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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

SO tired of huttball


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Roll Republic. It's not going to change anytime soon.


^ this.


You want something different you're going to need a target rich environment. Republic is so outnumbered that we rarely get huttball matches that are same faction. We still get huttball matches, but the rotation is much more predictable.

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I think allowing faction vs. faction warzones for Voidstar and Alderaan would alleviate some of the huttball fatigue.


NO. If anything, they should remove same faction warzones. Stop giving reasons for people to play Empire when they are already at an advantage.

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Exactly, just alter the warzones to allow same faction battles and it becomes a non-issue. I dont want to roll republic and level another toon, i want to gear the one i have. But playing huttball 800 times is extremely tedious.
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Exactly, just alter the warzones to allow same faction battles and it becomes a non-issue. I dont want to roll republic and level another toon, i want to gear the one i have. But playing huttball 800 times is extremely tedious.


Good thing that would never happen. They are releasing another same faction warzone in the future. Until then, more Huttball for you.

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I think allowing faction vs. faction warzones for Voidstar and Alderaan would alleviate some of the huttball fatigue.


No, and I say this as an Operative. Roll Republic if you want less Huttball. The game needs more Republic players. Fix the problem the right way and reroll.

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NO. If anything, they should remove same faction warzones. Stop giving reasons for people to play Empire when they are already at an advantage.


Empire out numbered Republic from beta - launch. The advantage you project them as having was a non-factor in character creation-- as very few people were aware of the aforementioned 'advantage'. Forcing players to remake republic to enjoy a common aspect of the game is silly.


Better idea. Empire won. Republic lost. Delete Republic. Convert Republic to Empire. Let's play Huuuuutbaaall.

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Empire out numbered Republic from beta - launch. The advantage you project them as having was a non-factor in character creation-- as very few people were aware of the aforementioned 'advantage'. Forcing players to remake republic to enjoy a common aspect of the game is silly.


Better idea. Empire won. Republic lost. Delete Republic. Convert Republic to Empire. Let's play Huuuuutbaaall.


They're not forcing you at all. You have a choice to be on the zerg side and play Huttball, or you have the choice to play all three warzones equally.


The choice is yours. I wouldn't mind deleting Republic. Make one faction and make it a free-for-all on Ilum. That will be fun PvP.

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I think allowing faction vs. faction warzones for Voidstar and Alderaan would alleviate some of the huttball fatigue.


Sure. If you want to destroy republic for good and make every rep reroll empire because there would be no reason at all to play it.


Well, like there is some now.

Edited by Lerdoc
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They're not forcing you at all. You have a choice to be on the zerg side and play Huttball, or you have the choice to play all three warzones equally.


The choice is yours. I wouldn't mind deleting Republic. Make one faction and make it a free-for-all on Ilum. That will be fun PvP.


The implication of your previous post forces players to remake as republic, because you just removed all same-faction based pvp queue in order to engineer a higher populated republic base. How do you write that and not understand what you've written?


NO. If anything, they should remove same faction warzones. Stop giving reasons for people to play Empire when they are already at an advantage.
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The implication of your previous post forces players to remake as republic, because you just removed all same-faction based pvp queue in order to engineer a higher populated republic base. How do you write that and not understand what you've written?


It's pretty obvious I'm implying that they're not forcing you to only play Huttball right now. If you don't understand that, I'm sorry.

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Lets be honest here, claiming that people didn't know that empire would have a huge numerical advantage is a bunch of BS. I knew from the second that I checked out this game that the majority of players would pick Sith because, lets face it, its star wars and everyone wants to be darth vader, not luke skywalker.


I would have prefered Sith in all honesty, but I always try to pick the outnumbered faction, because I know that playing as the underdog means lots of targets.


Lots of players can't hack it though, and the dark side is easier, more seductive.

Edited by LiveandDieinLA
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