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Top 5 swordsmen ever!


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This I agree with. Although, I may put Yoda above Sidious. Yoda was clearly better in saber combat. Sidious was just more "powerful."


Hmm, I suppose either of us could be right, I interpreted the novel as stating Sidious was better overall, not just in force power and he thoroughly believed he was superior in all ways.


That and the fact Sidious was a complete master of Lightsaber combat and could switch between any of the seven forms ambidextrously, Yoda wasn't quite as learned.

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Hmm, I suppose either of us could be right, I interpreted the novel as stating Sidious was better overall, not just in force power and he thoroughly believed he was superior in all ways.


That and the fact Sidious was a complete master of Lightsaber combat and could switch between any of the seven forms ambidextrously, Yoda wasn't quite as learned.


That is true but he did seem to ditch Saber combat in the movies in favor of using his force powers. Once he did this the tide seemed to turn majorly. That's just my interpretation of it. Also Yoda knew all but one of the forms so he was quite the swordsman as well. Not to mention sometimes simply knowing more forms doesn't make you better than your opponent. I mean, Sidious lost in his clone body to Luke who didn't have quite nearly the extensive knowledge of all the forms that Sidious did.


Either way it's pointless debating. I agree with your list and have no argument with your placement. :p

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for those who havent played Kotor 2 or just forgotten, heres a quote from Kreia on this topic:



"If you were to face an ancient Sith Lord in combat, you would learn that we are as children playing with toys compared to the prowess of the old Masters."

Edited by DarthNevrohs
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1. Post RotJ Luke

2. Yoda

3. Sidious

4. Vader/Obi Wan/Mace

5. Dooku (I love the actor, and the saber style)/Tulak Horde/Other EU people I don't know.


1. Luke grows beyond the limits of everyone else, like Goku post-freeza.

2. I think Yoda and Sidious are kind of close here, but bias causes me to say Yoda would win a fair fight.

4. These three were often reffered to as equal. Mace hits hard and fast, Obi Wan doesn't get hit and Vader sits somewhere in the middle.

5. I lack knowledge about the EU so this spot is essentially reserved for the "Great duelists" I have no knowledge of.

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Corran Horn - If we're talking about swordsmanship, I think he should make the list. His lack of TK, and other physically manifested Force powers means that his fighting style is based solely on his physical prowess and technique. Plus, he's trained military. He fights "dirty," which is to say he fights to win. He's knocked Luke for a loop while sparring (Read "I, Jedi"), and he dueled and defeated one of the Vong's best fighters. Dude's a tough SoB, and one of the higher ranked Masters in the EU.




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My list in no particular order.


Luke Skywalker - As noted above, extremely accomplished, took on Vong on a number of occasions and several Sith/Dark Jedi.


Corran Horn - Defeated on the of Vong's greatest leaders in single-handed combat.


Obi-Wan - Was a master of only one from of combat, yet perfected it to a "T". Regularly spared with Ankain and defeated him on Mustafar.


Mace Windu - was the only Jedi not to fall to the darkside while mastering the 7th modern Lightsaber form Vaapad.


Yoda - At 800 yrs old, masters all known Lightsaber forms except Form VII (by his own admission). goes toe to toe with Sidious.

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for those who havent played Kotor 2 or just forgotten, heres a quote from Kreia on this topic:



"If you were to face an ancient Sith Lord in combat, you would learn that we are as children playing with toys compared to the prowess of the old Masters."


Ancient Sith Lords were extremely powerful yes, but not as powerful as the likes of Sidious, Vader, Yoda and especially Grand Master Skywalker.

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for those who havent played Kotor 2 or just forgotten, heres a quote from Kreia on this topic:



"If you were to face an ancient Sith Lord in combat, you would learn that we are as children playing with toys compared to the prowess of the old Masters."


Ask yourself. Has Kreia met these ancient sith and fought them in saber combat? Honestly I'd say that Kreia could defeat most of the ancient Sith she admires if she fought them. She's taking her information from embellished stories and holocrons that are created about the sith themselves. When sith talk about themselves there's prone to be exaggerations and starry eyed pupils do the same.


