/stun/kb? Did they know WHICH skills to interrupt?


See, yesterday (talking 10 to 49 brackets so there is no expertise issue) I did some WZ with pugs. I normally play with my guildies but they all hit lvl 50 now so I need to play catch-up. I was however fortunate enough to be grouped up with a Great Tank who kept me guarded at all times and stuck with me. We won a few WZs with easy but then we got put into different rotations. I got a tell afterwards saying how much a difference it was for him now. Not to mention for me. I got destroyed within seconds on some of the follow up WZs, not only because the team we were facing afterwards knew how to play. They knew I was healing and the people on me knew how to lock me down completely (even though I know how to play my resolve). Yet in the WZ before I bet everyone on the other side who hit on my and tried to kill me (the guard kept me somewhat alive during the lock-downs but it wasn't as bad so I was acually able to move around and los) thought "omg nerf, healers are totally OP!" while the ones afterwards probably thought: Oh look, it's that healer again, lets eat her for breakfast and have a laugh".


Overexagerations are bad, mkay?

Edited by Kyomih
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a healing class like the sorc i met 10mins ago with almost 0 expertise could tank 4 ppl on him hitting him is also abnormal they need to do something about it, currently healers are almost unkillable.


Unfortunately, Bioware can't nerf players to be as stupid as the people they are fighting. I've seen that plenty of times and its always idiots who let the Sorcerer stand in his AOE heal and never interrupt his healing or debuff his healing.

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I wonder always about Healers complaining about too less medals. :confused:


Let's ask the counter question. You as healer can also get the same medals as a DD (except the one for very massive damage) AND you can get the healing medals.


There are more medals on DD side since they CAN'T get other medals. Healers (and Tanks) can still gain the DD medals. The difference here is that Healers seem not WANT to earn the DD medals while DDs simply can't earn heal or tank medals.


BW does not seem to want Healers just standing in the Background and not participating in the fight. They want to encourage them to play as Support DD/Heal by providing them more medals if they do so. Which is fine I guess :D

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Personally like others I use a mixed approach in PvP doing damage and healing. I usually make 7-11 medals a game (Depending on map, players etc) and do pretty well.


The ONLY thing that peev's me is trauma. I understand the need for the debuff, without it PvP would just be a healing fest and no-one would die. So I totally understand the 30% debuff. What I dont understand is the medal totals required.




2.5K dmg / heal

5.0K dmg / heal

75k dmg / heal

300k dmg / heal


Why are the numbers the same? If we're getting -30% to healing our numbers should be 30% less no? In effect a DPS has to do 75K damage to get a medal. A healer has to do 97.5K healing to get a medal (since we get -30% on all our casts) Why do we have to achieve higher ACTUAL numbers for the same medals? Fubar IMO.


Like I say I understand trauma and why its needed, I just think they should lower the medal tiers on healing to give us an even playing field on medal gains.


<Edit> I should take into account Exp. Which IMO its pretty easy to make 10% exp and there is no counter for it. IE as DPS you gain 10% dmg but your opponent gains 10% reduction so it evens out. As a healer we have no counter to EXP so maby a 20% reduction in medal number's instead. (hell at thid point I'd be happy with a 10-15% reduction)

Edited by Demarcc
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As a dedicated pvp healer I could never change just for the sake of a few medals. Healing in warzones/world pvp is fun as hell and that's all that should matter when playing a game. I do agree a little bit extra reward could be placed in but i'm not going to stop what I enjoy doing just because of it.
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Personally like others I use a mixed approach in PvP doing damage and healing. I usually make 7-11 medals a game (Depending on map, players etc) and do pretty well.


The ONLY thing that peev's me is trauma. I understand the need for the debuff, without it PvP would just be a healing fest and no-one would die. So I totally understand the 30% debuff. What I dont understand is the medal totals required.




2.5K dmg / heal

5.0K dmg / heal

75k dmg / heal

300k dmg / heal


Why are the numbers the same? If we're getting -30% to healing our numbers should be 30% less no? In effect a DPS has to do 75K damage to get a medal. A healer has to do 97.5K healing to get a medal (since we get -30% on all our casts) Why do we have to achieve higher ACTUAL numbers for the same medals? Fubar IMO.


Like I say I understand trauma and why its needed, I just think they should lower the medal tiers on healing to give us an even playing field on medal gains.


<Edit> I should take into account Exp. Which IMO its pretty easy to make 10% exp and there is no counter for it. IE as DPS you gain 10% dmg but your opponent gains 10% reduction so it evens out. As a healer we have no counter to EXP so maby a 20% reduction in medal number's instead. (hell at thid point I'd be happy with a 10-15% reduction)


good post :)

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I only read first two pages, but I'm sick of being the only healer (or only healer over 50K heals), getting no MVP votes in a 1-0 huttball win, and also pushing out 100K damage. On top of that, what is the "kills" counter tagged to? I ask since in the one match, I had a guy that was my pocket healer (I don't know why) but when I saw this, I started to do more damage and at the end I had like 35-36 kills and he had 1. 1 kill. He had probably 240K heals to my 180K for that match, but I for damn sure killed 18-20 people by the ball cylinder and most of them with him there healing me. He should have gotten the 10 and 25 kill medals but I think he ended with 2 medals for the match.


I think he did maybe 3K damage the whole time as well.

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