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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Remove Spit from emotes.


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I was involved in a open world pvp fight with a republic soldier , which i lost badly which is fine. But what i didnt like was his need to /spit on me , does anyone else think this is just rude and inappropriate.

If i kill someone in pvp i would either walk away or salute them , no need to spit .

If i saw this happen in RL well lets say blood would spill.


was it on tatooine yesterday? if so, very well could have been me =-)

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and I still lay the smack down on them. If I initiate, I stick with same levels and don't attack when they are busy with a mob. I sometimes even bow prior to the fight. Internet, game, or not, I have a sense of honor. However, I am on a PVP server and I realize people get off on being bullies. I agree I have no right to complain on a PVP server though so I don't. Doesn't mean I can't continue to show class.


Interestingly enough, I've only been ganked three times so far while questing that I lost being greatly under-leveled to my opponent. Interesting thing is, it's always when I have completed the quest and going to the med center saved me calling a shuttle. Repair bill not a factor in leveling gear.


Anyway, what I usually do is release to med center immediately. I know it's annoying for them to not get that emote sent in time. Try doing that from now on. Trust me, it bothers them when they don't get that "icing on the cake".

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I was involved in a open world pvp fight with a republic soldier , which i lost badly which is fine. But what i didnt like was his need to /spit on me , does anyone else think this is just rude and inappropriate.

If i kill someone in pvp i would either walk away or salute them , no need to spit .

If i saw this happen in RL well lets say blood would spill.



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What I find funny is that the republic player is ignorant that he could just use /say.


It takes a bit more in the cojones department too use /say.


I find /spit a bit childish myself. Unless your on a RP server then hey knock yourself out.


I will /salute a good fight... or /say a bad one... something like /say "not bad... next time try X or Y... have a good rest of the day"


Ok Ok a few times I linger around if I'm on a stealther and use /Dance 35 meters away when they go after their PvE mob again.... then stealth up and leave....


Ok Ok the odd time I might circle back and kill them again... not all the time though. :)

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really your mad that the enemy spat on you? well technically you read some orange words that said the persons name spat on your fictional characters "dead" body. Its an emote. A string of words that is supposed to imply an action. Just be glad he didn't crouch on your corpses face and teabag you.


^ LuL

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I spit on people all the time because I know it makes them feel the way you do now


This is a good representation of the current feel of PvP.


Instead of honorable combat and respect for your enemy's strength, you get hate and crudeness. Players are more concerned with ruining someone else's day than they are with winning a duel or battle.


Why do you think the devs put this emote in the game in the first place? They did it intentionally.

Edited by Aribethx
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I was involved in a open world pvp fight with a republic soldier , which i lost badly which is fine. But what i didnt like was his need to /spit on me , does anyone else think this is just rude and inappropriate.

If i kill someone in pvp i would either walk away or salute them , no need to spit .

If i saw this happen in RL well lets say blood would spill.


/Spit emote has been on every single MMO I have ever played, just cos you take it soo serious you have to bring it to the forums, it is really sad. get on with it he didn't spit you IRL.

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People generally play worse when agitated. It's like a Player-Disable skill that works on most people. They also generally respawn at the same spot for revenge, not waiting for their cooldowns to finish.


Make up whatever stories about me and my family you need to in order to feel better. It's a PvP tool and it works.

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Man if someone ruined your entire day by spitting on you in a VIDEOGAME you really need to build your self esteem up to a point where you can actually browse the web.


I didn't say the poster's entire day was ruined by the spit emote. I bet that the spitter's day was probably made. ;)


Perhaps the OP wanted to engage in a portion of his day in a game where people treated each other with respect. Respect isn't to be found in video games. Better not to expect it. Too many internet tough guys who feel safe hiding behind their monitor to act with any decency or humanity.


edit... @Ielaz lol at you man... who are you to say what topics are ok for forums. Dude has a question, wants to talk about it... posts on the forum. My gawd, what a concept. Stop being a tool and don't post if you don't like it.

Edited by Aribethx
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I was involved in a open world pvp fight with a republic soldier , which i lost badly which is fine. But what i didnt like was his need to /spit on me , does anyone else think this is just rude and inappropriate.

If i kill someone in pvp i would either walk away or salute them , no need to spit .

If i saw this happen in RL well lets say blood would spill.


Blood did spill... yours, when you died.


It fits.

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