The reason she gave credence to these rumors is because many of the ancient emperors were widely feared and managed to control great deal of soldiers. This gives credence to the possibility but also falls apart when you consider "Just how good were those under them?" if someone picked up a sword. Invented their own style. Taught their friends. They'd be regarded as spectacular by their peers but if they went up against someone who studies a 600 year old sword style that's been expanded and improved upon for centuries they'd be easily defeated.


Thus is the case. The styles have likely been expanded on and improved over the years much like real world styles have. Masters then likely weren't as good as masters in her time.

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The Books taking place after the Movies introduce plenty of characters who's skills rival or outclass these listed here. Luke Skywalker and Jacen Solo(Darth Ceadus) are incredibly powerful and amazing lightsaber duelists in the last series to be released. Not to mention Jaina Solo, who has the title "Sword of the Jedi" who defeats Ceadus in a duel, because Luke cant bring himself to do it without turning to the dark side.


Ka'sim..a Twi'lek Sith Blademaster in the Darth Bane series, is unbeatable in combat, and basically is defeated only by a temple falling on top of him and not by a lightsaber. He's referenced as one of the most knowledgeable characters in any of the series on lightsaber technique.


Obi-Wan Kenobi- He kicks the crap out of every single assailant he's tangled with in any of the movies. If Yoda and him had traded places I bet he wouldv'e bagged the emperor by lunch. And before anyone says Vader defeats him in Episode IV, he chooses to be killed for reasons of his own.


Anakin Skywalker- BEFORE he turns to the Dark Side, Anakin soundly defeats multitudes of sith assassin, lords, and miscreants out there. The cartoons, movies, and comics all depict him as brash and fool-hardy Jedi but even so he comes out on top almost every time. AFTER he turns to the Dark Side, He murders over 200 Jedi and another 100 or so younglings like it's nothing. We dont get to see it, but hey you can imagin the skill needed to take on that many peeps at once.


Yoda- As much as he seems small and old, in the movies he basically pwns face on every one. Obi-wan states in the second movie that Yoda is the only one Anakin can't defeat in single-combat dueling. The Emperor fight is a canon fight, as in Yoda has to lose to make the older movies still make sense. Plus the fight turns into a Force-using fight fairly quickly. Yoda seems to start losing once it does. IF the Emperor and Yoda had fought just with lightsabers I think we wouldve seen another outscome. :D


Luke Skywalker- He becomes the most powerful Jedi ever to have existed by the end of the book series. He's beaten countless foes, darkside and alien alike. If anyone can be the Superman of Jedi, Luke is it. Too bad it's all in the books because it wont have much weight in an argument such as this :/


Top 5 Complete...IMO...:D

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if we are talking swordsmanship only, a lot of the lists bring in force ability


I mean for one Darth Sidious 1v1 pretty much got wreck by Mace Windu, he is skilled with the force more then sabers


staying with the main canon characters


1. Luke- He is basically the top afterwards though in all honesty unless they all duel really no one knows who is better.


2. Mace Windu- He is known as the best, and it is reference in the movies of his skills


3. Obi-Wan- He knew many of the forms and was very skillful, outside of being a pilot.... (also he did train with Mace Windu from time to time, since they were friends)


4. Anakin- As much as he annoys the crap out of me, he was very good and the people he beat proved that. The only reason I won't consider him better then Obi-wan, Obi-wan is smarter and minds his surroundings.


5. Some one else pick 5


Yes they are all Jedi's but for the most part it is impossible to know who was truly better then who with light sabers unless they all dueled each other.


also some one had said there are 6 forms when in fact there are 7


1-Shii-Cho - swtor

2-Makashi - not in

3-Soresu - swtor

4-Ataru - swtor

5-Shien/ Djem So - swtor

6-Niman - not in

7-Juyo - swtor

Vaapad (something develop of Mace Windu proving how skilled he was)


better animations to each styles would be nice in the game

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1. Luke Skywalker- enough said.


2. Cin Drallig- Master of all 6 forms, trained by Yoda, nickname "The Troll", was the jedi temple's finest swordsmen during the clone wars and was one of the only hopes in stopping Order 66.


3. Mace Windu- Invented his own lightsaber form, former grand master of the jedi order and has went up against some powerful foes.


4. Anakin/Vader- Was pretty much a jedi master in skill near the end of the clone wars, as Vader he modified his lightsaber style and whooped several jedi who were younger and more agile then him.


5. Yoda- A green mean little lightsaber wielding machine! Held his own for a good while against Sidious, and is an accomplished swordsmen.


My only change to this statement is replacing Raven for Anakin. Although Vader was older, his implants (an evolution from Grievous implants) made him faster and stronger.


Mace Windu had an apprentice that beated him, but I still believe that Windu was better. :)

Edited by EdAraujo
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My only change to this statement is replacing Raven for Anakin. Although Vader was older, his implants (an evolution from Grievous implants) made him faster and stronger.


Mace Windu had an apprentice that beated him, but I still believe that Windu was better. :)


Revan (either version) was nowhere near the level of power as Vader or anyone else on that list, Vader was arguably the most powerful Djem-So practitioner ever.


And Windu wasn't beaten, he didn't have the heart to fight fully.

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Revan (either version) was nowhere near the level of power as Vader or anyone else on that list, Vader was arguably the most powerful Djem-So practitioner ever.


And Windu wasn't beaten, he didn't have the heart to fight fully.


Revan mastered lightsaber combat to the point of fighting the emperor.


I dunno, Vader had his *** kicked many times for me to consider it. He defeated many Jedi, but none considered well versed in lightsaber combat. For me, Obi-wan is way better than Vader. Kicked his butt once, and would've done it again if he didn't believe that his destiny was to 'awake' Luke (thus, disappearing when fighting Vader again).


Windu himself admitted that his apprentice was better.

Edited by EdAraujo
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Revan mastered lightsaber combat to the point of fighting the emperor.


I dunno, Vader had his *** kicked many times for me to consider it. He defeated many Jedi, but none considered well versed in lightsaber combat. For me, Obi-wan is way better than Vader. Kicked his butt once, and would've done it again if he didn't believe that his destiny was to 'awake' Luke (thus, disappearing when fighting Vader again).


Windu himself admitted that his apprentice was better.

Revan has canonically never been stated to have mastered any forms.



The Sith Emperor was not a combatant, he was a Sith Scholar and tactician if anything, it states so in SW:TOR Revan, he still defeated Revan one-on-one.



No he didn't, he was dominating on Mustafar but his ego got in the way of his victory, he killed Cin Drallig, the greatest swordsman in the Jedi Temple and master of all six forms but Juyo/Vaapad, killed five out of eight Jedi in the Jedi Conclave, Killed Darth Tyrannus probably the gretaest Makashi duellist ever, could've killed Luke any time he wished and could take on Galen Marek a far faster and agile opponent than himself and he also defeated Darth Maul, one of the greatest Juyo practitioners and duellists, Vader was arguably the greatest practitioner of Djem-So/Shien ever.



Edited by Rayla_Felana
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Revan mastered lightsaber combat to the point of fighting the emperor.


I dunno, Vader had his *** kicked many times for me to consider it. He defeated many Jedi, but none considered well versed in lightsaber combat. For me, Obi-wan is way better than Vader. Kicked his butt once, and would've done it again if he didn't believe that his destiny was to 'awake' Luke (thus, disappearing when fighting Vader again).


Windu himself admitted that his apprentice was better.




Dooku is a nobody? Cin Drallig (people underrate this guy somehow?) + his apprentice at the same time (force choking and fighting with one hand), is also nothing?


And when in the suit he killed many masters/jedi knights at the same time.

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